
a greater purpose: timed ice

"The bad the evil the unfortunate and the ones that just had no choice That's who I was I became one of those just to lift myself, from a bad spot however, the people who gave me that chance weren't just going to let me give up with no consequence and that's how I ended up in a place of fiction which was now my reality in rain another OC insert but in the rain village I never seen this done so I decided to give it a go hope you enjoy:)

hoifzf · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Ahma Yuki profile

Eyes color:rainbow-colored (yes I'm serious)

Hair: faded silver

Skin: light brown

Future Weapon: Hyō no Arashi (a drilling sword)

Chakra Affinity: water, wind, and Yin and Yang release(later might get Yin-Yang if I do a certain series)

Kekkai genkai: advance ice release and time slowing (will have limits I don't make Mary sues)

skill: sensory type

(leave some suggestions and I might do them anyways peace)