

A cultivator who belongs to immortal tribulation stage [second last stage of cultivation], dies of old age after failing to ascend to eternal life being realm [last stage of cultivation after which a person becomes immortal]. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a strange world akin to hell with pollution and poverty everywhere. He has also lost his prowess from his previous life, but to his fortune, he was found by some people who work for non-government organisations and put into an adoption center. But he was never adopted. At the age of 15, he decided to try cultivation again, after taking a break for a few years and also earn part time to support himself. The first time he tried, he failed. And also managed to unleash a demon who had been trapped for years. The next day, he was informed that a billionaire is coming to their adoption center, and to his surprise, the billionaire decided to adopt him. 'This guy is suspicious. Does he know that the demon was unleashed by me?' He thought. 'I need to trap the demon back.' The cultivator suddenly decided one day. But it was impossible for him to do it as he had to start from scratch. It's a story about an OP character becoming OP again in an unfamiliar world. [PS: this is my first time trying a fantasy cultivation type story. I would appreciate your reviews and criticism]

Kindapassingby · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 1: A change


Author's Note:

I corrected some mistakes from Volume 1 and from today onwards, I would be releasing volume 2. Hope you all like it~


I returned back to the adoption center without Ray knowing about my sneak out journey. He was quite worried when I told him about my leg. I just told him I was a bit careless and fell down the stairs.

Ray got a doctor for me. It was nothing serious. I was worried my leg would be broken because of the way I kicked that bodyguard but luckily that wasn't the case.

I also got a cute pet for myself. The hare that I rescued the other day, seemed to have followed me back to the orphanage.

I noticed it when I was half way towards the orphanage that night. I gladly took him back. Ray agreed for me to keep it if I promised that I took care of it.

Like yeah, I am not some 15 year old, when it comes to taking care of living beings, I have got thousands of years of experience baby!

And that's how I got a cute hare whose name was yet to be decided. I was thinking about what to name it but couldn't think of anything good or meaningful. I hence thought of just not naming it yet and think about it more.

Today was the day Layla was getting adopted. The big shot Ray mentioned about earlier was a well known actor.

I did hear a few months ago on TV that he was planning on adoption since his wife, as per the media is most probably suffering from infertility and they want to raise children so they were thinking of fostering.

I always wonder why do people want to raise children? Or like even give birth to them? I never understood the concept of 'carrying forward the bloodline' and neither the concept of 'any family being incomplete without children'. Why do they procreate? What is the root motive behind carrying the bloodline or any other reason? Do we all humans just tend to go on and follow a path laid down for us by our ancestors? Do we say we are free when we are constantly behaving as per the social norms? I don't really know...

But this big shot promised to give a home to Layla, so I think it's good. Now since the media would be here too, the orphanage would get the free publicity it wanted. And hopefully the other children would get adopted too. If that happens then most probably Ray could finish his schooling and get a degree. But, what about me?

I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said.

It was Ray. "Hey, Jerry Carter has arrived. He has come with his wife and a few of his friends. All the children have come to send her off. You should come too. The media is outside the gates, so there's not much crowd."

"Yeah I am coming." I don't know why. I don't want to go. This is an unsettling feeling. With Layla getting adopted by a famous actor, and media doing publicity of this orphanage, most probably all of the others would get adopted too. I would see all of them leave one by one and even Ray would leave eventually. I would be sent to another orphanage. Why does it suddenly feel like everything is changing at a fast pace? I don't want anything to change. I just... But I also don't want to hold others back. Still I don't want to let them go...

"You ok?"

"Huh? Yeah... I think." I don't know." I don't want things to change Ray. It feels like things are going at a very fast pace."

"Well change is the law of nature. And from my personal experience if things are not going as planned and at a very fast place just know that they are going in the right direction. You just need to stop for a while, think and move ahead."

How does he manage to say the things I want to hear at that very moment. He did say the truth. I think it's high time I just stop, breathe and then move on.

"Thanks Ray. Let's go. I wanna see her off with a smile." I am confident now. I will make sure the best comes out this situation.

But back then I had no idea that the problem I thought was sorted, would come back at me again and even become stronger than the last time. And the name of the problem was... Mathew Regar.