
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Etiquettes and Royalty

Ethan kane

"Good morning Emma, I hope you slept well? " I asked as I walked in our room with two cups of steaming tea.

I handed her one of the cups and watched her wrap her cold fingers around the cup.

"Yes I did sleep well Ethan, for some strange reason sleeping in your arms, relaxes me more than when I sleep alone. " She said as she took a sip of the herbal tea.

"I hope that you remember that today, we start the Royal etiquettes classes. I will be the one teaching you because I don't quite trust the ladies of the castle. They might try to teach you everything wrong, so that you can embarrass yourself and the men of this castle, perish that thought. They will be blinded by your beauty and would try to flirt with you and my wolf, Atlas and I would go crazy. Hence I will teach you everything from scratch"I said.

"Of course Ethan, I understand and I am glad that it is you who is teaching me and not them. To be honest I'm most comfortable with you than I am with them. " She said and I smiled

"So finish your tea, take a bath and get dressed, comb your hair and meet me in the Royal dinning room at 11, make sure to wear something comfortable but Royal"I said

This was a test to see what she would wear as a Royal when she is in the castle with no Royal guest but her own staff. I mean as a Royal it's unacceptable to wear sweatshirts and joggers, I may have included some in her wardrobe but, they, are just for the days when she is alone with me in our room, or when on our floor. Anytime when she is not on this floor, she should be dressed in a proper attire.

I walked out our room, I was already dressed and went down to the dinning room to set the place up for our classes. I was already wearing my white shirt, black pants with a long black coat, you know the ones which extend further to the floor from behind than the front. Hopefully she got the hint of how she needs to dress from what I was wearing.

She came down wearing a blue dress with matching blue heels and pearl earrings and necklace along with the charm bracelet and peal bracelet on her wrist.

"Our girl is a fashion icon. Tell all the peasants to kneel" Said Atlas

"You mean I should kneel? I mean there is no one else here apart from us Atlas" I said


"Ethan I hope that this is appropriate for  me to wear. " She asked as she walked in

"Yup.. You passed the first Royal rule that is, to wear an appropriate attire at the time of the a dinner" I said

I pulled out a chair for her to sit

"Never, decline the chair pulled out hu your mate, other wolves will consider it as a way of you rejecting me" I said as I pushed her in

"When ever your drinking tea make sure your pinky isn't sticking out like that" I said as I pushed her little finger .

"Next rule is that when we are served dinner or any meal, it comes in a three course form... I noticed yesterday that you were confused about which cutlery is to be used when. The trick here is to start from the outside and work your way to the inside. The cutlery above the plate is for desert. " I said as I held up the cutlery

She watched intently as I guided her through the cutlery

"The next thing is that when the soup is served, it's hot, so just leave it to be for a few minutes before sipping on it. Do not blow at the spoon, it's rude" I said and she nodded

"Next is that if you have not done eating and you need to use the restroom, just cross your utensils on the plate and say 'excuse me' and leave the table without announcing where your going. When you are done dining set the cutlery parallel in the plate to let the staff know that you're done. " I said as I showed her what I meant. I watched her copy me  and smiled. She is picking up just fine.

"Next is that to wipe your mouth with the inside of the napkin to avoid getting your clothes dirty. Also when you talk at the table, always talk to either the person to your right or left. Never try to talk to the person halfway across the table. It will become a fish market if we do so. "I said

" But yesterday we did talk to everyone, even if they were halfway across the table" She said

"That was because we were with family.... At the ball there will be many critiques who will wish to find a bad side in you, even if their isn't... " I said, growling at the fact that people will try to find faults in what's mine.

"When descending the stairs, allow the male to escort you down the stairs. Please refrain from killing the she wolves who flirt with me" I said and she huffed.

"You mean I should allow them to flirt with someone whom in in human world is married to? " She asked

"No! You can object but please refrain from killing them" I said and she nodded her head but I could still see her frowning.

I did what I thought was best at that time, I kissed her cheeks.

"Hey, just remember I'm yours and your mine, no one can change that fact" I said and she smiled.

"You kissed my cheek" She said

"Yeah... It was in the heat of the moment.... I'm sorry if you did not find that appropriate" I said and she smiled while shaking her head.

"I liked it" She said as she stood on her tip toes and kissed my left cheek.

"Mate kissed me" Said Atlas as he purred

"Technically she kissed me" I said

"But I'm part of you, so she kissed me as well. End of discussion" He said

"Alright, now that was the end of our etiquettes now I have to attend some Royal business, you will be in the care of David and Diana, alright? " I asked

"Okay, till what time will you be back at?" She asked

"At about 8pm" I said

"Okay" She said

I smiled as in kissed her forehead, and escorted her to David's room.

"Well well brother, looks like your finally letting me have one to one time with my sister in law" He said as he greeted us

"Where is Diana? " I asked

"She has gone to her parents house, her mom was missing her"he replied

" Alright, then you better take good care of Emma, if she has even one scratch on her when I return, I'll kill you"I growled

"Brother, relax, she is the queen and most importantly my sister in law, I won't let her get harmed. " He said , raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Ethan, you can't kill your brother, if I get scratched. I can literally get scratched form almost anything, a loose nail, a table top or my own nails. You can't threaten him like that. Apologize, now" She said sternly

"No" I huffed like a child

"Ethan.. "


"Apologise.. Or your sleeping in a dog bed tonight"

"Emma there is no need for him to apply" Said my brother with his eyes wide like an owl

"Yes there is, he can't threaten his own flesh and blood like this " She said while glaring at me.

I huffed and then glared at David

"Sorry" I grumbled

"Are you apologizing or trying to force him to shit his pants? Say it nicely" Asked Emma

"Sorry" I murmured while looking at Emma

"It's not me who your apologizing to, Ethan" She said.

I poured and turned to David

"I'm sorry my dear brother, I should not have threatened you" I said

"I should have killed you". I thought

" It's alright, Ethan, your forgiven.... Not that there was anything to forgive you for"he said

"Now hug" Said whispered and I hugged her

"Not me, I meant to say now you and David should hug" She said giggling

"Don't test my patience, love. Hugging him would make Atlas a killing machine

" Stop using Atlas as an excuse for not hugging your brother. Atlas is so cute and fluffy. He is just a baby, he is not a killing machine "she said as she pushed me towards David, due to which in stumbled into his arms.

He hugged me while I debated on what to do. After a few seconds he let me go.

" Now go and attend to your duties dear brother... Me and Emma have some fun to attend to"he said and I nodded

"If you need me, for absolutely anything, then just mind link me" I said

"I can mind link you? "

"Yes baby, you can. Just focus in your brain, that your trying to send me a message and I will receive it... Like this"

"I love you mio amore... Stay safe" I mind linked her

"Holy cow , you were in my brain" She linked me back

"You're in my head as well baby, you just linked me" I replied and saw her smile

"I learnt how to mind link, yippie"she squealed and I smiled while hugging her

" You're so smart, love"I whispered as she hugged me back.

"Enough of these lovey dovey moments, I want some quality time with my sister" Said David as he pulled Emma out of my grasp and I growled.

Emma glared at me and I pouted.

In gave her one big kiss on the forehead and left for my meeting