
Altering Skyrim

Rictus is given the choice of customizing his start in skyrim. He choices alteration magic as his skill of choice and starts in Whiterun in the Breeze home. Follow him as he figures out that this is not just like the game he once knew. Release 1 chapter every Thursday afternoon. This is basically just an idea I had where 18 people enter skyrim and each of them are given one of the skills from the game. They can level the skills just like the game making them learn it way faster than normal. As in maxing out a skill like alteration in just a couple days instead of years for normal people in the world. The other people will not be the focus of the story and some will not make it very long in a realistic Skyrim. LordValmar put together the cover art for me.

Pepey_LePew · ゲーム
102 Chs


The small explosion of energy was easily absorbed by the warriors' shields. Rictus happily walked up to the remains of another magic anomaly. Another filled soul gem went into his storage. Apparently, the town had still been having sightings of the anomalies even after the Eye was taken away. Usually only one appeared at a time, and they were not in the city proper but outside the town towards the college. It made sense there would still be residual mana disruptions after such a large event happened.

Rictus was more than happy to get some fresh air and fight the little buggers. The filled soul gems were always a good reward. Townspeople had petitioned the mages to out and fight them, but there was not a lot of interest from the mages after a few apprentices suffered injuries. They had foolishly thought magic was the best way to deal with the creatures. The creatures which were literally made from magic.

The anomalies naturally had very high resistance to magic, so a good sword and shield worked much better than spells from a fledgling mage. Higher level mages could have done it more easily, but not many of those bothered leaving the college to try and hunt down them down.

Rictus was more than happy to get his Restored to go fight them though. It was a triple win. His people got more combat experience, he got more filled soul gems, and the townspeople loved them for it. The guards were also more than happy to let the Restored risk injuries while they had more time to do their job of patrolling the town.

There was another reason for wanting to accompany his people on their hunt though. Firstly, he needed to get away and vent a little bit. Running the hold was not nearly as fun or exciting as people would think. A little bit of battle always livened things up. Even though he thought of himself as more a scholarly type, there was something very pleasurable in sending a giant ax flying with your mind into magical balls which would then explode.

The most important reason for accompanying his people was for research purposes. He had been trying to figure out how to make permanent soul gems with magic. It would be especially powerful if he could make already filled soul gems as well. That would be a game changer. He could transmute objects into different metals, why shouldn't he be able to do it with gems?

Each time the Restored fought an anomaly, Rictus would be there studying it with his full magical sensing abilities. He had watched quite a few of the anomalies be defeated, and after watching this one, he thought he finally had enough knowledge to at least try and transmute a soul gem. Seeing the focused look of their distracted leader, the Restored set up a perimeter around him to make sure he was not disturbed.

A petty and grand soul gem quickly appeared in his hands as he stared at the two of them noting their differences. He planned on converting the petty one into a grand gem to start off his experiment. It was always easier to make something when there was some material than completely convert it. If the conversion of a petty soul gem into a grand one worked, he would then see if he could do it from other materials.

Studying the gems easily showed their main differences. The size was the most glaring one. He could easily fit a couple petty soul gems in his palm while a grand one was bigger than his whole hand. The quality of the gems also differed. The grand soul gems appeared purer and more symmetrical while the petty ones had more flaws throughout it.

Focusing on the two in his hand, he pulled out a bit of iron since he was most familiar with transmuting it to other substances. He placed it in his hand with the petty gem since he was going to increase its size while improving its quality. He raised a seat from the earth as he began channeling his mana, slowly working on changing the gem.

It was not a fast process, but after a few minutes concentrating, he stared at the result of his labor. The petty soul gem had undergone a transformation. It had gained size and also become more transparent than before. The gem was no longer a petty soul gem, but it was still not a grand one either. A perfectly good greater soul gem rested in his hand though. While not as good a result as he wanted, it was a huge success. A smile graced his lips while looking at the newly transmuted gem. Analyzing it with magic confirmed it easily fell into the category of a greater soul gem now.

