
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Book 1 The Southern Air Temple part 2:

As they open the door as they open the door they are met with statues of the past avatars as they walk upon the statue of Avatar Roku they here a loud sound as they hide behind the statues only to see it's just a flying lemur. As Sokka and Aang gets excited and chase after it be for separate reasons as Aang wants it to be his pet but Sokka wants to eat it. As Naruto and Katara look at the amusing scene, we see that Aang has found traces of the Fire Nation as he shuffles around he finds a skeleton which looks to be of his teacher as Sokka finds Aang he tries to comfort him but Aang is too caught up in his emotions that he unconsciously activates the Avatar state. As we can see a sequence of events happening as when Aang entered the Avatar stay a sort of Beacon was sent out alerting every nation that the Avatar has returned. We see that Aang has surround himself in air as the building he was in explodes sending Sokka flying back as Katara and Naruto meet with him as Naruto create an air bubble around them so Sokka could begin to explain what happened: Well he found out the firebenders killed his master and well this happened. As Katara attempts to calm him down Aang starts floating but Naruto quickly help Katara by making a air tunnel allowing Katara to get closer to Aang. As we go to a scene where Zuko is fighting the Commander in an agni kai as Zuko tries and tries again to attack the Commander but he deflected it easily as Zuko quickly lose his ground the Commander takes advantage before Zuko gains his second breast and pushes Commander back bleeding him to Victory as Zuko shows some mercy he walks away as he has won The Battle Before Commander quickly got up and attack Zuko from behind only for uncle iroh to stop him as Sasuke holds back Zuko from attacking back. We now go back to group Avatar Naruto has created the air tunnel around Katara as she is able to get close enough for him to hear her Katara: Aang I know it's hard for you to lose your entire family without you even knowing or having the ability to help but it's okay because me Sokka and Naruto are your family now. Aang slowly floats down to the ground slowly coming out of the Avatar state he drops into Kataras arms. He slowly comes to terms that he really is The Last Airbender before they leave he goes back to the statues confused on how is Avatar Roku supposed to help him if he's not even live to it. In the background we can see Momo giving Sokka some fruits. As they fly away we can see Aang and Naruto looking back at the Temple with a sad look for Aang it is a home that is gone but for Naruto it's a home that he never got to see.