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Chapter 66 Dusk


Chapter 66 Dusk

It was also the time when the ancient gods were fighting together. The real world, the spiritual world, and the star world were all in turmoil. At this moment, a faint figure appeared in a corner of the spiritual world.

None other than Amanissis.

He held the Death Scythe and carefully sensed the location of the underworld.

This sickle comes from a phoenix in sequence two of the "God of Death" path, and has a deep connection with the underworld.

At this time, the portal to the underworld was wide open, and the ancestor of the phoenix went out to join the battle. He found the underworld deep in the spiritual world without spending any effort.

His body turned into a simple drawing and was erased with an eraser. When he reappeared, he had already set foot on the land of the underworld.

What comes into view is a huge pit with no bottom visible. Various strange-shaped buildings are built around this pit, forming a city of the undead.

The rules of the underworld can turn all life into undead, becoming a corpse-like existence, becoming cold and indifferent.

"The Realm of the Dead..." This is the essence of the Kingdom of the Phoenix Ancestor.

Amanisis walks in this underworld, maintaining a semi-secret state. Unless the phoenix returns, no creature in the underworld can discover him.

"Salinger..." Amanisis soon came to the depths of the underworld and saw his former colleague.

Salinger, the God of the Undead, had already taken refuge with the Phoenix after the death of the Destruction Wolf. He in Sequence [-] has become one of the slave gods of the underworld.

Amanisis confirmed something and did not approach. Instead, he left here and dropped a palm-sized bronze portal in an inconspicuous corner.

This portal was transformed into a phoenix hunted by the Creator's Kingdom of Heaven, embodying the "gatekeeper" qualities of Death Sequence Five.

But now it has been "notarized" by the ancient sun god, and its ability to connect to the underworld has been greatly strengthened.

After that, the portal was divided into two, and the two were extremely closely connected because they had the same characteristics.

The overall style of this portal is very similar to that of the underworld, so the undead will not find anything wrong.

After that, the goddess completely hid herself in this underworld, waiting for the opportunity to come.


The war between gods has ceased, and all the ancient gods have returned to their respective homes.


The kingdom of elves completely collapsed, some fell into the spirit world, and some returned to the bottom of the sea.

However, Truman did not return to the Creator's Heaven immediately, but wandered to the King's Court of Giants.

"Stop!" Truman was stopped by the giant guards.

"Give this thing to 'Chen Xi'." Truman was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly took out a palm-sized bronze door from the treasure house and threw it over.

When the giant guards tried to look for Truman again, he had disappeared into the air.

"It's an angel!" The giant guards knew exactly what kind of person they had met, and hurriedly sent the things to the giant king's court.

After several inspections, this thing was finally delivered to the "God of the Morning" Badheir.

"This thing..." Badheir directly took this thing in his hand, and with spiritual perception, he felt a faint black death aura.

"...It seems to be related to the underworld! You can find the coordinates of the underworld and open the door to enter! It's a dream!" The light of dawn suddenly rose in Badheir's single eye.

"This is an opportunity!" Badheir realized this fact and then fell into a deep struggle.

He knew very well the consequences of sending this thing to the Giant King.

At that time, the Giant King will attack the underworld like crazy, and the invisible alliance against the Creator will be broken instantly.Under this situation, it is impossible for the Dragon of Utopia to resist the attack of the ancient sun god on its own. It will most likely fall, and the ancient sun god will strengthen again.

But Badheir also knew very well that what the Giant King wanted was obviously not this invisible alliance, but the most powerful himself.

As long as he can enter the underworld and gain enough profits before the war between the Creator and the dragon ends, then he will look for the traces of the goddess of misfortune, and he is truly qualified to share the world with the Creator!

In this way, the status of one of the giant twins will still continue, but the opponent will change from a giant dragon to an ancient sun god!

Ideals are beautiful, just like dreams... Badheir said in his heart.

Badheir knew that many giant kings did not understand things, and he even unilaterally thought that he had reached a certain tacit understanding with Mew.

All of this was fulfilled at this time. The dream sent the "portal" that could enter the underworld and left the decision-making power in His hands.

