

What if iruka and the sandaime weren’t the only ones to witness Naruto defeat mizuki. What if someone wanted Naruto even more than kakashi. What happens when a butterfly flaps it’s wings and introduces Naruto to the darkness of the world instead of the light.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs


(AN: it's pretty obvious who dragon is at this point.)


"How's it feel." A man with a raccoon mask asked

"Draining, I can feel it draining on my reserves. Luckily it only takes up a little of it." Naruto answered from his spot, sitting on a table as he looks at his reflection.

"The drain will triple when you reveal the eye." Dragon stated from next to the doctor.

"Hmm that will be fine. I'll ask the kyuubi to enhance my chakra compactly. My chakra control may go down but I'll have clones constantly working to keep it level." Naruto replied as his eye clouded over for a few moments. "Or I'll ask him to do it later when he isn't sleeping." Naruto sighed out

"So even the fox needs sleep." Raccoon commented

"No, he's just lazy. The only time I see him smile is during spars. I think he enjoys battles like most of us do." Naruto answered

"Understandable, fighting is pretty fun especially spars when your just having fun." Dragon added in while Naruto nodded

"But he prefers real battle. Says he hasn't seen enough blood." Naruto replied

"Eh so he's a slightly crazy battle junky. Just like your new torture sensei. You'll get along great." Dragon stated making Naruto give out a low whimper. "Oh you'll be fine it's only a little molesting. It'll be good for you, gets the blood pumping." Dragon added shamelessly. Making both Naruto and raccoon just give her deadpan looks.

Sighing Naruto nodded "alright where's she at." He asked

"T&I get a move on after you study with her for a few hours I'll spar with you to test out your new sharingan. After that I'll show you a few tricks. I was friends with a few uchiha so I know how it works." Dragon stated as they motioned for Naruto to leave.

"Yes dragon-sama." Naruto replied with a small bow before leaving.

"You know I'm surprised he wasn't wearing a henge." Raccoon stated

"He's warming up to us. Just a few more weeks and he'll stop hiding." Dragon replied lightly.

"Danzo's planning something for the chunin exams." Raccoon commented

"Yup old bastard won't show his hand till later though. My new spy has been getting little hints but nothing concrete. But prepare for something big. If information is slipping through the cracks of danzo's root this early it means he's either letting it, or something really big is happening." Dragon ordered seriously.

"Yes dragon-sama." Raccoon replied with a salute as dragon left.

*torture and interrogation*

"Foxy what happened." Anko's pics rang out as she looked at the bandages on his left eye.

"Surgery and a gift." Naruto replied before continuing. "I need a quick rundown on in the field torture, I head out tomorrow. Also I only have a few hours before I have to spar with dragon-sama." Naruto stated

"Hmm alright but it's ganna cost you." Anko commented with a grin. While her eyes narrowed.

Shivering a little Naruto asked "what you want?"

"Simple I heard from Amy your an ass man and mine has been feeling lonely." Anko commented with a fake sad look.

"Fine but I'm asking Amy and I don't have the time right now so when I get back. If she says no I'll pay for your dango for a week." Naruto spoke while wincing. 'There's no way any will share so I'll be able to stay loyal, but my wallet will be empty for a while.' Naruto thought to himself thinking that he outsmarted anko.

"Deal." Anko replied while thinking. 'Oh I'm ganna eat so much dango next week.' She thought as she salivated at the thought, completely dismissing the possibility of amy saying she was fine with it.

"So what's first anko-sensei?" Naruto asked

"Simple I go and grab a prisoner I was ganna torture anyways and show you how it's done." Anko stated happily still thinking about her dango trips next week.

"Your way to happy about this." Naruto commented dryly. As he followed the woman who was skipping with joy and humming.

After a bit they reached a door. Opening it revealed a man with a kumo headband on. "This is a kumo non we found in our territory. Dumbass thought he could take up residence in a local town near the village. We need to find out his mission and purpose." Anko stated as she closed in on the man.

"I won't talk tree fucker." The man bit out

Ignoring him for now anko took out some tools from a storage scroll. "This is your basic field torture kit. You could just use a kunai and some pain if your in a real hurry but if you have some time this will be better." She commented before she motioned to some vials. "These don't come with the kit but are my personal equipment. This red one is poison that causes extreme pain but not lethal, the green one is a slow acting poison that will cause pain, itching, rashes, burning pain, and migraines it will kill them in an hour. The last one…" she started while picking up a purple vial "is a truth serum only works for five minutes, they can counteract it by just not speaking. But the moment they open their mouth to speak they'll spill." Anko stated than moved onto some needles. "These are needles you could use to inject the poisons, you can also use them to bleed out their arteries but it's a slow process more for interrogation within the village where we have all the time we need." Than picking up some senbon but they were smaller than normal. "These are custom senbon if you look close you can see that they are barbed. You insert these into nerve clusters and twist them to cause a lot of pain. Also you can shove them in your prisoners eyes and twist em, causes the most pain there and in the balls." Anko motioned to the now shaking prisoners closed eyes, and his now covered balls. Than picking up another tool she continued. "Now the next are a pair of pliers use they to yank out teeth and nails…" than putting them down and picking up a hammer and nails. "Speaking of nails use the hammer to either break bones or hammer in these nails." As she finished she walked over to the man. "Now let's get to practicing I'll show you all the nerve clusters, and weak spots." As she finished she had a truely terrifying smile on.

"Yes anko-sensei." Naruto responded while steering himself.


"So what did you learn?" Asked dragon as they stood in front of the bloody anko and Naruto.

"To wear more protection." Naruto stated while wiping the blood from his face. "Or to use a clone to torture."

"Hmm yes a clone would be better." Dragon stated as they held up a hand seal. Water came out of a fish tank from the side and splashed on the two bloody ninja. After a few seconds the water returned to the tank, giving it a red hue. "Use a wind jutsu to dry yourselves." Dragon ordered as Naruto held up a hand seal and wind encompassed the two. After a few seconds he let it fall, revealing both the now dry Naruto and anko.

"My hair is all messed up." Anko whined childishly.

"Now tell me what you really learned." Dragon ordered

"The guy was an idiot sent on a suicide mission. Saw the wrong thing and was betrayed by the kumo council. It's a lot more corrupt than even ours." Anko stated seriously

"Hmm that's surprising I know ours is really bad so that's saying something…." Dragon started than continued "he dead?"

"Yes." Naruto answered

"Good learn anything about kumo's capabilities?" Dragon asked

"Not much their numbers are what we estimated but their strength is more than we had hoped. The only reason they haven't started a war yet is because of internal conflicts. Not any rebellions or mass murders like kiri but no one can agree on anything." Anko stated

"Hmm I'll have to send a team to investigate and instigate more conflict. If they start a civil war we will be better off." Dragon commented to themselves. "Now is that all?"

"Yes dragon-sama." Naruto and anko replied

"Good naruto it's time for your spar. Anko leave." Dragon ordered as anko nodded and left. "Now I'll give you a run down on the sharingans abilities and you will adapt and use it based off of instinct, and the threat of death."

'Threat of death.' Naruto thought as he got a bad feeling.

'This will be fun….for me.' The fox spoke as he got up.

'Oh now you join when I'm about to get my ass kicked.' Naruto responded dryly

'Yup now I'll be supplying you with a little bit of my chakra. It will enhance the vision in your one remaining eye, and slow down your perception. It will also boost your physical abilities.' The kyuubi stated

'Thanks I'll need it.' Naruto replied

'Stop thanking me ki...boy' the kyuubi responded.

"Now let's get to work." Dragon stated as they got up with Naruto following.