
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Book 1 The Southern Air Temple:

As we zoom into the Avatar Squad we can see Ang talking about how beautiful the air temples are. Naruto: Hey isn't that the place where airbenders used to live a long long time ago. Katara and Sokka kind of share a glance as they don't want to dash the hopes of Aang as he doesn't know what happened. Meanwhile Naruto is oblivious to it all as he is too excited to see the place his father talked about so much. As we can see Zuko Sasuke and uncle iroh step out of the ship we see them meet up with what looks to be a general as they talk with Commander Zhao. We can see group Avatar enter the Potola mountain range. Katara: Aang, before we get to the temple I want to talk to you about the airbenders. Aang: Well. Katara: Well I just want you to be prepared for what you're going to see the Fire Nation is ruthless they killed my mother and they could have done the same too your people. Aang: Well just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all they probably escaped. Katara: I know it's hard to accept but. Naruto: Hey I heard the Airbender where nomads is that true because if so does that mean I also have to be nomad. Aang: Yes they are nomads but now you don't have to be a nomad you can be whoever you want to be as long as it makes you happy. Katara just sighs as they sit in the silence as they approach the temple. We can see them walking up the Mountain as we see Aang pointing to different landmarks. Naruto: So what sort of games did you play. Aang: Air ball was my favorit sport. As Aang begins to notice how different it is as to when he was younger noticing this besides to acts if they can play airball. As Aang and Naruto continue to play air ball Sokka and Katara finds a fire nation helmet. As Katara calls him over she Ponders on showing him the helmet before deciding not to and hiding it with the snow. As Aang runs around showing Naruto all the things he used to do back then Katara and Sokka start talking Sokka tries to convince Katara that Aang needs to know and it will only hurt more if they prolong it. As Katara and Sokka catch up to Aang and Naruto they hear him introducing his teacher Monkey Gyatso as the greatest airbender in the world, as Naruto shouts: One day that'll be me THE GREATEST AIRBENDER IN THE WORLD. Aang: Well that will be hard to do since even the Avatar couldn't beat him. As Aang has a flashback on one of his pranks he did with his teacher. As he snaps out of it they walk into the temple they come up on these doors where Sokka complains if there was even a way to open the door as he tried to open it but it's to no avail as Aang says: that's because only an airbender can open it. As Naruto gets excited and starts blasting Wind at the door as Aang says: No let me show you. As he throws two air vacuums into the pipes of the door as it opens.