They arrived at the hut and went inside of it. Hagrid went to make some tea and the Drake, Scarlett, and Dumbledore sat on the table. The beasts were in transformed in cats since they don't know when someone will knock at the door because of what happened.
"Well, I could wait until we were in my office but here it's better and it's good that I'm not in it now since I would have all the teachers knocking at my door. So, let's talk here." Started Dumbledore while with a simple wave of his hand's several spells against spying were made around the hut.
*sighs *
"What I'm going to do with you two? First son, what did I tell you about your beasts?" The beasts which were on the floor or top of Drake looked at him and lowered their heads especially Jade, they knew that the shit this time was serious. Last time, only the centaurs notice something, and things were solved in very quiet away. On the other hand, this was heard in all school with some weak students fainting."
"The tea is ready, and I see some teachers comin' this away," said Hagrid.
"Go meet them my friend and try to delay them…I have a sermon to give...and honestly…this will be led to a lot of trouble…and thank you Hagrid" said Dumbledore looking at Hagrid and then looking to the kids. He made a spell to silence all the sound coming from inside it and to give an illusion off everything is right to the teachers.
"You got it, Albus!"
"Now…Drake, you knew perfectly well that you couldn't take your animals to school but every day you would let them on the forbidden forest. Nonetheless, I closed my eye to it since they didn't raise any flags or gave problems…until the centaurs incident but you managed that well which I reward to you by closing my eyes again, I didn't do anything. However, this…it's just too hard to go calmly, I considering sealing your beast inside the suitcase and left them there until you arrive at home or the end of the semester."
"Nooooo! Please…probably only jade and Greenie wouldn't get bored since they have their environments… but Star and Z don't have one. The suitcase still doesn't have enough power to make a new environment soon to them" said Drake to his dad while almost crying.
"Well, …you should have thought of it when you decided to make your medicine garden instead of taking care of your beasts. It was your choice…"
"But…I never thought…that…that this could happen" interrupted Drake
"You should have thought of all possible scenarios, you should learn that most of your life things won't go according to your away. Now get over it and learn with your mistakes. Next, Scarlett…I never thought you would be involved in an incident like this. You, better than anyone know how your identity is very sensible…if somebody of the ministry or bounty hunters knows that you are here…you and all school would get in serious trouble inclusively in danger."
"I know…but…it was stronger than me" said Scarlett with a downcast expression.
"I let you join because I owed your mother a big favor and also this would be great for future relations…I seriously thought of sending you home…but I changed my ideas since it wasn't even you who growled or fully transformed and if they track, they would only discover Jade. You will be in detention until the Christmas vacations. You will help Madam Pince in managing the library and will do what she tells you to do."
"Hmm…okay…thanks for not expelling me…I will accept the punishment" replied Scarlett.
"And you Drake, I will seal the beasts inside of the suitcase or you can give it to Alfred/Wendy and let them give another one. This will serve as punishment for your beasts and you will go after the classes and help Mr. Filch in anything he needs until Christmas. You wanted to own the animals then you will be responsible for them that's was the first rule the Newt taught you about them.
"Okay dad, and I select the first one," said Drake after thinking for a little bit which surprised Dumbledore although he didn't show it on his face.
What Dumbledore didn't know is that in the beaker and the diary found by Drake there was a lot of thing about sealing and unsealing things using ancient runes. After he started to learn more about it, he started to comprehend a little more about the knowledge inside of those two objects. And Drake knew that his dad didn't know how profound his knowledge about them was so was hoping that his dad may underestimate him a put few easy to medium seals which he could decode it in a few days.
"Do you have anything to add?" asked Dumbledore to the two.
"Good, then it's decided!" Said Dumbledore while he stood up and went to the five transformed animals which were all with sad faces since they knew that punishment was arriving and the most downcast was Jade since she knew that all of them ended in this situation because of her.
Dumbledore made several movements with his hand as if he was drawing in the air and a bunch of runes appeared around the necks of the four beasts. Then he turned to Drake and said:
"Now you will go directly to the dorms and you Drake will put the for cute things inside of your suitcase which they would be sealed until I lift the seals again."
"Yes…dad" replied Drake with a sad tone.
After doing all this, Dumbledore checked Hagrid and saw that the teachers were leaving.
"You can go now; I will be here a little more talking with Hagrid."
Scarlett and Drake left the hut with the transformed cats on their tail and started to go into the school, the walk was made in silence since Scarlett was ashamed of what happened, and Drake was sad and pissed. After all, he would need to work with the old hag on top of his beasts being sealed inside his suitcase. They walked into the Great Hall and were about to partway when Scarlett turned to Drake.
"Will you…comeback later…to dinner?"
"Yeah…maybe…I don't know…I need to think about what happened today. If I don't appear…let's meet tomorrow…I guess" answered Drake to her while he was thinking.
"Okay…see you today…or…tomorrow…and I'm sorry…it…it…was my fault…I'm so sorry" said Scarlett almost starting to shed some tears.
Drake seeing that she was almost crying went near her and hug her.
"You are a Dragon and your tears are precious, you shouldn't let them out for this thing. It was your fault, my fault, and Jade fault. We should move on now since the damage was done and now we need to suffer the consequences which were kind off bad…but we weren't expelled and we still have our freedom although a little bit restricted" said Drake while he whispered to her.
"Also, if we think better this is good too…you will have access to all books even the one in forbidden section and I can explore and discover a few things more since the old thing knows almost all the corners of Hogwarts. And about the seals…I probably can lift them in a few weeks or even less" continued Drake.
After hearing his words Scarlett calmed down and with a weak smile, she said the goodbye to him.
"See you tomorrow Drake."
"See you" replied Drake to her.
He then looked at the four cats who were behind him and went near them and pat them before picking them up.
"Don't worry, you won't be stuck inside for long," said Drake in a whisper to them.
After a while, he arrived at the dorms and after checking if anyone was there, he entered in the suitcase. Inside of it, he releases the spell and after talking with them and playing he went to talk to Jade in private.
He put Greenie in her environment and then went with Jade to her place. When they arrived at the top of the crate he went and hugged her.
"it's not entirely your fault…its also mine for neglecting your nature. But you should have listened to me and trust me, but you didn't and that's hurt more than ever. I said I would give you two a chance…but you gave up to your urges first and even initiated the attack. And it's good that you fill sad and angry to yourself since you care and know that your actions were bad and now you need to move on and learn from it as my dad said. So, raise your head and be the proud Dragoness that you are and work for getting better and stronger…I will do the same thing and we both together with Star, Z and Greenie will get stronger and better. Now you should go and rest I will see you tomorrow."
He left the resting Jade in her crate and went to his room. He saw Z and Star in their beds and went to them. He also hugged the two and said:
"I will work hard to unseal you all and then you could go to the forest again and play with your friends and you mate."
Star started to lick him, and Z went to his shoulder and coiled her tail to his neck and started to snuggle him.
Greenie didn't need any motivational talk since she just didn't care about a thing. He went to his secretary and looked at it, he saw the time turner on it and for a few seconds, he thought of using it to avoid the situation but decided against it. It was a hard lesson that they needed to learn, inclusively him. He looked at the alchemy formulas and potion recipes and thought about the letters he sent it to his uncles.
here it is a chap
yeah i know its little boring one but it had to be written
cya soon