
A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

In the realm of human existence, the concept of encountering the divine is often shrouded in mystery and subjectivity. However, what if a blind person were to meet R.O.B and be transported into the world of the Twilight with Fujitsu Template?

Darkzarc · 映画
10 Chs

Chapter 4

During the same week, Alexander showed up with his family at the Cullens House...

Alice POV:

I was walking inside the house when suddenly I had a couple of visions.

Vision: Two teenage boys walking together in Forks High School. One is blind and the other has yellow hazel eyes. They look like brothers. There was Edythe watching them closely, and she looked like trying to think of something.

The vision changes to Edward looking at a girl who appears. He acts like she smells bad, but it's more like he's fighting his urge, and the girl takes it the wrong way.

Is it possible that they are Edward and Edythe mates? If it is true, witch one of the boys is Edythe mate? I better go tell them and let them think about the possibility.

I started to walk in the direction that the two were at. They were both in the living room.

"Hey Edward and Edythe, I got possible good news that you two would meet your mates soon. Surprise!:

Edythe POV:

Alice:" Hey Edward and Edythe, I got possible good news that you two would meet your mates soon. Surprise!"

I looked at Alice for a few seconds. I'm surprised. My mind was racing as I didn't think I would have one since it has been a long time. I looked at Edward to see his reaction, but all he had was a weird face as he was thinking about something. Knowing him, he wouldn't want to turn his mate into a vampire like us.

Unlike him, I'm excited to finally have one. I started to get jealous of Alice, Rosalie, and Esme having their mates. I don't know how many weddings I've seen them have that it made me want one myself. I just wanted one that would be mine alone. I don't mind turning him into a vampire as long as we can be together for a long time.

Alice: "Say something, you two."

"Do you know what they look like?"

Alice: "Yes, but yours is hard to tell as there were two boys in my vision about yours. One is blind, and the other has yellow hazel eyes. They both have dark black hair and are quite handsome. They look like brothers. As for Edward, I saw a girl..."

Edward: "Sorry Alice, but I don't want to hear about her. I'm sorry again, I'll be in my room."

Edward left as they both looked in his direction. At the same time, I didn't mind either one, even if one was blind. I'll just be happy to have my own mate then.

"Don't worry about him. He's just overthinking things. I do want to know what she looks like. Please tell me so I can keep an eye out for her.

While this was happening at the same time at a restaurant with Alexander and his family waiting for the Clearwaters to show up.

Alexander POV:

My family and I will be eating at a family own steak house restaurant as we were waiting for the Clearwaters to show up. Our mother started to talk about we will be moving into our new house sooner than we thought. This will be the last night staying at Clearwater's house.Then she started to talk about school. I just started to joke with my brother. I went close to him as possible and jokingly said.

"Hey Arthur, picture this: you'll be strutting your stuff in school, while I, oh poor little me, will be stuck at home, all alone, shedding crocodile tears (cue dramatic sobbing). I'll be living the life of luxury, basking in the cozy warmth of our humble abode, indulging in all the mouthwatering snacks my heart desires, all while diligently studying. Oh, the agony of my pitiful existence!"

Mom: "I heard that, but sorry to burst your bubble. You will be going to school with him too."

"Huh? Mama said, "What now?"

Arthur: "Hahaha, let me take a picture of your face with my flip phone real quick. It's priceless. I will be showing this to Leah and Seth. If only you could see, then you would see the funny face you're making."

Mom: "You heard right. I've already talked to the school to help set you up for school work and to have the same classes as your brother. Before you ask why, it's because I saw you finally starting to become lively with Leah and Seth around. It would be a good idea for you to be around people your age, to socialize more and make more friends, instead of staying at home to learn."

Arthur: "She has a point. You need more friends in your life."

"Hey now, you're supposed to be on my side here. Where is the unbreakable brother bond?"

Arthur: "Sorry, brother, but Mom has the high ground here. She pays for a roof over our heads and gives us our allowance. It's better for you to give up."

"You've got a point. Oh well, I'd better accept my fate. I will remember this and plot my revenge on you, my dear brother."

Arthur: "You wish you could."

Finally, after back and forth jokes with my brother, the Clearwaters are here. Leah sat by me, and Seth sat by Arthur. We talked with them, and they congratulated us on getting a house so soon. During dinner, Leah made me take out my flip phone and put her number in it, and so did Seth. I'm lucky enough to spend time on the phone to know what buttons to push to call who, and now I really miss smartphones and Alexa.

Leah told me to call her if I ever have problems here and to promise to call her on the weekends to hang out together. I was planning on that anyway. Seth pretty much said the same thing but wants to stay a night at our house to have a boys' night. You really can't hate the guy at all.

The night ended, and soon, we will move into our house tomorrow, which is close to the Quileute land border. I guess Mom wanted to live closer to her friend's house. Soon, the story will begin. I'm excited to see what happens in the future.

(Author's note: This is not a Harem fan fiction. Sorry, but I don't think the story should have a harem in it. The MC only has one partner. I will most likely make a harem one in DxD with multiverse of Yanderes or a Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, whenever this novel is past New Moon. Thanks for the support on here. I have great readers.)