Riding high on his success, Rictus didn't wait to pull out a clump of iron ore to try his luck at a full transfiguration. He pushed his mana into the ore as he closed his eyes to better concentrate on what he wanted his magic to do. It would be awesome if it resulted in a fully filled grand soul gem, but he wasn't holding his breath for that kind of result on his first try, still would be awesome if he could pull it off. There was a much larger draw on his mana pool compared to the previous attempt. He was a little surprised at the amount it took, but finally he felt his magic begin to subside indicating a finished project.

What he saw was not what he was expecting to see. The gem was a similar blue color to grand soul gems but seemed to be radiating a bluish light as well. There were also still streaks of iron flowing vertically along the outside of the gem which almost looked like a cage. He got a very strange sensation from the gem as well. It did not really feel like a soul gem anymore. Studying the gem with his mana sight gave him a shock.

It was filled with mana.

Somehow, instead of creating a soul gem, he had accidentally made a gem capable of storing his mana. Before he got lost in thought and forgot the feeling of creating it, another piece of ore, which was smaller than the first, was in his hands and he began the same process he just completed. The results were another similar looking stone. Deciding to try something, he reached out to the smaller one he just created and touched the magic inside of it. While he was doing this, he felt the mana drain from the stone as it flowed back into his own reserves.

The Restored spared a glance at their leader who was holding up a glowing blue stone while boisterously laughing. It was well known he had random moments like this when he was experimenting with something magic related. They did not dwell on it and returned to their job of watching over him. He had been the one to figure out how to restore them and their honor. If he had moments where he randomly stopped to work his magic, they would never judge and do their best to guard over him.

Rictus stopped laughing as he tried to figure out the potential for what he had just accidently created. Soul gems were useful, but these stones were significantly more useful to him. There were more uses for these stones than he could initially think. He would have to start slowly building up a supply of these things. Mana potions were not too expensive, but having a stone filled with his own mana provided significantly better benefits than any potion he had ever tried. Plus, he would not be required to take the time to drink a potion. He just had to touch the stone and his mana filled back up.

The downside was the stone did disintegrate after rejuvenating his mana. It was a bit of a bummer, but not to unsurprising seeing all the different energies acting upon the stone. Still, there was a lot of potential with these things, especially integrating them into runes.

Deciding to test something else out, Rictus grabbed the first one he created. Instead of pulling in mana, he tried to push some more of his mana into the stone. The stone eagerly accepted more of his mana. He had to stop after a little bit though since he could tell the stone was approaching its limit on storage capacity. Still, he was able to increase the amount of mana stored by around 50%.

It would not be able to restore all his mana, but it was a decent chunk. This also indicated he could create the stones and then slowly increase the mana held in them as he passively regenerated it. It would serve dual purposes of increasing the amount in the stones and working on his fine control.

Rictus was all smiles as he started back towards the keep with his people falling into formation as he started moving out. He knew the more he practiced making these, the more efficient he would become at it. The way the stone looked did trigger a faint memory though of some similar stone found in the elder scroll universe. Maybe from the Oblivion game? He wasn't too sure and made a mental note to get someone to investigate similar things to his created mana stones. Sometimes failure was not a bad thing at all.

As the group was making their way back into town, the citizens happily waved and greeted them. The town was still bustling more than it had in a long time with all the projects going on. Everyone appreciated Rictus stepping up and making sure things ran smoothly as the Jarl was out of commission. The well wishes, smiles, and lack of conflicts seemed to solidify this fact.

When he was about to enter the longhouse, a courier appeared out of nowhere.

"I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver."

Rictus reached out for the letter while raising a questioning eyebrow. The courier seemed to pick up on the unasked question.

"Here's a letter from Jarl Ulfric's steward. Looks like official business."

With that said, the courier continued on his way. Rictus decided not to question what was going on with the couriers. He knew they were specially selected and trained for their job, but that was about it.

