
No Orientation, No Messing Around

"Izuku…? Izuku? Izuku!" Deku's mom, Inko, yelled, trying to get his attention. "Why are you staring at the fish?"

"Ah! S- sorry mom!" Deku replied scarfing his food down.

"Maaaan, you need to relax, Izuku," Evie said while laying upside down on the couch playing video games. "It's not like you didn't pass."

"How do you know that?"

"A lot of students didn't see it either. Mmm, surprise, surprise."

"Uh- never mind, Evie."

The doorbell gave off a ringing sound. Deku hopped to his feet and ran to the door. The results were finally in. He took the envelope and brought it to his room. Evie put away her game and followed to Deku's room and entered without permission. She laid down on his bed and watched Deku.

"Ughhh, open the damn thing already!" Evie complained.

Deku had been staring at the envelope for the past five minutes, not saying a word. When Evie interrupted the silence, Deku finally took hold of the envelope and ripped it open with his mouth, tearing the paper. A circular object fell onto his desk. It made a beeping sound, suddenly a hologram of All Might figuring how to record things appeared in front of Deku.

"How does this work again?" All Might said through the hologram. "Oh, I need to hurry up? I'm doing it right now? Oh, shoot!"

Evie held in her laugh. She had to cover her mouth in order to keep quiet. Deku watched the scene play out.

"Ah, young Midoryia." All Might said. "I'll tell you this first, you passed the written exam but you didn't receive any points for the practical exam."

"I knew that…" Deku mumbled while gripping his knees. "I knew that…but it's so…frustrating."

"Don't get so down, I'm an entertainer, as well. Look here at this video."

All Might turned in a video, it was showing the brown haired girl talking to one of the teachers.

"Hey, um," she started.

Deku lifted his head slightly. "The nice girl?"

"She came to negotiate with us right after the exam." Said All Might.

"You know that boy with the curly hair and the freckles. He looks kinda ordinary. Is it, maybe, possible to give him some of my points? I heard him saying something like if he could get just one point, so I thought he was still at zero points."

Deku suddenly remembered the time when Bakugo had last picked on him.

"What the hell can YOU do?" Is what Bakugo had said to him.

"Maybe the points he lost from me?" The girl asked.

Deku couldn't help but remember all those times when others thought he was useless or powerless.

"There was no reason for you to put yourself in danger like that!" Death Arms had said.

"He saved me!" Deku jolted to the sound of the girl. "Please, please, please!"

"Now having a quirk, it caused others to act." All Might said. "The entrance exam was not only based on villain points."

"Even if you ask," Present Mic said to the girl. "There's no need to give him yours, female listener." And he patted her head.

Evie was playing in her phone, still laying on Deku's bed, she would look up once in a while to see what he was doing. She would smile over and over again. After all, she knew what the judges were looking for.

"Young Midoryia," All Might said. "Not only we're the judges looking for villain points, but for hero points!"

Another video appeared if the judges holding up signs that said "10" or 9."

"You passed the exam," All Might held out a hand. "Izuku Midoryia, welcome to your Hero Academia!"

Deku's jaw dropped and he started to tear up. He was so happy and proud. At the same time, shocked at the fact of passing the exam. The hologram disappeared and Inko opened the door. Evie gave her a look that said, "he passed." Inko jumped at the look. She was so proud of her son. She reacted quickly and hugged Deku like there was no tomorrow.

(One month later)

"Do you have your handkerchief?" Inko asked as Deku put his shoes on.

"Yes, mom." Deku sighed.

"And your books?"


"And what about your-"

"Mom! I have everything. I have to get going or I'll be late."

"Ohh," Inko wrapped her arms around Deku. "My little chick's wings are growing. You stay safe, all right?"

"Alright, mom. I have to go now. Evie's outside already."

Deku slammed the door closed, seeming to be in a rush. He ran down to accompany Evie. They walked to U.A. simply chit-chatting along the way.

The hallways were long and the classrooms doors were gigantic. A 10ft man could walk through the door with no problem at all. Deku was certainly amazed, Evie however, was just simply impressed.

"Ok!" Deku said with courage in his voice. "Class 1-A. First day of high school. First day at U.A."

"Oh, just open the door." Evie opened the door.

Everyone's attention was now on Evie and Deku. Deku dropped his bag, which was a big mistake. Bakugo, who was in the same class yet again, started yelling and throwing an attitude.

"Hahhh?!" He exclaimed. "Deku?! You passed the exam?! That's impossible, you damned extra!"

"Do not use such language!" Ida, the one from the exam, scolded. "And don't put your feet in these tables! It shows such disrespect to our seniors and the people who made these!"

