
The boss

Jack reach the 10th floor he looked around there wasn't anybody around him. Also the room looked different. "Where is this." Jack said.

As he started to wander around it looked like he was in a jungle. There wasn't people, monster, or anything. Not even a sound. Jack got worried he started to run. He then found himself in an open area.

The mysterious voice said," congratulations you have finally got to the boss floor. In this floor you would have to survive for 2 hours. Every 30 minutes 100 monsters will come at you. After an hour a boss monster will appear. Even if you don't kill the monsters the next wave would still start. This floor will begin in 10 minutes. Good luck."

Jack looked around at his surroundings. He was looking for a good place to be when the monster come. Then the mysterious voice come on and said." Also you can't leave the area."

Jack then stopped looking at his surroundings and started to prepare for what's about to come. He sat down. His aura come out. Then it got bigger and bigger then with his gravity aura he made a tower he can stay in.

It wasn't that tall. It was about three stories tall. It was open at the top. Then ten minutes came by and a loud beep came then it stopped. Jack was waiting but he couldn't see anything.

A couple seconds later he heard loud sounds coming towards him. Then he saw the monsters they were big. They were different then the ones he had been fighting.

They started to charge at his tower. Jack then used his gravity Aura to crush them. Jack said,"crush." But the monsters didn't die. When they were about to get up he used his wind to kill them. "Wind blade." Jack said.

The monsters fell and its head fell off. Jack continued to kill them. 10 minutes later he killed them all. He then sat down and started to absorb the aura around him to get back what he lost.

50 minutes later he started to feel tired but he couldn't give up. Then Jack heard a loud boom. It was incoming fast. It was the almost the same height as the tower.

The big beast charged at the tower. Jack jumped off and the monster destroyed the tower. Jack landed on its back and used gravity aura. It seemed useless.

Jack tried to use wind aura but it also didn't work. Jack was worried and didn't know what to do. Jack was thinks and realized the monster can attack him when he is on him. Jack sat down and started to gather aura for thirty minutes.

After he had awoken he found himself with his light aura. Then he heard a loud beep sound and it was the start of the next wave. Jack sitting on top of the beast was thinking of what to do.

He had a thought," if I can combine my light and wind aura it should enhance the wind against monsters." So he tried it and the wind blade felt a lot stronger. He jumped off the beast and yelled," wind blade."

It killed the beast in an instant. He then fought the smaller monster with his gravity aura.(Light enhances attacks because the monsters are already dead).

He then finished the other waves and finally arrived on the last one. "Its the final boss he said."

Jack was tired and wanted to end it quickly. As soon as he saw the beast he used wind to get to it quickly. He then used gravity aura to make it fall. Lastly he enhanced his wind aura and created a new move that was far stronger then previously." One slice." Jack said. He launched it at monster and cut it into two instantly.

"Im tired." Jack said. He left the tower and got sent back to the village as he previously was at.