
Chapter 7

This week I'm on time... Also got lighter workload so I finally have time and energy to do exercise and write; while I'm skinny I weight 78 Kg (171.9 lb) and I'm 1.78m (5,8"). And yes I know it's 9 kilograms above my IBW having a bit of a gut feels weird when I've always had abs. So I got off my lazy ass and started the extra light version of OPM training, for ever kilometer it's a set of push ups, sit ups and squats; at the moment I'm doing 2 kilometers.

And now my entire body is in pain, I mean I used to do Olympic gymnastics for 4 years and could easily do a handstand followed by a backflip without a problem. I used to do a LOT of sports, and now I can't do cardio to save my life.

And next Tuesday is my birthday!!! LETS GOO! And that means cheat day on my diet and Carne Asada. GOOD SHIT.

Anyway, 3 things to go over before the chapter begins.

Maturity and emotional maturity are 2 different things.

Impostor Syndrome is a real disease.

And I hate spelling out what is going on in every situation because I KNOW that everyone is smart enough to be able to put 2 and 2 together eventually. An example that drug dealer comment in chapter 2 that carried over to chapter 3.

Or the change of ideals, the quote at the beginning of chapter 1.

Oh and the previous chapter was meant to end after the action began, but ONE of you started making comments about not being on time... So I did the most reasonable thing and left it as a cliffhanger.

And I'm so sorry it was so tempting to make that last joke. I swear I won't make it a gamer or system FF unless it made sense, but it ain't my cup of tea and respect myself too much for that... Unless I began to write porn, but nah I can write smut but I'd rather not write one of those fics.

Ps. I made a few grammatical mistakes that I "fixed" and Web Novel said: "Alright fam we got chu, DELETE ALL COMMENTS BECAUSE YOU PRESSED THE ENTER KEY ONCE."

Like dude WTF.


Anyway, onto answers! Less goo. (HOLY SHIT! I was extremely surprised 84 comments 24 hours after posting)


Reviews = R

Chapter Comments = CC

Paragraph Comments = PC

My favorite reviewers (yes I'm extremely biased)

Can_Read: I checked out Royal road and couldn't make heads or tails on what's happening there. I'll try Scrbblehub next week and see what's up there. I watched Daredevil and Jessica Jones, and they're amazing! Keep in mind that Mr. Negative shows up after the Avengers.

PC (1) Here it is! Damn, at this point you're going to end up writing this. you're comments are getting pretty close to what I'm writting.

(2) YES!!! And system fics are annoying and don't make sense in those universes because every superhero is an MC and those characters around ONE MC then that completely shatters.

(3) Fine I had to place them in because it made sense and I wanted to leave that reference. WandaVision and TFAWS was amazing, I watched Iron Fist and I can only say I want my time back.

(4) HE WAS! There were. And that was just to replicate what it feels like to be 16 living by yourself and exploring ones body. Her confidence will take time as well as her mental health! And yes she keeps busy, I swear you sir or mam are reading my mind! You will have to wait a bit more to see the thought process of having mask.

(5) I left a review on that story, the other I hate how its written but I won't write it, only say its at the top.


Zone Tail: He he he, you will see


Water world


Scarlet_reaper: Its great that you like it.

Hi_you_do_this: Well Its good that you found this story... for the original story its on ffnet and same name.

Chapter Comments

The_cow: Here it is!

Daniel_Morris: I know its a little sad at first, but eventually life gets around. I want for her trauma to make sense down the line.

Blake_ChaosStorm: Yup, not my fault, also it keeps you guys hooked up.

YoruichiisWaifu: It is jealousy but you will have to wait.

DeityOfSlumber: Why does everyone think THAT will happen, it won't I'm not a heartless bastard. Besides I'm not brave enough to write that, its something INHUMANE.

Daoist770436: Not to sound like a dealer but here's your weekly fix.

homeofthelostqueen: You're welcome, here's another.

PC (1): It is, but I have to deliver at a reasonable pace.

Mr_H3nt1: Go on its right at the start.

TheCreatorOfRice: Indeed.

recon100035: You're welcome!

Galaxy_Stone: Yes the beginning is REALLY sad and depressing, but that's life and it will get better, I asked people at the start to wait for a few chapters. Its good that you stuck around, it will be worth it.

Alcides_Martinez: if you want the same quality and for me to not burn out, I have to ask you to wait for every sunday.

Ruralbuddy_500: Me too, but I had to do it.

Lucifer_Dragneel: Indeed, and don't worry!

MahNameJosh: please don't have a stroke.

RackOfLife: YES! IT IS COMING... eventually.