The letter was actually addressed to the Jarl of Winterhold, but Rictus went ahead and read it as he entered the longhouse. The letter was about the relocation of some of the Dunmer and Argonians in Windhelm. Seems the stormcloaks were more than willing to get these people out of their city, but not so willing to provide protection for them as they travelled all the way here. The letter claimed they would only provide a guide to the border of the two holds, but nothing more than that.

It did not take long for Rictus to gather a group of the guards, plus a couple Restored, for this task. He even made sure to include one of his mages to go along with the group as a bit of magical support. The guy seemed more than willing to go as well. Mumbling about finally getting away from the forge or something like that.

With that task taken care of, there was only one more thing to complete for the day.

It was time for the first check in with his spies in Solitude. The meeting was more to learn about what additional needs they may have and to replenish their funds. He knew it was not a very long time for them to get any important information, but he couldn't help but have a good feeling about this. Maybe he was still riding the high from his mana stone creation, but he thought this meeting would be very informative.

After making sure everything would be okay for the rest of the evening, Rictus teleported to the location in the marshes outside of Solitude. They had found a nice little abandoned shack not too far away where they agreed to meet. Rictus got there before his people arrived. He had planned on getting there early to make sure there was no one else around and secure the area which thankfully was still abandoned.

Instead of going inside, Rictus levitated himself to the top of the shack to have a little bit better view of the surrounding area. He even summoned Billy to keep him a little company as he lounged on the roof and took in the clear night sky above him. It was a great time for him to unwind from the pressures of leadership. Sure, he did not actually do that much real leading, but he still felt responsible to those under him, especially while he has been handling Korir's responsibilities.

It was nice to just sit back and relax every now and again. He had always had an appreciation for the stars in the sky and just staring up at their shimmering lights.

After a waiting around for a while, he started to get a bit worried. While he didn't have a watch, he felt they should have been here by now. He decided a little night flight wouldn't be too dangerous. He would stop before he got too close to anyone who would arrest him for breaking the no fly laws. Billy was left behind at the shack as a guard and would alert him if his people got there without him noticing.

Rictus began to slowly fly around while channeling his detect life spell. He had good night vision, but the detect life spell would help him see anyone sneaking around. A little further off, he thought he saw something. Getting closer, he could start to make out the life energies of a few different people. He soon heard someone whooping like a child playing tag. It seems there was a group of people chasing after the person in the lead.

Not wasting any time, Rictus quickly approached the lead figure. As he got closer, he recognized it as one of his people he was supposed to meet tonight. The man was in rough shape too. He had cuts across his body and an arrow sticking out of his thigh a few inches above his knee. His breath was coming in deep gasps as he determinedly made his way away from his pursuers.

Rictus dropped down in front of the ragged man. The man started to draw his dagger to attack when he noticed who was before him. A look of relief crossed his face as he looked upon the man who had already saved him once. He took another stilted step towards Rictus as he held out an envelope without saying a word.

Rictus quickly grabbed the letter and caught the man as he started to collapse. He channeled his healing spells on the man as he gently laid him down. The Restored closed his eyes with a peaceful look as he whispered to Rictus.

"Though I fall, I never stumbled."

A pained look appeared on Rictus's face hearing the words of his follower. While the man may think himself about to die, Rictus disagreed. The golden shine of restoration magic intensified as Rictus pumped more mana into the spell as he used his alter body spell to work in conjunction with his healing spell. The wounds healed at a vigorous rate as he quickly removed the arrow allowing the healing to finish. The Restored's breath eased despite remaining passed out.

When Rictus looked up, he found 9 men partially surrounding him. They warily eyed the mage who had appeared out of nowhere to heal their target. As both parties were eyeing each other up, Rictus was the first to speak.

"Any who wish to live can leave now, if the leader of this little group stays here for a little chat with me."

The light of their torches reflected off his malicious looking eyes as he stared down the group. The youngest looking one of the group started to back away instinctively. He looked around a little and slowly started leaving while everyone was focused on Rictus. He was the smart one. The rest of the group seemed to be hardened bandits who were lacking a bit in situational awareness. The Breton standing in the middle of the group only smiled and let out a little chuckle.

