

Some people maybe evil but they are

demonstrative for their families. Angelica and friends got up, Got ready . They went down stairs there was an assembly going on. There were Armanto, Diana , two man with black hair wearing a torn blue and black jeans with plain t shirt,I think they are twins and a women who wore a cream blazer with cream pants. They were talking about how to seize the malefactor, it's already planned , eliana, ava, Emily and twins will take care of the security and diana , Lizzie, Armanto and angelica will take care of the criminal. They jump through the wall and gotten inside the two security was passing through so quickly eliana and ava took a tissue which was given by Armanto and security in next there were 4 twins done the same they needed pascode to enters the place but God's gracious that Armanto knew the password. He entered "qwerty" and the door opened slowly and they entered they hide behind the sofa and saw the criminal taking out his gun and then shoot at a man who was old but has big moustache seeing this Armanto whispered "he is also a drug dealer be ready to go life sentence in prison "he and diana stood up "he has gun pappa" Lizzie whispered and the he took his gun at that time criminal quickly came near diana and points the gun and said "quickly put your weapons or she will be dead". He puts his weapons down. In other hand diana Grab the criminal's arm at the wrist and Grabed the gun directly from the hand. Twisting the gun down, breaking the criminal's finger and the Armanto quickly took his gun and then Lizzie and angelica puts handcuffs in the hand of the criminal. Criminal said "can l have a last wish" Armanto said "no" "please a last hug from my mom" hearing this everyone was emotional so angelica said "he maybe a demon but he is also demonstrative for his family so I think we should let him hug his mother ". His mother was called through his phone and her mother, she was shocked,she came near him and hugged and asked what happened but he just cried so Armanto "your son has been arrested for a lot of crime and so criminal said with tearing "I'm sorry mom" it was an heart touching moment after few seconds his mother said "I am not happy but I am proud that you realised your mistakes " they both cried for sometime and then he smiles and went with Armanto crowd was gathering up but Armanto didn't let anyone see anyone's face and he was sentence with 24 years of prison and then they went to the house. "Tomorrow is the biggest day we have to very careful cause he is worst fox so I have asked other departments people for help now everyone have an early sleep

Love everyone

Ashley_Jaancreators' thoughts