
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · 映画
22 Chs

Ch.13 Danger Room Brawl

(Two days later)

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters




"Isn't this a bit much?" I asked as I looked down into the Danger Room the X-Mens training room and a future death trap.

Xavier: "Dont worry the Danger Room automatically adjusts the difficulty and obstacles to those in the room," he said next to me as we watched X-23 tear through the multiple turrets and other obstacles and traps I was surprised by the variety and amount of them.

Hank: "But to do so as efficiently as possible we need to analyze you both so that the room will be able to automatically create obstacles to better create your training regiment for you both," he said at the control console for the Danger Room and I nodded.

"(You get all that and how are you holding up?)" I asked threw our mental link.

X-23: "(Yes and I'm fine)" was All X-23 sent back as she continued to dodge the bullets of a particular group of turrets and began destroying them slicing them to pieces.

"So how do you guys make all this stuff and fix it afterward?" I asked seeing all the debris and broken electronics all around the room.

Hank: "Nanobots are programmed to fix any damage after a training session by taking the destroyed equipment and putting it back together like this but there are many different programs like the holographic training," he explained and I nodded.

Xavier: "Speaking of technology what are the devices strapped to your sides do they have something to do with your powers?" he asked and I nodded and patted my duel disk strapped to my side.

"They allow for quick and easy use of my type of magic," I said simply getting a nod from Xavier and a intrigued look from Hank.

Ever since agreeing to attend this school Xavier and other X-men have tried to squeeze out as much information about my powers as possible but all I give them is vague information or general answers.

'But now they get to do all the analysis they want or as much as they can get,' I thought as X-23 cut down the last obstacle the door to the Danger Room opening.

"Wish me luck," I said to the two and made my way down after a few moments I passed X-23 who gave me the smallest nod of her head I smiled at her.

As we passed I handed her duel disk back to her and activated mine my new dino deck equipped with it and as I saw the entrance to the danger room I noticed in the reflective metal that my outfit had shifted to That of the look I had in the museum when I stole the Millennium item.


Hank: "The Danger room will be ready in a moment so prepare yourself," he said through a speaker in the wall and I nodded and looked at my stats.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

<Name- Shawn Valon>

<Title's- Runaway, Novice, True Duelist, Eyes of Red, Need-4-Speed, Lone Duelist>

<Lv- 5>

<Age- 16>


Str- 20

Dex- 19

Int- 27

Cha- 20

Luk- 25


•Swordplay- "Stick'em with the pointy end."


•Hand to hand- "I am a weapon."


•Magic- "You're a wizard Harry."


•Summomer- "I summon. . ."


•Driving- "Let's Rev it up!"




12, 0, 0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nodding my head as I looked at my stats and a glance at my deck I adjusted the sword on my back.

'That last-minute training with X-23 has paid off,' I thought as a buzzing noise filled the hallway and the large doors slide open.

Walking inside I looked around the large oval-shaped space of metal almost caused me to feel a little dizzy but I shook my head and looked toward the observation room.

There I saw the three looking down at me and Hank gave me a thumbs up and started counting down.


My deck shuffled.


I pulled the top five cards.


Glancing at my hand I smiled.


Thinking of an opening move.


"LETS DUEL!" I shouted and placed a card down on my duel disk at the same time two turrets popped out of the wall.


Before I could even think of moving I was suddenly pushed back and in front of me a girl appearing giant metal claw hands blocking the hail of bullets.

<Monster- Dinomorphia Therizia>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 4>



Attack- 1500

Defense- 0

She looked back and smiled at me and I gave her a thumbs up as her effect activated and I quickly places a card on then two more.

"I activate Polymerization!" I shouted and the girl in front of me became a black ball of energy as well as a card in my hand the two combined and in the air, an Jet shaped like a pterodactyl appeared above my head.

<Monster- Dinomorphia Stealthbergia>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 6>



Attack- 0

Defense- 2500

As the jet appeared and flouted above me the many turrets that fired on me suddenly turned their guns on the vehicle.

Not missing a beat I mentally ended my turn and I quickly drew my card and smiled at the luck I had.

