

Arthur Fielder is an unfortunate existence to say the least. His mother died when he was born due to a pulmonary embolism. His only memory of his mother was her voice as she hummed a small lullaby that faded into constant and prolonged beep as her heart stopped. His sister committed suicide when he was five, because of depression brought on when her fiancé was killed in a mugging gone wrong. After that his father took to alcohol and became angrier and angrier as the days went by. But this didn't last long as his father died in a drunk driving incident when he was eight.

After these unfortunate events Arthur was quickly swept up into adoptive care, bouncing from foster family to foster family, from orphanage to orphanage. Rarely staying in the same place for longer than a year. As every orphanage or foster family her entered would come upon some form of misfortune. From the families suddenly being caught in large debts to members of the family dying one after the other.

This of course caused people to fear young Arthur as something of an omen of misfortune or death. Some even began to call him a 'shinigami' a 'death god', due to just how many deaths he has witnessed or been near. Arthur couldn't understand why everyone treated him so cold in his young age. You would expect that this would cause him to hate the ones who treated him poorly, yet as he grew older he began to understand, he began to fear himself, he began to hate himself not others.

He realized that people feared him not because of who he was, but because of what he symbolized 'Death'. When he realized this he stopped going to school and locked himself in his room at the orphanage rarely ever coming out except for food. Not that anyone cared.

Arthur realizing his own misfortune abandoned others and became reclusive, his only escape being the video games and manga's he would get with his rapidly decreasing inheritance, which only seemed to disappear faster and faster as the days went by. But amazingly one day his door opened not, No he didn't open it himself, it was opened by a young girl, she was short a full head shorter than the fifteen year old reclusive Arthur.

"Hmm? This isn't my room." She muttered not seeing Arthur huddle behind his computer staring at her with dead eyes. "Whoever lives here should open the window it's so stuffy in here" she said out loud pinching her nose. "That's it, I'm cleaning this room. There is too much trash littered around. Why would the caretakers leave this room like this?" She asked no one in particular still not noticing Arthur who was now crouched in the corner rocking back and forth panicking at the sudden 'encounter'.

The girl first went to the windows and opened the blinds that had been closed so long they had accumulated a fine layer of dust on each of the slate. "Yeesh this place is a mess" she muttered as she turned around finally noticing the boy huddled in the corner rocking himself back and forth holding his head. "Go awaygoawaygoawaygoaway" Arthur muttered in panic.

"Ashe! Get out of that room this instant!" Shouted the head caretaker of the orphanage. "But ma'am what about the boy." She asked. "Ignore that monster, if you get near him you WILL die. That beast is nothing but a bad omen. Now come here right this instant!" The caretaker screamed as she grabbed Ashes wrist and dragged her out of the room but not before turning around and seeing the boy now sobbing in the corner of the room. This was the first time these two would meet.

Days later a knock was heard on Arthurs door, which he promptly ignored. But the knocking wouldn't stop. Turning the music on his computer higher to try to drown out the sounds only resulted in the knocking getting harder until finally he gave in and opened his door in rage screaming "What do you want! Don't you know what happens to anyone around me!?" He screamed only to see the girl from a few days prior with a wide smile on her face.

"I don't care~" she sang in a singsong voice which confused Arthur. "They told me about you. They called you a monster, a death god just because you have been in the wrong place at the wrong time." She said as Arthur kept staring at her in utter confusion but was quickly overcome by anger as he screamed "What would you know!"

"A lot actually…" she muttered as her eyes began to water "I watched my family get killed." A sad smile appeared on her face as tears fell from her eyes at the memory. "I remember their scream as I was forced to watch, god the smell, the room smelt of sulphur and burnt flesh." She continued as she hugged herself.

"I… I'm sorry that happened to you, but leave and never come back. It's safer for you that way" Arthur said as he tried to close his door but was stopped when the girl propped the door open with her foot. "Please, just leave. I don't want to kill you too" Arthur pleaded the girl who only replied with "Nope~" popping the P.

"Just go" Arthur said opening his door again but is knocked onto the floor as the girl quickly enters his room "What are you doing!?" he shouted. "Letting myself in?" she asked tilting her head. "Why. Why are you doing this!? Why do you care!?" Arthur said eyes becoming moist.

