
Chapter 6

AN. Hello, so I'm late but I got carried away writing this. This is longer but I tried my best to give good grammar.

I think I never explained why I began to write and publish this. I looked over at the top marvel stories. And one story in particular made me cringe so hard I told myself. 'Damn, this sucks. I think I can write better than this guy.' And from your comments, I think I did. I recently tried to read one of the top stories... my interest died the moment cringe made its way to my brain as chapter 2 rolled around.

Petty reason, yes, but I'm writing this out of spite and from what I've seen, its decently written compared to some of the top stories.

Also I began to watch Hawkeye, ITS SOOO GOOOD!


PS. Also, what are power stones for? I mean I read about what they are and yet they don't make sense to me you can keep them, or not I don't care.

(Disclaimer: I'm answering through here because I don't want for any of the people who comment feel underappreciated or ignored, and I don't want for the Chapter Comments or Paragraph comments to look like a reddit thread also you guys can answer by commenting where your name is.)

Reviews = R

Chapter Comments = CC

Paragraph Comments = PC

My favorite reviewers!

CanRead: Thanks for your comments! I'm always happy to read them.

I never left! I just go busy. Yes! I based myself upon that! I'm surprised you caught onto that! Traumatic events lead to many irational fears.

Her mental stability ain't the best

I just had to leave a reference to pre serum Steve.

Pill_God: No problem! Here is the next one and yes! Character development!

Yup Valk is such a good character!

Don't worry I won't use other languages unless absolutely necessary.

Denara doesn't exist... in the languages I know.

ZoneTail: I know I'm usually late, actually I describe myself as a time optimist. As in I always tell myself 'I have time' when I clearly don't.

(2) I never left dear reader.

PC LMAO, I laughed when I was at work with the Jhin GIF.


Z1op: Thanks for the review and there is a lot of chapters but the character isn't as in depth as it is here. Back then I was trying to rush through the story, which ended in several scenes that don't make sense.

TeggyWeggy: Thanks for the support! Don't worry I'll try to make this a good story staying true to my rule of showing!

Scarlet_reaper: Thanks! I'll try!


Chapter Comments:

Lucifer_Dragneel: Don't worry I won't! And you're very welcome! Here's another one. (Like the name btw, FT was one of the first anime I watched a shame for the last season and the amount of filler it had.)

(2) Indeed!

1lazy_loner: Yup, she is! It will make sense later.

Magn0lia: Don't be sad, wait if you're sad.. then that means I'm doing a good job at making you feel things... huh the power of words. But don't be sad wait a few more Chapters.

(2) Never left!

Chaosfox3236: Yeah I get you. some stories are engagin yet not my cup of tea. But hey its entertainment and it will take a few chapters for Cindy to be happy.

PC: indeed it is strong.

Mr_H3nt1: Yes its 7 days per chapter because work kicks my ass all week, but it also gives me a chance to deliver good grammar and plan the story! Thanks for the love.

(2) Yup, a healthy workplace and friends!

Callum_Helme: Yup, Silk is kinda new, but she went under the radar due to poor writing and Spider-gwen existing. I love Spider-gwen or Ghost-Spider but too generic, and Silk can only be introduced after a story on the level of The Spider-verse.

David_Mendoza_7780: Thanks for the compliment when the time comes tags will be added don't worry! (Even though, tags in this site give me a headache.)

The_cow: Yup... sorry bout that.

Homeofthelostqueen: Here's the next one!

MrGoose: Oh don't make me blush.

MahNameJosh: I genuinly smiled at your gif. :D

tergar04: Thanks! Good to be back! Also thanks for the hug!

recon100035: Here's the next one!


Spamania: :D

Annony_Anonymous: The blueprints were left on her trunk under lock and key that the matron kept for safe keeping, as kids and keys don't get along. She couldn't fight back, eventaully she did and they did get sued and sent to juvie. Bullying was and still is a problem on the US, calling the police wouldn't do anything, your argument is valid on this year, but 10-12 years ago, that didn't fly back then. Rampant racism, harassment, hell even feminism didn't take a stand until after gay marriage was allowed in the US. You do know charging someone costs money, right?

(2) Thanks, I try to be a good writer. The fact that the MC is a coward as you state it, only means I'm doing a good job as a writer, she got abused and was never shown affection, her mentality is weak and she didn't let herself be sexually harassed it happens and will keep happening, she couldn't do anything against someone looking at you. IF she would've stood up for herself it was a kick on the back and onto the streets. The physical abuse she received by the woman she sees as her mother is part of a mental illness she developed.