Danstin_2010: You're welcome, here's another!

Seang_Sovanra: Yup, YOU WILL CARE FOR HER!

ATAB_MMMM: I don't understand what a "Reference" person is but it will be addressed eventually.

Magn0lia: Thanks I tried!

PC (1)Mandy, is an OC but spoilers if I say something about her! GOOD you want to protect her, that means Cindy is a good character!

(2) When you look at yourself on the mirror, you see imperfections nobody else can. And yes something carbonated after throwing up does help to settle the stomach.

02MehmetGullu27: You're welcome, here's another.

Jhillman: You're welcome!

PC (1) Sorry for that delay, but sure, you can take it!

(2) I see someone is also reading articles regarding mental health! I respect taht.

Spamania: :D

Davidmcnasty: LMAO

Julian_TheBatDraw: Well for writing is never too late to start, if you don't have time then its okay to just write ideas. Even if you write for yourself and never post anything its also okay, writing summaries is a great way to express yourself. Thank you for the compliment! Its not the best on my opinion but it motivates me that people do enjoy how I write. And yes, I'll try to see where I can post.

PC (1) Thanks for the grammar mistakes, I tried fixing it but ended up erasing every comment,

Paragraph Comments

NotSoBigShlong: Yup when she got bit, she's 14, during stark expo she's 14 and a half and looks sixteen because of the bite. I know, but people get annoyed if the paragraphs are long. I could, but comments get deleted.

Blake_ChoasStorm: Yes, she is, but she can't say anything because the pay is too good. The math is there. Thanks for the compliment, it does mean a lot that you think that. The superior spiderman storyline is a shit show but in the good way. BUT this story follows the MCU, who you actually researched, that's AWESOME! You'll see how she reacts to her situation in a few chapters. Whoa, you sir are staying way too late, but glad you enjoyed it.

chimcybergooble: Its a great show, I have amazing memories of watching that show.

Critical_Fumble_6746: Thank you I try!

ArcaneWhisper715: Yup, I still remember watching that show when I was a kid.

Dcelano: I quite didn't understood your comment.

TeggyWeggy: :D

AeonCDG: Yes they are.

MIM_main: Oh, so that's what they're for, huh. Then thank you.

DeadHekate: I answered you and I hope they helped you! Let me know when you publish so I can leave a follow and review.

Pokeyourface: Okay, you got me I laughed.

tergar04: AND you're here again!

DevilAce: MUAHAHAHA... that's what happens when you guys rush me to finish and deliver when I didn't have enough time!


Erica is freaking out as she's crying. "Erica!" Grabbing her as she's just pacing and sobbing, making my heart aches.

"What?" She sniffed as snot, tears and makeup run down her face.

"Call 9-1-1 and open up the trunk of your car." My voice carries weight I didn't know it had. She nodded as I walked towards it, my hearing and eyes focus on anything going on in the parking lot, but I don't hear anyone and no cameras are in the entire floor. "Unzip me!" I order as she flinches and does so.

"Why are you stripping?! This is not the time, I'm going to call 9-1-1!"

"Do it, but don't tell them I was here." She stopped as I looked around focusing on getting into the black pants and shoes I had in the bag. Grabbing the grey hoodie with black sleeves, I ready myself as I wrap tightly the red scarf on my face covering my mouth, nose and cheeks.

"Cindy? What are you..." She stopped as I pulled my webshooters out of my purse, grabbing my phone and wallet then placing in on the pants that thank God has zippers. Followed by throwing the dress, bag and purse into the trunk of her car.

"Erica, tell them about the van and again, I wasn't here..." She nodded mutely as I took a deep breath.

The van is getting farther and farther away.

Focusing on my body as I move my wrists activating the webshooters, as they expand and . "I wasn't here, okay!" I take a few steps back as Erica only looked at me with phone on hand and no call going in or out.

"Here goes!" A leap of faith, something I've never done. Jumping out of the fourth floor as my senses overwhelm me, moving my wrist as I click the button on my palm the web stretches making the TWHIP sound sticking immediately and follow

"Cindy!" I heard her shout as I reach the highest speed I can and let go. "Oh shiiiitt!" I scream out as I let go of the web before even being able to launch myself upwards. As the floor comes at me really fast I fire again to the nearest building and as the line tauts I pull as it tenses and sends me towards the building itself, with my face on a collision course.

Following the screaming voice in my head and flipping forward I land on the building with my feet on the wall as I skidded a bit. Standing without pausing and running as the edge of the building came close, jumping with as much strength as I could muster, the wall cracked under my feet and launching myself upwards, I got the height and speed I need.

