
A Love Unfated - Love After Marriage

Parents wishes are something you want to fulfill. But you sometimes you're incapable to do it, sometimes you do have your own wishes which go against them, and sometimes you just don't want to. Love for parents or Love for yourself - What should one choose? Niharika in her first life, supported her parents' wishes to not fall in love. They didn't wish her to not fall in love but not to fall in love with any person of other caste. But she couldn't love anybody, not even her husband. She married according to their wishes but her life ended monotonously with death of her husband. She also had an unsuccessful marriage which lasted until her last breath, unsuccessful for the man. She never needed a marriage, let alone a successful one. She regretted not acting like a loving wife for him afterall she only acted all her life for everybody. Her husband had to live his life in pain and agony. Once capable man died with a lot of grievances and unfulfilled wishes. Niharika blamed herself. Her children suffered all because of her. A life she didn't want to repeat. This time she still listened to her parents and married a guy of their choice but she kept herself and her desire above too. All leading to a facade of marriage. But this time, she still met her unfated partner. She decided to compensate her first life's debt. But her choices led her to the love of her life. Her heart rang like a bell the moment she saw him. It was like all roads of her life ended at him. But the man was a taboo for her parents. He was a taboo for her because of her principles. Will she still be able to live her life fully or would her life come to an end just like her last life? Will she have to go through her uncoloured life again and is this still her last life? Will she meet her fated and fall in love? Or will she never be able to understand love? Will she rebel and go against her parents or will she remain obedient as always? What does future have in its chest and what surprises it contains? :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Warning: The story contains some wrongful and immoral concepts like suicide, castism etc, hence don't consider them right even if you agree with it after reading the story. It is wrong, and will remain wrong.

Raisha_D · 都市
131 Chs

I'm uneducated

As soon as both child and Niharika came in clear view of each other both of them were stunned. How could they not? The child was once a boy who she had adopted as her first son. Though their time together couldn't be said to be a lot but the events that happened during the time were very impactful. So much so that they still come back to her once in a while. Her original personality had long changed to that of calm and steady, very serious. After all humans change. But actually she had not changed much if one sees from another perspective. The leopard cannot change its spots after all.

The child too had grown up and experienced all vicissitudes of life, so a mere car accident cannot shake him. But the driver definitely shook him to the core. She was his mother, and he was one of those persons who could be blamed for her death.

After around 5 minutes, Niharika came to her senses first.

"Child, are you alright? Did you get hurt somewhere?", she asked as she helped him up. It looked like the child was quite shaken just now.

"No, aunty, I'm fine", said the child who also came to his senses. He was not in right mind to think about the loss of Niharika's composure.

"You shouldn't run like this on road. First check left and right then only you should cross the road. It's unsafe for you to do what you just did", Niharika admonished him gently.

Soon a fat woman in mid fifties came running while panting and looked at the child. She pulled him towards herself and scolded him.

"You rascal, how many times have I told you not to run away like that. Why did you run away just now? You guys keep fight.."

While she was scolding, she suddenly saw that the little guy's pants was little muddied and her anger flew away immediately replacing with concern and worry.

"What happened? Why are your pants soiled? Did you get hurt?", she said as she rolled his pants up. Although she was fast but her movements were gentle, afraid that of she might make the pants brush against wounds if he had any. She rolled them up and saw that his knees were fine and he wasn't hurt.

She immediately sighed in relief and then again became angry. She slapped him on his shoulder lightly and scolded.

"How many times have I said not to run on roads? You don't give a hoot to what I speak? The cars on this road are generally in high speed, they cannot stop suddenly. You little bastard stop creating trouble for others. You can unintentionally cause big accident and even might get into one."

She suddenly slapped her own mouth and said

"What unlucky things is this mouth saying?"

"Forgive me god. I'm uneducated, don't take what I say seriously alright?", she said as she joined her hands in praying and looked up.

The woman was like a gun who if once started wouldn't stop. The child wanted to speak but seeing that she have him no time, he just let it go and kept his mouth shut, letting her do whatever she wanted. Niharika knew the woman. She was the caretaker of the small orphanage nearby, and was very nice woman. She treated all the children in orphanage like her own, but was a little talkative.