
Give It My All

Aizawa gave an intense stare at Deku. It gave Deku creeps, sending cold shivers up his spine.

"Punished with…expulsion?!" Deku thought, panicking. "Oh no, this is bad!" Deku held his wrist and looked at his hand, shaking. "I can only use One For All at either zero or one hundred percent. I can't control it at all yet."

Aizawa lifted his hair out of his face, smiling. "We're free to do whatever we want with our students, welcome to the hero course!"

"A huge test on the first day?" Thought Deku. "What am I going to do?!"

Everyone couldn't believe it. They didn't want to. They started to disagree with everything Aizawa just said.

"What? Even if it wasn't the first day of school, it's still unfair!" Urakaka said.

Aizawa chuckled. "Natural disasters, big accidents and selfish villains. Japan is engulfed and covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse all of that. If you wanted to go to the mall with your friends everyday after classes, too bad. For the next three years, UA will give one hardship after another, challenge after challenge. Go beyond, go Plus Ultra."

Ida pulled out a bottle and took a sip from the straw. He started thinking to himself. "This is too serious to be zoning out. This is where the best of the best are trained and taught to become heroes. There's no choice."

"Alright, demonstration's over. The real thing starts now."

Test 1: 50-meter dash

"On your mark…" a small machine beeped. "Get set…" a gun shot went off as a sign for them to go.

The first pair dashed right away. "3.04 seconds." The machine said.

"For 50 meters, I can only go up to about third gear." Ida thought.

Name: Tenya Ida

Quirk: Engine

His quirk gives him car-like engines in his calves, giving him incredible speed and extreme kick power

"He's like a fish in water," Aizawa said. "It'll be interesting to see what the other students do."

"5.58 seconds."

Name: Tsuyu Asui

Quirk: Frog

She can basically do everything a frog can


"Lighten up my clothes and shoes…" Urakaka said while touching her clothes with her fingertips.

Name: Ochaco Urakaka

Quirk: Zero Gravity

She can nullify the gravitational pull of any object she touches, however, if she goes beyond capacity, she gets nauseous

"7.15 seconds."

"Hah, at least it was faster than in junior high." She panted.

"Hmm, you're all not being creative enough. I'll show you what it's like to use your quirk and shine!"

Name: Yuga Aoyama

Quirk: Naval Laser

He can shoot a laser from his bellybutton, although he's limited to the amount of time he can use it continuously

The girl he was paired with easily passed him, and with ease, while Aoyama fell onto the ground. Aoyama put his hand in his waist, "if I use it for more than a second then I get a stomachache."

"What the hell?" The class thought.

"Looking at the upper limit of your quirks and the room for more growth with each result," Aizawa said to himself. "It definitely becomes clear what you can and can't do."

Bakugo and Deku were paired together. Bakugo smirked. Once the gun shot sound went off he yelled, "Explosive Speed!"

His palms faced away from him and explosions boosted his speed massively.

"4.13 seconds."

Name: Katsuki Bakugo

Quirk: Explosion

His sweat produces a nitroglycerin-like substance of which allows him to explode

"When I use both hands, the force disperses." Bakugo mumbled, then gazed at Deku's direction.

Deku passed the line 3 seconds after. "7.02 seconds."

"There's still seven more tests," Deku said quietly. "I'm sure everyone is going to use there quirks to produce some amazing results. On the other hand, I have this quirk that destroys my body even if I use it once. Control…even when I have the image in my head, when I actually use it…" he squeezed his knees.

"The trick to controlling it is…" All Might's voice said in Deku's head. "FEELING!"

"Oh, wow." Deku said in the flashback. "Thats All Might for you."

"You've already pulled off the 100%." All Might would punch the air.

"But it destroyed me, though."

"But now that you pulled off 100%, it'll be easy. You should've grasped the feeling already. What did it feel like?"

"Uhm, maybe sort of, a 'bzzt' or a 'whoosh…' ummm…oh! I know, it was sort of like an egg in a microwave!"

All Might spat blood out. "That's boring, but unique! If that's really the image you have, than lower the wattage down a bit, or maybe shorten the cook time. Anything really, as long as you keep the egg from exploding. Just keep that image in mind. Of course, it won't happen overnight. But I'm sure you'll be able to pull it off sooner or later."

Test 2: Grip strength

Deku had a hand-held machine in his hands this time. He imagined the egg in the microwave, not exploding. He closed his eyes and gripped the machine. It showed the numbers, 56.0 kilograms

"Wow!" One student exclaimed. "540 kilograms? Are you a gorilla or something?"

"What about an octopus?" Another one asked. "Octopuses can be sexy."

Test 3: Standing long jump

People like Aoyama, Bakugo, even Asui, passed with ease. Deku fell behind and couldn't even make half as far as everyone else. Evie put an arm on his shoulder.

"Don't worry," she spun her finger in a circle. "I'm sure there'll be at least one test you'll get a good score in."

"Heheh, that doesn't really say much on my part, Evie." Said Deku.

"Shut up, you'll never make it through with that attitude."

"But you've had a quirk practically your whole life."

"You think I just got here without doing anything, what about Kacchan and everyone else here. You're also here for a reason." She poked Deku's nose. "So don't give up so easily, dum-dum."

"Ah, right!"

Test 4: Repeated side steps

The only one had made it far was the short kid with purple balls on his head, sometimes you could see them as grapes.

