
(MHA) The Strongest Heroes

Everything except my oc (Evie) belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi.

BakuNoNii · Action
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16 Chs

A Test On the First Day?! Are You Kidding Me?!

Students murmured an questioned Deku. They couldn't help buy give curious comments and questions. They also admired his score.

"Finally, a hero-like score!"

"His finger is swollen. It happened at the exam…he has a strange quirk."

"It wasn't very stylish."

And there was Bakugo. He had a shocked and mad look in his face. He was raging inside. Out of everyone in the class, he had the most questions.

"W- what was that power?! Everyone's quirk usually manifests by the age of four. This is unbelievable. But…in reality, someone told me…" he remembered a flashback of Deku. Deku had told him, "You can become a hero, it's my own effort that will get me there, you idiot!"

Bakugo's palm started to light up. Small explosions appeared in his hand. "Hey, what's the meaning of this?" He suddenly dashed at Deku. Everyone gasped and their eyes followed Bakugo. "Tell me what the hell that was, Deku, you bastard!"

"Ahhhh!" Deku screamed.

Aizawa's scarf went flying to Bakugo and he erased his quirk. Bakugo was held back and did in the scarf's fabric.

"What the hell? Why is this cloth hard?" Bakugo questioned.

"They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber, woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. Jeez…" the class flinched at his scary aura he was giving off. "Don't make me use my quirk one and over again. I have dry eye now."

"It's such a waste because his quirk is amazing!" The entire class thought.

Name: Shota Aizawa

Hero Alias: Erasure Head

Quirk: Erasure

He can erase the quirks of those he looks at, only when he blinks, the effect goes away

"You're all wasting time," Aizawa's scarf rested again. "Whoever's next, get on with it."

Deku sneaked last Bakugo, that way he wouldn't get pummeled. Urakaka asked if Deku was alright, he replied that he was ok. Bakugo glared at Deku as he talked up a conversation with Urakaka.

"Just a while ago," Bakugo said to himself. "He was nothing more than a pebble on the side of a road."

Deku had always admired Bakugo, saying his quirk was so cool and how lucky he was. He would also say that when he would get his own quirk, it would be just as cool as Bakugo's. And Bakugo would always say that Deku would never be cooler or beat him.

After the incident, Deku had to fight through the pain as they finished the rest of the tests. Deku plopped himself on the ground after all the tests were finally done.

"Alright, I'll give you the results now." Said Aizawa. "The total is just the marks you got from the tests. It's a waste of time if I explain with words, so I'll just show you all at once."

"The one with the lowest score will be expelled." Thought Deku. "The only good result was during the ball throw. The rest of the tests, I did terribly because of the pain.

A hologram showed the placements for the test results. Deku read through them slowly. He did see his name…until he got to the very bottom.

"Expelled…?" Deku said quietly. He squeezed his fist.

"Also," Aizawa said. "I was lying about the expulsion. It was a rational deception for you to use the upper limits of your quirks."

"WHAT?!" The class yelled.

"Of course, it was a lie," a girl with a ponytail said.

"Aww, you guys couldn't see through that?" Evie said. "How sad. It was obvious if you think it through."

The class sighed in relief. "That was nerve-wracking."

"Heh, I'll take up any challenge anytime."

"With that, we're done today." Aizawa said while the hologram disappeared. "There's handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom, so when you get back, look over them. And Midoryia, have the old lady fix you in her office." He handed a sheet of paper to Deku before walking off. "Tomorrows test will be even harder."

"I got through it for now. But there was way too much u couldn't do. I'm starting from last place, I have a long way to go in order to achieve my dream!"

"Aizawa, you liar!" All Might scolded.

"Huh? So you were watching, All Might." Aizawa replied, tiredly. "You've got too much time on your hands?"

"A rational deception, is that what you told them? I mean, April Fools was last week. You punished a whole class of first-years last year, with expulsion. You judge those who you see don't have potential without hesitation. For a man like that to take his words back. That might also be because you saw the potential in that kid, right?"

