

Sometimes you have to go to anywhere to get something. Armanto knocked on the door. Everybody was ready , Lizzie opened the door. Everybody can see that Armanto didn't sleep last night cause his dark eyes and also he said that "last night I searched for the criminal turns out he ran away from this city " "what "every one shouted"you are kidding me how did you know " Lizzie said "um my friend tried to catch him before so he had put a chip on his bag " "Where is he now "angelica asked "he is gone" Armanto replied And went downstairs. Every one packs dress and came downstairs. "We are going from ship not plain because there is no plain going there " diana, twins ,angelica ,ava, Lizzie, emmily, eliana and Armanto drive 2 kilometres to get to the ship and eat breakfast . The ship will only embark in 2:00 pm so they looked people playing chess , and you know how they played one move in one hour it was pretty boring after sometime they played badminton and they eat their lunch . Now the ship was ready to go there were people but no one was there to the island they were going they played game eat watermelon and enjoyed the compassionate ocean and they even did fishing when it was 7:00 they got the news that they were not landing on island and they have to swim they were "what the hell are you talking about " they have to swim when it's evening they didn't have time to waste cause soon it will dark so they took some foods and snack on the back swim to the island. They tents and camp fire and then went to sleep

Are you a Nautical

Ashley_Jaancreators' thoughts