
2nd -10th floors

After the voice went off the gates opened up and once again people started to come out. Then the gate closed behind them. The clock started to count down and people started to kill the monsters.

Jack stood there catching his breathe. He then sat down and started using his aura. His aura went all around him. Then it went into him then went to his heart. It was painful but he was also feeling more powerful at the same time.

This went on for another 20 minutes. He then woke up and tried to use his gravity aura." Crush." He said. Then the mosters that were in front of him feel to the ground. Jack went to examine their bodies and their insides were crushed.

He then realized he had gotten stronger then before he entered the cave. He looked at the clock and he saw he had 1 hour and thirty minutes left. He said," I need to hurry."

He launched himself foward with wind aura and then killed then monsters in front of him with gravity aura."Crush". He said as he was flying through the air. Finally he killed all 20 monsters that he needed.

There was 10 minutes left. As he looked around there was a lot more dead bodies on the ground then he saw Alex. He started to run towards Alex. But he was teleported to the next stage.

He thought to himself," Alex is dead. Now how do I get my information." Then he looked around and saw Jessica. Jessica looked at him then Jack said," I'm sorry but Alex is dead." She started crying.

She thought," Alex isn't weak he probably isn't dead." Then once again the mysterious voice came on and said," the 2nd floor has ended there is not 42 of you. Now there would be 1,680 monsters. Each of you will have to kill 40 monsters. There is 1 hour and thirty minutes on the clock"

Then the gates dropped. Once again everyone ran out and started to kill the monster. Jack noticed that Jessica stay behind and asked," why didn't you come out here," Jessica said I'm going to go out of the tower to see if Alex is dead."

Jack then went to kill the 40 monsters. 1 hour and thirty minutes later about 25 people moved on and Jessica left the tower.(Jessica's POV)

"I'm finally back. Let's go find Alex." She said. Jessica then went to search for him. She went to his house and he wasn't there. She then went to her hous he wasn't there. She was starting to get worried.

Then she remembered their place in a cave. She started on her way to the cave. She followed the trails. Went past the rivers. And finally she was there." That is always a long walk." She thought.

She entered the cave and saw Alex. But it looked like he had been crying. Jessica said," what happened." Alex said," my brother m-my brother he is dead." (Back to Jacks POV)

Jack is still on the fourth floor. He wondered," how do these monsters get here. And how we get to each floor.

Jack then looked at the monsters. He started running at them. Using his wind aura he ran faster and started killing the monster faster and faster. With each kill he started to feel like he was geeting strong.

A couple of days later he finally reached the 10th floor.