

What if iruka and the sandaime weren’t the only ones to witness Naruto defeat mizuki. What if someone wanted Naruto even more than kakashi. What happens when a butterfly flaps it’s wings and introduces Naruto to the darkness of the world instead of the light.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

Setting off

(AN: I'm not that good with travel timing. The anime was never to clear on it or I completely missed it. So bare with me.)


"We have four weeks to get to kiri so we can take it slow and steady." Kakashi stated as he stood in front of the four genin and three anbu. "Fox I want you and your clones on advanced scouting, owl stay with us and keep over watch, and lion stay with me and my team for extra protection."

"Yes captain." The three anbu replied.

"Good luck fox don't do anything stupid." Lion whispered

"Ya I won't be the one explaining how you went missing or died to Amy." Owl whispered to fox as well.

Nodding with a smile behind his fox mask fox replied "no problem's with that here no way I'm dying yet, or getting captured on my first mission."

"Don't jinx it." Owl stated letting a bit of amusement show in his voice.

Just letting out a low chuckle fox sent a nod to kakashi as he took off in the direction of the land of valleys leaving a clone behind. "Kakashi-sensei why does he leave clones behind?" Sasuke asked

"Hmm oh those, they're shadow clones. Once they pop it will send its memories to the original and other clones." Kakashi answered

"Really." Sakura exclaimed while sai stayed quiet.

"That's useful can I learn it?" Sasuke asked while haku didn't speak but stayed next to him and looked at kakashi curiously.

"No if you used it it would kill you." Kakashi replied bluntly. "Only those with monstrous chakra levels can use it like fox. Also making one clone requires at least jonin level chakra levels." As he finished the genins eyes went wide except for sai's who already new all of this.

Haku looked as if she was putting things together 'wait a second high chakra, looks around sasuke-kun's age…and wears a fox mask…could it be.' She thought before looking at kakashi."How does he have so much chakra?" Asked haku who had a knowing look in her eyes.

"He's special." Kakashi answered while giving her a *we'll talk later* look. Nodding haku just went back to making small talk with sasuke.

In the trees owl who saw all of this whispered. "She knows that fox is a jinchuuriki."

"I see we'll captain will talk to her later. As long as she doesn't spill or turn traitor I don't really care." Lion stated

"I guess you think fox even cares if it got out to his former classmates anymore?" Owl asked

"Hmm maybe the Nara and maybe the uchiha but that one's a stretch. Probably not the others though. He was only really friendly with the Nara but not that close." Lion replied

"Ya…" owl trailed off as he tried to look farther seeing fox finally get out of his range.

Putting his hand on owls shoulder lion spoke "he'll be fine."

"But.." owl started but was interrupted

"But nothing we taught him all we could and I made sure he took of his weights. I'm worried to the little guy grows on you the more you hang around with him but we can't coddle him." Lion stated while interrupting owl.

"Ok…" owl started and after a pause continued in a more relaxed tone "it's true about the growing on you part as well. The anbu HQ has livened up more since fox started talking to more anbu agents, and dragon has softened up."

"Right about the last part dragon has been more relaxed lately." Lion agreed.

*later that night*

"Alright the night watch will go me, haku, sasuke, sai, lion, owl, and Sakura." Kakashi stated as the sun went down and they set up camp. "Fox how's the original doing?"

As kakahi finished the fox clone that was with them finally spoke for the first time. "The boss is fine he found a cave. He'll leave clones to do night watch and some traps at the entrance to be careful."

"Good how far is he?" Owl asked

"A few miles, hasn't ran into any trouble." The clone replied

"Alright go back into that hibernation mode you were in." Kakashi ordered

"Yes captain." The clone replied before going silent.

"Hibernation mode?" Sai asked

"Yes he can make a clone go into this mode. It looses all functions except the necessary ones. Saves chakra and makes the clone last longer." Lion stated

Alright go to sleep you'll need it." Kakahi ordered as the others nodded and went to bed, except haku.

"Can I ask you something sensei." Haku asked as she walked over to him.

"Sure." He replied as they went into the trees.

After a few seconds of quiet she whispered "fox is the kyuubi jinchuuriki isn't he?"

Looking into the girls eyes with his lone eye kakashi slowly nodded "yes but it's a secret so don't spread it."

