
A wizard in marvel

A Man dies of old age and reincarnate in the world of Harry Potter but it is an AU. a lot happens and the made a choice that changed everything. this is a HP X Marvel crossover, the MC knows the world of HP but not marvel the prologue will help you to understand. I own shit, the HP world and Marvel universe are owned by their respective people. i own only my MC nothing more nothing less. NO Harem or Romance until further notice

hassassein · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 The baldies are baddies

I felt relieved when I touched my wand and after inspecting it and noticing that everything was ok, I put my hand in my bag and started looking for a few potions, after seeing that everything was ok inside the bag and all my posesions are in there I took four Potions, one for the recovery of my skin, the other for my bones, one for my hair (yes I know how to grow hair even if you lossed all your hair becoming bald) and the last to recover the internal injuries that still exist.

"Blegh... this think still taste like shit... but they can do the job" felling the changes in my body and trying not to curse for the intense pain of realingment and grow of my bones and muscles also the different burn marks in my skin I recovered in minutes but...

"What the hell?! Why I look young again? that shit doesn't happen even with anti age potions?" I was in confusion, you see anti age potion yes they make you look young but you still feel the years inside you, this time I don't feel that it seems as if I was again in my 20's, how? Don't know but if it happens to someone else they will react the same, ok let me check:

Body hair (check)

my friend down there (chek)

fitness (chek)

Six pak (chek I missed them)

Magical core (it seems that I reached the fourth magical maturity altough i'm in the start of that, accorgin to my master I need to reach the fourth magical maturity before one hundred or I will never advance, also it seems that reaching that state can expand my life span another one hundred years or maybe a little more)

Ok everything looks good, now the question is, this woman will left me live in the end? After all i'm not from this dimension and know shit of this place. If she determines that I'm a threat well I can say good bye to living.

"Ufff....Feww.... Ok ma'am whats the veredict? I'm free to go or I need to make my will?" I asked because I known that I can escape from her, hell even my master will be bitch slaped to death if she mess with the lady here. So better to coperate, I still want to live a few more centuries, altought making numbers i'm close to 300 years of age mentaly speaking.

"-smirk- you are ok to go but I will be watching you, as you say if shit happens can I count with you to protect this world? Also you can help here after all you are an acomplished wizard and potion master as you said a moment ago, so help the people here if you are ok with that Professor Charles." I waited for the answer of the professor

"you can stay but I may need you help with something personal, also you look well enough to go seeing how you are now well except the hair", well my body recovered again and i'm 1.84 in height well more like 183.5 or .4 cm, brown skin with blue eyes (the eyes became blue after studying for a lot of time the britgh side of magic, I was your run of the mill black hair, dark brown eyes and brown skin) my body mantained its youth so I was happy with my appereance altought i'm not handsome i'am not ugly, average looks? Yeah average and my bro was ok, the witches liked me or so they told me mmmm...

"Thanks Professor for your amability, altought i'm not a good person yeah I have reaped lives in my other world but it was for my job as an auror so we were autorized to kill if shave com to shove, ma'am if its posible could I speak another time with you? And thanks for making me remember my hair, let me see... water and a tiny very tiny drop of this... shake...shake it....shake it a bit more and tadah" I took the diluted potion put gloves becase the moment that the potion is in contac with skin the hair there like to grow like crazy, so being really carefull I started masaging my scalp and voila! My hair was growing again and oh my god the looks, the looks of the two baldies in front of me were full of desire for what I have in my hand.

It seems that they recovered after a few more seconds and seeing how they saw the potion that was moving from left to right, up and down in my hands and following them with their eyes I told them

"If its ok with you I like to offer this as symbol of peace between us, only a few warnings, use gloves you dont want to have hair in your hands, another thing this is a diluted potion but because the amount of water was small its still dangerous, so let me put more water and diluted it a bit more, so you can start seeing the results in a week, promise of an auror" after taking a vat from my bag and with a twik of my wand I created water and put a tiny drop in it, a few more tweeks here and there and with a mini tornado in the vat I put the diluted potion in two bottles and put it in their hands.

"Professor I don't know how can I help in here so could you please help me with someone giving me a tour and if possible talk to the students to see what are their problems?" I asked the proffesor because it seems they don't know how to control their minds, you see mind and body needs to be in a balance, for what I could tell there is a problem in the mind of the youngsters, according to the explanation that the professor gave me a few moments ago it seems that they have insecurities inside of them causing that their mutations were out of countrol in some and in others partial control.

"it will be my pleasure, also thanks Sorcerer Supreme for the help, let me call the other teachers in the school so if you could return us to our reality?" the professor asked the sorcerer supreme and with a move of her hand we returned to reality, she bid farewell and left me a way to contact her, altough I need to go to New York for that.

After that the professor left and I started walking again, I went to the shower room and started to put my self presentable. A two piece suit in beige color with a light blue shirt and brown pants together with a hat, all that in acrumantula and light Brown shoes and i'm done. Yeah I never liked robes and also in Ilvermorny or MACUSA never liked them.

After hearing a knock in the door I went to there and found a fabulous woman in there blue eyes, brown skin a little tall and also that white hair make her one if not the most beautiful woman that I have ever see. After a few moments of an ackward silence she told me to follow her.

"I'm sorry my lady but if you could honor me with your name it will be most apreaciated" thank god for all the clases that I took in the aurors about etiquete and calligraphy because I saw a little smile, she was tall 180 cm it seems and that body holy Merlin! And Mercedes! Yeah...

"My name es Ororo Monroe, you sir..." she answered me and I happily replied "Pardon my rudnes my lady My name is Carlos Santa Maria Acosta y Trinidad or if you prefer you can call me with the proper sinonym of my name in other languages like Karl Trinity my lady" yes! I saw that smile my lady it seems we are of the same age, after all I look like a 29 year old person. And she looks a little bit younger like 28 perhaps.

We continued walking and a few peeks there and here, but we reached our destination very quickly, ohh my luck. With a knock and a "enter" I found other 4 people inside the room, Dr. Mccoy together with lady Raven, a buffed man that looks like out from the jungle, Mr. Logan and Professor Charles together with Ms. Monroe and me.