
The village

When Jack got back he saw a bunch of people. They didn't recognize him so they were wary of him. They all looked at him suspiciously.

He started to walk around. He then saw Jessica and Alex."I'm happy to see that you are still alive. I was worried when I saw you laying on the floor." Jack said." I'm sorry I worried you but I don't remember what happened except for my brother sacrificing himself for me." Alex said." I'm sorry for you lose." Jack said. Alex says," it's fine but where did you come from I have never seen you before."

Jack is thinking," should I tell him he might have some information." Jack decided to tell him what happened. About him going in a cave then magically coming here. Then Jake ask," where is this place." Alex says," this place is called walxaria."

Then Jack looked at Alex and Jessica and asked them," how old are you." Alex says," I am 15 and she is the same. What about you. You look our age." Jack says," what do you mean." Alex says," you look to be about 15 or 16."

Jack is surprised and goes to a well that is close by. He looks down in it and his appearance looks to be when he was 15. It appers that the cave had made him younger. He looks around and sees a big building.

He then runs to Alex and Jessica and ask," what is that big building over there." Alex says," it is a school for people who uses aura." Jack said,"people here can use aura." Alex said," oh yeah you wouldn't know since you don't originate from this place." Alex explained the aura from this place and it sounds exactly the same as the aura from Jacks world.

Jack was thinking about his past. He was an orphan who didn't know much about the world. He never read books or anything like that so he didn't know what the world he was on was called. When Jack was about 10 he went to this camp for people. They would train the people their to do dirty work like assassination. But Jack ran away when he was about 15.

He lived in the woods until he was 17. No one knew him. When he entered the cave he was about 19.

Jack was connecting the dots and asked Alex ,"what year it is." Then Alex said ," 1477." Before Jack came here it was the year 1577. Then Jack put the pieces together.

Instead of traveling to a different planet or universe Jack travel back in time 100 years.

Jack then turned to Alex and Jessica and ask," how do I go to school." Alex says," by taking a test." Jack asked," do you know what the test would be about." Alex says ,"idk."

Jack then looked at the building then back at Alex,"im going to go to the school." They all say their goodbyes and Jack starts his journey to school.