Age doesn't mean maturity and mental strength, age is experience, yet the mind is fragile. Example: US vets that suffer from PTSD. They're old, yet they went through war. She behaves like this because she was abused to the point of submission.

PC (2) I already answered you comment, if you don't like the story you're free to leave.

(3) I respect you as a reader, please don't insult me, I've studied languages most of my life, and everything written here is backed up by research and statistics.

(4) If you're still reading the story, know I won't delete reviews, but if you don't like the story don't read.

02MehmetGullu27: You're welcome.

Terrornight: Thanks, I never left.

Alcides_Martinez: Here's the next one and its extra long!

ATAB_MMMM: Already did! And yes she's a model, nah its just you its just the tone of the story at first make it sound fishy.

Federico_Medina: If this is pathetic, then don't read simple as that. If you don't like sentimentalism and think this story is a piece of shit filled with trash. You're welcome to leave. Also don't review in different languages, stick to english if you're going to flame.

Valor_4: Yes to your comment but the when and how IS a spoiler!

Paragraph Comments

MIM_main: true but patience is a must!

Hille_Yum: Life ain't fair and kids are really cruel and mean, but time and help heals wounds.

bigbang1: Based on reptiles, insects and aracnids are black and dangerous. While yes it sounds that way I feel so insulted by that comparison. You sir or miss clearly haven't been in a fight during school. Yes they do, and it will make sense later.

waterworld771: It's okay she was my mothers aunt but while she made sure all legal processes are made I'm in charge. Thanks for the condolences.

MasterSans: Thanks for the wishes and you're right! Here's the next chapter! Also last session we killed one of our own for being annoying, we're not murder hobos I swear!

Okaayyyyyy: No, she wasted 6 months of what could've been work... but I won't touch that subject with her or my friend, because it seems they didn't follow the thing I said when the deal was made. Work is different than friendship and both are separate.

Jhillman: I was planning for the issue to be completed but you sir forced my hand!


As the hoodie goes over my head I can hear the girls walking towards me. "Hey Cin!" Mandy comes to me with a spring on her step.

"H-hi." She smiled at me as she stopped on front of me. The others a step behind her.

"So, were going to go grab a bite. You wanna come?"

"MN nt sure." That barely comes out my mouth.

"Come on! We just got paid, so that means we can splurge a bit! Beside we have a few shoots and meetings through the week."

"Wait, I'm not sure." My nervousness is coming out.

"It'll be fun and you get to know us all!"

"Yes, please come!"

"It's Sunday!" Erica said as she leaned forward, the pressure they're making for me to go is too much to say no. Like if I say no, I'm the A-hole.

"F-fi-fine." They let out a cheer as they smiled at me and held out a hand. With a smile as the rest moved towards what I assume is the exit.

"Let's do like a tree and leaf." Mandy said as that pun got a giggle out of me. As I took her hand, I remember that I didn't get my payment.

"Wait, I need to get my payment."

"Oh, right. Go! I'll wait here." She said as my feet carried me towards my manager.

"Michael, I didn't ask... How much does this pay?"

"Oh this? 20 the hour, and since we're a fairly good agency. You get what you work for, also cause you're under age you can also work here without an issue." Sighing in relief as what he said about hourly pay and that I can be employed puts me at ease.

"But I'm your manager so that means I take 25 percent of what you earn."

"Isn't that kinda..."

"Harsh, yes. But honey, I'm the best of the best. Maybe not on the level of others, but I have talent and you have looks. It will be easy to get you and the rest money and success in this type of work." He said as he snapped his fingers at a short girl, the same one that escorted me here when I arrived.

"Can you give Cindy here her card and documents, also get her schedule from College and her cellphone number."

"Understood." She said as she gave me a few documents to sign. Twenty minutes later I was done with everything needed filled out as the contract seemed fair, the pay as well.

"Here's his number and if something happens call, he will ask directly for you so you better answer always!" Her tone is stern as she glares at me.

"Your first payment is there, Monday there is a meeting. Here's the address in this paper and when you get there call this number." She wrote down her number and gave it to me. "Have a good day."

"Right, thanks." 'That's 20 dollars per hour, which means 1600 a month... but that's before taxes, 1416 with taxes, and he's taking a fourth for payment which leaves me at 1062. That's not enough for food and transport, 850 for rent and yesterday I spent around 60 on food for this week and I have more for around 2 more days meaning I need to get more food. That would mean that... I need another job. Shit, only fast food hires at my age.

