

A cultivator who belongs to immortal tribulation stage [second last stage of cultivation], dies of old age after failing to ascend to eternal life being realm [last stage of cultivation after which a person becomes immortal]. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a strange world akin to hell with pollution and poverty everywhere. He has also lost his prowess from his previous life, but to his fortune, he was found by some people who work for non-government organisations and put into an adoption center. But he was never adopted. At the age of 15, he decided to try cultivation again, after taking a break for a few years and also earn part time to support himself. The first time he tried, he failed. And also managed to unleash a demon who had been trapped for years. The next day, he was informed that a billionaire is coming to their adoption center, and to his surprise, the billionaire decided to adopt him. 'This guy is suspicious. Does he know that the demon was unleashed by me?' He thought. 'I need to trap the demon back.' The cultivator suddenly decided one day. But it was impossible for him to do it as he had to start from scratch. It's a story about an OP character becoming OP again in an unfamiliar world. [PS: this is my first time trying a fantasy cultivation type story. I would appreciate your reviews and criticism]

Kindapassingby · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 6: Releasing the demon [Part 4]

I broke the seal. I am screwed. I felt the earth shaking. I brought the hare closer to my chest and got up and hid in a bush which was out of the demon's area. Many animals started to get out of their haven.

It was scary. I used my mana to scan things again to check what was happening. I saw a sharp green light shoot towards the sky and then change itself into the human form. It then turned towards me.

Gasp! It's after me. I opened my eyes and without thinking about anything else, squeezed the hare tightly and started running towards the end of the forest.

I turned around the corner to check whether it was following me or not but it wasn't. Thank Goodness! The demon wasn't following me. I am safe. But I suddenly felt strange, like something was following me. I had to run. I was wrong when I thought it wasn't following me. It was! I ran as fast as I could.

But in a hurry I took a wrong turn. But I can get out even though I won't have a cement road, i.e a well built road. The other way would be a bit rough, still as long as I can get out of here, it would be fine.

And I was right. When I was filled with exhaustion and thinking when I would be out, I saw some light from behind the trees. It would be a street light. I am finally out now.

I came out of the forest. But to my surprise the forest was on high rise and the highway road below me was quite low. So I did come running and came out of the forest but due to the distance between the forest road which was cut off to make Highway, made it hard for me to stay safe. When I got out of the forest and the road was suddenly cut off, I fell down on the highway.

But it was for good because when I fell down, I felt a huge gust of wind from the trees which went towards the city. I think the demon was not following me to attack me, rather to get out of the forest and when it saw the opening, it got out at full speed.

Thank God! It's fine. I looked at the hare I had all this while. It looked half dead. Did I squeeze it that hard?

I caressed it. My my, what to do with him now? I earlier thought he was possessed to act like a cctv but seeing it jump in the seal I think I was overthinking a bit about it. Welp now whatever is done is done. The guy who would have sealed the demon must have known the thing would be gone by now, so he'll do whatever is needed. Nothing for me to do now. I should think about going somewhere else now.

"Are you ok?" someone asked, extending a hand towards me. I didn't realise there were people here. I looked towards my left to find a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses. There were some others around a huge black car wearing similar attire. They must be bodyguards of some big shot.

" Yes. Thank You." I said taking his hand and getting up. I had held the hare like a baby in my left hand when I was taking his hand but after getting up, I balanced him on my shoulder. It luckily didn't fall. "I will leave then." I said, thinking that if their big shot came out and thought I was sus, then I would be in bigger trouble considering they might send me to the Police. I even saw a bodyguard on the back nodding to something while keeping his hand on his earpiece. I think he would be listening to some order from his boss. I better leave quickly.

"Wait!" The bodyguard who was nodding earlier said.

Shit! Now that they have stopped me they will ask many questions like why am I here, why was I running etc and then if I don't give them satisfactory answers then I would be thrown in jail from where I will be forced to do labour and never seeing anyone ever again!

Ahhh I dread that idea! Save me lord! save me!

I saw another bodyguard open the car door and a man came out.

The man had the same blue hair like me but his golden eyes were contrary to my blue eyes.

Moreover, the moon light shining on his face while he was getting out of the car made him look much hotter than me. He had a straight face and a few piercings on his left ear which surprisingly got well with his blue coat. He was wearing a formal suit. I wonder if he will be returning from work or party.

