
Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape(HP, Star Wars)(In process of being rewrite!)

Warning!  Those of you who are thinking of reading this, know that this story is in the process of being rewritten, if you want to provide ideas, comments or whatever you want to see in this story go to the last chapter ‘Rewrite! Requests for reviews and amendments!’ to comment please. (World: Harry Potter - Marauders Era) What if 16 year old Severus Snape had been influenced by more than the dark arts and the loss of Lily. If Severus had been reached by a being from a galaxy far, far away. What if Anakin Skywalker or rather, Darth Vader had died when he was left burning by Obi-Wan? What would happen if only his physical body dies but he remains stranded between the Force and the world of the living because he is the son of the midi-chlorians. What would happen if he feels that a living being is being attacked by the dark side of the Force and decides to intervene. And seeing the opportunity to return to the world of the living, he decides to take this opportunity. And if he were to unite his being with the other person, that would trigger the resurrection of Darth Vader and a new Severus. Time plays a trick on his life .The future, the past and the present get mixed up. (Time-Travel) What does Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have to do with all this? A FF in which you will have romance, action, drama, magic. And two people who do not belong to the magical world of Britain in 1976, but still go ahead and seek to live their lives and improve the lives of others in their way to end the Dark Lord who threatens the lives of all. This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the canonical world of Harry Potter and Star Wars, with same things of Wednesday/ The Addams Family(1964). All the previous past of Severus and the other characters of HP in the story is canonical, it will only vary and change once Severus starts to change and use his new knowledge. Snape/Vader, will have a great intellect, talent and creativity for magic and de Force as described in the canon, all this added to his new knowledge, he will be powerful, but it will take quite some time to be as powerful as Voldemort, Dumbledor, Darth Sidious, Yoda or other wizards, Jedis and Sith of that caliber. There is not much canonical information about the 1970s in HP, so to make Severus have a past as canonical as possible I used all the canonical information about the 1970s and only added information to the blanks left by the canon, so the plot of Severus' past would be as canonical as possible, it may change a little bit due to my intervention in the blanks, but in short, the general trend of Severus' past does not change and the small trend may change. You can read this Fanfic also in: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14133981/1/Darth-Vader-as-Severus-Snape Disclaimer: The original content of the Star Wars, The Addams Family, Wednesday or Harry Potter characters, books or movies do not belong to me. All belong to their respective creators and owners. I stated that I do not own the rights to anything other than the FF idea.

Shadow7Blue · Movies
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89 Chs

Chapter 72: Wednesday decision

-Addams' House, Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, Nueva York

-December 19, 1976

"Oh, you seem to already know..., well, I should have known," said Grandma Addams with a creepy smile.

"How did you know I was a witch?" Wednesday demanded abruptly.

"Let's just say I can... sense it," Severus joked lightly as Wednesday continued to stare at him in search of a more complete answer.

While Eudora Addams nodded in complete agreement with what he said, after all she was the one who said that he could sense pure magic.

Although Severus knew that didn't mean anything as there were many more ways to tell if someone was a muggle or a wizard..., the darts were no real proof either as there were surely other wizards capable of doing what he did.

But it wasn't really what Severus did but the way he did it, something Eudora Addams noticed.

"Darling, Grandmother already said, Severus is a special boy, he can feel pure magic," said Morticia Addams, Gomez's wife, and Wednesday's mother.

"You know, a long time ago our ancestors could access pure magic without the use of those ridiculous branches they use now, disgusting, no, nothing like that would be allowed in the Addams family, customs are respected and no Addams witch would break this rule" commented Grandma Addams.

"You mean this?" asked Severus with a faintly amused smile as he pulled out and showed them his wand.

Yes, he too had his doubts about the wand, but even if he preferred to use the Force without any help, he could also admit that wands were a powerful weapon that could be useful in some dangerous situations.

"That's right, they are every witch's predilection, an invention made only to insult magic," said Grandmother Addams with disgust in her voice.

"Mother..." reprimanded Gomez.

"What?!, it's the truth if it weren't for those damned branches the witches would never have lost their former glory," Grandma Addams complained.

"Forgive my mother, she can be a bit emotional about these things," Gomez said to Severus.

