
A strange and distant reunion (2)

'Seems I was right,' Eldrian smiled. "I've also learned a great deal about magic and even crafting. Perhaps I could share this information in exchange for help?"

Silence settled for a moment, followed by a burst of laughter. They all had the same thoughts: 'What could a Tier 5 Chosen know that they did not?' Dwarves were known for their crafting abilities. Only the High Elves could claim better craftmanship, true High Elves. 

"A trade of information?" Boran asked after waiting a while to have the dwarves calm down. "I'm afraid you will first have to prove that the information is of use."

"Alright then. Do any of you know of runic casting?" Eldrian asked, about to showcase his ability but stopping at the last moment. "Can I perform some magic?" He asked nervously, realizing that he almost made a terrible blunder. One that could have gotten him killed and any chance of receiving help destroyed.

"You may," Boran replied.