"Ready to go?" I hear the voice of Mandy as she comes closer to me as I only nod. 'Damn, I'm hungry already.' They gave us lunch, which was a sandwich that I devoured in less than a minute. My mind is telling me to not go, they want something from me and I can only doubt these people.

"Sure, where are we going?" She hummed as she began to walk.

"We were thinking of going to a pizza place since shoots are not until next Wednesday... so we can splurge a bit and Alana claims that she knows a good place. I smiled at that, everyone does think that. We began to walk to the entrance to see what I now know is how these girls live. Probably from either Noho or Tribeca. "So Cin where are you from?"

"Manhattan, East Harlem, you?"

"Nice! I'm from Manhattan well technically I was born on Westchester but my Daddy moved here because of his business so now we live in Noho." 'Huh, I was right.' She hummed as she smirked at me.


"I know that face! You think I'm not a New Yorker."

"I didn't say anything." Ridding myself of the guilt, since after all I did think about it for half a second.

"So Harlem?"

"East Harlem..."

"Wait, didn't The Hulk destroyed that part of the city?"

"Well he did destroy that part, but not really him. He was fighting that Abomination dude. But the Or-, my home was kinda far, but we did feel the tremors."

"Whoa, I only heard the news and remember seeing the smoke far away." As we reached the entrance I began to look around.

"Come on! We need to catch up to them!" Her phone pinged as she received a few messages. "They're circling around. So we need to wait for them."

"Mmhmm." Humming in agreement as she carried the conversation, listening to her, avoiding my mind to drift off.

"You're not really good at talking are you?" Mandy said as she looked over to me.

"N-n-no." She looked at me in silence as my eyes couldn't mantain eye contact. 'Why is it so hard?' Forcing myself to look at her eyes my gaze almost instantly was faltering, as my stomach twisted in a knot.

"You don't have to force yourself..."


"You're an introvert, right?"

"Ah- I think so?"

"Then it's okay, to be bad at socializing. But you girl need some friends and luckily you're with us."

"HEY! COME ON WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A GREEN LIGHT!" The voice of Erica pulled our attention as we ran towards her car, a BMW that seems new. As we got in the back seat and placed our seatbelts on, I realizing that I'm now on a car... it has been a while... almost an entire life's worth of time. Memories of a long time ago came flooding, but as my mind pictured a window similar to this one slowly I felt a crack on those memories, as if they're not complete. 'Wait, what was I thinking about?' That... memory? Invented scenario? What happened there?'

"We're here!" As Erica announced I got nudged to move so we could get out the car. The four of us arrived to a small restaurant that is in the corner of a street that feels like those hole in the wall kinda restaurant. Not even five minutes and we had a booth for us as Erica kept going talking about how this place is great and how she found this place. Eventually the conversation drifted to the shoot of today as my mind kept thinking about those thoughts, why did it feel cracked?

"-dy?" Blinking a few times as the silence settled between us.

"Sorrry, what? I wasn't listening."

"We noticed but its okay, we asked which costume was the best?"

"I have a question, since a long time ago I learned that people want something from you when they treat you nicely... So why are you nice? Not to be mean but you're supposed to act like rich brats that see everyone else as competition." All of them look at me with a raised eyebrow, before bursting out in giggles.

"While you're right, we agreed to be nice. Besides that mean act, is on the acting industry. Since actresses have to be perfect, hot and know how to act. It's also exhausting."

"Keep in mind she was a child actor."

"Ugh don't remind me, my parents fought, I was stressed out of my mind and other kids were just plain mean."

"I didn't know..."

"It's alright, I was also put off by how both of them were behaving around me, when I began here. But we talked and now we're friends."

"So, no passive aggressive schtick?" Focusing my hearing on their heartbeats, remembering the tempo.

"Nope, please were working at a place that is competitive but not a fight to the death."

"Like the acting industry."

"Exactly." All of them agreed and their heartbeats didn't change. 'Does that mean that I can trust them to not mess with me?'

"But one thing we need to do." She paused for dramatic effect "Is an initiation!"

"It's not like those frats in private U's, right?"

"You'll see." They smiled mischievously.

"But right now I want a salad since pizza is too much bread for my taste."

"Ill have one, pepperoni with bacon and Italian sausage."

"That's too many carbs."

