
Alpha Kane : The story begins

A supernatural love story between a powerful alpha king and a human determined woman. When a magic portal sucks Emma park and drops her in the wolf realm... What twists and turns come up in her life as she struggles to keep up with her mate.. Does her mate accept her? Does he reject her because she is human? What turns does her life take when she realises there is no way back? Keep reading to find out (I know the description sucks, but trust me, the story is fun) book 1 of the mystic series. This book is just the beginning of the supernstural series. stay tuned

aarushi_jain_5418 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Care is the other form of love

Ethan Kane

After a stressful day, in the meeting, attending to all my Royal duties, I reach back at my castle, where my love awaits me.

Walking up the stairs, skipping two at a time, I reach David's room and badge in, only to find my brother and mate missing.

"Where is mate? Has she been kidnapped. David failed his job, kill him, find mate first. " Growled Atlas

"Hold it, use your wolf nose and sniff her and see if she is somewhere else on this floor" I said, scolding him

"Yeah, I sniffed her, she is in the kitchen with David, something is wrong with her, she smells.... Sugary" He said

"I think she is high on sugar Atlas, prepare to handle a tsunami" I said

I sprinted towards the kitchen and found my mate stuffing ber mouth with some ice cream. Yup. She is high on sugar, how much has she had exactly?

"Ethan, she ate 3 boxes, this is her fourth box, I knew I was forgetting something, I think I forgot that humans can't have too much sugar like us wolves, else, they get high. Please save me. She was dancing in the table and she was making me do so as well. I swear if the Royal guards would have seen me dance with her in the table, a a candle would have happened" Said David through the link as he looked at Emma fearfully.

"Mate, ours, not his, take mate from here and leave. Brother or not, he is a man. " Growled Atlas

"Hello love, missed me" I asked as I wiped her mouth with the napkin

"Kind off, but now I'm sleepy" She whinned, as she rubbed her eyes with her hands, she looked so adorable

"Kiss her" Screamed Atlas

"I'm not taking advantage of her sugary state" I said.

"Well you did just eat 3 boxes of ice cream" I said and she just listed before speaking

"I tried to take the box back but she used her queen command on me and ate 3 boxes, now she is high on sugar" Said David

I glared at him and then looked at my mate as she was mid jump

"Catch mate, don't drop her, she is fragile." Said Atlas

"In know you dumb wolf, let me concentrate" I growled back at her.

Thank god for my reflexes, as I caught her in my arms, thankful she was unharmed.

"Baby, give the man a warning next time, I don't want you to hurt yourself, if you want me to carry you, just tell me alright, don't dive into my arms like that" I said and she nodded, leaning her head on my shoulder and yawning

"Mate sleepy, take her to our room and let her sleep, no funny business" Growled Atlas.

I doubt this is the same wolf who went in a blood lust a few years ago. He has gone all soft.

"Thank you David for taking care of her" I said

"Your welcome brother, I mean she is mu sister, I liked spending time with her" He said and I nodded.

She kept swing my legs back and fourth as I carried her to our room.

"Mate distracted, she is sleepy but also relaxed in our arms" Said Atlas

"Yup, but her kicks hurt" I said as her swinging legs kept hitting my side

"Bear it, give mate a smile like a good lover boy" Said Atlas.

She looked up at me and saw I smiled at her softly

"You're so cute when your high on sugar" I said and she giggled.

"I love that sound" Signed Atlas

I was going to reply when I felt something yucky spread across my shirt.

"Mate puked on us, she is sick.... Do something! " Growled Ethan when I just looked at her shock

"Hell, Emma, ewww, ugh, are you okay" I asked trying to block my nose from the awful smell. You think pule smells bad, think how bad it smells when you have heightened senses.

She shook her head

"Mate dying , needs medical attention, doctor... Call doctor" Screamed Atlas.

"Hold on, she isn't dying, she just puked because of the sugar, she is not dying, stop thinking like that you dumb wolf and also we can't go to the doctor covered in puke"I said

"My tummy hurts and now I feel bad for puking on you" She said as I placed her on the slab of the bathroom.