With this thing, the underworld closed by the ancestor of the phoenix is ​​no longer a problem.

Badheir closed his one eye, the light of the morning light converged, and he was enveloped in the solidified dusk.

He thought of the decaying forest and the guilt that had echoed within it for thousands of years.

"Why is it 'morning' and not 'dusk'?"

The giant thought, and then he made a decision.

He strode towards the dusk palace and walked in front of the furious Giant King.

"Father God! Meng sent me the coordinates of the underworld. The Creator wants us to fight to the death with the Phoenix!"

Badheir knelt down on one knee and told all his guesses.

Time seems to have frozen. The three highest-ranking giants in the giant family, the giant king Ormir, the giant queen Omi Bella, and the god of honor Bradl, are all in this palace.

The violent aura on the Giant King's body calmed down instantly, and he looked at the small bronze portal in Badheir's hand.

This thing was only about the size of a human palm, insignificant in the hands of a giant, but it was this thing that made the Giant King's sight blazing, and the dusk surrounding the Giant King's court was boiling.

"Father God! It's too dangerous!" Badhelion said, "The Sun God will definitely attack the dragon when we attack the Phoenix!"

"The risk is too great!" Omi Bella also advised.

"What are you afraid of? Even if the Sun God comes, we can still fight!" Bradl sneered, "Badheir, you are too cowardly!"

"Father God..." Badheir still knelt on the ground, not even looking at Bradl.

"No need to say anything!" Olmir said, suppressing all sounds. His will cannot be violated.

"Omi Bella, Bradl, go and summon all the warriors from my giant clan!"

"I will personally locate the coordinates of the underworld!" Olmir directly eroded the palm-sized bronze door with the light of dusk, and sensed a connection with the underworld.

"It has the power of the sun!" The Giant King noticed the key, but what he paid more attention to was the breath of the underworld.

Not only has this portal's connection with the underworld been greatly strengthened, but there is a faintly stronger connection that penetrates the closed "door" of the Phoenix.

The Giant King was in agitated mood, and the dusk in the Giant King's court rolled endlessly.But in the next moment all his ill intentions towards the underworld disappeared.

The hidden malice of the ancient gods prevented even the ancestor of the Phoenix from having a spiritual premonition.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 67 "Wisdom"


Chapter 67 "Wisdom"

Truman returned to the Kingdom of the Creator.

The moment he stepped out of the spirit world, he felt a little uncomfortable because the sky in heaven was a little too dark compared to usual.

There was a flow of information surging in Truman's eyes. His voyeuristic eyes looked at the kingdom of heaven itself, and countless pieces of information were captured and analyzed by him.

Not only has the sunlight dimmed, but the purifying power of the sunlight has almost disappeared. Even the membrane between heaven and the real world is flickering and seems to be fading away.

The sun's light is fading, and the statues of the Creator are all dimming like never before.

All this makes the Creator believers in the Kingdom of Heaven a little uneasy, especially when they cannot find the Vice-President of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Even the angels are going out to carry out jihad, and ordinary believers seem to have lost their backbone and become anxious and fearful.

Truman raised a smile on his lips and looked towards the deepest part of the Kingdom of God, where there was a completely enclosed space.

A chaotic color, as if the sea containing all the colors and knowledge in the world is surging, covering everything, not even light can enter, and no one can peek into the scene.

And outside the sea, there is Saslier. At this time, Saslier is standing outside the chaotic sea, his eyes are blank, as if his soul has been sucked out.

The ancient sun god is controlling the Sea of ​​Chaos through him.

Truman nodded slightly, and twelve angel wings appeared behind him. Strong dreamy phosphorescence erupted from his body, becoming the brightest light source in the Creator's Heaven.

"The Lord is integrating His own authority, and everything in heaven remains in its original state."

"Pray to the Lord and He will answer you."

His voice reached everyone, even beyond the kingdom of heaven.

Um?Truman sensed a touch and felt slight fluctuations in the space.

He looked outside the kingdom of heaven, and saw a faint trace with his voyeuristic eyes. A lot of information was analyzed, and he was sure that there was a giant dragon here just now.