"I'm hungry. Those sandwiches they gave us were so bland and tasteless, an hour later I was already hungry again."

"True... I mean I get that... Also your body is great I'm so jealous of how you have that hourglass shape. I have to ask, what's your diet called?"

"I would rather not talk about that."

"Oh I know, so since Cin, is one of those shy people..."

"What are you majoring in?" Forcing myself to speak aloud and stop the conversation and where it was going.

"Oh, I'm in NYU." Mandy answered first. "I'm on a Psych major and a minor in French."

"I am in Columbia, busting my ass to be a lawyer." Erica answered with a sigh, everyone turned to Alana.

"I'm on Columbia as well, major in Business Administration and management." She paused as she turned towards me. "You?"

"Oh I'm in... City College of New York... Double major on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. I wanted to get another for physics but I don't really have time."

"Whoa, that's crazy!"

"Yup, can you do my homework for business?" Alana turned to me.

"Ah-ah- I..." Images of my a toilet coming at my face, sometimes used sometimes not, my eye twitched as my chest grimaced. The smell of those bathrooms came to my nose, shit and piss filled my nose trills.

Tears filled my eyes, as her face appeared in my mind my stomach again surged. Without a thought I ran to the nearest bathroom, dodging someone exiting. I proceeded to heave into the bathroom as my stomach emptied itself. Crying always came after throwing up.

"Cindy?" Alana's voice made itself known as I kept crying. "Hey, you alright?" She grimaced as I think noticed the toilet and its contents.

"Did you eat something that didn't settle?" I kept crying, trying to stop myself from doing it. I flinched Warmth got placed on my back as I felt it slowly running small circles across my back. The same bile came again as images came again.

"It's okay, let it all out." She whispered as I think held my hair but it only made me shake harder as the times I've been held like this resurfaced. Which ended up in my stomach trying to exit my throat but as my abs contracted only a burp exited my mouth as spit got expelled from my lips.

"There you go. Thanks." She said as she handed me what looks like coke and water. "Here." She handed me the Coke.

"Small sips, it should help." I nodded as my sniffs grew louder, mucus exit my nostrils without stopping. She just grabbed paper and placed it beneath my nose. "Blow." Following her instructions, everything felt slightly better.

"Better?" I nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry about." The door opened as Mandy came in.

"How are you feeling?"

"She's better."

"Should we call 9 1 1?"

"N-n-no... I can do it, your homework I mean."

"Oh, honey, that was a joke. Besides I would never ask someone else to do my job for me." She said as her hand never left my back.

"Cindy... I'm sorry for asking but..."

"Girl, you better not start asking for shit."

"I mean, in class I read about-"

"No, that's class, not here."


"Nu-uh, out we'll be there in a while."

"Cindy, did you finish that?" I nodded as my hand crushed the empty can without any restraint as a burp exited my throat.

"Gross and damn you're really strong." She answered with a small smile as she pulled the chain of the toilet. "Some water will help you settle your stomach." She handed me the bottle.

"Th-tha- thns." I mumbled as a few burps left me and began to drink the water bottle slowly.

"Did you eat something?"

"No... I... Never mind. Maybe I ate something yesterday." I lied to the best of my ability, which I know is non-existent.

"Sure, clean you face with this... It should help." She handed me those things uses to wipe babies.

"Right..." When we returned I only said that I maybe ate something that didn't settle with me. Yet deep down I know something isn't right. That memory that felt cracked, like something is missing from it. It nags at my head, eventually after almost one hour and 15 bucks less and an entire pizza in my stomach. I was kinda able to understand the 3 of them. Taking a bus so I can get to Line A, was kinda jarring since it was the first time using the subway

Arriving home with a full stomach feels amazing. My shoes left my feet as the clock read 8:30. For the first time ever I have time to myself, what do I do? I mean since turning 7 I've had stuff to do, only an hour of games for at his store, turning to the table and looking at my schoolbag closed and ready for a quick escape tomorrow. I'm done with homework... Pacing around in my socks, ever so slowly walk up the wall.

I remember the novelty of walking on walls, but slowly after so many years my pacing took me to the wall and all the way to the roof.

As my thoughts drift as my pacing gets me from the kitchen, and living room ignoring the gravity feels so awesome.

