
Building an Empire in Game of Thrones

作者: Dr_Dred
連載中 · 2.9M ビュー
  • 110 章
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    59 レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

Greg was the son of the smartest and most powerful people in the world. His Mom and Dad being geniuses made advanced technology that boosted the world's development level but also caused more conflict. Follow Greg as he tries and build an Empire in Game of thrones --- --- This Story will be faced paced and include Kingdom building and a Harem The Game of Thrones world will also have a slightly bigger population and bigger armies This is a side project so don't expect fast updates unless readers ask for more.

7 タグ
Chapter 1New World

As he recalls the last thing he recalled, Greg had awoken behind a tree. After his private jet crashed in his former planet, he died and spent some time in a dark abyss until waking up here under this tree.

He didn't notice the figure in front of him since he was buried in thinking. Before saying anything, the figure waited for him to notice.

Greg noticed the figure after a few seconds and quickly assumed a defensive position.

"Sir Greg, relax. I am nothing more than a humble goddess who has come to explain things to you "The Goddess spoke up.

Greg stared at the Goddess, speechless at what he was seeing and hearing.

"I know what your thinking 'there is no way this is happening to me," Said the Goddess as she predicted exactly what Greg was thinking

"If you knew what I was thinking then you must really be a Goddess" Said Greg

"Yes now let me explain to you what's going on before my time is up," Said the Goddess

Greg nodded and sat back down to listen to what she was saying

"Obviously, you died in your old world when your plane crashed into the ocean, and you're here because I thought you were too valuable and talented to waste your time as a soul drifting in space forever, so I reincarnated you here in the Game of Thrones Series after viewing your memories and discovering it was your favorite." I also loved seeing you in your previous universe, when you were the son of the world's brightest beings and proved to be smarter than them after graduating from high school and designing the world's most powerful weapon. And by the age of 25, you had mastered many master skills and weapons, thus turning yourself into a demon. So, rather than letting your spirit wander away, I offered you a second chance here in your favorite series," the Goddess said.

Greg was ecstatic at the moment since it reminded him of the novels he used to read in which the main character was reborn in another universe.

"As a result, I've kept your figure and face the same, as you're already deemed attractive by the locals. I'll also provide you with a system and some talents to assist you on your quest. The system will be built on Kingdom building and will aid you in your quest "The Goddess spoke up.

Greg was overjoyed and expressed his gratitude to the Goddess for this chance.

"No need to thank me, but it appears that my time has come to an end," the Goddess said as she vanished. "But you already have the system, and it will be initialized once I leave, and it will tell you its abilities and such after initializing, and that's about it, so I wish you the best of luck on your journey Sir Greg."

Greg had heard a robotic voice in his thoughts after the Goddess had vanished.

[System initialization with host 20 percent 40 percent 60 percent 80 percent 100 percent completed]

[Greetings, Greg] [I am the Goddess-assigned Kingdom-building system, here to assist you on your path across this realm.]

Greg had read about this moment in fiction, but now he was living it.

"So, what are your skills?" Greg inquired.

[I can assign you missions that will reward you with system points that you may use to purchase skills, soldiers, animals, structures, technology, and equipment at the shop.]

[Troops summoned from the system can be customized, but they must be from your original planet, and the troops' equipment must be purchased separately. Any troops called from the system will be loyal to the host but bear in mind that they are not robots and have feelings and emotions of their own, and if their happiness level falls below a specific threshold, they will rebel and may murder you.]

[The system also keeps track of the happiness of your population and troop loyalty in your Kingdom/Empire.]

[Missions might range from annihilating opponents to capturing kingdoms or villages.] Each task will have a reward, however certain missions will have a time limit to finish them, and if they are not completed within that time limit, a penalty and system point deduction may be applied.]

[As a final thought, the Goddess has left a starter kit for you to open.]

In front of Greg, a screen with the words Yes or No appeared.

He hit Yes immediately to see what he would get.

[The starter pack has been unlocked]


6x soldiers from the Spartan Royal Guard

10,000 system points

Greg instantly requested the system to call the Spartan Royal Guards after seeing the prizes. Six towering warriors came in front of him, clothed in Bronze Spartan Armor (with a cloak) and wearing Bronze helmets, swords on their hips, and spears in their hands, kneeling.

One of the soldiers responded, "We swear loyalty to the King and will guard you till our last breath."

"Spartans, stand up! I welcome your devotion, but we currently have no base and are in a strange location, therefore I'd want you two to survey the area while the remaining four protect me "Greg said

Two Spartans had gone out to scout the area, while the remaining four stayed to protect Greg.

Greg had pulled up the system screen after the two scouts had taken off and begun exploring through the shop's clothing area for something to wear.

He spotted a tiny chest plate armor and a long black coat after a few minutes of shopping, and he brought both of them for 150 system points. Greg then went to the weapons department because he didn't know where he was and he knew the Game of Thrones world might be hazardous at times, so he went to the sword section and picked a good sword with a strong blade for cutting through light armor and a fair length to reach his opponents.

Greg has 9,550 system points left after purchasing the weapon for 300 system points. Greg looked through the Army section after seeing how many points he had left, as this could be used to call warriors or armies from his planet.

He found when browsing the army section that he could summon fantasy forces from many of his world's games, such as Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, and so on. However, the Warhammer troops were out of his price range because they required far more points than he had. However, he could afford to buy some Gondor infantry, which cost 10 system points per soldier, but he also had to purchase their equipment, which cost an additional 40 system points, bringing the total cost to 50 system points for one fully equipped Gondor soldier.

