
The Akashic Records

Gasping awake Arthur began to inspect his surroundings. It wasn't his bedroom nor was it the hospital room he had just been in where Ashe was dying. He had awoken in what looked to be a giant Library that stretched far into the distance. Farther than he could see. The shelves were all filled to the brim with books and stacked higher than he could see.

"Where am I?" He asked himself grabbing his head with one hand "Ashe! Where's Ashe!" he screamed realising he had just been with the girl who had almost died in front of him.

"I can assure you your Ashe is alive and well, for that matter" Said a calm and gentle voice of a woman behind him.

"Who!" Arthur said in surprise as he turned around to see a beautiful middle aged woman with white hair that cascaded down her shoulder into small white particles. She wore an elegant dress that hung down to her feet and dragged on the ground behind her, her eyes shone a bright elegant blue. "who, who are you?" Arthur asked nervously taking a step back worried that his misfortune would affect her.

"You don't need to worry about that, a little bit of misfortune is not something that could kill me" She said with a smile on her face surprising Arthur as he thought 'Did she just…' "Read your mind? Yes, yes I did" she answered nonchalantly.

"What? How?" Arthur asked not quite believing her. "Arthur, do you know where you are?" she asked him getting a confused stare from him "You, Arthur. Are dead." She said causing Arthur to start coughing "Well, not really dead, more like you have been expelled from your world and brought here by me" She said.

"What do you mean, I'm dead yet I'm not? Am I a zombie then?" Arthur asked.

"What? Oh nonono. You are still a human, well not entirely but you are most defiantly alive. But let me introduce myself" She said making a light curtsy as she lifted her dress slightly to bow. "I am Delphine, the Keeper of the Akashic Records"

"Akashic Records? As in the book that hold all the information in the world?" Arthur asked her.

"A little more complicated, but for now, yes that is correct." She admitted.

"And you are the keeper of all the knowledge in the world?" to which she nodded.

"Doesn't that make you god?" She responded by saying "Yes, I suppose you can say that. But I am a higher order of god, probably one of the highest of not the highest. As I deal with collecting the records of all the different worlds and universes that come into existence at any given time."

"And what are these records?" Arthur asked.

"Records are just that the records of stories of different worlds. Every single world that exists is here in some form. Every manga you have read is recorded here every game you have played has its own section in this library" She explained.

"So this is a library that collects stories? So it's a normal library then?" To which Delphine responded with a hearty laugh.

"Oh no, this library is anything but for normal stories. Every single book here is another world that exists at this moment in time. This library is outside the boundaries of common space and time, it sits between dimension yet connects to them all. This place is where every single world is recorded and catalogued." Arthur couldn't believe what she had just said he stared at Delphine dumbly trying to process what she just said.

"Wait, So does that mean that say the world of Fairy Tail or One Piece actually exist?" Arthur asked still dumbfounded at the revelation.

"Yes that is correct, both those worlds exist, and maybe you will get to go to them." She said with a wide smile as she winked at him.

Realizing what she just said Arthur once again froze and asked "Did you say I could go to those worlds?"

"That is another reason I brought you here. I want to offer you something, I want to offer you a chance to live a new life, as my child." Delphine said with a kind motherly smile.

"You want to offer me a new life? As your child?" Arthur asked dumbfounded

"Yes, I won't lie this library is a lonely place, This place is locked in a boundry between world, it exists everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. And only very few are able to come here, and even those few dare not venture into the boundrys for fear of becoming lost to the worlds a forgotten by all." Delphine said as she starred lonesomely at the library surrounding her. "So what do you say, would you want to become my child?"

It took a few seconds "I accept" Arthur said getting a wide smile from Delphine as she hugged Arthur saying "I've always wanted a son" Arthur soon reciprocated her hug with his own. But this was interrupted when Arthur said "So, how does this second life thing work?" getting a small chuckle from Delphine in response as she loosened her hug on Arthur and sat back in her chair.

