
Thank goodness

Angelica woke up late to find everyone shouting "seriously " you can what happened next quickly went to airport in her black Cardigan messy bun with jeans and her shoulder was showing but what is the use if she looked pretty the plane has already went

Everyone was eating her head like Everyone should , disclaimer you shouldn't. Poor , they went to train instead of plane. They got into train there were a lot of people. Angelica sit down in a window seat ."Hey are you watching film with us " ava asked. Lizzie ava eliana Emily were sitting on the other side of the trainseat."No I'm good "angelica said opening her hand bag and taking that old diary that she got from a criminal's house .she is reading in her mind . "Don't read it " it was the first thing wrote on that book but her curiosity get better of her so she is reading.

I am writing this not for you to read I am writing this cause I need some peace and get this things out of my brain, lately I am doing things to change me like trying to be good but look like the society won't let and when I see somebody else enjoying things I don't have that laugh that echos they are trying to kill me and that leaves when I see that laughing dying I know I just needed someone to share these things and get adviced but trust if I said to my parents they will be heartbroken. Red shade in my deathly sleep in all nights made me never go to sleep . I always thinks is it normal and everyone has it and they are capable and I am not, I never have that laugh ,love, light, lavish life so I just took it . And I think I took it far I can't see this as jealousy I think it's there fault if there was a little love given to me in this world I would have never been this . When everyone gets loves from their parents I only got scolded to do a perfect job is this only they have to say ? So I have to do what I have to do I move out. I started controlling I little more like putting rubberband on my wrist, every time when I think of murdering I snap it for few time it's get better but later it stopped working I think my imaginary side effects was only for sometimes. I'm sick of this world , humans they are who should get extinct not even dinosaurs are harmless than humans . If there's one wish that could fulfil, I would have wished if humans could extinct. While the world was in green state humans made them red state and to which I am not proud to be humans. The dog is better than humans. There have been times that I went through, that was rough, that time I was just a Research Scientist, I went to hospital but I didn't have money so I came back after a year I went to the same person but it was too challenging to the bright step, I felt like Everyone was starring at me so l just left like I did before. I wanted to leave this , I tried to collect my courage to leave this universe but I couldn't . I tried it several times cause I haven't a reason to live. In other hand i got the news that they are trying to catch me again so that it became easier to get to the end so I will not hide but before I go i want to make something special so for my old friend, I put a bomb on the plain they were going on to reach to you. I don't know would have happened next

After reading this angelica quickly stood up and went to near seats where someone was reading newspapers "Please can you give me your newspaper for a seconds " "yes sure" she took it and went to her seat looking for plane bomb news to her surprise to her their plane that was missed by her was on fire she reads it loud "somebody put bomb in air plane and nobody survived "everyone looked at her in amazed "what ""thank goodness you were late or else what do we do, wil be in slept forever in underground" Lizzie said. "Just a thank you" angelica "what do you want " eliana "will you give me anything " angelica "no" Lizzie "then let's just watch that movie that you watched this time this time with me" angelica "whaat "Emily " don't give a spoiler" angelica "we are not you" eliana "that's rude" "by the way the character dies in the end" emily "but why" they watched 4 movies and played impression challenge , eventually gets a nap . Diana "Wake up everyone train is hear " the train stops and everybody in that little old train gets out of their and angelica and them went to house there were 4 people living in there . They were given a upper part 3 rooms given. Angelica, eliana, emmily, ava, Lizzie sleep in the room

Goodness to whom they say

Ashley_Jaancreators' thoughts