The trap I got from Dinomorphia Therizia flipped up and activated Dinomorphia Alert.

Shawn- LP:4000 -2000 = 2000

From the top of the Danger Room, two figures dropped down to the ground in front of me one was the girl from earlier the other was a guy with a long tail that looked like a whip.

<Monster- Dinomorphia Diplos>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 4>



Attack- 1000

Defense- 0

As both landed by my side their cards that appeared on my duel disk glowed and both monsters *Roared* the sound of beasts echoing off the metallic walls and their eyes glowed softly.

Dinomorphia Diplos whipped out his tail which releases barbed spicks from the tip of it that destroyed multiple turrets.

Dinomorphia Therizia's clawed hand glowed and she stopped in the air causing lines of energy to fire out destroying the multiple obstacles and anything else that tried to get close to me.

But then I noticed the lack of turrets and looked to see any that were about to pop out of the wall was instantly destroyed by Dinomorphia Diplos as it fired rockets at any that popped out of the wall.

"Ok this is cool," I said watching my monster go to town I was about to call out to Hank when the door to the Danger room was suddenly destroyed a explosion blowing it inward.

And walking threw it was a girl with long blond hair that almost went to her waist blue glowing eyes and pale skin wearing black gloves, boots, and shorts with a crown (at least I think its a crown) but what caught my attention at the moment was the huge fuck off glowing sword she wielded with one hand.

???: "You are the disturbance!" she shouted and before I could even respond her weird caught on fire burning blue she brought it down and the floor was quickly covered in the blue flames.

I barely even had time to react as the flames came a few inches from touching me but thankfully my monsters did and quickly I was scooped up and thrown into the air and dropped on top of Dinomorphia Stealthbergia.

X-23: "(I'm going to tear her apart,)" I heard X-23 through our link I could feel her rapidly growing anger threw the link, so I immediately sent her a response to stay back for now.

Hank: "Miss Rasputin stop this at once!" he yelled but the girl didn't even acknowledge him as she brought up her sword and spoke and at that moment did I realize that I was being attacked by Magik the little sister of Colossus.

Magic: "-̶̩͈̟̭͔̉̾̈́̊̚͘ ̵̻͉̎͊́̎̓̊͜͝-̶̰͈̣̤̅͛̊͝ ̶̢̭͇͉͉̠̓̎̓̎̿-̵͔͎̋̈̃͐ ̸̨̢̛̣̤͇̾̒̈́̓̀-̵̯́̋̐ ̸͕͎̱͙̦̠͗͜͠-̶̛̻̻̜̗͇̻̑͂͊̒͝ ̸̨̧̢̲̥̘̥̍̄̾-̷̨͕͉̳͚̜͗̈́͜ ̴̦̎-̴͈͉̟̱̱̒̂̃͗̂͘ ̴̛̳͔̤̭̮́̽̽̊-̴̧̳̦̮̹̯̤̎̽̐̇̎̾̽," the words she spoke sounded like a nothing I had ever heard before and I watched as the blue flames that covered the ground came together to form a giant flaming blue cobra.

"Yeah no fuck this," I said and activated my trap card Solemn Judgment.

The card glowed gold and the visage of an old and wise man appeared by his side two angles with gold halos helped him stand in front of me and my monster.

The flaming cobra shot forward to bite but the old man raised his hand and a golden light filled the room but didn't hurt to look at it as I watched the golden light erase the snake lime Thanos and the snap.

But to my surprise, the light did far more than that as the golden light sent Magik flying back into the wall of the Danger Room her sword falling to the ground and after a few moments, the light disappeared as well as the old man.

"Ok, that was not supposed to do that!" I shouted as my monsters helped down to the ground just in time for a group of teens to rush in and see Magik embedded in the wall and turn to me.

'Oh no,' I thought as I saw the connection being made in their heads so I raised my hands hoping to stop a repeat of what happened at my house "I was just defending myself she attacked me," I said as a girl with butterfly wings and pink skin and hair flew over to Magik kneeling next to her.

Before anything else happened suddenly they all stopped and looked up to the observation room and the various head nods from the group of new arrivals.

