
Club Fair

The school day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 9-3 is great and 3-5 is the time was for sports, clubs, and a time where students can get help from their teachers.

I stayed behind to look at the clubs being offered. I came at a great time, it was time to pick clubs and sports. Honey and I split up and agreed to meet up at the school's entrance.

I looked around and saw all types of clubs there was a lot that caught my attention but there was one that really caught my eye. It was a gardening club. The club leader was a guy and I walk over.

I'm surprised a lot of guys think gardening is girly so they don't do it, here this guy is leading a gardening club!

"Hi! This is the Gardening Club sign-up booth. We plan nature-themed events and plant flowers and grow fruits and vegetables for the school. Would you like to join?" He has dark brown-reddish wavy messy hair, chartreuse green eyes with a little mole under his left eye. He wore a white button-up shirt with two buttons undone with a green sweater and black pants. He reminds me of my friend Rosie from elementary school.

"That sounds lovely! I'll join you!" I said taking the pen from him, softly brushing my hand against his.

"Thank you! I can't wait to work with you Asteria... Asteria? Aren't you the girl that told off Dai earlier today?"

"I guess word travels fast around here, but sadly yes."

"Just be careful Dai doesn't like to be disrespected. Last person to disrespect him vanished into thin air. I'm sorry I shouldn't be scaring you, let me properly introduce myself. My name's Rodas Quinn." Sticking his hand out to shake. He even has the same last name as Rosie. Maybe they're related?

"Asteria Iris Graybell pleased to meet you, " taking his hand and shaking it. For a moment I felt a surge of electricity surge through me. It felt weird, but it felt good. I smiled and pulled my hand away waving Rodas goodbye as I looked for another club. I spotted an Occult Club and I head over there.

After speaking with the club leader I reach for the pen when a pale hand also reached for it. It belonged to Powered Doughnut.

Just my damn luck.

"You can go first Powdered Doughnut." Offering him the pen with a sickly sweet smile.

"Nah you grabbed it first. Go ahead Tsubaki." Ignoring the name I quickly signed my name and handed him the pen. I turned around but he stopped me.

"I would never expect to see someone like you joining a club like this one Tsubaki."

"That's because you don't know me and stop calling me Tsubaki. My name is Asteria."

"Whatever Tsubaki. I'll see you later!" Dai called out from the crowd of other high schoolers.

Goddess, he is annoying.

Shaking it off I look around to see if there were other clubs I would join. I found an astronomy club that would go out together during the nighttime and taking pictures or drawing of the stars that appeared in the sky we would be also talking about the myths and truths of each constellation.

I didn't want to get too swamped with clubs and schoolwork so three clubs were enough and I headed to the front of the school where Honey was standing with Ezra.

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, beautiful!"

"Hey, Asteria! What clubs did you pick if you choose any?"

"Oh, yea I choose three: Gardening, Occult, and Astronomy." I excitedly said.

"Occult? That's an interesting choice beautiful. But who am I to judge?" Ezra stated shrugging.

"Thank you. What did you guys choose?"

"I choose Photography and Astronomy for clubs and I'm joining the soccer team, how about you Ezra?"

"I choose Gardening and Art for clubs and sports I'm stuck between soccer and volleyball," Ezra spoke then turned to me, "You don't like sports or you just don't want to play?"

"Oh no I love sports especially soccer, tennis, and basketball, but I figured I would get used to my schedule and such, so I didnt want to get super swamped with my responsibilities."

"Understandable but the school work is super easy we don't any homework. Everything's done at school. So you have enough time to do things outside of school without getting stressed out."

I shrugged again, "If the girl's soccer team ever needs some extra help or a substitute. I'm down to play for them."

"You're so sweet, beautiful. I can send you the team's schedule when it's posted so you know when and where they'll be if they need you. The only problem is I don't have your number on my phone."

"Oh, yes. I was going to ask you both for your numbers before leaving school today. Here, put yalls numbers in and I'll text you later when I get home." Both guys nodded and took turns putting their numbers in.

"If you don't think it's weird or anything. Would you mind if we walked you home? We could talk on the way there and it would be much safer too. We wouldn't want our new friend to get hurt." Honey said, but his and Ezra's eyes seemed to darken at the words spoken. I ignored it thinking it was the lighting and nodded.

"Sure! I don't mind. The more time we spend together is fine with me. Come on!" I gleefully said after receiving my phone from Honey.

The three of us walked through the doors of the school and we talked. They asked me questions about my first day of school and how I liked it. They also asked some interesting questions like my favorite flower, my favorite smell, and some other interesting questions but I brushed it off as them trying to know me better. It's better than asking me what my favorite color was, or some other basic questions that just leads to an awkward silence.

These guys clearly knew how to keep someone engaged and focused. I was so focused on them when I realized that I passed my house by two houses going on three. "Guys we passed my house. We have to turn back. Sorry I got so caught in talking I hadn't noticed."

"It's fine beautiful. I know it happens to the best of us. Is it this one?"

"Yea. Thank you guys so much. You didn't have to be this nice to me, but you are, so Thank you for making my first day great and walking me home. I'll see you both tomorrow. I'll text you both when I'm done with chores. I promise. Bye!" I yelled as I entered my house watching Ezra and Honey waving as I entered my home.