After fifteen minutes of walking around the house, I settle myself on the couch the remote being too far away. "No, I just sat down!" My lazy ass is in no way I am getting up, pointing two fingers at the controller and the feeling of my webs shoot themselves as the thin webline exits my fingertips. The 'THWIP' sounds quietly as my aim is true as it hits the controller but didn't notice that it also hit the table. With a light yank the controller makes its way towards me... As well as the table. "Oh shit." Placing my hands in front of me as the wooden table collides with my hands and the controller is stuck on it.

The grimace on my face makes it way expecting pain only for the table to feel weightless as my hands stop it from doing anything. "Oh... Right, I forgot about that." Actually the only time I used my strength was to break a lock and... That's it.

'What are my limits?' Placing the table back in place and pressing the button to turn the TV on. 'Oh well, another day...' It's been a while since I saw a movie, maybe a movie can't be a bad thing... I don't really remember much of past movies. 'Were they even real? Was my life even real? Is my life right now real? Why am I me not someone else?' My thoughts drift as I begin to question my existence, only for gunshots to bring me out of my thoughts as the movie Wanted sounded on my ears. "Ugh, one of those days." I clench and unclench my hands as a small headache forms itself on my mind. Leaning down on the couch as the sound of cars outside the building don't stop moving from one place to another.

The movie eventually reaches its end and I begin to go through the channels for once the feeling of being able to watch what I want is... so freeing, the only TV was able to watch what I wanted which ended up in me watching an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and followed by a few movies. It took a few more hours for me to end up tired, pressing the option to see the channel I was watching to look at the clock noticing that it's already nearing midnight.

Forcing myself to turn off the TV knowing I will be tired tomorrow if I stay up too late it would end up poorly for me. Deciding to get a shower after my first day of work and I think the next few problems will be solved in a few day with that meeting I should be fine with this job... Undressing inside the bathroom as the water flows waiting for it to get hot enough for steam to fill the small bathroom as I finished undressing myself I think I can notice why they picked me... yet at the same time I can see the imperfections in my body looking at the full body mirror.

Three scars on my forehead, the one on my shoulder, the one on my leg and I don't dare to look at my back. One of my eyes is more closed than the other, my nose is slightly crooked as a scar lays on the left of the bridge of it, one boob is bigger than the other, and I'm not pretty or model worth.

My ribs are way too pronounced the word 'Malnutrition' bounces around my head a few times, sighing in relief as the steam makes it impossible to see my reflection. After all it has been a while since I saw myself in the mirror this closely.

As the boiling hot water ran down my body I can only take a seat as the hot water felt nice on my skin, it's been a day and I already love having hot water more so when I'm seated. A small thought runs past my mind as I hug my legs. My breast leave no room as they gather water, my head settles itself between them as hot water runs down my back.

A small smile makes itself appear on my face as the hot water drips down my back, ever so slowly I begin to process of standing up, turning off the water and wrapping myself on a towel a sigh of comfort leaves my lips as my body flops on the bed and cold rushes through my body. Making some things that I didn't pay attention to before standing in different directions. A small shudder rushes through my body as I turn on my back and notice the towel got a little loose as two white/tan skin mounds and a pink peak that is standing straight. Curiosity gets the best of me as I give it a gentle tug that feels way too good.

Ever so slowly I put pressure on my chest with my hand, followed by a gentle pinch, a moan leaves my mouth as I slowly feel something on my crotch, my other hand reaches down to touch and the thought of sleeping at a reasonable hour leaves my mind as I finished my 'business' session exhausted at almost 3 AM.

Waking up to notice I feel sticky and gross is something absolutely new, I can't help but look at the clock and feel relief as 6:00 AM on the dot. The memories of being another person of a different gender rise through my head but nothing comes to me anymore, I think I remember doing stuff I haven't done, like touching sand, or knowing subjects we haven't reviewed in class. Those feel so real, yet at the same time not.

A quick shower and getting dressed I was able to get to class for the last day of subject and specific topics reviews and the start of crunch for final exams, at least some classes are projects which means less exams. But first I need another job, at least that part was easy and since it's a simple job as a sandwich maker.

Thankfully exams are easy, having a single look at a page is easy enough to remember formulas and since the rumor of the physics teacher using the problems of the book well that left me with a few hours of doing several exercises of topics that we went over through the semester, same with several other courses. Now I'm just waiting for Columbia to return my acceptance, I need to get in there so I don't pay for rent and have a real chance at a good job so I can have money. A week went by as having two jobs became a bit much for me at first, working at a fast food joint is hard, people are sometimes pieces of shit, and at least it's relatively easy. The modeling job became gradually easier, as I learned the basics and turns out the Alana, Mandy and Erica aren't bad people; sometimes they might act like bitches but not towards me which is a relief.

