
After Divorce: The Mischievous CEO Wants Me Back

"I can wash the dishes if that's what you want?" He offered, his eyes filled with longings. She didn't know her billionaire ex-husband could stoop so low to wash the dishes just to win her back. Even with that, he looked so adorable wearing an apron making her to realize that he was indeed serious on his quest to win her over. ***** After been divorced by her hotshot CEO husband, Cecilia had finally found her stride in life. She was determined to prove herself, refusing to be the groveling ex. But just as she thought she had move on, an unexpected twist turned her world upsidedown. In a stunning turn of events, her ex-husband, the man who once treated her like a golddigger, suddenly realized her worth and embarked on a mission to win her back. Will Cecilia open her heart again and give love a second chance? Follow author's new IG account for aesthetics and character views author.moonlightimagines

MoonlightImagines · 都市
58 Chs

The Old Man's Anger

Cecilia's presence was noticed as Miguel took a glance at her and told her to sit opposite him while he kept his personal computer on the table between them.

Her hands trembled as she clutched onto her cloth waiting for him to speak.

"Why are you so anxious?" He asked noticing her trembling hands and how she kept biting her lower lips.

"It's nothing." She lowered her gaze on her hands, avoiding his gaze.

"Okay then. I called you here to discuss something very important with you." He said crossing his slender long legs, as he placed his hand on the head of the couch, staring at the latter in front of him. "Look at me, Ceci."

Slowly, Cecilia raised her head, and their gazes locked.

"I'm all ears." She said.

Indeed, the latter had her ears wide open to listen to what he had to say even though he was eventually going to tell her that her stay in his house was over as he couldn't bear such heartache.

This thought alone made her tremble but she was eager to listen to it. Where would she go if he eventually chased her out of his house? This was all her ex-boyfriend's fault.

"What's going through your mind, Ceci? You seemed troubled." He asked, his voice hushed.

"Nothing at all." Cecilia waved her hand disapprovingly to her.

"Alright." He clasped his hand. "I want us to get married."


At Petite Château Blanc; the house of the Gonzalez. The family was having lunch at the grand dining room.

The room was hushed and the air was filled with the clattering of cutleries as none of them dared to speak while having lunch with the old man.

Suddenly, he smashed his fist against the table furiously. The other's eyes followed in unison as they gazed at the old man and turned their gaze back to their food.

"Marco, have you heard from Miguel? That brat keeps getting on my nerves." Old Man Gonzalez yelled.

"Dad, please call down. I spoke to him but he didn't give me any reply that he'd be back anytime." Marco said, his voice calm.

"Miguel can't stay single all his life. My mates are showcasing their grandchildren on every occasion and I have none to showcase." The man kissed his teeth, clicking his fingers on the table.

"Father, I'm certain Brother Miguel has some important things to do that's why he didn't come home immediately after he arrived." The little miss of the family spoke but her mother was quick to shun her.

Marco glanced at the little miss over his food as he nodded in agreement. The little miss was Miguel's favorite even though they were step-siblings.

The old man exhaled out of frustration. "Someone put a call through Miguel. I'd like to have a word with him myself."

"Your health, sir." The Butler reminded, whispering into the old man's ear.

"I just want grandchildren. I don't know why Miguel is denying me of my right. A woman should have come in his place." Old man Gonzalez groaned, massaging his temple.

"You need to calm down. I didn't make any mistake of bringing Miguel to earth and you shouldn't force him to get married if it's not in his will."

Marco nodded in agreement to his mother's words as he placed a meatball in his mouth, gradually chewing it.

Their peaceful dinner was already disrupted by Miguel's issue. Marco wished his brother was here to handle it himself.

"He's only concerned about him having grandchildren, Julia." Camellia; the other side of the old man interjected, narrowing her gaze at the woman opposite her.

"Why don't you force Beatrice into getting married? Huh?" Julia retorted, gritting her teeth as she slammed her spoon on the plate.

"Beatrice isn't up to Miguel's age," Camellia said, with a wicked smile plastered on her face.

Marco rolled his eyes at her, he knew his stepmother was nothing but a troublemaker and she was trying to get on his mother's nerves on purpose.

Julia didn't know what to say anymore, she felt like using the pancake on her plate to slap the hell out of Camilla's face.

"No one can force Miguel into getting married unless he chooses to." Julia finally said, standing up about exiting the dining room when he heard her husband's stern voice.

"Don't you dare leave this place, Julia?" He yelled.

Camilla smirked, gracefully eating her meatballs as she watched the show in front of her and how the old man was going to retort.

"Gonzalez, you don't care about your son's feelings do you?" Julia said, her veins poking out on her neck. She was enraged at the whole thing. The old man just wanted grandchildren not putting his son's feelings into consideration and that alone made her furious.

The butler tried to remind the old man about his health and high blood pressure but the stubborn old man refused to listen as he wanted to give his first wife a piece of him.

"Julia you better watch it. I raised Miguel myself and I know what is good and bad for him. And he's too old to remain a bachelor. If he doesn't get a wife, I'll get him one. End of discussion." The man said, standing up to leave with the butler following him from behind.

Julia clenched her fist. "Marco, place a call to Miguel and tell him to come home before the weekend. This has to end." She ordered before leaving the dining room.

Camilla had a playful smile on her face as she took her little girl by her arms and headed for her room. She couldn't wait for Miguel's arrival, that'll be a show she wouldn't miss for anything.

Marco sighed as he was left alone in the dining room. He had to eat to his satisfaction before leaving, he couldn't be disturbed. He knew Miguel could handle the issue by himself as only he could talk to the old man and the old man would listen.

The family waited for Miguel's return but the latter was in his house trying to figure things out.