'Who the fuck thought this was easy?!' As I began to fall I aimed at the edge of a roof and my body followed the swing beginning it's arc downward as I'm now gaining speed.

By the third time I got used to it, but only for the wind current to throw off my next shot and ended with me flailing as I began to plummet down. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" I shouted as using my five fingers a thicker line was made and with more strength on the release. I ended up with a line long enough let me run through the street for a few steps and with another jump that pulled some concrete with me gave me a chance to regain the speed I lost and reach higher than before. As I stopped in my ascent I focused on the van, as it just turned left three blocks away from me.

Launching another line I followed, my movement is uncontrolled as my arms flail each time I let go, my legs kick wildly as my balance is all over the place as I flip sometimes making my stomach twist and turn. But somehow I'm doing it, its jerky, it's inefficient and "FUCK YOU PIDGEON." I shout as the stupid sky rat falls to his demise as it crashed against me a second ago.

The van is now close, stick my feet to the wall and running alongside it I web swing again getting closer and I caught up to them 'Now what?' I remember of that night with the table, when I pushed that bitch off of me with a light shove she was sent skidding across the ground.

"How do I do this?" The van stopped at the red light I'm waiting at, in my stupor they begin to drive again.

I need to wait for a chance, to do something. The van keeps going and I follow, but the thought of something happening inside that van makes me fearful as to what is going on inside it.

"Three guys... I can take them... Yeah." Hyping myself up as my eyes narrow, the security in my voice is different from what I usually express. Jumping as the van drives away towards a neighborhood with less tall buildings I take my shot. 'Now or never.' Firing two five finger web shots at the tires for it to not move anymore, and firing again and again until both tires are stuck on the ground and the car begins to struggle to move as burnt rubber smells through the street. Flailing as I'm falling I shoot a web line at the stop sign, swinging and as it reaches the Apex of the swing I let go, not counting how my legs kick under me as I accidentally backflip and do a three point landing on the roof of the van. 'HOLY SHIT! THAT FELT AWESOME! DID ANYONE SEE THAT?!' "Go check it out!" A voice calls from inside as I can now hear them, Mandy and Alana are crying and sniffing as the smell of piss makes its way to my nose. The sound of the copilot door opening calls to my attention as he looks at the back of the van. 'First the driver.' Crawling around the roof staying close. "DUDE COME ON! Why doesn't the fucking car move?"

"What is this?" I take my chance, as I stick to the roof and gently tap the car window as to not break it, and point it down so the window goes down and surprisingly he does. I show my mask covered face as I'm leaning down so I see him upside down. "HELLO SIR! You do know kidnapping is illegal right?" He looks weirded out before he reached for his jacket pocket, but I'm a lot faster than him and with enough strength I reach in and using only one hand he gets pulled out of the van through the window and holding back as much as I can, he screams and flails through the air and lands onto the sidewalk, firing five bursts from both of my web shooters so he gets stuck to the sidewalk my attention goes to the other guy that and I can see his shadow coming my way as he goes around the van.

A light jump and my hand on the edge I'm on the other side. Looking around the van I notice his shadow has his gun pointed wildly as he seems freaked out.

Crawling quietly to the roof and taking a seat on the edge of the roof behind him. "I have to ask." He turns around as his hands seemed to tremble, his eyes wild and he has a bruise on his face. 'It's that same guy from the club!' "Does every kidnapper have the same van or is there a company that sells them or rents them... Like-" He aims at me and my senses scream as I obey them and jump over him, doing a flip as my body turns and goes over his head. He fires four more shots, immediately as I land and shooting at his hand with my web-shooter, his hand gets stuck on the side of it along the gun. Stepping close to him he swings a right hook at my face which I easily dodge by moving my head. Shooting again and both hands are stuck to the van. "You fu-" the TWHIP followed as his mouth is sealed shut. He seems to start to struggle. Taking a step closer to the van he tries to kick me only for me to catch the leg and pull, making him fall and his hands keep him hanging from the van.

"Didn't your mother taught you to not hit women?" I mock him as he glares at me I web his feet to the ground as he was trying to get up.

"You have a lot of anger, for someone so short." He glares even harder as his face turns red in anger. I now notice he's not breathing. "Oh right... Gross." I reach towards him and without warning put two fingers into his nose making holes in the web. Now I have to see if there were three or four guys, my breathing is labored as my heart beats a mile a minute; my senses tell me the general location of the other guy. As the whimpers of my friends tell me where they are.

The sound of a smack pulls my attention making me nervous as the guy seems to know he's losing this.