"It's no problem, even I had my doubts about the use of wands, and although I prefer not to use them most of the time, I don't deny that they are useful," said Severus.

"So, you two can sense pure magic?" asked Severus to Wednesday and Grandmother Addams, more intrigued actually by the younger girl.

"I've only been a witch for a few months, I have no knowledge of pure magic or wands and my grandmother's only focus is mostly on potions, herbology, or storytelling," Wednesday replied dryly as she continued to eat quietly.

'Huh? a few months..., what does she mean by a few months ago?' wondered Severus rather confused by what she said.

"Wednesday is right, unfortunately, my skills are limited and my knowledge too, although if it's Potions we're talking about, I'm the one," said Grandma Addams.

"But you seem to know a lot about... everything!" she added, opening her eyes wide and staring at Severus.

"You'd be surprised by how little I really know," Severus replied, still thinking about what the young Wednesday girl had said.

"Oh but there's no doubt you're unique boy," Gomez commented.

'Not as unique as your daughter' thought Severus but he preferred not to say anything yet.

"Yes, you could be a wonderful mentor for Wednesday, you could teach her the way to feel and use pure magic, without those horrible limitations they use now with branches," said Grandma Addams making both Wednesday and Severus look at her in silence.

'Interesting, so I wasn't wrong, Wednesday really didn't know how to use or feel the Force..., how peculiar' thought Severus with a slight frown as it was too strange for him to feel such a calm state of the Force in Wednesday when she had never used the Force or magic with a wand or anything like that.

There was something very strange about the young Addams.

" Forgive me but I am not a magic teacher, I am a student at the moment, and besides, to be quite honest, I have my time occupied by many things," Severus said finally, as interesting as it was to understand Wednesday's situation, he wasn't really getting anything out of it.

He would just satisfy his curiosity.

"Oh but an apprentice is always fruitful, you both learn, especially if you come to understand each other and I have a feeling that you and Wednesday will," Grandma Addams said wisely, which was unusual when most of the time she seemed to be a little crazy.

This made Severus think as he remembered when he was Anakin and had his padawan apprentice Ashoka and he could agree that the old woman was not wrong in saying those words as he like Anakin learned a lot from Ashoka, they both benefited a lot from each other and the bond of trust that was formed between them was something even more valuable.

Both could rely on each other without fear of judgement.

Still, Severus wasn't sure he could teach Wednesday anything, she was already 15 or 16 years old, yet her state with the Force was similar to that of a Jedi for some reason.

'Why do I feel like I just started thinking like those old Jedi who almost rejected me due to my age?' wondered Severus a little disgusted and irritated by the idea.

"That may be true..., but unfortunately I am currently spending most of my time at Hogwarts, my magical school, and my time outside is precious to me as it is the few times I can personally manage my family's business as head of the Prince and my other personal projects," Severus finally stated the real reason why he couldn't accept her as his apprentice.

"Besides, teaching her would require a lot of work and time, for that she would have to be with me and it can't be sporadic," he added honestly.

"Hmmm very wise of you to say that boy, you have to keep your feet on the ground, maybe the only option is to make Wednesday go to Hogwarts so you can teach her there," said Gomez lightly making everyone even Wednesday stare at him.

'Apparently, that was a surprise to her too' thought Severus, he had been quite surprised by what Gomez Addams had said, he thought that with Eudora Addams being so averse to wizards with wands it would be impossible for Wednesday to go to Hogwarts.

Yes, it was a surprise, but he wouldn't take back what he said before.

"Well..., I hadn't really considered that," Severus replied.

"But in that case, it might be possible, although she would have to learn a lot of things to get into Hogwarts first, it won't be easy with the time she has," he added.

"Splendid, I already feel that you have the spirit of the Addams, my boy," smiled Gomez Addams, very satisfied to see that Severus was no longer in denial.

"And you mustn't worry about studies, an Addams never knows what fear is. My little scorpion is very intelligent, I'm sure she can learn everything quickly. Won't she, Tish?" Gomez said confidently as he looked at his wife.

"Of course, she's brilliant," Morticia nodded with the same confidence as her husband.

'Well, if she really manages to pass the Hogwarts entrance exams in such a short time, it would be interesting to have her as my apprentice,' thought Severus, looking at Wednesday who, despite her clear confusion at the whole affair, showed no emotion on her face.