This price wasn't bad, especially considering the number of points he had, but he'd have to deal with supplies and such, so he went looking for some military supplies. When he did, he noticed that the supplies weren't as expensive as he had expected, with the cheapest costing 200 system points and the most costing up to 10,000 system points, which Greg assumed must be enough to supply an army.

While Greg was thinking, a warning message appeared on the screen.

[While this world is identical to the one you remember, you should be aware that the Goddess has boosted the world's population in order for conflicts to be larger and the world to be more interactive, but this change will have no bearing on the storyline unless the Host himself intervenes.]

Greg wouldn't intervene since he wanted the original story to continue and he didn't want to mess things up.

'By the way, system, when was I put in the world?' Greg inquired.

[Host was placed 5 years before the King was slain, and is now situated between the Forest of Qohor and Vaes Dothrak, the only Dothraki city]

Greg remembers the Dothraki people as tribal and brutal after hearing the system. He hoped he wouldn't have to interact with any of them without the necessary protection

[You can also get a map of the continent and use it to navigate and avoid Dothraki cities, though the map does not show foes who are hidden and haven't been noticed by the host or one of his warriors.]

Greg was browsing the system shop when he came across a map of Essos that revealed all the towns, villages, and ruins in Essos for 1000 system points. Greg spent 1000 system points without hesitation to obtain the surrounding area's location.

Following the purchase of the map, a little mini-map emerged on the screen in front of Greg, displaying his position as well as four dots encircling him, which he presumed were his men. He then scrolled down to identify the closest city, which turned out to be Qohor. So he waited for the scouts to return for a while.

When they returned, they told him of a band of tribal warriors and a nearby village. Greg assumed this was a Dothraki city and intended to stay away.

After the scouts finished informing him, Greg went to the system store and found some fast and durable horses for 100 system points each, so he brought 6 of them for the Spartan soldiers. He also brought an enhanced horse that could improve over time, increasing its speed and the amount of damage it could take, and it cost 400 system points. He also brought seven saddles, each worth 20 system points, that could be used to hold weapons and small goods.

Greg had a slight connection with the horse he bought for himself after purchasing the horses and saddles, so he asked the system.

[Any animal summoned and registered as the Host's own will have a bond level that may be increased, which will strengthen the link between the host and the animal and grant the animal additional powers as the Bond Level rises.]

Greg thought the concept was amazing since it meant he could have a horse that improved over time. He then sat the saddle on the horse and assessed how many system points he had left, which amounted to 7,410. After realizing how many he had left, he decided to limit his expenditures because he didn't know when he'd get more.

After checking to see if the Spartans were ready he then headed in the direction of Qohor accompanied by the Spartan Guard to see his first city in Game of Thrones.


The American Dream: A Modern Officer Sent to the Revolutionary War

Due to a mysterious transcendent being, United States Marine Corps First Lieutenant Samuel Kim from 2016 is thrown back in time to the year 1775. To make matters worse, he wakes up near Bunker Hill, mere hours before the famed Battle of Bunker Hill begins. Realizing the unique situation he finds himself in, the lieutenant takes the opportunity to change the fate of the battle and ensure an overwhelming American victory. Guided by his "patronizing" "God" and the American revolutionaries, Lieutenant Kim embarks on a journey to help America gain its independence and to ensure the nation upholds its "most promising" ideals from the very beginning. Author's Warning: The story is very rough in the first few chapters (and as some readers pointed out, some parts are laughable, such as "American idealism"). However, the pace and quality of the story improve from chapter four and onwards. You will enjoy the story if you are interested in history, worldbuilding, and the butterfly effect (along with a few badass characters). So even if you are a bit turned off initially, I promise that the story improves quickly. Some early details were accidentally left out, as I wrote the first two chapters a year before writing the third chapter. If you wish to support my writing, feel free to support me on Patreon. All my chapters will be free, but I appreciate a tip! https://www.patreon.com/okmangeez

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A Time Traveller's Guide to Feudal Japan

Do people chase greatness, or does greatness chase us? A.I. genius, Gengyo, through the assistance of SAPPHIRE attains the means to time travel. He seeks a simpler life, and wishes to experience the warmth of a family. But often we do not get what we want, we get what we deserve. And his peaceful times soon end, as war storms Japan, and in order to protect his peace, he must conquer. Join Gengyo as he walks a blood-stained path toward absolute domination, seizing control of Japan. //Brief extract from one of the battle scenes. Written from the point of view of a samurai landowner, Niwa Nakatane. The hooves grew closer to Nakatane's position and their beating hearts grew faster. Perhaps they could simply remain like that, hiding behind the tree, and allow these barbarians to pass? That way could they not return home to their families? Could they not give their dear wives one final kiss, or share one final story with their enthusiastic youth? Nakatane knew exactly what they were thinking. And as the ground rumbled, and the mounted beasts howled, he was the first man to step out from the trees and make his stand. "OORAH!" Possessed by a furious energy, he thrust out with all the aggression of a war god, puncturing Ochi's stallion through the chest with the sharpened wooden point of his lengthy spear. The mammoth fell from his mount clumsily, his head colliding with a nearby tree root. He ceased to move, and a pool of blood began to form around him. "ARM THESE SPEARS MEN! VICTORY SHALL BE OURS!" He stood in front of the charge of over 150 horsemen, alone. But he did not give a single inch of ground. He met the charge of the next man in line, roaring vengefully, possessed by all the rage and power that had accumulated in his body over these past years. The horsemen shrieked like a pack of hyenas, fanning out, each eager for a piece of the man who had brought down their leader. //I did not create the book cover. All credits go to the original creator.

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2 :Years before Middle Earth adventure