When he stepped out of the car, I saw one of the bodyguards standing behind me. Wait... is he going to kidnap me? Oh no no no. This is bad. I should have considered that I might get kidnapped but no worries, I can fight, taking on so many would be hard, but I can manage to escape. No, I will have to escape.

I had a pen in my pocket that I kept for instances like this. I kept my right hand near my pocket in case I had to start a fight.

"Where are your parents?" Ah a classic question which a kidnapper asks before kidnapping.

"They are nearby." I said. It ain't good to reveal anything to a stranger.

"Call them and ask them to come pick you up." Eh? What kind of a kidnapper asks this...

"I can't." I said. Is he really a kidnapper or some passerby is worried about me.... He's Sus...

"Why not?" He asked, raising his right eyebrow.

Uh-oh he's now getting suspicious of me. But now that I look closer at him, I have seen him somewhere.

"I don't have a phone." Like it's a valid reason.

The man looked at his bodyguard who then handed me his phone. Oh damn. Who the hell will I call? This guy actually is worried about a random person like me. But where have I seen him?

I hesitated to take the phone for a while, but then when the man yelled at me to take it and call my parents, I had to take the phone and start dialling. But whose number will I dial? should I put some random number and say that the parents aren't picking up?

I think it would help me leave at least. I was dialling and suddenly stopped and looked up. I should rather ask who they are.

"How do I trust you with my parents' number? Who are you?" I tried sounding as assertive as possible. The other guy seemed shocked.

"I am Mathew Regar. You might have seen me on TV, I am a businessman."

"Ah...huh?" Mathew! this guy is said to be one of the richest in this fucking country! How the hell did I not know what he looked like? But...

"What are you doing here?"

"I was on my way to the hospital to see my wife." How honest... I heard his wife had been hospitalised after an assassination attempt and had been in a coma for the past 2 months. I must be on the southern side of the city if I were to consider the name of the hospital mentioned by the media.

"I see." I dialled a fake number and no one picked up as expected.

Mathew Regar walked towards me and in a very serious tone asked. "Is that your parents real number?"

He was at an arm's distance from me but I could say he had a good height with my head barely reaching his chin.

"Answer me!" I flinched. It was so scary. Never in my life have I ever heard my heart beat fast. I had no idea why it was happening. Is his aura so powerful to do that?

"Y-Yes." I barely managed to speak that. Oh my god. He scares me.

"Are you lying?" His voice just got deeper.

"Yes..." I just spoke the truth. No use of taking a lie to a place of no return and then getting embarrassed when the truth comes out.

"What are you doing here?"

"I snuck out."

"Your parents?"

"I am an orphan." Mathew sighed.

"I see." Did his tone just become softer? Mathew continued, "call your caretaker and ask him to pick you up from here. "

"No. Please. He's going to yell at me."

"As he should. You barely look 14-15 to me. You should not be here doing anything."

"I am sorry."

"Don't apologise to me! Have you wondered how worried you caretaker would be if they found you fooling around at night?! And do you have any idea about how many child predators and kidnappers run around here? Call your caretaker now!" And he continued to talk and talk and talk. I seriously didn't sign up for this lecture.

"Please. Let me go this time. I will never repeat it again. I promise."

" I said no."

" I have no choice then." I took out the pen from my pocket and stabbed the man behind me with it. It took him by shock even though it would not have hurt him. This was enough for me to get a chance to kick his dick.

Seeing that, the other three bodyguards blocked my way out by one standing at one of my sides. Mr. Mathew was seeing all of it patiently.

My last trick won't work. I went for a high kick for the man behind me and as expected he blocked my kick with his left hand and used his right hand to hold my leg and twisted it, trying to pin it down. It hurt like hell but this is where my other trick came into place.

I put my other leg in the air and kicked the other guy in the face, making him fall. This was possible because the Man was tightly holding my right leg, so by shifting the weight of my body to that end and kicking my left leg was possible.

And that was the second man down.

The third and the fourth bodyguard were down. "Stop!" Mr Mathew commanded.

My right leg was twisted with so much force that I found it hard to stand and dropped on the ground.

"You can go home now. I don't want all my men to be beaten up such that there won't be anyone to protect me. You can walk right?"

"Thanks. I can walk." Thank God! this thing was stopped or I would be a dead meat. I got up and started to walk slowly. It was very painful but I had to make it through and reach the orphanage before Ray wakes up or I would be in trouble.

I was grateful that I was spared by him. I now knew what I had to work on because of him. But, little did I know back then what the infamous businessman of this huge ass metropolitan city would do to me.