"(What just happened?)" I asked X-23 who had calmed down but was now on high alert.

X-23: "(The telepath is explaining what has happened we are now coming down to interrogate the hostile and uncover why she attacked you,)" she explained and I don't have to wait long as I saw the three walking into the room through the broken door.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on," I asked my monsters still summoned and surrounding me.

Xavier: "That is exactly what we want to know Roberto you could explain Illyana has disrupted this training and evaluation session?" he asked but it was a command and a boy with tan skin and brown hair nodded.

Roberto: "Sorry professor but we were eating lunch when we saw Magik rush down the hall past us she's part of our team so we chased after her but she used one of her discs and we lost her until we Wolfsbane caught her scent," he explained and Xavier nodded then turned to Magik and role up to her prone and my surprise unconscious form.

'How the hell did that Trap card hurt her let alone make her fall unconscious,' I thought as I watched Xavier touch Illyana's head and closed his eyes a few seconds later he removed his hand and opened his eyes and the girl opened her eyes and looked around.

Xavier: "Now Miss Rasputin could you explain your decision to disrupt an evaluation and attack a future attending student?" he asked not sounding the least bit upset about any of what he just said.

"(He doesn't sound too upset about her actions,)" I said threw the link, and only then did I notice that X-23 was standing right next to me.

'Did she sneak past my monsters or did they recognize she wasn't an enemy and let her get close to me?' I thought looking at my monster but none of them even looked towards X-23.

X-23: "(Why he got far more data from you when you were really in danger,)" she said and I couldn't help but nod my head in agreement but no one noticed.

Illyana Rasputin aka Magik stood and suddenly her sword appeared in her hand and she pointed it at me causing everyone to tense up.

Illyana: "You wield a magic that disrupts the balance of the world," she said her eyes glowing and I simply shrugged.

"I wield the magic of ancient sorcerers, priests, pharaohs and god king's that has long since been forgotten and now through me has returned," I said trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Illyana: "I felt the magic around us quake multiple times and I hear whispers that shadows are growing stronger you are the source of this are you not?" she asked her eyes glowing gold along with her sword.

"I don't know anything about magical quakes but I do know that my magic has something to do with shadows," I explained even though I had a vague idea of what could be happening.

Xavier: "Illyana would you please explain to the rest of us what's going on," he asked and the girl looked around at the confused expression n everyone's faces and sighed and nodded her head.

Illyana: "For weeks now every user of magic has been feeling these quakes in the magical realm like its shifting it's not unusual considering how chaotic magic can be but never to this level it's like the entire realm is being pushed grinding against something," she explained trying to make it so everyone understand.

But I had gone into my head trying to figure out if I had or could cause what she was describing.

I or my system brought Duel monsters to Marvel including the Shadow realm and all the concepts with it meaning an entirely new realm/dimension just popped into this Marvel universe maybe even this multiverse.

'Is that why these quakes are happening or is it because I'm using a magic that the universe isn't used to I need to do some research maybe if the gate is open I can talk to Priest Seto and ask him,' I thought when I got a buzz on my phone but before I could look at it I heard what else magic was saying.

Illyana: "I need to bring him to my master the sorcerer supreme and have him take a look at him," she declared the giant sword no longer pointed at me but still in her hand and I un-summoned my monsters.

"I'm ok with it since I might be causing whatever problem is going on," I said getting a nod from Xavier 'And because the idea of trying to fix a problem on that scale by myself is terrifying so why not let the experts handle it,' I thought and a part of me wanted to meet Dr. Strange or whoever the sorcerer supreme was maybe even learned some other magic.

Xavier: "Very well but Illyana we will be talking about your action later is that understood," he said and she nodded once and with a swing of her sword a portal opened like reality just got a nasty cut.

I stood in front of the portal and looked to Illyana who rolled her eyes and walked threw it I turn and nodded to X-23.

"I'll be back in a bit don't hurt anyone," I said to her who nodded and I stepped into the portal and stepped into what looked like a large library/mansion.

But as I looked around I felt a warm sensation on my chest and looked down to see the Millennium Ring glowing outline on my chest.