"Aww, baby, don't worry about that. Let's clean up and then do something about your tummy? " I said and she nodded weakly as she clutched her tummy.

I filled the tub with warm water, fit for human skin and then took of my clothes and wrapped a white towel around my waist to hide my modesty. I am not making her uncomfortable with flashing her my jewels, I saw how uncomfortable she was with nudity when I shifted un front of her.

I turned around to ask her to get in the bath, I was going to go out and give her privacy but my eyes widened in surprise, my mate was in all her glory in front of me, completely bare

"Baby? " I asked shocked and then shook my head, clearing my thoughts

Not the time to think of ways to make love to her, she needs rest and I need a cold shower. My boner is not happy but it is for the best.

"Darling, how about take the tub while I shower in the shower corner over there." I said and she nodded

She climbed into the tub and relaxed as I walked into the shower area, closing the glass gate. The glass barrier steamed up and all I saw was the outline of her body.

I walked out an hour later, only to find my mate sleeping peacefully in the tub

"Stop staring at her, it's cold, she will get hypothermia, get her out the tub, dry her, get her warm" Screamed Atlas.

That snapped me out of my thoughts, I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it as I picked her up, I dried her carefully and then made her wear my black hoodie and jogger pants, the warmest pair I had.

I then laid her gently on the bed, tucking her in with a double blanket and duvet. She was down with a fever. Shit! How could I be so stupid and let her fall asleep in the tub, I should have kept talking to her and making sure she was awake. I should have came out earlier and check in her. Now she has a fever because of my carelessness.

"Ethan.. " She murmured in her sleepy voice.

"Ssh, baby, sleep" I whispered as I kissed her forehead and sne nodded, closing her eyes.

I quickly made sure the room was good and called lur human medic and asked as what I should do to reduce the fever, she told me to let her rest it out and if it increases then I should put a cold cloth on her forehead.

"I love you, Emma, so much, that it hurts now" I whispered as I laid next to her, cuddling her.

Who knew the big scary alpha king would cuddle his girl while sleeping.

During the night, at around 2 am I woke up to Emma shivering, I touched her forehead and realised the fever was high, I jumped out of bed and brought the cold cloth and wrapped it in her forehead, I called our human doctor, ordering her to get her ass upstairs within the next three minutes and check my mate.

"Baby, hang on, doctor is on the way, she will give you something to help" I whispered as I kept changing the cloth.

"Sire, give her these medicines and keep money her health and also make sure she rests, I think she over excerpted herself today as well" She said and I nodded

The doctor left and I shook Emma slightly to wake her up

"Mhmm, sleep, please, let me" She murmured.

"I am sorry baby, just take these pills and then sleep" I said and she nodded .

I helped her sit straight and allowed her to lean on me as I fed her the pills and made her drink some water to wash them down. I laid her down again and then watched her fall asleep. She cuddled with me as we both allowed sleep to over power us.

In had already mind linked Zander to tell him to post phone my meeting for tomorrow, my mate needs me more, the kingdom can survive for a day or two without me.

"We need to research more about humans. If something like this happens in future or if our mate needs us to be there like humans then we need to have the knowledge, right now we are illiterate. " Said Atlas.

"Yeah, I'll tell Zander to buy us some books and also send some spies in the human realm, to get more accustomed to humans, we may have humans living with us but we are still learning how to provide for them... " I replied

"Yes, if it weren't for me, what would you do? " Said Atlas

"I would have no headaches, for starters" I said

"It's official, I like Emma more than you, she calls me cute and actually loves me and doesn't think I'm a pain in the ass" said Atlas.

"That's not what I meant Atlas, you know that, I love you, you're my wolf, my other half, please stop fighting with me" I groaned as I mentally face palmed myself.

"I know, I was just joking, I love you Ethan"

"Love you to Atlas, now let me sleep" I said as I shut of our link.

God this wolf will drive me crazy, if I end up in the mental asylum, blame my wolf.