"Because. It's not your fault" Ashe muttered a light smile as she tilted her head in an affectionate caring manner, Shocking Arthur who started to cry. Ashe wrapped her arms around Arthur comforting him. "Thank you…" Arthur muttered sobbing into Ashes chest.

This would become one of Arthurs most treasured memories. The memories of the day he first began to feel something other than hatred to himself.


The following three years seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Ashe would come by every day after and just sit and chat with Arthur. She would join him when playing games or just read some of the manga he had collected over his years of solitude. These moment quickly became precious to Arthur, as he soon began to realize he felt something more than just a common friendship with the beautiful, caring girl. He began to feel something he had forgotten 'Love'.

But as all good things must come to an end, Ashe one day during her regular visits began coughing heavily as blood poured from her mouth as she collapsed on the floor.

"Ashe!" Arthur screamed as he ran to her side seeing the blood covering her favourite book. "No nonononono! Ashe! Come on! Don't do this to me!" He screamed as he picked up Ashes feverish body and walked towards the caretakers room.

"Please! Help! It's Ashe!" He screamed getting one of the caretakers attention as she saw Ashes sweating body with blood trailing from her mouth. "Come put her down here. Annie call an ambulance!" The woman screamed as the head caretaker came out seeing Ashe in her state with Arthur clutching to her hand. "Get away from her you monster! You did this!" She screamed.

"Shut UP!" Screamed Arthur which caused the caretakers and children to flinch at just how loud he was when he was angry. "I will stay here! I am not abandoning her! She… she doesn't deserve that." He muttered clutching her hand.

Minutes later a siren could be heard approaching the orphanage as three people ran into the Orphanage asking where the injured person was.


"I'm sorry to say, but she won't survive the night" the doctor said. "It's a miracle she even lasted this long, she must have had an amazing will power to just power through something like this." The doctor continued as Arthur could feel his world shatter. "No. Your lying, She can't be, she has to be okay, Please tell me your wrong! Please!" Arthur begged as the doctor gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry young man, but the test are correct we reran them numerous times just to be sure. I'm sorry but if you want to say your goodbyes it now or never" The doctor said as he moved out of Arthurs way revealing the door to Ashes hospital room.

Standing before her door Arthur hesitate to enter until he heard coughing on the other side which caused him to panic as he quickly opened the door scared that Ashe was already leaving him. "Took you long enough" Ashes said in a low weak voice. "I'm scared Ashe, I don't want to lose you" Arthur cried. "I know, but this is something I have had to deal with for a long time now"

"Why… Why didn't you say anything?" Arthur begged tears pouring from his eyes. "I didn't want you to blame yourself; you have been through so much. More than any child our age should go through. My sickness is but a pebble on the side of the road to what you have experienced" She said weakly raising her hand to cup Arthur cheek as he held his hand atop hers. She slowly brought her head closer to his as she kissed him on his lips causing him to freeze. "I love you…" She muttered as her hand fell from his cheek and the heartrate started to slow.

"Ashe, come on this isn't funny. Ashe come on, Please don't do this!" Arthur begged shaking her body "Good… Bye" she was capable of saying before the monitor flat lined.

"No, nonononono. I will not let this happen! Wake up Ashe, please!" Arthur screamed tears streaming down his face as his body began to glow a white light. That entered into Ashes body and dragged a dark liquid from her body and pulled it into his own.

"What just happened!" Screamed a doctor barging into Ashes room as he saw something unbelievable happen. Ashes monitor that had just seconds prior flat lined began to beep again as it grew faster and faster as Ashe gasped and quickly woke up in panic, only for her eyes to meet with Arthurs as he lightly smiled and said "Looks like I'm not only misfortune" he said leaning in to kiss her lips, and stayed there for a few second before parting.

"Arthur?" Ashe asked tears falling from her eyes that quickly turned to panic as she noticed something off about Arthur. Feeling his hands on her own she also felt they were getting lighter and lighter as she turned to look at his hands that were glowing light glow and were slowly disappearing in a cascade of small white particles. "Arthur! Your hands!" She screamed getting Arthurs attention as he also looked at his hands.

"I see… so this is the price of miracles…" He muttered "Ashe can you do something for me? Please never forget about me." He asked as a small smile emerged on his face

"Don't you dare! You don't get to cause a miracle and just disappear on me like this!" She screamed pleading him not to go.

"I love you Ashe." He said as he leaned in for one final kiss and finally disappeared as their lips connected one last time, leaving an empty space where he once stood.