"Is it the 'Dragon of Wisdom'?" Truman suddenly remembered the giant dragon that Saslier had mentioned to him once.


The miraculous city of Levished, in this city in the sky that never falls, is home to all the dragons in this world.

"Herabogen!" Angelweed, the dragon of fantasy, looked at the dragon of wisdom who jumped through space and returned to the City of Miracles.

"The great dragon of fantasy, the kingdom of the Sun God has indeed fallen into trouble. It has lost its magic and its believers have fallen into panic."

"Today, only 'Dream' is maintaining order in the Kingdom of the Sun God."

The Dragon of Wisdom tells everything he sees as it really is.

The Dragon of Fantasy has been keeping a close eye on Helabergen's spiritual body until he finally confirmed that everything he said was true.

The Dragon of Fantasy itself does not dare to approach. His appearance will most likely stimulate the ancient sun god, and will definitely trigger another earth-shattering battle between the gods.

So He sent Helabergen, who was known as "wisdom", to find out the situation.

The situation is also consistent with his guess.

"The Sun is really mentally unbalanced because he ate elves..."

From the perspective of Fantasy Dragon, this is a drawback of taking the sequential path. After all, the Ancient Gods don't need to worry about losing control if they take advantage of attributes - they are already crazy enough.

And falling into even crazier situations because of the pursuit of "completeness" and "power" is acceptable in the eyes of the ancient gods.The pale golden pupils of the fantasy dragon shrank, and the mysterious symbols on the gray-white scales kept flashing, making the entire city of miracles turbulent between reality and illusion.

All the giant dragons did not dare to make a sound and bowed their heads under the power of the Dragon of Fantasy.

The Dragon of Fantasy can hardly stand its current desire for the sun.

With the three paths and the Sea of ​​Chaos gathering together, the influence of God's will or the power of aggregation was so powerful that even the Dragon of Fantasy could not appease his heart.

If we extrapolate from the Dragon of Wisdom, the Dragon of Fantasy may contain more than one path.

There is a high probability that it has the high-level characteristics of the two paths of "dragon" and "white tower".

So now, whether the dragon of fantasy eats the sun, or the sun eats the dragon of fantasy, one of the two can achieve true "fullness", "perfection" or "awakening".

"Do you want to take this opportunity to eat the sun?!" The symbols on the gray-white scales of the Fantasy Dragon became three-dimensional and extended to the surrounding void, intertwining into an illusory world.

In that world, it was the scene where He successfully swallowed the sun, completely overwhelmed all the ancient gods, and became the Supreme God.

But on the other side of that world, it was the sun that swallowed him, the dragon clan was almost extinct, and the sun became the truly omniscient and omnipotent creator.

The two flipped worlds are constantly rotating between reality and reality. Even most of the giant dragons are mentally confused and twisted, and their spiritual bodies are contaminated with various thoughts that seem to come from the heart.

At one moment, he would sing loudly to celebrate the dragon of fantasy becoming the supreme God; at the next moment, he would surrender to his fate and commit suicide.

It was as if two world lines were overlapping at this moment, causing the mental state of all the dragons to be in chaos.

"Lord!" The Dragon of Wisdom suddenly fell to the ground and roared loudly, awakening the Dragon of Fantasy from that struggling state, and the entire Dragon of Miracles also got out of that weird state.

Almost all the dragons glanced at the Dragon of Wisdom, some grateful, some indifferent.

The pale golden eyes of the Dragon of Utopia are also looking directly at the Dragon of Wisdom. The power of the ancient god makes the body of the Dragon of Wisdom tremble and its scales are about to break.

"Speak!" the fantasy dragon said indifferently. He was willing to listen to a dragon known as "wisdom".

This is also the privilege of the Dragon of Wisdom in this city of miracles.

"This is the only chance!" The Dragon of Wisdom lay on the ground, raised its head, and said this.

The runes all over the Dragon of Fantasy almost exploded, the Dragon of Wisdom was disappearing as a whole, and it was about to fall into the most terrifying despair!