Making way to the back as I don't know where the other guy is and idea pops up in my mind. Firing two thick lines and quietly moving to the roof making sure that no light window make me visible. I pull both doors and rip them off their hinges, now sound makes more sense he's at the door behind the driver, he seems scared as his breath stinks and heartbeat races.

Getting quickly in position, and using as much strength as I can, I punch through the door leaving half my arm stuck and with a quick pull the door is ripped off giving me chance to see the guy, everything moves slowly as he points at my but, I'm much faster as he's just turning in my direction. The web sticks his gun and hand onto his chest. And with no other option he throws himself at me. He's big, almost as big at the security guard.

Taking my arm out of the door, I throw a punch as he reaches my range, and hits him in the forearm. I feel it crack as the pop sound it makes reaches my ears. I'm the punch sends him right flying against the other door, which in turn rips it off it's hinges and ends up with him hopping across the pavement with him on top of the door.

"I think I hit him too hard..." Climbing into the now totaled van, I notice my friends who are crying as some of their clothes are ripped in places where they struggled but seemed alright, except for that bruise on Alana's cheek.

Walking up to them both are crying, as the smell of piss is stronger. "Shh, it's alright. You're safe with me." I gently break the duct tape across their lips since its wrapped around their heads for them not to talk.

Thank yous fill my ears as both of them cry in relief. Breaking the tape that acted as cuffs for their legs and wrists in order to free them. "There you go Mandy, you're safe." I whisper as she slowly gets up and her gaze turns to me. "Cindy?" She answers in the same volume.

"N-n-no, no that's another person."

"You're not fooling me." Mandy glares at me as Alana is frozen with her mouth open in surprise.

"We'll talk, now call-" the sound of sirens reaches my ears. "Or not."

"I need to go, don't tell then you know me, and I wasn't in the club or anything." Both have questioning looks.

"I was in my apartment, and you were at the club, without me. You follow?" Alana nodded as Mandy seems to be in a daze.

"Good." I say as the sound of sirens comes closer. I notice that people have gathered around those who I sent through the street as cars and people look at me. Some have phones out recording, while others cheered as both my friends got out of the van rubbing their wrists and holding onto each other.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" I hear a shout from a random passerby. But not giving a chance for anything to happen decide to escape by jumping and swinging all the way back to my place, making sure to stay above the CCTV of the streets.

It took half an hour of constantly swinging, but eventually I reached my apartment complex.

Landing on the alley nearby, followed by taking off my scarf, shoving it into my hoodie pocket and combing my hair with my nails as I walk into the apartment complex. Only to remember I left my keys in that stupid purse. "Fuck me."

"Only If you're offering." I jump out in fright and take a step back as the landlord stands there, I didn't notice him.

"I forgot my keys, can I get a spare?" His eyes narrow, but smirks.

"Only for a kiss." I feel my hands clench as his gaze drifts down, I growl under my breath. Turning around and as I begin to walk away thinking of a nearby motel or hotel. "I'm kidding, twenty for the missing Keys." His tone doesn't sound like he's kidding.

"Twenty? That's way too much."

"I know, but this way you learn how to properly take care of your shit." He said in a sneer as I snatched the keys and made my way inside as I glared at him. Noticing it's nearing 3 AM. I ended up falling face first into my bed and immediately clocked out. Dreaming about

Waking up to the sound of my phone is new. Turning to my phone. "-ow?"I mutter as I'm awaken.


"-ome" Comes out of my lips.

"Oh, it's just I thought you went to the club?"

"No, I stayed home." I lied flatly as we agreed yesterday.

"Fine, just I need to talk to you. Get some rest." Michael said as he hung up, looking at the clock it's 7:30. I shot up from bed. Holy shit I never overslept for an entire decade this never happened I freaked out as I rushed to the bathroom undressing quickly as and hopping into the shower.

In less than 5 minutes I was bathes and dressed as I was about to run out the door; I stopped in my tracks. "Wait, I'm on summer break... Also I don't work today." I say aloud since the 40 hours of work in subway and the agency were just meetings and yesterday.

Walking towards the kitchen, turning on the TV as I turn to the news channel. "Good morning New York." I hear the anchorman say as just in time as I'm making scrambled eggs with ham.

"The top story of today. Last night, something no one expected happened."

"That is correct, yesterday a fun night out ended in a really scary and dangerous situation." That called to my attention as I break the fifth egg over the pan with the sizzling bacon on it.

"Two models from the company High Fashion, got kidnapped. Said company hasn't released any statement, aside from the confirmation that both girls are safe and healthy." The anchorman paused as the other continued.