Summer is kinda underwhelming, as the payment for rent and food that left me full-ish and since when I'm home I'm by myself I'm using some of my powers to do things easier that and standing on the ceiling is kinda fun. After a few months someone made an announcement that big news were going to happen for the agency, no one had any idea as to what would happen.

"So, we have good news and great news, which one do you girls want to hear first?" No one spoke as Michael took charge of the meeting.

"The goo-"

"We'll start with the great news!" He paused for dramatic effect as everyone kept their eyes on him.

"So?" Erica's annoyed tone made clear the intention of everyone in the room as the pause lasted way too long.

"As of next Monday we're part of Stark Industries!"

"What?" I couldn't help myself to say that.

"Yup, we're part of Stark Industries in the marketing division."

"Please tell me we don't have to do the slutty Iron Man costumes." I feel horror as I remember those dancers from the Stark Expo as well as the pictures of News covering the story behind those girls.

"No, since the CEO Virginia Potts, now OUR CEO, has always been interested in fashion as I had to pull a shit ton of strings and people I know to be considered since we're a small agency right now, but after looking at the success of the first shoot that Cindy was part of and the following shoots for that makeup store, and since we're on the list for Fashion week of next winter-"

"We're going to be participating?"

"Not exactly, but that was before. Right now we're the backup in case someone does not make themselves known. But that doesn't matter because SHE likes fashion which means we're going to be the main branch for modeling for their products."

"What does Stark Industries sell aside from weapons?" Mandy asked.

"Didn't they stop that a few years ago?"

"Yes, now they're investing in renewable energy and moving to household name like phones and other stuff." I reply at her.

"Oh that's right, the only competition for Apple for good phones."

"Doesn't matter now girls, since being part of Stark Industries we now have more money and we will get better contracts. Because our future company is working on something related with clothes, but, BUT, first we have a simple job that offers a good pay AND it's safe."

"Safe? Why did you imply safe?"

"It may seem shady but I had a few contacts vouch for him."

"Are you selling us?"

"No, we're not escorts, so it's only six hours and you girls only have to be pretty, which you already are. But it's a club that opens this Friday and you all have to be there."

"But Cindy is underage."

"I've already talked about that with the owner, Cindy you can't drink anything alcoholic. Also all of you need to wear cocktail dresses and none of you can smoke, do drugs or hook up. You will be on the clock for the night. They're paying by the hour and... damn, that sounds a lot like an escort."

"It sounds like prostitution."

"Which is illegal."

"I know it sounds that way, I'll give you the address and you will be receiving the pay the day after, and yes you can drink but with discretion." Michael does seem disappointed. "It will only be Friday, no scandals or drama. Also don't mention her age or our deal goes up in smoke."

"Can't we take Cindy out so we avoid problems?"

"No, he asked for four and we only have you since recruitment week is a month away and the other agencies he contacted are completely booked that day."

"Well shit."

"Indeed, now we will review for upcoming events and shoots. The dresses will be given to you Thursday." I don't know why but something doesn't give me a bad feeling.

"Stop pulling your dress, you're going to flash your tits to someone."

"Oh sorry about stressing you, I've never worn something this short. How do you people walk around in these." I ask aloud as the four of us get off the car, I carefully place a bag with clothes on the trunk. I notice a grey and black hoodie bundled up. Making sure the tennis shoes and grabbing the purse that I received as a gift from Mandy since she noticed I didn't have one. I keep my webshooters there, carrying all my inventions is the best thing I can do.

"Remember we parked on the fourth floor and the H 12."

"I'll remember."

"Also we look out for each other; we talked about the look, if that happens someone has to help. Okay? And keep an eye for Cindy." Everyone answered to Erica halfheartedly. We waked two blocks to the club that we're supposed to be eye candy for. We walked past the security since we arrived early we were able to go through without a problem, yet there is a line of girls similarly dressed like us and people that have that crazy party vibe.

The sound of electronic music and a thumping bass sounds on my ears, focusing on my hearing as it drowns out the sounds keeping the music as background while the smell of alcohol and whatever they used for cleaning floors fills my nose. "Hi, we're from High Fashion Modeling Agency." Erica says as she walks straight to a guy of around 25-26 year old.