But in the blink of an eye, the Dragon of Wisdom recovered and was even in better shape than before.

"Yes..." The Dragon of Utopia's eyes were rarely glazed over.

Regardless of whether Taiyang's mental imbalance is true or not, this is his last chance.

If he doesn't go now, when the sun really digests all the elves, it will be the biggest disaster for him. Even if he joins forces with other ancient gods, it will be difficult to resist.

"This is the last chance." Utopia Dragon's mental state stabilized instantly.

"All dragons will follow me on this expedition!" The fantasy dragon suddenly let out a dragon roar.

This dragon roar not only echoed in the City of Miracles, but even spread to the entire world through the sea of ​​collective subconscious!

The Dragon of Utopia didn't want to face the ancient sun god alone, and was calling out to the two ancient gods who still had the ability to take action.

It's just that He was destined to be disappointed.

The ancestor of the phoenix sealed the underworld, making it impossible to enter or leave, and it was even impossible to locate in the spiritual world.

As for the giant king Ormir, his one eye shining with the light of dusk glanced at the City of Miracles, snorted coldly, and poured his spirituality into the palm-sized bronze door.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 68 Crazy


Chapter 68 Crazy

"Angelweed!" Olmir watched as the palm-sized bronze door in his hand gradually faded into reality and gradually turned into a huge portal to the underworld.

"Go and face the sun yourself!"

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, under the siege of the three ancient gods, the ancient sun god still "eaten" the Elf King without any effort, which has frightened the remaining three ancient gods.

The Phoenix Ancestor immediately closed the underworld for this reason.

The Dragon of Fantasy has to face it because it cannot run away or run away.

Now Olmir also has other options.

The scene inside the bronze door changed from virtual reality to reality. Olmir saw a portal similar to the palm-sized bronze door just now and was summoned. The two gradually became one, and a portal leading to the underworld gradually took shape.

"Hey! Olmir!" The angry voice of Greycarie, the ancestor of the phoenix, came from the deepest part of the underworld.

At this moment, the rules of the underworld were in turmoil, and countless lights and shadows flashed in the space, trying to completely block the illusory portal.

"Haha! Gray Carrie, I'm going to eat you today!" Olmir's strange sword penetrated directly into the space door and stabilized it.

Then he waved the big sword in his hand, treating this illusory space door as a "weak point", and launched the "massacre" of the red priest!

This time the "massacre" targets the entire underworld, and what is slaughtered is the rules of the underworld!

The Phoenix Ancestor is blocking, and the vast sea of ​​bones and the constantly closing "door" are blocking Olmir's entry.

But "Slaughter", after cooperating with the declining power of dusk, has a frightening aura of finality, cutting off part of the rules of the underworld!


The entire underworld was torn apart, and an infinite portal appeared in the underworld and the Giant King's Court.

"Fight for the king!"


The giant soldiers as far as the eye could see began to mobilize for war, and the power of the war began to gather on the big sword used by the Giant King.

War is the art of gathering people!

Almir's power was at its strongest at this time.

"Fight!" Olmir roared angrily, boosting the fighting spirit of the entire giant clan to the extreme, staring at the ancestor of the phoenix who came out of the depths of the underworld with angry eyes.


The giant army is marching towards the portal.

"Fight!" the Phoenix Ancestor ordered, and all the undead people gathered in the underworld immediately faced the giant army.

The army of the undead is invincible in the underworld.

"Grey Carrie!" Olmir walked into the underworld, and streaks of orange and iron-blooded light shone into this country.

Not only Him, but even the scope of the Giant King's Court is changing, invading this Kingdom of God!

Centered on the space crack opened by Ormir, the dark underworld seemed to have returned to dusk, with countless undead souls decaying and withering.

The mountainous giant king enters the underworld and the terrifying giant sword drags on the land of death, killing the rules of the underworld and replacing them with dusk and decay.

The Giant King stepped forward and charged!

"Bah!" The ancestor of the phoenix was also mad, flashing a pair of huge wings, and pale death flames burned on his body.

At the same time, countless layers of illusory doors flashed in his bronze eyes.