"First let me give you this." She said as a large white and black book appeared in her hands. It was covered with ornate markings that shined a golden light, The book was also wrapped in Silver chains. "This, is an Akashic Tome, this book will be your link to the record as well as me" She said as she handed it to Arthur who held his hand out and looked at the ornate carvings on the books cover, after a few short moments the chains surrounding the book began to loosen and fell to the ground before disappearing into particles of light once they touched the ground not making any sound.

The tome then began to float in front of him as the golden pages began to flip open until an extremely detailed illustration of Arthur appeared on the first page as the Tome then flipped to the next page and writing appeared before it shut closed and fell into his hands. Arthur not quite believing what happened just stared at the book dumbly. As he began to finally open it to the page the writing had appeared on he saw his name and information about himself


Name: Arthur Fielder

Titles: ???, Child of the record, ???

Race: Human/???

Current world: Library of the Akashic Record

Age: 18 (Chronological) 16 (Biological)

Hair: White, Black tips

Eyes: White

Height: 6,O

Weight: 90



Saviour of the Damned

Vita (G)

Mortem (G)


Akashic Traveller (G)

Blessing of Death (C)

Blessing of Life (G)

{Skills and abilities explained in a seperate Auxiliary chapter}


"Is this me. Wait. Why does it say my hair is white along with my eyes? And what's with my age?" Arthur asked. "Both are a side effect of what you did to heal your beloved, when you used that ability it altered the fabric of your being to make it more receptive to its power. Anyways, you can inspect your new skills later for now, let's continue" Delphine said as she brought up the next topic.

"Next we should decide the world you wish to visit first. There are two ways to do this, the first is I can allow you to decide one on your own, OR, you can do the interesting thing and bull this lever and get tossed somewhere random." Delphine said hinting at him to take the second option, though he wasn't sure if it was because she wanted him to go somewhere safe or just because it was interesting.

But Arthur decided to let fate take the straw as he honestly had no idea where he would want to go to first. He pulled the lever and from on of the book shelves flew a large white book with an ornately designed rose on the front of it, on its spine was its title 'Remnant 2-01b'. 'That rose, where have I seen it before. And 'Remnant' also sounds familiar?' Arthur thought to himself.

"Ohh, that's a fun one you should enjoy that one. Now let's get onto the final matter before I send you off" Delphine

"Wait I have a question. Do I have to do anything in these worlds?" Arthur asked

"No, not particularly. You can just live there as long as you want before going to another Record. As I said, this is your second life. Enjoy it" To which Arthur nodded with a smile on his face.

"Now, onto my final gift." She said as the lever once again appeared in front of her. "Pull the lever again and you will get a gift from one of the other records that you can take into the record with you." Walking up to the lever Arthur grasped it an pulled it once again as another book came flying towards him. This time it was a black and white book hovered in front of him with the logo of the Black Order from D.Gray-man on it.

The book then opened and began flipping through its pages on its own until it stopped on a page as a green glowing orb with two white gears spinning within it started to emerge from the page. The orb the flew towards Arthurs right hand and embedded itself into the back of his hand. From where the orb entered his hand a dark red rash expanded until it covered up to his entire shoulder. The skin had turned red and rough while his fingernails turned pitch black as on the back of his hand laid 4 small emerald green gems in the shape of a cross. Staring agape at his hand Arthur couldn't believe what it was. Allen Walkers innocence 'Cross' as it was called.

"Now that we have gotten that out of the way. Arthur, do you have any more questions or do you want to start your next life" Delphine asked

Arthur thought about it for a few second before shaking his head and saying "No, I believe that is all Delphine. I would like to head off." To which she replied with a motherly smile as she said "Live a new life Arthur, One without pain." She said as she opened the book with the ornate rose on its cover. "Don't let that curse control you. You are a child of the Records, you control it. Goodbye for now Arthur, we shall meet again" She said as the book in her hands began to glow and Arthur saw his body turning into thin wispy white tendrils that were sucked into it, as he soon quickly disappeared from the library leaving Delphine alone once again.

"I shall be watching my child"