"Hello, I'm Daniel. I'm the owner and don't worry about anything since you're going to be hanging around with me and some friends. You're here to look pretty." His gaze turns to everyone and it ends up in me, as his gaze lingers Mandy steps in front of me and walks forward.

"Hi, I'm Mandy and I'm so happy that we can be part of the inauguration of this club."

"Well, it seems that something came up and just sit tight and order a drink and I'll be back in a few." He took off down to the lower floor as the guy in the VIP looked straight at us, that is a big dude.

"New rule, Cindy, stay close to any of us." Erica commands as Alana and Mindy nod silently.

"Why?" I can't help but ask.

"Oh Honey." Alana said in a kind tone as she called a waiter over. Eventually the club began to fill up and the music got louder making it harder to focus. The same guy returned with other dudes that seemed way too interested in talking to the rest, I stayed a little to the side as conversations seemed to go on and on. While I thought about that idea of what could I do with my thesis because it's something theoretical after all.

"Hey." A guy that I think left for a minute is now standing there.

"H-hi." Damn am I bad at meeting new people.

"So, you look deep in thought." He said as he sat down and smiled, but it seems he's interested in talking.

"Oh... I'm just thinking about what my thesis would be about."

"Your thesis? Where do you go?"

"City College." His eyes show interest, I think I remember talking with friends about stuff.

"That's cool, I'm from NYU." He subtly puffed out his chest. "Oh I'm majoring in electrical engineering."

"Cool, I'm doing a double major, in engineering both. But I'm theorizing with some theory that could entwine both so I can present it as a thesis."

"Damn, can you give me a preview of what you're thinking?" He seems smart-ish; turning towards him I begin my rant.

"So you know how electrons under certain conditions turn to muons, right?" He nodded. "What I'm thinking about is going at it from an angle that doesn't waste energy since the muons make a projectile that Iron Man uses from what I'm theorizing anyway."

"How do you know he uses muons, many think its plasma."

"Why would it be plasma, he needs a power source to run it, plasma carries energy but not enough for it to make his armor move." He didn't answer. "What I'm trying to discover is if there is an excess of energy how can it be contained. Because when muons enter the room temperature they eventually dissipate leaving no chance for it do anything else than turn to static or even turn to heat and leave it at that."

"I'm kinda lost."

"Don't worry, it's easy. I read the paper that Doctor Banner wrote about electrons and the bases of how they work under heavy energy currents."

"The Hulk?"

"Yes, he published a few papers on Gamma energy that never saw the light of day, except his thesis during his years of college. But he published one about energy."

"He did?"

"Yup and while I'm thinking about how during the last pages I think page 45, he wrote about magnets and how they affect electrons, which is super interesting. But another book by professor brown from MIT he developed a system that is used in the electric Dam of New York. Those two papers can be combined, but at the same time they can't because it is impossible to have magnets that size. What I'm trying to get to is to solidify energy, like Spartans in Halo. But nothing exists that can make this, no power source is strong enough, there is no theories about how it could work but if IF something produces one negatively charged particle of any kind without using a particle accelerator and exposed to regular air-"

"I lied, I'm sorry. I do go to NYU but I'm a business Major I was at engineering but failed a few subjects."

"Did you get any of what I just said?"

"I got lost at Hulk." I sighed as he just stood up as he took a sip from his drink. Turning to my left to see the guy that said is the owner speaking to the security guy, he seems angry as the other guy is repeating what he says. "-t do you mean there is no closed circuit?" He paused as his eyes narrowed. "Why does Bishop Security have a deal with fucking Comcast? Just get the internet fixed and check the cameras constantly, Security has to be tighter on the bar and if a fight happens make sure people respond quickly." He paused as he sighed. "Fine, I'll trust you to keep things going smooth." He frowned as he turned around as smiled as he made his way towards us.

"So, I didn't get your name." He says as he sits way too close to me, he now smells more like alcohol. Leaning back as he just stops mid lean and his eyes travel to my breasts.

"Ah-I'm C-" A touch on my shoulder pulled my attention.

"Come on! I need to go to the bathroom and a few shots!" Mandy said as she gently took my hand. "Excuse us, we need to go to the ladies room and some shots."

"Sure thing; help yourselves just say my name at the bar for the drinks." He smiled but seemed annoyed. As we made our way down to the bottom floor I lean down to talk into her ear.

"What was that about?"

"Cin, you need to be careful with guys like those."