The two ancient gods began this extremely dangerous battle.

And just when Olmir used the power of the giant family to rush into the underworld, the dragon of fantasy suddenly widened its eyes in disbelief.

"Almir is a lunatic! I can't have the slightest hope for his brain!"

The fantasy dragon couldn't help roaring.

"Lord..." Many giant dragons lay on the ground in fear. "Almir actually launched a war against Gray Carrie at this time!"

The Dragon of Utopia looked at the spirit world in shock and anger. There was already chaos there. The powers of the two ancient gods were clashing, which greatly affected the entire spirit world.

"I originally thought that Almir would be somewhat rational before death and could see the current situation clearly, but I overestimated his IQ!"

The tone of the Fantasy Dragon gradually became indifferent, and now he even had the idea of ​​joining forces with Gray Carrie to kill Almir.

Of course, this is just an impulsive idea, far from being put into practice.

"It would not be a good thing for me if either Olmir or Gray Carrie wins!"

The fantasy dragon calmed down.

"Even then, I will be the most vulnerable party!"

The winner of the war, the ancient sun god, and the dragon.

The dragon at that time was really miserable.

It can be said that Olmir's operation blocked all the escape routes of the Dragon of Fantasy, and he could only face the ancient sun god alone.

The dragon of fantasy fell silent. A bad mood for dreamers can really kill people...

His authority will project his emotions into the real world, causing unimaginable harm to the world.

"Eat the sun!" The fantasy dragon could only think of this in the end. This was his only chance.


A scene of the Miracle City coming to the Kingdom of the Sun flashed through the mind of the Dragon of Emptiness.


The imaginary scene came to reality, and the huge city of miracles flashed directly into the sky, facing the Kingdom of the Sun on the ground.


The size of the Miracle City instantly increased tenfold, and it even came with all the powerful attacks that the Utopian Dragon could imagine.

Strong wind, lightning, meteorites, spiritual breath...

Various powerful attacks are combined by the power of "utopia", making the whole world in turmoil.

"It's so fierce!" Truman looked up and exclaimed, then he opened "Everything", transformed into the Elf King directly, and threw down the "Lightning Storm"!

Thick electric snakes fell from the sky and instantly enveloped the entire Miracle City.

The aura of destruction surged, making the giant dragons in the Miracle City unspeakably frightened. Even the fantasy dragon narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling like he was really facing the Elf King.

That is a comprehensive similarity or even identicalness in personality, destiny, and ability!

"A weird dream..." The fantasy dragon changed his mind and decided to ignore this weird enemy. The entire city of miracles became real and illusory, avoiding the lightning storm with the power of "fantasy".

He had witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Truman awakened to the form of a mythical creature, and knew the limitations of Truman's ability.

The Dragon of Utopia didn't even attack Truman, not wanting to strengthen the opponent in vain.

"Believe in me." The dragon of fantasy looked at the praying residents of the Kingdom of the Sun God. A single thought would hypnotize their minds and shake the "anchor" of the ancient Sun God.

This will put the ancient sun god's mental state into an even worse situation.

"Ha, you can't touch these believers as long as I'm here." Truman protected the believers with dreamy phosphorescence and launched a death provocation, "Hey, come and beat me!"

He has been coveting the power of the Dragon of Fantasy for a long time!

"The blasphemer!" The eyes of the fantasy dragon looked at Truman indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 69


Chapter 69

"He's trying to steal my authority like he stole Sunya Thorem's lightning storm."

There was a crazy and cold light in the eyes of the dragon of fantasy.

He seemed to have thought of how to deal with Truman's "blasphemous" ability in an instant.

As his thoughts turned, the City of Miracles surged tenfold again, gained unparalleled speed, and crashed down like a meteor!

"Hiss!" Truman took a breath. The Dragon of Imagination was not targeting him, and did not take action against him. The use of its own power only turned the Miracle City into a "meteorite".

Under such circumstances, he cannot analyze the opponent with "everything", and it is difficult for him to become a dragon of fantasy.

Although these ancient gods are crazy, the power they hold is real. After figuring out the abilities of the "blasphemers", they will naturally find ways to deal with them.

