
A strange and distant reunion

Eldrian turned to the half-familiar voice. It was no longer truly familiar, the tone in which Boran had spoken was so strange and his voice seemed to have grown older. As Eldrian looked at the dwarf seated on a throne of some unknown metals, the blue light reflecting from Boran's right arm immediately pulled his attention. 

What used to only be some molten mithril seared into his skin now appeared like the scales of a drake. It reflected the light of the room (from some type of magical apparatus), appearing almost like a light source itself. It covered Boran's right arm from finger to shoulder. Like some sort of gauntlet, but it was quite clear that this was not a piece of armor or clothing. 

Boran's clothes looked impressive for sure, but to Eldrian it didn't fit the Boran he knew, and this added to the distance he had heard in the voice. But of course they would be distant. They had not seen each other for almost two years.