

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · アニメ·コミックス
53 Chs

New Member

"Yesterday more than 15 bases of criminal operations were destroyed, which belonged to the Russian Mafia, witnesses say they saw a man flying around destroying these buildings and taking out criminals in this organized crime.

This picture here was taken last night using a street camera across the building the man destroyed." The news lady Sandra said as she showed a picture of the flying man but the picture was blurred so there was nothing really visibly known about him other than the big figure his body had and a little bit of white on top of the figure which seems to be his hair.

"As you can see the picture is blurred so we don't know who or what it is, could this be a threat to our society? Or is it an existence for the betterment of the people? A lot of theories were being put out about this mysterious man flying around, some say it was photoshopped but there are those that say they witnessed it with their own eyes and that it was a man, there are also those that believed it to be a god coming down to punish the criminals while others thought it is a weapon of the governments instead that sent it out on a test run destroying these criminals bases.

In all of these 15 properties there was no deaths which is surprising given the fact that the establishments were all destroyed, what was truly disturbing was that more than 115 criminals were majorly injured from broken bones to twisted limbs none of them was..." The news lady Sandra reported with a look of worry in her eyes.

"That can't be.. be who I think it is right?" Anna said as she muted the TV they were all watching from.

Everyone in the Dragon house was awake in the morning the next day and was watching the news with shocked faces and wide open mouths, the blurred picture they saw on the TV might not be as familiar to other people but the kids can recognize that blurred body figure and white hair from a mile, and they knew that was Kali.

Markus was also there fully awake and full of energy, when he woke up everyone was happy and relieved that he was ok. But soon it turned chaotic when Markus came back to himself and started causing trouble and pissing everyone off which earned him words like; "I wish you never came out of that damn coma" or "Keep talking and I will put you back to sleep with my fists."

Markus and Ronny would always find reasons to fight as they love to fist fight the most, Chase would annoy one of them until if gets into a fight and Mannix would just jump in the fight every once in a while just for the fun of it, and these four delinquents would always get an earful from Anna.

"That is awesome, he actually destroyed 15 of the mafias hide outs in one night... that is so cool." Markus muttered with some thoughts when Anna smacked his head.

"That is not the point, there is so many things wrong with this situation he actually hurt peop-" Anna.

"Criminals! Not just people but criminals and they have done more worst shitt than this." Markus interjected.

"Even though that is true what about his identity? Does he even wear a mask? What if someone figured out who he is? Things wouldn't look good if that were to happen." Anna said with a frown.

"Now that I think about it he never really dressed up when he goes out with us, but thinking about it now he only teaches us things when he comes out with us on our patrols." Charles chimed in.

For a while they were talking about the things that could happen to Kali when the restaurant door rang as it opened, and there walked in Kali with his clothes dirtied and ripped.

Everyone paused and quieted down as they looked at Kali casually walking in.

"Oh well you guys are up early, good morning." Kali said as he walked to the stairs about to walk up when someone screamed out.

"Are you crazy?!" Anna screamed out.

"Wh- what's wrong?" Kali asked looking confused.

"What's wrong?! You are on the news!! And it said you destroyed hoses and hurt people!! And you come home looking like that and you are asking what is wrong?!" Anna said while the others were kind of enjoying the moment and laughing for the fact that it looked like Kali was caught by his mother doing something bad.

"Whaaaat? No I'm not." Kali just waved it aside before looking at the TV and saw his figure blurred but still recognizable for the ones that would know him.

"I mean... no one knows It's me haha." Kali said nevously scratching the back of his head.

Anna was about to scold again when Kali put up his hand gesturing her to wait.

"At tatatata before we start this I gotta get a shower first." Kali said as he walked up the stairs like nothing happened.

Anna on the other hand was red from anger at the fact that he just pushed it aside.

"Screw this let's just eat, come on lets just make breakfast." Anna said giving up and not worrying.