The Dragon of Fantasy smashed down the Kingdom of the Sun with a simple physical impact!

A city that was aggravated to the limit fell from the sky in the form of meteorites, and the damage caused to everything on the surface was absolutely devastating.

This is the first time Truman has encountered such a simple attack in this world, without any occult coloring.

This is somewhat difficult.

Truman is already thinking about whether to bring the Kingdom of Dreams out and collide with the City of Miracles, just like the shadow that summoned the Sea of ​​Dreams before colliding with the tsunami of "natural disaster".

"Let me do it." Saslier's voice appeared in Truman's ears.

Truman heard the words and looked around, and saw Sasril rising from the ground, holding the blasphemous slate in his hand, rising into the sky, and heading towards the City of Miracles.

Truman was inspired and jumped directly back to his dream territory, not wanting to have close contact with the sea of ​​chaos.


The chaotic ocean appeared in the sky, and the entire space became filled with sea water that seemed to contain all the secrets.

All the seawater seemed to form a spot of light in the sky, forming a kind of seal, or barrier.

This barrier is also between reality and reality. In the concept related to the "utopian" power of the Sea of ​​Chaos, it is in sync with the City of Miracles.

The Miracle City could not bypass this barrier and descend directly to the Kingdom of the Sun. However, under the control of the Dragon of Imagination, the Miracle City crashed onto the light spot countless times, stirring up endless waves.

But they couldn't break through, and the two were in a stalemate.

"It seems a little weird..." Truman looked at it from a distance, his expression a little subtle.

"Is it just you who came out? Where is the sun? His spirit is really out of balance!" The Dragon of Utopia took the initiative to guide history.

Every word He spoke has the potential to become history and guide the trend of history. This is also an exercise of "utopian" authority.

The history He claimed will come to pass!

It's just that there is a similar force surging in the sea of ​​chaos, which is the concept of "utopia" in the sea of ​​chaos.

"The City of Miracles will fall today." Sasril wrote a prophecy on the surface of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

This is his response.

His operation is naturally far inferior to that of the real ancient sun god, but he still has the power that even the fantasy dragon covets.

The Dragon of Fantasy's eyes turned cold, various natural disasters broke out, and various concepts belonging to the star realm were realized in his fantasy.

Truman even saw a whole "sun" smashing into the sea of ​​chaos.

That is the concept of the existence of the sun, which represents the terrifying mass and unimaginable high temperature.

This is the supreme power of the gods in this world.Sasril's face was solemn, and the blasphemous slate in his hand was buzzing and trembling.

The other four related powers reappeared during the surge of the Sea of ​​Chaos. The powers of the storm, the sun, the white tower, and the Hanged Man were all surges.

The concepts of the five paths of "omniscience and omnipotence" are all manifested in the sea of ​​chaos. Although they are illusions, the agitation of the sea of ​​chaos still blocks the intention of the dragon of fantasy to land.

But the vice-lord of Heaven hadn't breathed a sigh of relief yet. The Dragon of Imagination glanced at Sasril, and unleashed various skills that only existed in his imagination. Sasril was instantly overwhelmed!

With the Profanity Tablet being restrained, Sasriel was no more than a King of Angels at his most powerful.

But except for the uniqueness of the Dragon of Fantasy, the power of the other extraordinary characteristics are all within the scope of fantasy!

At the same time, there were many attacks at the King of Angels level around Saslier.

There is the deprivation of life by the "Nature Walker", the disappearance of the night by the "Calamity Knight", and the fatal attack by the "Conqueror"...

These first-sequence attacks came from the fantasy dragon's imagination and were strengthened to three first-sequence attacks, posing a great threat to Sasril's body and drowning Sasril in an instant!


A black emperor's crown suddenly appeared on Saslier's head.

This crown directly distorts the path of the attack to Sasriel, directing it towards the City of Miracles.

But Saslier's uniqueness goes beyond that.

"Scroll of Civilization", "Book of Brass", "Error" Uniqueness!