"That isn't the full story as the reason they're safe is because of the appearance of someone. Watch this video and keep in mind that this is completely real as several witnesses claim it was real."

Turning off the stove as the eggs begin to burn. "Oh shit." I say as a webline launches itself at a plate on the other end of the kitchen. With a light pull it comes at me and onto my hand. I catch the glimpse to the TV and cringe at how I acted. Setting my breakfast as I place the bottle of coke on the counter and a glass to pout into.

The video ends as I can see myself pulling out the doors at the back then punching a hole into the side door followed by the other guy getting sent out the other door alongside said door, as well as the web that wrapped him and the door sending him skidding across. The video cuts to me getting out the van and jumping before firing a webline at a nearby building. People followed my movement but I was out of reach as I began to run on the wall.

"Quite impressive images as this "hero" saved these two young women."

"Yes, but the question lingers. Is she a danger to us all? Oh and as we didn't get to say, this person with super strength is female and from witnesses they describe with Asian features. This person shares the same red mask as that unidentified hero during the Stark Expo Battle almost two years ago."

"Could they be the same person?"

"I do not know, but if she once again is saving people then she's doing the right thing by using her powers for good in this ever increasing danger of recent times."

"That argument may be true but it stands at a place where people can grab a costume and run into danger. I for one believe that vigilantism is a crime and this woman sent a guy to the hospital for broken ribs and a shattered wrist, his condition hasn't been released aside from his injuries." That called my attention making me look at my hands. 'Shit.' I thoutght to myself as I clench both hands tightly.

"Well I for one believe she did the right thing in helping those girls and showing that women can be strong. How about a debate, maybe later on the week."

"We can have special guests as well to talk about the subject. We'll be right back aft-" Changing the channel to cartoons as they're about to go commercials, and cartoon are great. As I'm halfway into my breakfast my phone rings.

"-ello?" I say as I keep chewing.

"Cindy!" Erica's voice sounds worried.

"-orning." Answering back and taking another forkful.

"Jesus Christ, stop eating! Do you even look at texts?"

"Nope, woke up twenty minutes ago."

"YOU HAD ME WORRIED! I WILL GROW WRINKLES!" Pulling my phone away from my ear as she yells at me.

"Sorry, I just got home and fell asleep." She sighed.

"Figured as much."


"Oh, not much... Oh, how about my FRIEND-"

"Don't!" She stops as my voice interrupts her.


"How about we meet up at your place? Where do you live anyway?" She stumbled with her words but caught up and gave me her address.

Forty five minutes later, I'm standing outside a building in a fancy neighborhood. My clothes from goodwill and pants from Salvation Army make me stand out a bit.

Walking into the lobby I can't help but shrink as I can feel the judgment in their eyes.

"Cindy." Erica's voice cones from my right, she looks really tired. Like how she looked during final exams a few weeks ago.

"H-hey." She stands there a bit, as awkward silence falls over us.

"Let's just go." Following her as the elevator opens up.

Reaching the penthouse, because of course she lives in the penthouse. "The others are in my room." She said as I followed her deeper into the apartment. "MOM, WE'LL BE IN MY ROOM! DON'T BOTHER US." Her yell rings across the house, as she begins to go up the stairs. "Sure thing blueberry!" Her mom answers.

"Y-y-you sh-shou-shouldn't ta-talk to her li-ke that." She just ignored me.

"Whatever." We made it to her room, which is surprisingly on the third floor of the penthouse. Her room is as big as my apartment I'm completely baffled by the size of this room. It's as big as the shared rooms back home.

A person crashes into me, her blonde hair makes it clear and I freeze as she hugs me tightly. My heart hammers in my chest.

As she keeps hugging, it's been so long but I feel so restricted. "Can-" she lets me go and took a few steps back and sat down on the edge of the bed. The silence is heavy as the atmosphere feels constricting as the question hangs in the air.


"So?" They follow my question.

"You have super powers." Alana said as she was the only one to blurt it out.

"Ah... Yes."

"Cool." Alana answered as her gaze returned to her feet.

"Since when?"/"Why didn't you tell us?" Erica and Mandy said at the same time, as everyone looks at me.


"Because we're friends..."

"We're not friends." I defend myself crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yeah we are." Mandy's matter of fact tone bothers me.

"No, we are not." I feel anger at her answer.

"But-" As she tries to answer I interrupt her.

"We are work acquaintances at best."

"Bullshit." Erica answered as she leaned forward in her seat.

"It isn't, we've known each other for how long? a month? We barely talk throughout the week and the dinner that we go to."

