
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Discussions of the past

Emma park

After getting Ethan to leave I was left alone with David in his room.

"Hi" I said, not knowing what else I should do, I mean we both were just standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Hi. So you uh have , a good control over my brother, no one has ever ordered him to apologize " He said

"Well someone needs to teach him manners. He can't just waltzed into you room, without knocking and then threaten his brother like that. " I said as I shifted mu weight from one foot to the other

"Yeah, thanks for that, I appreciated that, you know, Ethan used to be much more soft hearted, it was only after the death of his parents that, he became a total jerk to everyone around, you're an exception of course, he loves you and is okay go be vulnerable in front of you. " Said David as he guided me to the leather sofa in his room

"Wine? " He asked as he held a vintage bottle and two glasses.

"Yes please" I said as I sat down on the couch.

He poured us some of the wine and after giving me a glass, he took a sip of his, as he say down on his side of the couch, I was on the left side.

"Tell me more about Ethan's past, i mean why is he so guarded around people" I asked, taking a sip of the wine.

"Ethan and I are brothers from different dads , technically, I'm his cousin, I mean I am the son of his fathers brother. His dad loved mom a lot, but she just took advantage, of his love, two years and a half after, Ethan was born, his dad found out that his mate, was fucking his brother, behind his back. Whenever, he would go on meetings, he always would wonder why his mate never insisted on coming with him like, she used to, so one day he came back early from the meeting, as a surprise for their 5th anniversary , only to find his brother who happens to beu father, fucking his mate on the couch, with Ethan  playing all alone with his plushy in a corner of the kitchen. His dad was hell angry, Mrs Kane was pregnant with me at that time, I think she was going to be due in a day or two.

All that time Ethan's dad, thought,that the child growing in her womb was his, that was the day she admitted that the child was actually his brothers. His dad was devastated, he broke all ties with his brother and mate, he rejected her then and there.

A few days after, I was born, unfortunately, momma could not survive the child birth due to her body being to weak after rejection and my dad was killed by rogues in the way to the hospital. Ethan's dad took pity on me, I think his exact words, according to the previous beta was that 'a child should not suffer due to his parents mistakes', so he took me in, nurtured me like his own son, Ethan and I knew the truth at 8 , but never did it bother us. We are close, the threats he gives me, I know they are just empty threats, he loves me too much, I mean he protected me through out school when the other children bullied me saying I was a bastard child.

We all lived a peaceful happy life, till a rogue attack killed dad, our dad, leaving me and him to fend for ourselves, I think he 14 or 15 at that time, he was crowned king, just three days after the death of his father, he couldn't even mourn in peace before being shoved into the Royal life. He had to grow up before he even had the chance to be a teenager. Heck he even killed our previous beta in anger, because he was conspiring the attack.

Atlas, his wolf , went on a blood must and killed any wolf in sight, finally after a lot of effort, we controlled him, it took a lot of electric shocks and lock ups to do so, till finally we had Ethan in control but lost him as well.

That was the day he shoved his emotions aside and concentrated only on his duties, the rough exterior was just a way to hide his feelings. Inside he is hurting and needs someone to comfort him. I think the only thing keeping him alive all these years was the fact that he had a mate out  there whom he could love and be vulnerable with and who would love him back. Miraculously, the fact that his mother cheated on his dad, did not affect his affinity for his mate, he was optimistic, that his mate would be different and would bring light in his dark life.

Years after searching for you, he found you and immediately, he knew he had won a jackpot, I think you might have broken off a huge amount of his rough exterior.

Zander, being someone he has been with all his life, helped a lot, I mean at least he was able to express his feelings inront of him, even if it was just bits and pieces. In front of me, he would let me see the tears in his eyes but never allowed me to talk to him about it.

You being here with is is a sign of hope that soon you will be the one to bri g back our Ethan and help him feel... Loved. You're also my only hope, I mean you're the only one who can bring back Ethan and help save mine and his brotherly bond.

I beg you, Emma, please don't hurt him and please don't leave him. I know all this can be overwhelming, but trust me, we all need you more than you can realise "he said with tears in his eyes.

