
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Book 1 The Last Airbender part 2:

As we zoom in on the Fire nationship we can sea guards taking Aang to his cell as Zuko puts his staff in his quarters. Aang quickly escapes before running past a cell and hearing someone a call out for help he turns back only to see a boy with blonde hair and a goofy smile on his face asking if he could release him. Before Aang could say anything he hears a guard calling out to him. And quickly grabs the key off the floor to release the boy as they begin to run they quickly introduce there selves as the boy says to Aang his name is Naruto. They quickly get to Zuko's room as they grab their staffs as we can see Katara and Sokka going to the ship. We go back to Aang and Naruto as they are jumping over and around the guards trying to get to their staffs. Have they Dodge the tire bending from Zuko and Sasuke they quickly use their invasive abilities to not get hit by the flames. They quickly get to the control room as they are quickly followed by Zuko and Sasuke as they are bright down out of the air and in to a fight. In the background you can see the Flying Bison Appa coming to them Ang is distracted and locked into the ocean as he uses the Avatar state to escape. He uses the Avatar state to take out the enemies before going unconscious before he can fall Naruto catches him and jumps onto the Flying Bison they start to fly away as Fireballs are being launched at them. Shortly after Aang wakes up after Aang wakes up they questioned Naruto on who he is as Naruto explains that he is a Airbender and how his father escaped the Fire Nation attack. After that they talk about how Aang is the avatar.