"I know that, but we're still friends, to me you're a friend." Alana said aloud.

"I don't have friends; you think I'm your friend because of my powers or because of how I look." Turning towards Mandy who is glaring at me.

"You're acting like an idiot." Erica's comments as usual not hiding back.

"Acting? It's you who are acting! I don't have friends, because I can't have them." The anger in my words is palpable as my stomach turns.

"That's not true!" Mandy speaks as she stands up I take a step back at how menacing she looks.


"RIGHT NOW YOU-" Mandy yells at me as I feel my entire face red.

"RIGHT NOW AND ALWAYS I HAVE BEEN ALONE!" Screaming out loud asy emotions are getting the best of me.

"THEN WHAT ARE WE TO YOU?! HUH?" Alana seems pissed. I hesitate to answer immediately.





"BECAUSE-" I want to answer but I can't.


"BECAUSE THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME!" The pressure got to me as I began to pant.

"No one ever cared about me" My gaze falls to my shoes as and the floor, noticing the specks of dirt on them.

"Cin-" As Erica was about to speak she stops suddenly as the sound of her mouth closed sounds in my ears, my chest constricts in a pain that isn't physical and that it's not stopping. "If I admit to you that you're my friends then-" Tears well up in my eyes. "Then, I won't be alone anymore." I sniff as a sob rises through my throat. "But I know I don't deserve people to care about me." Sniffing as snot runs down my nose and tears flow down my cheeks wetting my shoes. "I'm better of alone; people are shouldn't be near me." I remember the looks people gave me, the disgust, and the glares. "I'm no one, deep down I know people don't like me, every person I know thinks I'm a freak, that I'm ugly, I'm just a fluke, just someone who will fail at everything, all that happens to me is because is because of luck... eventually people will find out and-" I feel my shoulders shake as I cry harder. "Realize that I'm cheating, that my brain is built wrong, and that I'm just a useless kid." I flinch as my tears fall at a steady rate now, my chest hurts so much as my mouth runs on par with my mind. "I don't want to be alone! But deep down I know that I don't deserve love... I think that only mom loved me... Yet-" I sniff loudly as a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders; I flinch at the touch as another pair hug me from behind.

"You're not alone, let us help you."

"But I don't deserve you; I know you're not my friends. People can't like me, mom told me that." Another wraps her arms around my neck.

"You're not alone, were here for you I promise." My sobs grow louder. "Let it out, it's okay, you're okay."

"I'm not. I learned that people will break their promises." I cry harder, as a hand runs through my hair.

"I won't. I'll be your friend." Erica says with a kind tone.

"Same." Alana responded by tightening her hold.

"Yeah, know that I'll always be your friend." Mandy said as my head gets pulled onto a comfortable shoulder.

"It's so hard, I behaved, I listened but no matter what I did, I ended up alone." I sob louder as a 'shh' comes from Mandy's lips.

"You're not alone now." The pain isn't there anymore, but I can't stop crying. Those nights of crying myself to sleep as I failed another interview, the empty promises. I sob harder and louder as I feel so tired.


"Did she fall asleep?" Erica says as her entire weight is resting on top of her.


"A little help to get her on the bed?" Alana and I help to carry her to bed carefully, after lying her down and taking her shoes off she moves as she curls up into a ball and begins to cry again.

"What just happened?" Alana whispers aloud as I bite my lip.

"Let's let her rest." A cry calls our attention as the form of the usually shy and quiet Cindy shakes as she cries. 'Jesus, what happened to her?' I question myself as I gently pass my nails through her hair. "You're okay." I say aloud as after a minute of doing this she stops and starts to cutely snore as she sniffs. 'Oh right.' Turning to my left to notice both my friends with a worried look. The unvoiced command gets us out of the room, Erica's mother is waiting on us.

"Is your friend alright? I heard shouting..."

"Ah- I don't know what... Mandy?" I try to remember of something that fills the behavior I just witnessed, anything I read in class or from a book

"I'm trying to think." I sniff as I'm still flustered.

"She's lonely."

"But to this degree?"

"Anxiety, depression, Impostor Syndrome, insecurity... shit, I can't focus." I grumble.

"What's impostor syndrome?" Erica's mom asks as we descend the stairs to what I assume is the kitchen.

"It's fairly recent, I think it was discovered on the 80s it's when no matter what you do, you feel like those accomplishments aren't yours, like a stroke of luck, or feeling like you tricked people. Basically negating one's own achievements and feel like a fraud." I explain as we reach the stairs.