" David, I can never think of hurting Ethan, I think I'm falling for him and for the fact that I will leave, even if I wish to I can't, not that I want to but still thay option is closed. But don't worry, I will help Ethan, I'll bring him back. "I said

He nodded as he passed me some tissues

" Let's wipe our, eyes, we're a crying mess"he said and I laughed whole willing my tears.

"David, that day, during our tea party, you were telli g Zander about zuri's threat weren't you? " I said, remembering how his eyes widened on hearing the threat and then immigrants going glassy.

"Yes, I was, I mean you girls have unity among yourselves and even if one of you are hurt, all of you gang up on us, then why can we men, have unity and save each other's asses. After all a happy mate, means a happy husband. In the case of Zander, a happy zuri, means a happy Zander, which means a happy beta , which means a functional Royal army which means a safe Royal Palace"he said

"Of course, David, that was very nice of you, I mean you just saved him from sleeping on a dog bed. Zuri told me that he took her out for dinner that day, I like to believe that he did forget the anniversary, didn't he? " I asked

"Yes, he did. Don't tell him that I told you that, he will kill me" He said and I giggled


"Kill the Royal member, perish the thought" I said and he laughed

"Maybe not kill but, he apd definitely, tell Diana about how I forgot her birthday. " He said and I laughed.

"You men and your dates. " I said

"Well queen, I must admit, you did handle the situation that day very well but trying to get zuri to give Zander some time" He said

"Like you said, we need to keep our beta happy, after all its the matter of our security" I said and he laughed

"You know now that you're my sister, I think it's time we raid the fridge to eat some mint choco chil ice cream" He said..

"Oh yeah, bring in the ice cream" I said

Four and a half boxes of ice cream later, Ethan came to pick me up from the first floor to take me back to our floor on the top.

"Hello love, missed me" He asked as he wiped my mouth with the napkin

"Kind off, but now I'm sleepy" I whinned

"Well you did just eat 3 boxes of ice cream" He said

"I tried to take the box back but she used her queen command on me and ate 3 boxes, now she is high on sugar" Said David as I stood on the table and jumped into my mates arms, who some how caught me

"Baby, give the man a warning next time, I don't want you to hurt yourself, if you want me to carry you, just tell me alright, don't dive into my arms like that" He said and I nodded, leani g mu head in his shoulder and yawning

"Thank you David for taking care of her" He said

"Your welcome brother, I mean she is mu sister, I liked spending time with her" He said and I felt Ethan nod.

I kept swing my legs back and fourth as Ethan carried me up to my room, I saw Zander staring at us and I gave him a salute as we passed him, he returned the salute with a smile.

I looked up at my mate and saw him smiling at me..

"You're so cute when your high on sugar" He said and I giggled. Then without warning I puked all over him

"Hell, Emma, ewww, ugh, are you okay" He asked with his emotions changing from anger to disgust to concern

I shook my head

"My tummy hurts and now I feel bad for puking on you" I said as he placed me on the slab of the bathroom.

"Aww, baby, don't worry about that. Let's clean up and then do something about your tummy? " He said and I nodded.

He filled the tub with water while I stripped out of my gown and underwear, so that I was bare in front of him, if anyone asks where I got the courage, just blame it on the sugar.

I saw that Ethan was walking about in the bathroom in just a towel around his waist. He turned his head and his eyes widened.

"Baby? " He shook his head, clearing his thoughts and then spoke again

"Darling, how about take the tub while I shower in the shower corner over there." He said and I nodded

I climbed into the tub and relaxed as I cleaned myself and watched Ethan drop his towel as he walked into the shower area, closing the glass gate. The glass barrier steamed up and all I saw was the outline of his body and I heard the running water, imagining how it flowed from his hair till it reached the drain.

I dont know when I fell asleep, but I woke up when Ethan was tucking me in bed.

"Ethan.. "

"Ssh, baby, sleep" He whispered as he kissed my forehead and I nodded, closing my eyes. I felt the bed dip and soon I was engulfed in my mates arms

"I love you, Emma, so much, that it hurts now"