
A wizard in marvel

A Man dies of old age and reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter but it is an AU. a lot happens and the made a choice that changed everything. this is a HP X Marvel crossover, the MC knows the world of HP but not marvel the prologue will help you to understand. I own shit, the HP world and Marvel universe are owned by their respective people. i own only my MC nothing more nothing less. NO Harem or Romance until further notice

hassassein · 映画
9 Chs

Chapter 2 i hate old hags

Professor Charles POV

when he was going to respond the questions that I asked I noted that he smirked when he felt my proves and when I tryied to enter his mind again this time I felt how my mind became more and more chaotic.

"My name is the same as yours only in spanish and portuguese I think, My name is Carlos Santa Maria Acosta y Trinidad you can call me Carlos, Charles, Karl or whatever and for my last name Trinity would do so Charles Trinity or Karl Trinity or if you would Carlos Trinidad whatever goes for you, also could we stop with the charade?" His name well I couldn't read his mind and also by the smirk in his disfigured face I can see that he knows about my atempts to enter his mind and failing, something that until today have never happened.

"As you say, are you a mutant?" I asked that only to recive a confused expresion as if he doesn't know what a mutant is and his answer make my assuption correct.

"what's that? Mutant? I know the word mutation and it can signify a numer of meanings, Living organism, virus, bacteria even fungy that can change that's all I now." His answer is a copy of a dictionary but I can feel he is confused about the word mutant in the meaning of people with special powers.

"Firts it seems I need to explain what a mutant is and also if posible if you can explain your condition", I began to explain what mutants are and also trying to see his reaction if there is fear or something but only saw indiference as if all the shocking truth for him was something trivial or something normal, yes thats the word normal as if there wasn't a difference between normal humans and us.

"Thanks for the explanation, first of all i'm not a mutant if that's what you are asking, my kind if you want to put it in a way biologicaly speaking is no diferent from normal humans, the difference is that I can use powers other than the mutations that you explained, how can I do that? I use magic and i'm a wizard" the youngster in front of me told me something that I can never imagined, I always tought that I was or we were unique but it seems that's not all.

"but first it seems we have a visitor and someone really powerful at that" I was awoke from my thoughts when the man started to talk again when I became aware of someone else in the room, How I didn't detected that someone was here? I'm not weak but I couldn't feel the intruder.

"well... I never expected that my presence was discovered so easily but whatever." from the left of the room a portal of light was being materialized and from there a bald woman with monk robes became present in the room. At first I tried to scream but with the move of her hand I felt a barrier of some kind that traped us here as if we were in other dimension.

"Don't worry much Charles this here is my domain and well we don't want interruption, also i'm not your enemy, you don't know much about the world but forget about that I haven't introduced my self I'm known as the Sorcerer Supreme, the guardian of this world and my job is protect it from threats they may be from outsiders or insiders, I felt the presence of this person here and decided to visit him when he was alone but it seems that he found me when you couldn't even feel my presence." It seems my surprice was in my face because what she told wasn't a lie it seems and also another shock I couldn't read her mind, it seems that I was a frog in a well and never expected that the world or as she say the universe was so big. For the first time in all my years of living the fact that we are not alone and that we aren't unique took a big weight from my shoulders.

The man seeing our interactions and his vestige told me that he wasn't shocked but it seems that it's not the complete true.

"Ok, i'm impressed and shocked but it seems my training kicked in again, Ma'am Sorcerer Supreme to what I own the pleasure to came to me?" he asked the woman after seeing and hearing what she said.

"I came to know who you are and from where, also save the crap that you tried to tell Charles I know that you aren't from this dimension, also if you kindly explain your purpuse" ok that are my questions but I never tought that he wasn't from this dimension.

"Uff... as I was saying this gentleman here my name is Carlos Santa Maria Acosta y Trinidad I came for another universe it seems, and how I came here? Well my master was missing after I told her about a mythical place in my own world, take in to acount that my world was the same as this Earth but because we magical people never interact with the No Mag or Muggles if you are from those incentuous suckers that are pure bloods... as I was saying my master and I were from the magical side of our world I was an orphan when at the age of 7 awakaned my first magical riot, after that a few people apeared In my orphanage an took me from there to the magical side living with other childrens that were also magical gifted. I studied in one of the different institutes of wizarding and magic that are around the globe, my institute was Ilvermorny in the United States I studied there from the age of 11 to my graduation at the age of 18, after that I decided to work in the ministry of magic there as an Auror... an Auror is someone akin to the CIA of the normal world, after working three years for them I left because I felt that kind of work it wasn't my cup of tea, I prefer Black coffe and sorry for the lame joke." he continued telling us his adventures in his own world from where he went to investigate magical places around the world to when he crossed sights with death in various ocassions to meeting his master and diffent things.

"After telling my master the location of Mictlan after she patch me if losing a leg and arm was patching, she left telling me to continue living in her house and to never look for her. I continued living there mastering the different kind of magic that she reserchead most of her life, after years I left and continued traveling around the world, I saw how the world was changing but when a bunch of idiots revelead our kind to the known world well shit hit the fan... so seeing that I I don't have a place to hide and because I kind of missed my master altougth she was a savage witch, so armed myself with all kinds of things and left for that place. Before you ask me no, I don't remember that place the only thing I have are fealings of absolute despair and fear, and maybe a few memories here and there after I found my master, after that everything went black and we all know what happened. Professor if you could give my things I really want to walk again so..." hearing his request and looking to the Sorceres Supreme noding her head I went to his bed, -yeah he was in the medical bed all along- and gave him his things. With visible relief after inspecting the stick... sorry wand and cheking the little bag and nodding that everythig was alright I saw more surprises coming to me.