"Also? You seem to be quite supportive of him. Is that how a teacher should act. His potential just wasn't completely at zero, that's all it was. I will always cut those without potential. There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end halfway."

"So, you're being kind in your own way, huh, Aizawa? But we still don't get along."

"Hahhh," Deku sighed as he walked out of school. "I'm so tired…"

"Mm hmm," Evie said while blowing a bubble with her gum. "I thought you did pretty good, honestly. The teacher this year is ridiculous, but I have a feeling we're going to have a rather interesting class this year."

Suddenly, Deku felt a hand touch his shoulder. He turned around and jumped to see Ida right behind him.

"Sorry if I scared you, Midoryia," Ida apologized. "Is your finger healed?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Thanks to Recovery Girl."

Evie remembered what it was like to watch Recovery Girl heal Deku.

"Smoooooch." The sound Recovery Girl made was a little disturbing for Deku.

"Oh, wow! It's all healed. But I feel really tired all of a sudden…"

"My quirk only has stimulates a persons healing ability, and healing requires stamina. If you keep getting major injuries, you'll soon run out of stamina and maybe end up dying."

"I'll end up dying?!"

Deku couldn't just keep getting hurt every time he used his quirk. He had to learn before to control it sooner or later.

"I was very moved by Mr. Aizawa's words." Ida interrupted Deku's thoughts. "I even told myself, 'this is the best of the best' and such. I didn't think the teacher would encourage us with a lie."

"I thought Ida was scary," Deku thought. "But he's just earnest."

"Hey, you guys!" A girls voice called out. "Heading to the station?" It was Uraraka. She was running after them, trying to catch up. "Wait for me."

"Oh, you're the infinity girl." Said Ida.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka. Um, you're Tenya Ida. And you're Deku Midoryia, right?"


"Hmm, but the boy named Bakugo said-"

"Deku, you bastard!"

"Oh, uh, that's just what Kacchan, I mean Bakugo, calls me to make fun of me-"

"Shut up, Izuku," Evie said. "Don't push yourself." She stood in front of Deku. "Listen here, pinkie, don't assume and maybe ask what his name is instead of going, 'um your Deku Midoryia, right?' You'll piss me off."

"S- sorry about that!" Uraraka squeaked. "I didn't mean to offend you."

"Hey, Evie!" Deku scolded. "Don't be so mean, they're trying to be nice."

"Ahh, tell that to me when they call you your actual name."

"Sorry about her, that's my friend, Evie Uzukami. Mad I'm Izuku Midoryia."

"What foul language you have!" Ida ignored Deku. "You shouldn't talk to others like that! You're just like that Bakugo boy!"

"Make me, Blue."

"I don't know," Uraraka said to Deku. "Deku sounds like name where you just go, 'I'm gonna win this!' Something like that."

"Deku it is, then!"

"Izuku!" Evie smacked his head. "Don't let them call you that."

"But I'm really fine with it, Evie."

"Ughhh, fine."

As they walked to the station, Deku kept his thoughts to himself while Evie was arguing with Ida.

"There's so many things I can't do. I have to work extra hard and do my best. But, All Might, I can at least be happy I have friends, right?"

"You don't have time to relax, young man," All Might said while sitting in the teachers lounge and looking at his hero costume. "The real thing, it starts tomorrow."

The next day in English class with Present Mic, everyone thought it was either so normal or so boring.

"Which of these sentences is wrong?" He asked.

"The relative pronoun is in the wrong place on number four!" The girl with a ponytail called out.

Lunch is in the main cafeteria, where students could buy gourmet food for reasonable prices.

"White rice is a great comfort food, am I right?" The cook hero, Lunch Rush gave a thumbs up.

Deku fanboyed all over the hero in front of him.

"Yeah," Uraraka agreed.

And I'm the afternoon, the students finally have hero basic training.

"I am…" All Might said. "Coming through the door like a normal person!"