Test 5: Ball throw

Uraraka threw the ball. Since she touched it with her quirk activated, it kept going and going until Aizawa's device finally beeped.

"Infinity," was the sign it showed after 5 whole minutes of the ball's disappearance.

"Infinity?!" Students said.

Uraraka shrugged it off, chuckling nervously.

"This is bad," Deku thought to himself. "It's not something simple I can get away with. Everyone's been able to leave at least one amazing result." He looked at the ball he was now holding. "All that's left after this is the long-distance run, sit ups and the seated toe touch. It's now or never."

"It doesn't look good for Midoryia to continue like this," Ida said, crossing his arms.

"Wha?" Exclaimed Bakugo. "Of course not, he's a quirkless small fry, you know."

"Quirkless? Did you not hear what he did during the practical exam?"

As Aizawa watched, he thought, "it's time now, huh?"

Deku thought about those times his mom, Evie and All Might helped him.

"Your so cool, Izuku."

"You can become a hero!"

"Don't give up so easily."

Deku threw his arm back, the red lines from the practical exam appeared on his arm as he loaded the throw. In his mind, he told himself, "I'll become a hero!"

Right as he let the ball go, something canceled out his quirk, causing the ball to go no farther than 50 meters. Deku, shocked, stared at the ball. He thought he had thrown the ball with his quirk activated.

"I thought I had used it just now…" Deku mumbled.

"I erased your quirk," Fabric started to float in the air around Aizawa. His scarf grabbed Deku, pulling him closer. "That entrance exam was not rational enough. Even a kid like you…was accepted."

"You…you erased my quirk?" Deku caught a glance of Aizawa's yellow goggles. "I remember now…you can erase others quirks with your own quirk just by looking at them. The Erasure Hero: Erasure Head!"

"Erasure Head?" The class murmured. "I think he's an underground sort of hero."

All Might, right around the corner spying, thought to himself, "he doesn't like the media, he says it hinders his work. Young Midoryia, he and I don't get along very well."

"From the information you've given off, you can't control your quirk, can you?" Aizawa glared. "Did you intend to break down every time you try to save someone and have someone else save you right after?"

"T- that's not what-"

Aizawa pulled him even closer with his scarf, tying him by the the sides. "Whatever your intentions may be, I'm saying that's what everyone around you will be forced to do. In the past, there was a passionate hero who saved thousands of people by himself and was created a legend from it. Even if you follow the same reckless path, you'll just be turned into a useless doll after saving just one person. Izuku Midoryia, you can become a hero with this quirk-"

"Excuse me," Evie raised her hand, looking down and closing her eyes. "I'm not sure how you became a teacher when all you do is degrade your students."

The class muttered and whispered, questioning Evie quietly. She interrupted a teacher, nonetheless, a pro hero.

"Your first job is to guide students as a teacher, and all I see is an old shitbag who's expelling someone in the first day. These dumb teenagers surrounding me may not know your reputation, but I do. No one is allowed to pick on or tease Izuku except me. I will send your ass flying across the field. Don't think you can just erase everyone's quirk here. I'll even make a deal, if he doesn't make it farther than my score, then we'll both leave. That'll be two less kids you'll have in your hair."

Evie turned to Deku, who was staring in disbelief and had a light shade of pink on his cheeks. She sighed, "if you want to succeed in life, make it so you're not going to destroy yourself every damn time, you idiot!"

Aizawa's scarf was placed back around his neck. "Fine, it's a fair point, mostly. It's also a risky deal but whatever. I've given your quirk back. You have two turns for the ball throw. Get it over with quickly."

All Might had a concerned look on his face, even with his big smile. "Thanks for those words of encouragement, Uzukami, but will it be enough?"

Deku stood still in the circle, thinking. He was still nervous even after Evie's interruption. "What should I do? Evie did her best to help, but what if she's wrong? What do I do? If I fail, I'll only drag Evie down with me."

He may choose to have an honorable defeat and use his quirk, or he'll be intimidated and come in dead last. Aizawa had been thinking this, in his head. He had thought to himself, saying that Deku has no potential.

"I still have no control over my power," Deku thought. "Should I give everything I have and put it into this throw? All Might said it wouldn't just happen overnight. Don't overthink now! If that's my only choice, then i just have to go all out!"

Deku threw his arm back, just like everyone else did to throw the ball. Everyone was shocked that he was even trying.

"Hey, hey," All Might thought. "Is he serious?!"

Deku started to throw the ball, "Mr. Aizawa says. I'll never become a hero at this rate. I have to work a lot harder than everyone else here. That's why I have to give it all I've got!"

Evie made a finger gun and aimed it Deku, "Boom."

Deku threw the ball as hard as he could, sending it flying into the air. It made huge gusts of wind, throwing everyone's mind around. There thoughts were jumbled by the sheer surprise of Deku's power.

Deku's finger was now bruised and broken. Aizawa gave a shocked look he glanced at Evie than stared at Deku again. Both Deku and Aizawa, remembered what Aizawa said, "did you intend to break down every time you try to save someone?"

Deku made a fist with hand that had a broken finger. It was purple and swollen. Aizawa's device beeped, "705.5 meters."

"You see, Mr. Aizawa…I'm still standing!"

Aizawa smiled slightly, "this kid…"

"I was beginning to worry, but what the hell was that, kid?" All Might thought. "You knew that using your power straight away would be dangerous, instead, at that last minute, you sent all your power to your fingertip. Damn, young Midoryia, you're so cool!"