Today, Saslier has completely surpassed the King of Angels. Who King of Angels can control so much power? !

This is a huge burden for Saslier.

But the uniqueness of these being grazed by the ancient sun god is that the ancient sun god used the "wrong" authority to get stuck.

Sasriel is the clone of the ancient sun god, so things belonging to the ancient sun god belong to Sasriel.

In this way, Saslier does not need to worry about being unable to afford it, and can perfectly utilize these unique powers.

"The sun gave you all these things?" The Dragon of Fantasy suddenly said, and then his attack suddenly increased to a level, using the power of "fantasy" to forcefully suppress these uniquenesses.

Compared with the authority held by the true God, the weaknesses of the authority embodied in the uniqueness are very obvious. They have not experienced an essential ascension and have not reached the level of gods in terms of personality.


The scroll of civilization unfolded, and the brass book began to formulate rules, assisted by the black emperor's crown and the uniqueness of "error."

In a short period of time, Saslier had formed a balance of power with those imaginary forces, and this "weak point" could not be breached.

"Can Chaos Overseas plus a few unique items hold back the City of Miracles and the Dragon of Fantasy?" Truman looked at the sky with an even weirder expression.

"It makes sense, but why don't I believe it?"

He has an understanding of Sasril's strength and can stop the Dragon of Fantasy, but it is difficult to do so.

Truman directly took back the dream shield that was used to protect the believers in the Kingdom of Heaven, and let it shatter, and bits of dreamy phosphorescence spread to every corner of the Kingdom of Heaven.

These dreamy phosphorescences carry Truman's will to search for some kind of clues.

"Sure enough!" Truman's eyes lit up as he made a real discovery.

There is something unusual about the collective subconscious sea of ​​Creator believers!

Truman himself turned into an illusory shadow and jumped directly into the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

He released his dream body, and the illusory ocean behind him turned into dream bubbles, with countless dream tentacles extending to every corner of the subconscious ocean.

"Got you!"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 70 "God"


Chapter 70 "God"

Through the dreamy tentacles sweeping through the sea of ​​collective subconscious, Truman finally grasped a moment of weirdness.

The Dragon of Fantasy has complete control over the sea of ​​collective subconscious, and this is almost his paradise.

He can come in and out of here without leaving any trace, but there is such a special group of believers in the Kingdom of the Creator who only believe in dreams.

Theoretically speaking, everything about Dream Believers is undefended by Truman, and he can completely control this part of the subconscious sea.

Now Truman entered the sea of ​​collective subconscious through the dream believers, and soon sensed some traces in their souls.

The Dragon of Utopia is too high-status, like a planet, it will involuntarily form unparalleled oppression on its surroundings.

This sense of oppression was captured by Truman's tentacles.

"Is the fantasy dragon outside his clone? Or his identity? Is it a virtual personality created by fantasy?"

Truman looked at the fantasy dragon that was in a stalemate with Sasril and the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Nothing is wrong at all, and he can even use his "utopian" power.

But what he discovered here made Truman more certain that the fantasy dragon outside was not real, or not completely real.

There is also a dragon of fantasy that came to the Kingdom of the Creator through the sea of ​​collective subconsciousness at an unknown point in time, and consciously erased its traces.

"Utopian fantasy..." As expected of the son of the version, this kind of authority does not make sense at all.

"Where will He be?" Truman traced the traces of this dragon of fantasy in the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

The next moment, Truman suddenly realized and jumped directly to a corner of the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

This place is deep enough, and all kinds of human malice and good intentions are mixed together, making it so bizarre that it is difficult to distinguish.

There is only one island of consciousness left here.

This island of consciousness belongs to the ancient sun god.

It's just that the current island of consciousness is in a complete mess. The power of the sun, shadows, and storms are stirring here, setting off a terrifying storm of consciousness.

Truman is now standing outside the island, and he can vaguely see a dragon body the size of a mountain in the terrifying storm of consciousness.

The illusory runes on the dragon body merged into the sea of ​​collective subconscious, creating this "battlefield".

The dragon of fantasy is indeed here.