"Ah, shut up, glasses. What middle school are you even from? Huh?"

"I am Tenya Ida of Somei private middle school."

"Somei, huh? You're one of those genius wannabes."

"Don't insult my previous school!"

Evie's eyebrow twitched. She was getting annoyed. She took the sucker she had in her mouth and stared at Ida.

"Tsk, tsk, Blue," Evie said. "If you're from Somei, and you're so big in manners, why are you yelling at your classmate?"

Ida paused and looked at Bakugo then at Evie repeatedly. He than bowed to Bakugo, apologizing, "Pardon me, I didn't mean to scold you!"

Evie smiled, then put the sucker back in her mouth. Student then realized that there was one kid who had a perfect score from the practical exam.

"Wait a second…I knew there was a funny aura to her!" A red-headed student said.

"Yeah!"a pink-skinned girl agreed. "She got a perfect score!"

Everyone started clamoring over Evie as she sat down in a random desk. She was surrounded by her classmates, each one asking many different questions. She mouthed the words to Deku, "please, help me."

Deku shook his head, trying to hold in a laugh. Deku then heard a yell. It was the girl from the exam. He had recognized her voice from that day she saved him and from the video All Might showed him.

"Oh, hey! It's you!" She said. "The curly haired boy."

"Ahaha, uh, yea! T- that's me! Curly hair!"

"That punch yesterday was so cool. You were like pow! Boom! Ka-chow!" She started swinging her arm around like she was punching something. "I'm Ochaco Urakaka, nice to meet you."

"I'm, uh, I-Izuku Midoryia."

A yellow sleeping bag fell down near the doorway, right behind Deku and Uraraka. A head poked out of the bag. A man with black hair watched the students in the classroom.

"Hello, I'm your teacher, Shota Aizawa, otherwise known as Eraser Head." He sighed.

"Eraser Head?" A student questioned. "Never heard of him, no offense."

"He isn't really known because he hates the media." Another student replied.

"Shut up and put these on." Aizawa held a blue suit as he crawled out of the sleeping bag. It had a U on the chest and an A on the pants, representing the the school, U.A. "Hurry up and change."

"What about orientation?"

"This the hero course. Not an elementary school."

The girls changed in the girl's locker room and the boys in the boy's locker room. They met up outside in the field. Everyone was wearing the suits they were given.

All Might was in the teachers lounge, reading a book that had the word, SECRET, on the title.

"The UA system doesn't follow the original path of an ordinary person. Depending on the teacher, it can be tough even in the first day…"

Everyone was very surprised to be taking another test right off the bat in the first day. An assessment test. Confusion spread through the class.

"If you want to become a hero, you don't have time to be taking your time with such petty things." Said Aizawa. "You've all been given these tests in middle school. Physical tests where your quirks weren't allowed." He held up a phone shaped device. "The country still takes averages of your results from students who don't use their quirks."

The students listened in as he explained this. Their confusion evaporated as they continued to listen in.

"Uzukami?" Aizawa looked at Evie. "You finished at the top of your exam. In your junior year, what was the best result for your softball throw?"

"Around 70 meters." Evie answered.

"Now try throwing it with your quirk."

Evie was told to stand within a circle and throw the ball.

"You can do whatever you want, as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up, and give it your all."

Evie held the ball and squeezed it, then loosened her grip. She stretched her arm and shoulders. "Hmm, well then. I'll pitch it with the little ropes of mine." She reeled her arm back, locked and loaded, the vine-like material sprouted out of her arm and hand. She let go of the ball and let the ropes hold it. She pointed her finger to the sky, then pointed in front of her. The ropes threw the ball. The ball had created small gusts of wind just from Evie throwing it.

Aizawa held the device from earlier. "705.4 meters."

The entire class, except for Bakugo, was amazed. As expected of the top scorer of both the exams. They all suddenly had an urge to try and beat her record.

"Know your limits first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero."

Students kept reading the number of meters that Evie had thrown.

"705 meters?"

"Ooh, this looks fun!"

"We can use our quirks as much as we want! It's the hero course, after all!"

"You looks 'fun,' huh?" Aizawa muttered.

Everyone became confused again. They didn't understand the way he was saying or what he meant in general. They waited for further information to be said.

"You think it'll be fun here? Will you have the same attitude in the next 3 years. Fine, whoever comes in last place for all eight tests will be punished with expulsion."

The class gasped. They were so nervous now. What would they do if they were expelled. All Might looked through the book he was reading and found a page with Aizawa's information.

"Aizawa, huh?" All Might sighed, nervously. "He'll be out through hell from the start."