
Morning Routine 

I had almost forgotten to text Honey and Ezra last night, but I didn't. Three of us ended up talking until midnight.

I couldn't fall asleep, someone must be thinking about me. 'As it goes if you can't fall asleep, someone is probably thinking or dreaming about you.' I shrugged and closed my eyes. 'Whoever was thinking/ dreaming of me isn't gonna stop me from sleeping.'

Waking up a few hours later I got up to get ready for school. I race to my sibling's room to wake them up and get them ready for school. Estella was already up and heading to the bathroom, so I just to deal with the toddler, Ida. I go into my younger sisters' shared room and see my four-year baby sister trying to climb out of her crib.

"Ida! No! Why do you do this every morning?" I asked her holding her on my waist. Ida just looked at me and giggled, "Alright you need a bath. Let's go take a bath, Ida." Estella comes in and I rush out to the bathroom. I put a little water for a bath and start washing Ida.

Her wet curly black covered her face and she started getting fussy, "Ida, calm down. Here look, ducky. You like playing with ducky right?" I said brushing the hair that was covering her nut-brown eyes as she played with the rubber duck.

"Asteria go get ready for school. I'll take care of Ida." Estella said coming into the bathroom and rolling up the sleeves of her purple off-the-shoulder sweater with a Lord Death symbol on the shoulder.

"Thanks, she just needs to get dressed now." I picked up Ida and placed her in a warm fuzzy towel, "Here."

As soon as Estella left I stripped and hopped into the shower, washing, brushing, and combing my long wavy black hair. I reach out for my toothbrush and almost slipped, but I stabilized myself and got it. I hopped out grabbing my towel and sprinting to my room. I put on a large sweater dress with black sheer tights and black combat boots.

"Alright time to head out! Estella go grab you and Ida's lunch box from the fridge. I'll buy you breakfast on the way to school today!"

"Yes, Asteria!" Estella hollered back from downstairs. I put on my bag and run downstairs. I did a mental list check, then I looked over my sisters.

Estella had on her sweater with a red and black plaid short skirt paired with black leggings and combat boots that looked like mine. Ida had her black hair in an afro with a sunflower headband, yellow sleeveless baby romper, and pale yellow sandals. Estella had everything in her hand plus Ida.

"Give me the bags. You did a good job kid." Bumping hips with Estella as I grabbed the bags and opening the door.

"Alright, so mom's out of town. I have a club to go to after school, but Mrs.Copperfield will pick you and Ida up from school and drop you back home. You know the rules, don't open the door for strangers, and call the police if something weird happens."

"Yea, I know, and stop treating me like a baby. I'm fourteen years old. I know how everything works. Wait here, we both don't have to enter the building." I watched as Estella walked hand in hand with Ida, it brought back memories of when I would drop her off at school. Time does fly by.

"Come on weirdo. Are you gonna stand there gawking or are we gonna walk to school?"

"Right. Right, sorry. Let's go grab some food first." We head to a convenience store in the middle of our schools, "Alright go grab drinks and I'll get the food."

I walk to the counter and see the different types of empanadas on the counter, "Morning sir."

"Morning. How do you do beautiful?" Ignoring that creepy question, I smiled and asked for ten empanadas and paid for the drinks Estella brought to the counter, "You two must be sisters, because you're both beautiful." The store owner said with a wink at both me and Estella. I was about to cuss him out when a pale hand slammed on the counter.

"You don't get paid to hit on underage girls. Fuck off you perverted old dirtbag." It was Powdered Doughnut. Estella and I grabbed our drinks and empanadas as we walked out in front of Powdered Doughnut after he practically stole some food flipping off the owner.

"Thank you, Dai, you didn't have to do that, I owe you two." I said holding up two fingers with my free hand.

"It was nothing. He's a total creep. I don't understand why the police don't throw his ass in jail. And why two?"

"Two because, ones for my sister and the other for me. "

"Whatever Tsubaki. I didn't do it so you could owe me anything. I'll see you around." Dai called out as he jogged ahead and walked with some other guys.

"My name isn't Tsubaki!" I called back to him, knowing full well that he didn't give two craps anyway.

"So Asteria, my lovely older sister, who was that?" Estella asked batting her eyelashes up at me.

"Some stupid asshole from school. Ignore him, come on, we need to get you to school. I'll race you." I challenged her.

"Oh, you think you can beat me? The undefeated race champion?..." Estella kept talking and spouting off words, but I couldn't hear it as I ran ahead, "YOU CHEATING ASSWIPE!!!"

She finally shut up and started running to catch up to me, "You always cheat!" She yelled accusingly.

"Maybe if you didn't talk so much you could beat me for once!" I called back, stopping at a corner making sure it was safe to cross I ran across.

"Asteria! I give up! I'm too fat!" Estella called from the corner. I stopped and waited for her with my arms crossed.

"Alright. White flag. I give up, let's walk to school." Estella said with sweat dripping down her face and her grasping at her chest.

"Maybe if you didn't wear a long-sleeved sweater in the warmer fall months," I said flicking her forehead.

"You have zero room to talk about long-sleeved sweaters. Whatever, I'll see you when you get home!" Estella called walking up the stairs of her part of the building. I waved her off and walked towards my part of the school.