"You know I don't really blame em, in fact I would do the same if someone hurt people I care about." Jun Lee said as Kera agreed with her as they walked to the kitchen as the chefs to prepare breakfast.

Anna didn't really say anything because she wouldn't know what to do if someone hurt her loved ones.

Soon the food was done and everyone put together the tables to make a big table and eat together.

Kali came back down from upstairs with some sweats and a hoodie on with a towel around his shoulders and using it to wipe his wet hair.

He sat down and they started eating but not without Anna scolding him as he just rolled his eyes about which she yelled more at him.

All in all it was a normal morning same as any, after a while the girls dressed up to head out and the boys doing their own thing.

"Marren lets go you are takin too long." Kera yelled out to Marren who was the only one left upstairs.

"Coming!! I'm just getting my..." Marren replied muffled.

"Where you girls going?" Kali asked as he tooth-picked his mouth being the only one left on the table.

There was a rule in the house that whoever is last eating would have to clean the whole dishes and straighten out the tables back to their original orders and Kali always having to eat all the food to not waste it would always clean up most of the time.

"We're going to the mall, and since we got our pay It's time for our self treatment." Sydney said.

"Hmm good for you guys, stay safe out there." Kali said.

Sydney was one of the responsible ones of the girls, Anna, Jun Lee, and Sydney was the most mature and responsible.

Anna is as you know is the big sister and all, Jun Lee is a trouble maker and likes to tease, mock, or make fun of anyone the moment she gets a chance but under those shenanigans she always takes care of problems with the best solutions and would get serious if she needs to. Sydney was all business and professional, she was a humble girl but piss her off and she'll find all your nerves and get on it.

"Well a lot of the people around wouldn't bother us since the guys beat up whoever would mess with us." Jun Lee said.

Kali didn't know but the girls started getting targeted by guys and creeps since they go out having fun together, when the guys which is Markus and the others knew about this they would go out and beat up the ones that would bother the girls.

This happened so much that the girls were known not to be messed with and guys would just run away knowing that they were related to Markus and the others.

"Yeah but It's kind of hard to talk to the cute boys now." Marren said as she walked down the stairs, and what she said made Kali raise an eyebrow.

"No, go back upstairs and put on something less... revealing." Kali said with a frown.

Marren came down with her stomach shown, her shoulders shown, and her legs out in the open.

"What?! But we have to go and It's not that ba-" Marren tried to talk her way out of it.

"Not happening, your not walking out of that door until you change what you're wearing." Kali said.

"Urgh." Marren grumbled walking back up the stairs.

"Your not even my dad." She muttered.

"I heard that!!" Kali said.

"Whatever!!" Marren yelled back, to which Kali just shook his head.

"Well either way just be safe out there and don't cause trouble." Kali said as he started cleaning up bringing the dishes to the kitchen sink.

"You should tell that to the guys." Jun Lee said.

When the girls left there were only a few left in the building, Kali was finished cleaning the dishes when he received a message.

Kali texted Charles to come to him, and after a few minutes he popped into the kitchen asking whats up.

"Good you're here, you'll be coming with me in a bit." Kali said to Charles who was still in his pajamas.

"I am? Where we heading to?" Charles asked.

"To meet a friend." Kali said simply.

With Zhang and a few others...

Zhang felt a bit better after the gliding lesson with Kali a day ago, it took the trauma off his mind and more into gliding as he wanted to glide more.

He planned to go to the abandoned warehouse and spent the day there doing a few activities and satisfy his curiosity on his gliders. To see how and why they work and see if he could make some adjustments on it.

When he packed his Red Robin suit and was ready to head out some of the guys asked where he was going, and when Zhang said where he was going the guys got curious and said they will tag along and they won't take no for an answer.

And so he decided to make them useful and gave them a few bags to carry, Jack, Dillon, Chase, Keon, and Roberto asked what the bags are for but Zhang just shrugged not giving them an answer.

