

I walk into the school building to find everyone staring at me once again. Guess it's gonna be like this for the rest of the week.

I walked towards my locker and I put my lunchbox in the locker. I closed my locker door and I see a face.

"Oh, my Goddess. Rodas don't scare me like that! What's up?" I grasped my chest.

"I'm sorry. My locker is below yours. I was just waiting for you to finish." He explained holding his hands up.

"I'm so sorry. I was done anyhow, go ahead. Sorry." I said closing my locker and moving out of the way bumping into someone as I did so.

Goddess, what the hell is up with me bumping into people? Lucky for me it was Honey. He smiled brightly as he looked down at me.

"Morning Mini-Titaness!" He yelled excitedly pulling me into a hug. What is up with everyone giving me weird-ass nicknames? Except for Ezra, his nickname for me is a "normal nickname."

"Morning Honey. How's your morning so far?"

Honey shrugged, "I can't complain. My mom bought me honey crullers though!" Honey looked like a little kid as he held out his baggy filled with honey crullers.

"They're your favorite doughnuts right?" I asked, I don't know why, but I felt as I already knew the answer to that question. Honey rapidly nodded his head and I couldn't help but chuckle at the scene before me. Deciding it'll be good to head to class right about now I tugged on Honey's sleeve.

"Come on, let's head to class and eat breakfast. I'll see you later Rodas, I'm sorry about earlier," I called out as Honey led me to our first class.

Honey and I talked when we entered. He told me he ended up playing video games with Ezra after I hung up and went to sleep. I told him about this morning's event with the store owner and he clenched his fist and shook angrily.

"He's so irritating. He's hit on practically every girl in the school and groped a few girls. Police don't do shit here."

"Hey, hey. Calm down you're gonna pop a blood vessel that way. Everyone gets their Karma sooner or later. I know it." I said grabbing his hand and rubbing it comfortingly.

Honey nodded and seemed to calm down, "He'll definitely get it soon enough. Thanks, Asteria. So are you excited about your club today?" Honey asked changing the topic.

"Yes, I can't wait to start planning and growing things with the gardening club!" I excitedly stated.

"That's good, but the astrology club is gonna be better. I promise." Honey said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes as I ate my empanadas. Honey just gave me one of his bright smiles and ate his breakfast sandwich.

We continued to talk as class started. The teacher yelled at Honey a couple of times because we were still talking, I didn't get caught talking, but Honey always did and stared at me with disbelief.

"You little minx. How did you not getting caught??" I shrugged as the teacher turned to look at Honey and yell at him to be quiet, but the bell rang and she sighed letting us leave for our next class.

When we left the classroom I could not stop laughing at Honey's face. "Gotta pay attention to people's movements. I stopped talking when the teacher turned around hence why I didn't get yelled at." I stated giving him a wink.

Honey rolled his eyes at me as we walked to our next class of the day. Walking in the hallway I spot a large poster, it reads:

TᗩᒪEᑎT SᕼOᗯ ᗩT TᕼE Eᑎᗪ Oᖴ TᕼE ᗰOᑎTᕼ!

SIGᑎ ᑌᑭ TO ᗷE EᑎTEᖇEᗪ! GOOᗪ ᒪᑌᑕK EᐯEᖇYOᑎE!

There was a signup sheet attached to the poster and I walked forward. The page was empty and shrugged.

Might as well be the first!

I took my bag off and went searching for a pen or something to write with when a pale hand holds out a pen.

"Looked like you were struggling Tsubaki. Here." Dai waited for me to take it.

"Thanks, Dai," I whispered out, focusing more on the signup sheet than my surroundings.

On the right side of the signup sheet, it asked what talent you'll be showing off. I marked down singing, we'll see how it goes.

An arm wraps around my neck and tugged me forward, "Come on! We're gonna be late to class." It was Honey.

"But, what about Dai? I took his pen." I didn't want to take the only possible pen he had.

"He doesn't care about a stupid pen, he has like fifty more pens like that at his house. Now cmon!" Honey continued to drag me towards our next class.

"If you say so," I said as I stopped resisting against Honey.

Honey threw open the door to Hailey's classroom.

"Sup asswipes!" I see a few kids scattered throughout the room as we entered.

"Everyday Honey. Every. Single. Day. I don't understand." Hailey said through grit teeth.

"Cause life gets boring and I'm trying to brighten everyone's day." Honey replied with a bright smile.

"Whatever," Hailey said calming down. Hailey looked over to me and smiled gently, "You just transferred here and I already adore you Asteria. I loved your little poem in the back. It really made my afternoon grading papers yesterday."

I smiled sheepishly and played with a strand of my hair, "I didn't think you would find my poem, but thank you for your kind words."

Honey and I sat down at a table and he stared at me waiting for something.

"Yes?" I asked raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why are you doing for the talent show andddd what poem did you write yesterday?" He looked at me with puppy eyes.

"I'm going to write a song and sing it. I don't remember what I wrote 100%, but I could try and recite it." Honey just shook his head like a little kid, and I couldn't help but smile as I cleared my throat.

"Your body is made of the same elements that a lioness is built from.

Three-quarters of you are the same kind of water that beats rocks to rubble, wears stones away.

Your DNA translates into the same twenty amino acids that wolf genes code for.

When you look in the mirror and feel weak, remember, the air you breathe in fuels forest fires, capable of destroying everything they touch. On days you feel ugly, remember: Diamonds are only carbon. You are so much more."

I finished speaking and felt my skin burn up at Honey's words.

"That was beautiful and incredible. I'm glad a smart and beautiful girl like yourself came to this school. It's refreshing to see a girl who's actually smart for a change."

Many of the girls in the room turned and glared at Honey, but said nothing. I flicked his forehead.

"Just because I did something well doesn't mean you get to compare other people to me. It's mean and can cause someone to have further insecurities. " The girls in the room smiled gratefully in my direction as Honey rubbed his forehead nodding in understanding. "Now cmon Honey we got work to do."

He pouted but we got to work nonetheless.