
Chapter 79

The Mamluk cavalry were destroying the Vale Knights, who stood no chance against them in a frontal charge. Some people wouldn't even call it a battle, since it was purely one-sided.

The Elven Spearman had helped the frontline right and left flanks, taking the pressure off of the frontline and forcing the enemy soldiers into a difficult situation. The enemy infantry had nowhere to run since they were now surrounded on all sides from the Imperial reinforcements.

There was only one thing that they could do, and that was to surrender in hopes of getting their lives spared. So once they were fully surrounded by the imperial army, the soldiers had dropped their weapons and surrendered since it was just no point in fighting a losing battle.

The Mamluks had already won their battle and were circling around to help the infantry, but the battle was already over. A battle that would have lasted for hours was finished within one hour.

Aleanna was in the General's tent talking to Achilles.

"Lady Aleanna I didn't expect the Royal Army to get here so fast" Said Achilles

"Well, we were already on our way here as per orders from his majesty after we took Sisterton"

"Our orders were to help you take the Twins and fight the combined forces of the Vale and House Frey" Said Aleanna

"I'm glad that you came, since if not I probably would be captured by the enemy by now and my whole army would have been either dead or captured" Said Achilles

"You must be forgetting Achilles that his majesty gave you two wizards which could turn the tide of the battle easily" Said Aleanna

"No I remembered, but I'm not used to the idea of magic yet, so I didn't know just how powerful they were or how long they could use their magic, so I had planned to use them as a last resort, but thankfully it didn't come to that since you arrived" Said Achilles

Aleanna shook her head, understanding what Achilles was saying, since as a new General he didn't know just how powerful the Wizards were "I understand but do note that the wizards are extremely powerful even one of them could have turned the battle in your favor"

"I see, so next time I will use them since you told me that" Achilles was glad that the wizards were so powerful that even just one of them could turn the tide of the battle.

As Aleanna and Achilles were talking, one of the Officers of the Royal Army walked in "My Lady we have captured a total of three Vale Lords and two of Lord Frey's son's"

"Have them transported back to Winterfell with 50 soldiers and tell the Royal Army to Rest as we will be camping here tonight and will start the siege in the morning"

"Yes Ma'am" The Officer saluted and left to carry out his orders

"The Wizards in the Royal Army should be almost done healing the wounded, so we should gather the officers and come up with a siege plan, since it might last quite a long time" Said Aleanna

Achilles nodded and ordered one of his men to gather the officers and bring them to the tent.


Meanwhile, a few weeks before this battle happened in Qohor there were two people in the Royal Palace sitting across from each other. Both were trying to figure out what the other was thinking as they drink their tea.

It was a long silence in the room until somebody broke by asking a question, "Lady Margaery let me ask you, Do you know what it means to become the wife of the Emperor" Asked Aerella

"I must say that I don't since the Emperor is somebody who has a lot more power than a King" Said Margaery

"Yes you are right and as the Emperor's wife you are entitled to some duties besides providing children if you are put into a position of power that is" Said Aerella

"What do you mean" Margaery was a little confused on these other duties

"Like me for example, I am head of the diplomatic branch of the Empire meaning I deal with all the diplomacy with other Kingdoms, Cities, and Governors. It is my job to make sure that we maintain relations with other Kingdoms and make sure that our interests in the region are protected" Explained Aerella

"For instance, the cities in Essos that were once free cities are now Imperial cities, but they still maintain a certain level of autonomy as an Imperial city, but the Emperor is still the Supreme power over all the cities. My Job is to make sure that the cities don't overstep their authority with the little freedom that we give them" Said Aerella

"What about for the Kingdoms of Westeros" Asked Margaery

"Well while we are at war I still maintain relations with the Various Kingdoms and even some of the Lords who have lots of power and influence to try and get them on our side but at times the diplomacy part of my job comes with other things" Said Aerella

"I see and what type of job would I have" asked Margaery

Aerella thought for a while about what type of job Margaery would get, but she doesn't have a clue since she doesn't know Margaery capabilities, "I couldn't say what type of job you would have since I just met you"

"Well I'm sure his Majesty will think of the perfect job for me as I am good with the people, and they love me" Said Margaery

Aerella nodded as she remembered that they had gone off track, "But back to what I was talking about earlier becoming his wife will give you lots of power since you will be known as a Queen and you will not be the only one"

"I know my grandmother told me that there are other's"

"yes other than me there is Daenerys, and Aleanna who are both with his majesty as we speak"

"so there would be four of us" Asked Margaery

"yes and the three of us get along very well and have no problem that his majesty has a harem, but we don't want to add people who will disrupt the harem" Said Aerella

Margaery knew what she was trying to say, "I assure you that I will not disrupt the flow of things, all I want is to fulfil my duty as his queen and give birth to his child"

Margaery had looked down at Aerella's stomach before she spoke, "And it appears that you are the first one who is going to give birth to his child, Does his majesty know"

"I haven't told him yet, I wanted it to be a surprise for when he comes back, but it seems that he might not come back in time, so I was planning to surprise him by visiting him while he is in Winterfell" Said Aerella

"When are you leaving, I want to meet his majesty as well" Said Margaery

"I was leaving in a week, so you can come along at that time"

Margaery was smiling since she couldn't wait to see her future husband in person. She had heard the rumors of how handsome he was, and she wanted to see for herself.

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