When they started walking Chase who always talks a lot started talking which everyone yelled shut up to, when they were close to the abandoned warehouse near the docks the group saw a few familiar face which were the homeless group that would always go to the restaurant to eat.

"Hey ain't the group of homeless that always go to eat at the restaurant?" Chase asked.

"It is." Keon said.

Zhang walked up to a certain tent and looked into it when an old man walked out, which was Mitchell Grey, Mitch for short. Zhang and Mitch started talking and Mitch seemed to enjoy the company of the kid, soon Zhang signaled the guys to come closer.

"Well well, welcome to my humble abode." Mitch said.

"Mitchell how are you?" Keon asked as he knew a lot of the homeless people, once in a while Keon would sit down and have a talk with them asking about their days.

"Aah Keon, I've been good been good..." Mitch said.

And for awhile they did some catch up nothing big.

"Alright give him the bags." Zhang said with a lazily emotionless face.

"The bags?" Jack asked.

"Yes." Zhang said plainly, to which the 5 gave the bags to Mitch.

"Ohohoho thank you guys we really are grateful for having you guys helping us out." Mitch said to the guys as he put the bags in his tent.

The 6 gave their goodbyes and walked away to the abandoned factory near the homeless area.

"What was in the bag Zhang?" Dillon asked.

"Food." Zhang said.

"Food?!" Dillon, Chase, and Keon yelled out surprised.

"Yes. They were sandwiches what did you expect?" Zhang said with a lazy face.

"Well we didn't expect it to be food." Chase said.

"Who made the sandwiches?" Roberto asked.

"I did." Zhang said.

Zhang and Roberto was probably the most alike, Roberto doesn't talk much unless needed to but would sarcastically tease someone every once in a while, Zhang on the other hand wouldn't talk much either unless needed and always had a lazy face, the only things that would excite him was either being on his computer or doing new things; like working on his gliders.

When they finally stood in front of the abandoned building the others weren't exactly impressed as they thought they would be. Thinking it would be some kind of epic lair that they use but it was just a rundown abandoned warehouse.

Zhang went to the side of the building and entered through the top window which the five had trouble doing, once they were in there it didn't look like anything worth looking at.

Sure it was clean and the mess in the building was cleaned out but the whole place is empty.

"Psshh and here I thought it would be an awesome superhero hideout with a bunch of epic toys and stuff." Chase said feeling disappointed.

Zhang just looked at their disappointing faces before shrugging and walking to a room where the others followed.

When they entered the room Zhang opened a door where it went no where as it was only walls around it, other than that there were steps on the ground that leads to the dark.

"OHOHOHO now we're talkin." Chase said as he pushed the rest rushing in after Zhang.

When the lights turned on it is exactly what they expected of a superhero hideout, the toys, the equipments, the looks, whatever it is.

"Dude." Dillon said as he was circling around looking at everything.

"Nice." Jack said.

"*Inhales*" Chase gasped and tried to breathe everything in as he had stars on his eyes.

Roberto was just as shocked with an open mouth while nodding subconsciously.

Zhang just walked it and put his duffle bag which had his suit on on the lab tables.

The underground floor had 5 rooms in all, the middle one was the biggest which connects to all of them in the front it had a big screen batman style with a few other small screens around it. In the middle of the main room there were mannequins which was most likely for the suits but doesn't seem to be used, there were also a few weapons either leaning or hangin on a ling weapons rack; ranging from staffs to swords with a few wooden practice weapons.

The first room to the right was the second biggest, it was the training room whoch had obstacle courses, punching bags, benching presses weights and such.

On the second room to the right was a small room which had three beds for resting and such.

The first room on the left now was the testing room, it had targets for practice and there were shurikens and kunais and such laying around with a few guns of different kind.

And on the second room on the left was the lab were things were made and tested.

Zhang went up to the screen and pressed a few buttons where all the screens popped up showing the area around the building.