The attacks from the outside are just a cover-up, and the most difficult and terrifying divine battle happens silently in the deepest part of the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

"Your mental state is indeed not good! You can't even suppress the revival of that consciousness!" The indifferent voice of the Dragon of Utopia echoed in the entire sea of ​​collective subconscious, weaving some kind of future.

He is trying to awaken the consciousness of God in the body of the ancient sun god!

"We are all part of that person, and you can't stop its resurrection!" The dragon eyes of the fantasy were cold and crazy.

Truman's heart palpitated suddenly, as if he really felt some kind of consciousness reviving.

The entire sea of ​​collective subconscious is changing, and all storms cease at the same moment. The storms composed of shadows, suns and other powers have changed their flavor, and there is a vague meaning of grandeur.

"You have the characteristics of the last two paths."

The gentle voice of the ancient sun god echoes throughout the island of consciousness.

An illusory tower seemed to appear behind the Dragon of Fantasy. Each floor of it was composed of countless books, and there was a brass-colored eye on top of the books.

These eyes are staring at the deepest part of the island of consciousness, with countless rays of light shining in their eyes, forming mysterious runes, looking for the key node that can defeat the ancient sun god in one blow.

At this time, the "White Tower" path has partial authority!

Truman's mouth twitched when he heard this, then this is really the best place for God's resurrection. All the "items" have been prepared, and all he needs to do is sacrifice a body.

"Now is the fairest situation. The Sea of ​​Chaos is not here, and you have not completely controlled the legacy of the elves." "And I, control the other two ways." The dragon of fantasy had something to say, and he was actually the right one. Adjacent pathways have a more profound and correct understanding.

"There is always a 'God', a 'Creator' among us."

The ancient sun god fell into silence and did not respond to the words of the fantasy dragon.

But the Dragon of Fantasy unilaterally provoked this game in which he could lose himself and be replaced by that person at any time.

The Dragon of Fantasy is calm and smart enough.

He said it was the fairest war, but in fact, the ancient Sun God had too great an advantage.

Sequential path to becoming a god, with believers all over the world, and even the ancient sun god's understanding of him is far greater than his understanding of the sun.

In the war between the two sides, the chance of the Dragon of Utopia winning is even less than [-]%.

Under such circumstances, introducing a variable with sufficient weight can narrow the gap between the two parties to an acceptable range.

"Original God" is the variable that can crush the dragon of fantasy and the ancient sun god.

Of course, this still carries a lot of risks, because the ancient sun god's understanding of the "original god" is also far greater than that of the fantasy dragon.

But this is already the best method that the Dragon of Utopia can think of.

A rainbow light flashed in the eyes of the Dragon of Fantasy, and he even transformed his fantasy power into a simple ability of the Dragon Path——


This is also one of the reasons why the Fantasy Dragon dares to use this adventurous method.

"Appeasement" can effectively prevent his own spirit from being completely swallowed up by that person.


Truman sensed some kind of crisis, and the entire sea of ​​collective subconsciousness was solidifying. A terrifying and magnificent will seemed to be slowly reviving. This will was supreme, as if supporting the pillars of the universe's structure.

He almost couldn't hold back and ran away!

The will of "God" and the will of "mystery" are extremely strange and dangerous things to him, and will truly put him into eternal sleep.

In this case, you can naturally run as far as you can!

Truman has made many assumptions about this, but those guesses are things that can only be verified by facing "God" or the "mystery" itself.

It is obvious that Truman, who has not yet completely analyzed the Book of Dreams, is not ready to face these two pillars.

Similarly, the Sea of ​​Chaos and Origin Castle are also things that Truman wants to avoid direct contact with.

"So the war between them is to let the one return while trying hard to ensure their own knowledge?"

"It's crazy!"

The Dragon of Utopia has some sense, but not much left in this situation.

"Huh?" Truman suddenly stopped at the moment when he was about to jump out of the sea of ​​collective subconscious.

Perhaps due to a special inspiration, he made a more risky decision.

He stayed and watched from greater safety.

It would be a pity not to take a look at such a battle that can determine the future for thousands of years.

 Ah...no time...

(End of this chapter)