
a greater purpose: timed ice

"The bad the evil the unfortunate and the ones that just had no choice That's who I was I became one of those just to lift myself, from a bad spot however, the people who gave me that chance weren't just going to let me give up with no consequence and that's how I ended up in a place of fiction which was now my reality in rain another OC insert but in the rain village I never seen this done so I decided to give it a go hope you enjoy:)

hoifzf · Fantasy
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6 Chs

the hidden Rain?

I got up and tried to look through the downpour and saw faint lights in picked myself up walking my way there which was very uncomfortable. I didn't have any shoes I was a wide tear on a grey shirt I had on but luckily I had a cloak wrapped around me so If I was walking into a village or town I shouldn't be as bothered by unsavory individuals. It took what felt like a hour to finally clearly see a phew shops I was going to just walk through the entrance casually but I felt a grip of a hand on my shoulder and something sharp against my neck.

"don't move I'll need to make sure you aren't some ballsy genin walking in on some cocky go getter attitude"

I didn't make a move at all I had no idea what this man was talking about but I wasn't willing to test his patients so I let him remove my hood. We made eye contact and his face went from serious to one of annoyance and with one fucking arm I was sent flying into a trashcan.

"tsk just another orphan I better go to the front before I miss my chance against those leaf scum"

I heard him said before a series of splashes faded in the distance.

"what a..jackass"

I got up putting my hood back on with my present goal to find a book on this world and probably steal some food since I still was hungry.


Ahma started walking again and was looking around at every sign seeing alot of food stands but also the people who seemed to always think twice over on what they wanted and the shopkeepers having patience not a sign of annoyance more like relatability.

'the shops don't look like ones of wealthy variety not many luxury items and the people seem overly cautious which could mean this is a place of desperate times I should look for the least busiest person to ask questions from'

Ahma made it to a square where there was a man sitting on a bench smoking a pipe and eating some bread wearing a umbrella hat. She walked up to him and he looked up giving a slight smile.

"I'm sorry kiddo I don't have enough food for us both to share"

the man sounded genuine.

" it's fine I'm not hungry yet I wanted to know if there was a library nearby"

"nope maybe in the next place but not here but I can explain some things since I got time,"

he patted the seat as an invite which she took sitting on the opposite side.

"oh I see your cautious that's a good thing to have in a world like this so shoot me anything"

"well can you tell me what this place is like the country"

the man who was taking another smoke spat and started coughing roughly before he was fine to talk.

"how the heck do you not know where you are!? this is the village hidden in the rain or just As Amegakure"

"well I don't remember much of anything except for the here and now I don't even know if my parents are alive or not"

Ahma looked down at the ground her hair covering her eyes.

"o-oh yeah that makes some sense it's a miracle your alive most orphans parish by themselves so you don't know anything about this world?"

"no not a thing"

"well lucky for you I was apart of the ninja academy first thing to know are the nations there are 5 big ones being kirigakure,Kumokagure,Sunagakure and Iwagakure and Konogakure as you can tell we're one of the smaller nations but the strongest of them and Konoha the village hidden in the leaves is the strongest of the great five"

He paused so she could take everything in.

"is that all of them"

"no there's also Takigakure who's usually considered the strongest of the small nations but in my opinion we could wipe them out if they didn't have one of...them but here's a full map so you can get the full picture"

He pulled out a folded paper from a pouch he had unfolding it to reveal a map showing it to her it had the names of the nations on the corner by the village symbols Ahma was able to memorize it and decided to ask another question.

"is there anything special that the academy teaches anything cool"

'usually in books about other worlds there some type of magic or technology so there's a chance they teach that stuff here'

"yeah there's something special they teach... the ability to use chakra"

to be continued...

(boom months sorry bout that was thinking on the direction but I got it and yes she'll encounter certain kids who make red clouds comment your ideas vote and peace)