"Don't worry I won't." She replied before asking "was he always in anbu and turned into a weapon or tool."

Staying quiet for a little kakashi answered "no he grew up like you hated and shunned by those around him, but he never had a mother or father they died during the kyuubi attack. He grew up with no real training and the teachers at the academy either didn't teach him and just sent him out of the class or taught him the wrong things in hope that he'd kill himself. He joined anbu after the commander took him in, like how zabuza took you in. Since then he's been happy and more true to himself." As he finished kakashi's eye softened and he spoke in a lighter tone.

"Ya fox is a good kid like a little brother." Owl stated from Haku's right making her jump to another branch.

"Hmm yes he fits that description pretty well." Lion added from behind haku making her jump to another branch again.

Sighing haku calmed her racing heart and spoke "he sounds like a good person."

"Yes he is, and he always keeps his promises." Kakashi added while looking at a reddish orange bird that was standing on a branch near sasuke and a few rocks that weren't there when they got here.

"Hmm I see." Haku replied as she looked up.

"Alright go cuddle your boyfriend he looks a little lonely." Owl stated as he pointed to the still awake sasuke. Blushing a little she looked away as she made her way down.

"Ah young love." Owl stated

"Shut up your still young and in love." Lion rebuffed.

Snorting while watching the two anbu bicker kakashi thought 'nothing's changed with them.' As he relaxed on a branch while keeping his senses open. As he did he heard.

"Captain we have a problem."

*elsewhere in the land of fire*

Flying high above the trees was a black bird that seemed to blend in with the night sky above. Flying without making a sound the birds head shot down seeing a out of place shadow move. Slowing itself down and landing without a sound the bird was joined by another. As it touched the ground it silently morphed into a falling leaf while the other turned into a squirrel. The leaf falling down was passed by two burrs. It used an undetectable wind jutsu to slap into both of them, while looking as if the wind did it. While the squirrel got more than a good look at the two men. After waiting a few they both disappeared into a poof of smoke.

*with fox*

Sleeping in a cave foxes one eye shot open as It bleed red and turned into a slit like a foxes. "Oh root huh." He spoke out his tone amused but his eye shone with hatred as he still remembered the secret note itachi left him. 'Danzo you really think sending two root will be enough even if their fu and torune. Big bro made sure to leave me a very detailed description of both your hand in the uchiha's fate and your underlings.' Than letting out a low chuckle fox spoke out in a tone that would send chills down anyone's spine "just wait Danzo you will pay." As he slowly got up.

*back with kakashi*

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asked at the fox clone stood behind him on a branch

"Two root." He replied

"Hmm I see." Kakashi hummed back.

"The original's going to use them as a message to Danzo." The clone added

"Can the original win?" Kakashi asked

"In a straight up fight, not even close." The clone responded but with a tinge of amusement

"But since when did you ever fight fair." Kakashi added with a chuckle.

Humming fox replied "never…" before pausing then adding "I already placed tracking seals on them. I'll see who their target is than set a trap."

Hesitating as if fearing the answer kakashi asked "a trap, or an uzumaki trap?"

"Why an uzumaki trap of course." The clone replied as its one visible eye glowed with bloodlust.

"You know you make it easy to putty them." Kakashi replied as he took a step away from the clone

"Eh unlike your little sai these two are grown ups. They've been completely broken and turned into mindless tools for Danzo to use." The clone replied

Sighing sadly kakahi nodded "I know but just remember they're still konoha shinobi, but we're kidnapped and forced into the root program."

"I will but I won't show them any mercy they will die, I'll pray for their souls, and bury their bodies with respect, but their heads will arrive on danzo's desk." The clone replied in a calmer tone

After a bit of silence kakashi spoke "Thanks."

"For what?" The clone asked

"You really think I haven't noticed the absurd amount of clones surrounding us?" Kakashi asked back

Chuckling the clone just shrugged "eh gatta do what you gatta do. Also when do you plan on getting to the rendezvous point with the kiri nin?"

"We have plenty of time. So don't worry to much, but I'd like to be there in three weeks." Kakashi responded

"Alright I'll do my best to locate a bandit camp there's bound to be one along the way." The clone commented before nodding to kakashi and leaving.

As the clone left kakashi looked up at the stars. 'Good luck Naruto and give them hell.'