"But that seemed a bit too extreme?" I grimace as I have a few theories I don't want to discuss.

"Any ideas?"

"I rather not say...."


"Because there is something in her mind that isn't... right."

"Well she did get shot, twice. I'm amazed she survived."

"Erica!" Her mom scolds her.


"Don't make fun of people that suffered something so horrible."

"That's true girl, she's sixteen and got shot twice, its fu- messed up." Alana corrects herself.


"I think she was abused..." No one says a word as the pin drops. "It's just... the first day we hung out; she freaked out because of doing homework and ended up puking her guts out."

"Yes, it was a di- mean comment."

"Why do you say that?"

"You may not notice, but I heard the photographers complain that they have to edit the scars on her face for every photo that will be used. Also you didn't hear this from me but-"

"Girls." Erica's mom interrupts as she looks serious. "Some things aren't meant to be said without consent of the person. That girl, is clearly in pain. So please just no more of this topic, only if she brings it up." We all know we will speak about this later. "Now, why don't you guys watch a movie and I'll check on her." She said as she left with a glass of water.

"But... what about the other thing..." Alana said as she looked at her hands that are now working as the support she has on the table. I myself find it odd as the same thought runs through my mind.

How my friend, a recent friend, but still a friend. How she sent a guy through the air without a problem with only a punch. How she punched through a van and jumped more than humanly possible, those web things that I was able to touch as the police questioned us.

"We don't talk about that, we wait."

"It's just I owe her..."

"Me too." I can't help but agree, yet seeing that girl that looks so lost, crying her eyes out because she's lonely. 'What happened to you?'


'Ugh, my head.' I groan as I slowly get up, I actually don't want to unwrap myself from this warmth, actually a few minutes like this warmth won't bother anyone... as I curl up tightly. Wait.. this texture is too expensive, and this smells like Erica. "Oh shit." I get up and pull up my phone its 4 PM.

"Where did my day go?" Putting on shoes I open the door and make my way down the stairs I can hear the sound of TV, but a woman with Erica's eyes and nose stops as she looks at me.

"Hi honey, do you feel better?"

"No, I'm sorry, I made a mess, I have to leave. It's late, and-" As I'm babbling she walks to me and with a kind smile she gently nudges me towards what I assume is the kitchen.

"It's okay, come, I made lunch.. Although for you it's a late lunch." She says as she motions to a table and not even twenty seconds later a plate of what I think is meat with spaghetti in a white cream and cheese is placed in front of me. "Eat." She orders as I take a bite and holy shit is this good.

"This is so good." Without missing a beat I start scarfing down the food, I'm not full and the plate is already empty, gathering the remaining cream in my fork multiple times to have a little more.


"I can't, what about the rest?" I feel my stomach grumble in hunger, but that was the rule before... fine a little pain is worth another plate. I frown, preparing myself and sticking out my cheek. "Just please don't hit the eye, but I'm sure you know." Closing my eyes I brace myself, as she walks forward.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhm, waiting for the punch? I asked for seconds that usually follows." My tone makes it obvious. "It's okay, I'm sure that happens here as well." She walks closer and I flinch as she stands beside me and the sound of my plate being served fills my ears as the smell hits me.

"Thank you." I feel a hand on my cheek, I flinch.

"I, ah." She pauses. "Eat, don't worry." Her tone is soft as she caresses my cheek.

"You shouldn't be hungry, you're just a kid. If you want more let me know." She smiles as she rubs my back and her fingers run through my hair once. I can't help but tears cloud my vision again as I stop myself from eating as the memories of asking for seconds, of going hungry.

"I tried, I'm sorry." I sniffed. "Why? I just wanted food. I just wanted to eat." My head is enveloped in warmth as the sound of a heartbeat and warmth fills my ears. "It's not fair, we didn't have enough food... Mom said to not be greedy. But, I am always... so hungry-"

"Shh, shh, shh. It's alright; now eat to your heart's content."

"I can't..." I look around the empty seats, remembering the amount of food on each plate.

"Course you can, eat until you're full." She says, as she takes a small step back.

"How does it feel to be full?" I can't help but asked, as it's been... so long, I... can't remember being full after a meal.

"Oh baby." I cry harder as I start eating again. "Eat as much as you want." I kept eating until suddenly I felt no need for it. It's strange... But nice, also turns out I can't move. I had to wait five minutes. While Erica's mom giggled at my situation as I said that aloud.

"Thank you. Your food is amazing, can you teach me how you made it?"

"Sure thing, one day." As she said that the door opened as Alana walked in with an empty bowl of popcorn in hand, she noticed me and rushed over to hug me. I felt how my shoulders tensed as her arms wrapped around me.