"These are the outside of the building, but I never saw any cameras out there." Dillon said.

"Small cameras." Zhang said.

"Wh- where did you guys get all this?" Roberto asked.

"The old man got them, at least the important ones." Zhang said.

"The computers, screens, workout equipment, toys, lab equipments, dummy's, weapons, and materials were brought here by the old man." Zhang said.

"The beds, couches, kitchen stuff and some weights were brought by me, Charles and Markus. Well stolen... but they were all taken from criminals." Zhang said without care.

"So you guys brought the useless stuff." Chase said.

"Where did he get all this stuff?" Jack asked.

"Hmm I don't know, he never says. He did say he had friends in high places, oh and he once told me he went on a mission for some agency or something so I thing he works for some secret government group or something." Zhang said as he took out his suit and started looking into it.

"It's nice but It still feels empty." Roberto said as he was thinking.

"We did just start these activities just a little bit under a year ago so..." Zhang said detaching his glider from his suit.

"Hmm... hard leather? Retractors? Web fluids?... anti-mutant serum? What are these?" Roberto asked as he looked through some of the objects and such on the lab tables.

"Hmm? Oh those are some projects the old man was working on, Charles helped on a few but he started trying his own inventing." Zhang said.

"Inventions huh?" Roberto said.

"Mhmm the old man would always have ideas and make things, Charles would always try to learn and keep up with him. I just focus on the tech around here, and Markus... well Markus just does the testing for the new inventions, other than that he just shoots a gun all day or work out on the training room." Zhang said.

Over at the training room with Jack and Dillon...

"Thats crazy! It cant be them right? It has to be the old man theres no way the three of them can bench this much." Dillon said as he stared at the bench with the weights on which is more than 600 pounds.

"Hmm." Jack was having a thought.

"Maybe you need this much just to be safe being out there." Jack said.

Jack is a guy who doesn't talk much and is always having a type of glare, kind of like wolverine except Jack is many more times more calmer than wolverine.

"Hey Zhang!! How much can you bench?!" Dillon yelled out across the room.

Zhang was about to respond but he didn't wanna yell across the room so he just shrugged it.

But Dillon just rushed to him and grabbed Zhang before running back to the training room.

"Come on your Red Robin right? Show us what you got." Dillon urged and Jack seemed to be curious as well.

"*sigh* alright, but this isn't me thats Marks number, I'm under 500." Zhang said as he took out some of the weights and brought it down to 460.

Zhang got on his back and put his hand on the handles ready to bench, Dillon and Jack are just worried and excited at the same time.

Worried that Zhang might hurt himself with the heavyweight, excited to know he might actually be able to bench this much.

The two got on one side and ready just incase Zhang needs help, Zhang held onto the bar and closed his eyes and breathed calmly letting KI flow into his veins, his blood and his skin before he opened his eyes and held up the bar full of weights with a bit of ease, and with that he slowly but smoothly did a few ups and downs.

The two on the side just had their mouths wide of how easy Zhang was picking these weights up.

After the 23rd bench Zhang stopped and wiped a bit of sweat he had, the other two was just frozen in amazement, excitement, and loss for words.

"H- how?! Your so thin and barely have any visible muscles yet you- how did you do it?" Jack asked wanting to be just as strong.

"That was awesome mann, what the hell this can't be real..." Dillon was on the side freaking out.

"It's called KI, the old man taught us how to use it." Zhang said.

"KI?! That sound great." Jack said with admiration.

"How does it work?! Can we do it too?!" Dillon bombarded him with questions.

"Well the KI runs through your body strengthening it and enhancing your body, the more you have the longer you can do it, the stronger it is the more powerful." Zhang said exhaustively.

"And yes you can use it, every human has it It's just almost close to impossible to use it since It's hard to feel it out unless you have an expert or a master to help you through it." Zhang explained

"So if I were to learn how to use it right now would I be strong too?" Jack asked.