"They're the type to throw around money, like that guy." She pointed to someone who is throwing money as he drinks from a champagne bottle; he's already with half his shirt buttons open as girls cling onto him. The sight of money being wasted like that made me only want to step closer and pick up some of those bills. "Where are you going?" She pulled me away.

"But money?!"

"No, if you go there you'll end up in trouble and you don't handle pressure well."


"No, come on, I do need to use the bathroom." One trip of me guarding her door and we were back to the club. "Stay here. I'll get some shots for us, not you. But the rest." I smiled at her care for me; I looked around as she was having trouble calling the attention of the bartender, until finally she made her order. People ignored me as I slapped hands from groping me or pinch me in places. Some gave me glares as others just smirked, while I could only frown as they walked past. 4 Guys did that and it got annoying pretty fast. Mandy is now talking to a guy who seems to catch her attention.

For some reason that makes me feel anger at the guy for making her smile, but with a deep breath, I just shove that thought as I drift closer to the guy who is guarding the bar. That way no gropers can try. As I stand beside the guy that has biceps bigger than my head he just looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Any problem I can help with?" I feel myself shrink at how deep his voice is.

"N-no, it-its, just people keep t-t-tr-trying to gr-grope m-me." He frowned as he looked at me then around.

"If anyone tries again let me know. That's harassment little lady, we don't let that happen here." He said as I turned my gaze to Mandy as her drinks arrived, but as the guy beside her called her attention, she turned as he introduced a friend. The guy he was talking to dropped something dust-like, that I barely caught with all the strobing lights and the light it reflected. "MANDY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in panic but the music dropped its beat silencing my shout.

"Something wrong with your friend?" I can barely hear him.

"THAT GUY SLIPPED SOME DUST ON HER DRINK." I yelled as loud as I could, he moved immediately, as he talked into his earpiece.

"-music off!" I could barely hear him, Mandy was toasting with the same A-holes. But the music stopped, lights turned on as several security guards showed up making their way towards those guys. Several people we're speaking in murmurs, as some booed.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN." The owner has a microphone on his hand, everyone turned to him.

"MANDY!" I motioned for her to come towards me, but she looked confused at me as she was about to drink. "DON'T DRINK!" I yelled at her and she stopped placing her drink down.

"Please don't drink anything. We received a tip that a drink is spiked, our staff will replace your drinks." She made her way towards me, but her arm got caught by the same dude, I am holding myself back from punching that guy for hurting her: but the guards began to struggle with the guys as Mandy got released she seemed shocked as she walked to me and hugged me, clearly calling attention.

"Thank you." She whispered as the sound of struggle was made evident as people booed and shouted. The rest came to us as even other girls that I don't know came to ask if Mandy was okay and that I did the right thing. Eventually the music got once again but people were a little more protective and fearful.

"I want to go home." Mandy said as she decided to only speak with me during the rest of the night.

"Sure thing honey. We're done." Erica said as she nodded as she went to talk to the owner and after a minute we ended up leaving early, it's almost 1 AM and since its a relatively safe part of the city we move carefully. I can hear the sounds of cars and rats moving but something doesn't feel right. A white van is driving at a slow pace.

"Girls..." Alana said with fear in her voice, the sound of a door opening makes itself to my ears.

"RUN!" Erica yells out and everyone follows her command, I begin to run but the sound of Alana and Mandy screaming makes me feel anger.

"WE GOT HER!" I turn around to see two people I call friends and my heart aches as they scream and kick as one of them gets gagged with something. Erica begins to drag me by the arm as she runs. I look at the car noticing the details and remembering the license plate.


"HEY THOSE TWO!" One yells as both of us begin to run away.

"THEY DON'T MATTER! WE HAVE THESE BITCHES! GO GO GO!" The other yelled as the van began to speed up after us, the running got us to the parking lot and we made our way to the parking lot. Erica is crying and my chest hurts from seeing my friends crying and screaming. A thought runs through my mind, it was a thought that bounced on my head after the expo.

'There comes a time when someone has to act when no one else can. In those times it's up to you to realize that maybe you're the hero.' Clenching my hands as the sound of the van driving reaches my ears. I look from the fourth floor to the avenue as the van drives away. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath. 'I NEED to help them. I HAVE to SAVE them!'

"System Awakened" NAH! I'M KIDDING, I WILL NEVER DO A GAMER FF... I respect myself too much to write that.

ANYWAY CLIFFHANGER HAVE FUN! WHILE I LAUGH MANIACALLY for leaving you guys like this! See you next Sunday for a BIG CHAPTER incoming!