"Oh Cindy, you're awake..."

"O... Kay? Right we were supposed to talk and I fell asleep.

"Nah, it's alright. Come on, let's join the others." I walked over to see them watching what I think is the first Harry Potter movie.

"Cin we were getting worried. Mom said you had a small fever." That worries me, I've never fallen sick after the bite, a thought for later.

"What? I don't get sick... Anyway sorry about sleeping in your bed."

"It's cool, now that you're awake and what I assume is full. Let's go." She said as I followed them going to her room, the bed is still a mess.


"I'd rather not talk about that, I don't want to cry anymore." I feel so exhausted, even if I slept a lot more than I should.

"So... You have powers."

"What are your powers anyway?"

"When did you get them?" All three asked a question, sighing loudly I take a seat in the nearest chair near me.

"This is the biggest secret I have, no one can know, not a soul... Or it will end up with me strapped to a table as they open me up to see why I have them." All three nodded as I leaned forward causing them to do the same.

"I was fourteen when I got my powers; I was bitten by a bio-engineered spider... That spider was a one of a kind that couldn't lay eggs, or the lab could replicate." I paused as I recall that day. "It bit me twice... And the next day I wasn't a skinny weak girl." Moving to the last question. "I can lift a lot, run really fast, jump really high and I can sense danger or things coming my way." Removing my shoes I jump turning my body upside down like I do in my apartment. "And this i can stick to any surface."

"Here says that spiders can lift a hundred and seventy times their body weight. Your weight? Is..."

"Not going to tell you..."

"Not going to or you don't know?"

"... Don't know." I sigh as Erica rushes to the bathroom and comes out with a scale.

"Here." Every eye falls on the number display.

"What the fuck?"

"Holy shit."

"Hundred and sixteen point eight." I say aloud.

"I would kill for your weight what the hell?"

"Shut up, making it into kilograms, ugh. Fifty two kilograms, now-"

"It says here spiders Can carry 170 times their weight, but it also says that it can carry 100 times... Which one is the right one?"

"A safe bet would be on the 80 times my weight."

"Which is-"

"4.2 tons." I calculated immediately.

"Aw I liked the other number better."

"Do you lay eggs?" Alana blurted out.

"What? No!"

"That means that you're like a spider; is that why you could shoot that thing."

"It's web." I extend my hand and shoot at a pillow on the bed and pull at a deadly speed, only for my hand to stop it easily.

"And now that's ruined. Will it always have web?" Erica slumped.

"No, it dissolves in an hour."

"You said its web."

"Well yes, I mean spider do produce webs."

"No, it says here they produce silk." Mandy says as she grabs the pillow.

"This isn't as sticky as I thought." That word did left me thinking. Silk.

"No, it's sticky at first but hardens after a few seconds in contact with air. All three began to touch it.

"Wait can you only shoot ropes?" Erica asked as she began to fiddle with the pillow and the web surrounding it.

"I call them lines but depending on how many fingers I use it's how thick it is and if I shoot in bursts they're like small bullets that expand in size again depending on the fingers." I explained as I shot at the roof in a small burst.

"Have you, you know... Fired when you." Mandy asked as she wiggled her eyebrows but I don't get it.

"When I what? Shower? I mean I have to shoot a certain amount every few weeks, for my fingers to not cramp up."

"You know, flick the bean."


"N-n-no, I don't do THAT." I don't want to admit.

"Huh, is that so..."

"It is. MOVING ON." I say aloud.

"Thank you..." Alana said as the silence settled in. "I was so scared." She says in a low tone. "I thought I was going to die or they were going to... You know." She paused as a tear ran escaped her eyes and she snatched it with the back of her hand. "I already cried, but I can't sleep, their faces keep." She took a deep breath. "I thought that I was dead. That I would never see my parents or my brothers, but you showed up and-" She walked up to me and hugged me tightly. "You're a hero, and if you need a friend then I'll be there, no matter what. It's the least I can do for you."

"You're welcome." I answered as she rubbed her eyes removing the tears and a cute sniff. Wait I was covered in snot and tears, Erica's shirt is stained. "Sorry about your shirt."

"Oh, this, meh. It's alright, I'll burn it later because your gross tears." I smiled at her comment.

"You're such a bitch..."

"I know, you love it."

"I really do."

"Now what? Cin has super powers, now what?"

"Well, I think I know where an abandoned building is. I think it's filled with old machinery or something."

"Why would we go there?"

"To test limits." Mandy said with a smile as she looked at me.