"Besides my dear daughter already knows all she needs to know and more about potions, herbology, and the history of magic thanks to Eudora, she is also an expert in astronomy, from a young age she already knew more than her teachers, and over time she only learned more on her own and I myself taught her about divination and arithmancy due to our natural talent," added Morticia looking at her daughter with pride.

"Well, that may cover quite a few Hogwarts subjects, but she still has to learn Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transformations, and Charms... and they all require her to pass with the use of a... wand," Severus replied, knowing that she would have to learn all of these subjects until the year she was going to join.

'Probably fourth or fifth year' thought Severus, analysing the young Addams who seemed to be a year or two younger than him.

Although he didn't mention that there were also two optional subjects that she had to choose, but Divination and Muggle Studies were so simple that if she chose those subjects it would be a joke for her to pass them in order to get into Hogwarts.

Besides, Morticia had already mentioned that she had taught her Divination and Arithmancy, so she shouldn't worry too much about it, and if she really had a natural talent in this area it would be even easier for her.

As for the use of the wand, it wasn't a problem at all, if he taught her to feel the Force with the rough talent he saw in her it would be child's play to use a wand, so it would only take her a few days to learn how to use a wand properly, as long as she learned all the spells and wand movements necessary to enter Hogwarts using those on her wand wouldn't present a problem.

But using the Force is a separate issue, this would take months to years depending on what she wants to use it for.

The mere fact that she already has such a calm state with the Force means that she is already at the standard of a Jedi, she just needs to learn how to make use of it.

So actually she's an unknown variable.

'Which is honestly rather illogical, but it would be interesting to teach someone so strange' thought Severus a little excited about the idea, although it wasn't up to him.

"Impossible, no Addams will learn that cheap magic they teach with their sticks, they are only a crutch for the development of the true knowledge and feel of pure magic," complained Grandma Addams, flatly refusing Gomez's proposal.

'I was expecting that reaction from her,' Severus said to himself, knowing that Eudora Addams would not agree, but if Wednesday wanted to enter Hogwarts she had to learn how to use a wand.

"Mother, just think that with Severus there she would only have to use the wand to pass her exams and then she will spend her time learning the true control of pure magic. And I have full confidence in the boy, plus our families have a rich history together," Gomez said, trying to reason with his mother as he clarified the situation.

"It would be very beneficial for Wednesday to learn from him, besides I'm sure young Severus is doing the same nowadays, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to have such a deep connection with pure magic, I understand that the constant use of the wand only weakens one's bond with pure magic," said Morticia intervening in the conversation.

"Besides, I have a strong and good feeling about this," she added with a smile as she looked between Severus and Wednesday.

"You always have them, mother" Wednesday hissed. She kept a bored mask over her face.

"Huh? But isn't Wednesday going back to Nevermore?" asked Wednesday's younger brother Pugsley in total confusion.

A question that made all the Addams start to reconsider all over again.

"True, Nevermore was a wonderful change for our daughter," said Gomez.

"No doubt it was dear, but it is a great opportunity for our daughter to learn all about magic," said Morticia who had earlier been the most excited about Wednesday going to Nevermore as well as herself and her husband.

"There is plenty of things she could learn from me," said Grandmother Addams, interjecting herself into the conversation.

"Yes, you have natural talents for potions, and no doubt Wednesday has already learned much from you, but there is still much knowledge of magic that you do not have, as you said before, and the magical instruction with Severus will give her all of this," Morticia explained calmly.

"That's why Wednesday must go!, Gomez, dear, mothers know best, trust me, Wednesday must go to Hogwarts with Severus," she added, looking at her beloved husband.

"I still think it's a terrible idea for Wednesday to go to a magical school," said Grandma Addams reluctantly.

But then suddenly there was the shriek of Cousin Itt at the table.

"Oh, right!, Cousin Itt is right, this is all about her, so let Wednesday decide!" said Gomez cheerfully thinking that everything had been settled.

Morticia and Eudora nodded in agreement and looked at Wednesday waiting for her answer.

But Wednesday didn't bother to look at any of them, her focus was only on Severus who was calmly eating his food as if what they decided didn't seem to worry him at all.