"It seems you don't really know who you are messing with. I am feeling generous so I will give you the option of walking away. This is between us and the little sneak at your feet there. He took something of ours that we want back. Now leave or else you will suffer just like him and his friend."

Rictus nodded his head as he began to prepare himself for a fight.

"So, you are responsible for hurting one of my followers. I also take it that you are the leader. Good. Don't worry. I am feeling merciful today so this should be quick."

The men looked to their leader who just motioned his head at Rictus. They raised their weapons and began to surround him as the leader spoke out once more as he began channeling a spell in his off hand.

"I warned you. Don't blame me for what is about to happen. Personally, I don't care for the soul trapping, but orders are orders."

With that the man cast out a soul trap as the bandits fully surrounded him. Before the spell could hit him, Rictus simply waved his hand. At the motion, the spell disappeared. The normal bandits did not really understand what happened, but the growing fear on the leader's face told of his understanding.

"Thank you for allowing me the chance to practice a couple things I have been wanting to test. I apologize in advance to the rest of you, but I need to have some words with your leader about what was just said."

As he was calmly talking, the ground began shaking. The air around them began to get heavy as a pressure began emanating from him. A feeling of dread and wrongness filled the hearts of the bandits surrounding him as the space around them started distorting. The leader tried to back away in fear but found he could not move as he stared at the monster before him.


Ken had just put down the latest report about the two people Rictus had told him to keep an eye on. They had been sent by the Jarl to investigate some ruins not too far from here. He figured they should be back the next day or so. He was a little skeptical about the identity of these two people, but he fully trusted Rictus.

He couldn't help but smirk as he thought of the man to whom he pledged his service. Had anyone asked him before, he would have told them he would never be someone's subordinate again. Seems he had gone soft in his old age though. There was just something about Rictus which seemed to inspire people and change them for the better. He had been altering their lives since the first time they met and has only done more as time gone on.

Ken was proud of what their organization had become and excited for what it will become in the future. An unlimited budget and magics only heard about in legends only made things more exciting. The most important factor in Ken's opinion though was the loyalty and dedication of the members. Everyone was devoted to Rictus. If Rictus but asked them, every single member would willingly charge into battle and die for him. Ken was no different as he shook his head with a smile.

A thump brought him out of his musings and his dagger appeared in his hands.

The body of one of the people sent to infiltrate Solitude was set on the ground as the very person he had been thinking about stood before him. The serious expression on his face and deadly look in his eyes caused Ken to stand a little straighter.

"Prepare the Restored for battle. I need to make a stop in Dawnstar to verify my information. You have two days starting tomorrow to prepare the Restored for an assault on a large island stronghold filled with pirates. On the third, we attack."

"How many people will you need?"

There was a short pause before an answer was forthcoming.


The single word said a lot more than it seemed. His tone brokered no argument. Not that Ken had any. It had been years since he had led an assault on a stronghold. Regardless, Ken felt the familiar thrill of battle start to fill him at the thought of assaulting one. It would also be the first true test for many of the Restored and bring them honor and glory if they succeed. Looking at the powerful and determined man standing before him, there was no doubt they would succeed. Anticipation for the coming battle started bubbling up inside of Ken. Seems he still had a little fight left in him in his old age.


[AN]: I hadn't meant to go into all that with creating a mana stone, but I couldn't help it. In case you don't know, there are things called Welkynd stones in the Oblivion game which I based these mana stones off. I don't really explore their possibilities very much during this pirate arc, but I hope to do more with them once it finishes.

Hope you liked the new chapter. If you have any comments or tips, please let me know. I really do appreciate and use the comments on the story when I get them.

For those dedicated few, I know what you are wanting. I am feeling generous so I will share an interesting fact for you. Baby elephants suck on their trunks similar to how human babies suck on their thumbs.

Pepey_LePewcreators' thoughts