
A ninja who is always hungry

Our protagonist meets a being named Rob after suffering the strangest truck accident in history and discovers that his abrupt death is the result of a bet, a rigged one. Rob promises him compensation for it and without much thought, he decides to grant him something else in line with his true wishes. I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear, except for the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts. I read constructive ideas and suggestions because this is the first time I have written in this way, unlike my other previous books. This time I do it to entertain myself and disconnect a bit and if someone has a problem, they can read something else.

Cadenadeaventuras · アニメ·コミックス
124 Chs

Chap.35 The fear of the one who heals

Orochimaru was feeling wary of the chimera ants, but he couldn't suppress a hint of fascination when he saw their body structure and the variety of features they displayed. His investigative instinct screamed at him that he might get interesting samples if he could just dissect some of them.

He would have tried to make them change sides, but seeing how the creatures had negotiated before acting, he considered that it was very possible that his contract was similar to the one he had with Manda, where he had to prepare some kind of payment for the services of the.

The strange thing is that despite knowing about the three wise places, he had no knowledge of these beings. He hadn't read anything about them either during his forays into thousands of scrolls.

A new chakra beast or a hidden clan?

No, it seemed too organized to be new. It is much more likely that it was the second case.

"Looks like we'll have to retreat, but I'd rather get some benefit." She shifted her gaze from him to Naruto. "A jinchuriki will be enough to make up for my lost time."

He stepped on the snake's head and it rushed with Kabuto towards the orange boy.

"Orochimaru, do you think you can ignore me?" Jiraiya's face darkened as he understood his former teammate's thoughts.

"Yes," Orochimaru stated as he licked his lips, "I guess Tsunade drugged you before you came here, otherwise you would have acted sooner." I'm pretty sure whatever he gave you is interfering with your chakra somehow.

"Damn, he found out!" He thought annoyed Jiraiya, he believed that he had managed to act naturally enough that he wouldn't notice.

Tsunade was still recovering from the injuries caused by Kabuto's chakra scalpel, but between her and Shizune's help, he had almost recovered. As she stood up to try and restrain Orochimaru, she saw the blood covering the ants and her legs and hands began to tremble.

"What a sad sight Tsunade!" Orochimaru shouted. "One of the best-known medical ninjas and look at you now, with nothing less than hemophobia, one of the worst fears someone who heals can have."

Orochimaru suddenly dodged as Jiraiya tried to sneak attack using taijutsu. Suddenly, it turned into an exchange of constant kicks and dodges.

The snake stopped its advance abruptly before the attack of the ants and Kabuto had no choice but to jump and face Naruto on his own.

Tony watched the development as he stood by Karin's side.

After several monologues and declarations about the way of the ninja during the fight, Naruto ended up hitting Kabuto off guard with the rasengan, sending him into a rock. The only difference with the original story was that Naruto had not been seriously injured and only had a few less wounds that began to heal thanks to the nine-tailed fox's chakra.

Shizune and Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief as Kabuto fell to the ground, spitting blood and unable to move.

Or at least they were until he burst into smoke, revealing that he was just a clone.

A bad feeling came over Tony suddenly and he tossed the unconscious Karin towards Tsunade and Shizune before trying to move but it was too late.


A hand covered in chakra pierced him from behind causing a terrible wound.

Tony had no choice but to jerk his head around to see an injured Kabuto looking at him with a smug look.

"You shouldn't let your guard down in the middle of a fight," he told her, withdrawing his hand in a single movement, covered in blood.

The ants smelled their contractor's blood and turned to see the scene, several retreating from the assault on the dying snake and running towards Tony.

"I think that will be enough for today." Forming a seal with his hand, Kabuto disappeared in the midst of a whirlwind of leaves and appeared near Orochimaru, who, seeing him, gave a strong kick to reject Jiraiya.

"I guess I'll have to resort to the last alternative," he commented as he revealed a piece of skin on his face, revealing a completely different eye. "Bye."

Kabuto put a hand on Orochimaru's shoulder and the two vanished in a cloud of smoke.

—Tony! —Naruto was the first to react without showing caution in the face of a possible false withdrawal.

Tony's condition was not good at the moment, the wound on his body was already quite serious and added to the accelerated blood loss, he lost consciousness shortly before Naruto's arrival.

The moment that happened, the ants and snake bodies disappeared in another burst of smoke.

"Shizune! Tsunade yelled.


Shizune knelt down next to Tony with a serious expression and ripped the clothes apart to better examine the wound.

The more damage he found out, the paler his expression became.

He began treating him immediately by coating his palms with green chakra as sweat broke out on his forehead.

Naruto wanted to speak but Jiraiya immediately blocked his mouth. He had been in many battles and had seen older ninjas die from smaller wounds than Tony suffered.

They couldn't afford to disturb Shizune's concentration at these critical moments. Barely two minutes had passed and the chakra in Shizune's hands doubled.

"What's his status?" Tsunade asked when he managed to work up enough courage to approach.

"I... I don't think he can make it in time, Master!" Tears began to fall down Shizune's cheeks as she struggled to keep Tony alive. "He moved in time to avoid damage to his spine and major nerves, but he has a completely pierced lung, several places with blood blockages, the organs they are moved...

Naruto froze at Shizune's words. Jiraiya shook his head ruefully, knowing the boy's chances of survival were slim to none. Unless…

A trembling Tsunade knelt down beside his disciple and taking several deep breaths, took over.

"Stop shaking!" she screamed at his hands internally as he used all of his medical knowledge to get Tony in good enough shape to be taken to the nearest hospital.

"His cells are behaving strangely." Tsunade suddenly noticed that Tony's body seemed to be reacting to his treatment. "This is...autophagy?!"

Before everyone's stunned eyes, Tony began to lose weight at such a rate that he could be discerned with the naked eye. A few minutes later, he stopped.

"She's stable!" —Tsunade said as she stepped away from Tony sighing in relief that she managed to buy time for a proper operation. "We must take him to the hospital immediately!"