"Well if you learn it right now and use it you would only destroy your body using it, the old man trained our bodies for a long time before he taught us how to us KI properly.

Here think of KI like... like lava, and your body is like glass. So when you pour the lava in the glass cup then the glass cup will melt because it is too weak, and thats your body being too weak to contain It's real force." Zhang took a breath from his long explanation before continuing.

"But if you train your body to take the KI you will be able to use it, think of turning the glass cup into the strongest diamond that can hold the lava." Zhang said.

"Okay... so how long did you guys train to be able to use this KI?" Dillon asked.

"For a few months, even after we learned how to sense KI the old man wouldn't let us use it until we were strong enough." Zhang said.

"Alright I'm going back to work." Zhang said before he walked back to the lab.

When Roberto saw Zhang again he started asking questions which Zhang reluctantly answered as well.

"I know this is hiding underground and all but what if the people that own this building comes back to use it again, or if someone accidentally stumbles onto this place?" Roberto asked.

"The owners... well the old man said not to worry about the owners and that to keep an eye out for anyone not to stumble onto this place." Zhang said.

"Hmm." Roberto.

Over at Kali and Charles side...

"So how are you and Marren?" Kali asked as they started walking, Charles just following besides him.

"Marren? What are you talking about?" Charles asked as he looked away.

"Don't play dumb with me boy, I'm not blind I know there is something between you two. Or maybe there 'was'." Kali said.

"Sheesh what are you spying on is?" Charles said as he slumped.

"No it was just painfully obvious that It's hard to ignore." Kali said.

"Humph... I don't know we were having these moments at first but then it suddenly disappeared, it hurts to know she doesn't feel the same way anymore but I too had a change of feelings and with that we just fell apart.

We're barely talking now, when she found out I was Nightwing she didn't say anything or asked anything, I knew she had things to say but she still held it in. I don't know It's just been really strange lately, and awkward as hell." Charles said, and he looked careless but he was hurt deep down.

"*sigh* well don't let it get out of control and destroy things, just follow what you feel is right. Don't act in a different way when your feelings are going the other direction..." Kali and Charles talked as they walked for minutes.

They ended up in an alleyway where a few black cars were parked around another black car in the middle where a woman was leaning on the car.

"We here to do some drug deals or something?" Charles leaned in and asked.

"Haha." Kali just laughed it off as they walked to the woman.

"Agent Hill meet my kid Charles, Charles meet Agent Hill my girlfriend." Kali said introducing the two.

"Not his girlfriend." Hill said as she shook Charles hand.

"Wait Agent?! As in... secret agent?!" Charles said.

"That is soo cool! So do you like I don't know do secret Agent stuff?" Charles asked, which Kali and Hill laughed off to.

"More or less, I have also seen your work and I'm impressed." Hill said.

"My work?" Charles asked in confusion.

"Yes your work as Nightwing." Hill said to which shocked Charles.

"How do you- wait did you tell her?" Charles asked looking at Kali who just shook his head.

"He didn't tell me, I'm a secret Agent remember?" Hill said with a smile.

"Cool." Charles had an idiotic smile while nodding saying how cool she is.

"Haha so how is Nat holding up?" Kali asked.

"She is fine, she took a rest for a day but Fury sent her out on a hunt." Hill said.

"A hunt? A hunt for what?" Kali asked.

"You know I can't tell you about it." Hill said.

"Because It's a secret." Charles on the side chimed in, to which Kali just shook his head.

"So were you able to get it?" Kali asked Hill to which Charles ears perked up in curiosity.

"Well I wouldn't be here if I wasn't able to." She said walking to the back of the car door but paused and looked at Kali.

"Thanks Hill tell Fury I owe him." Kali said.

"No it wasn't Fury on this one, this one it was me. And don't get me started on how this is not on the area of S.H.I.E.L.D. yet what you ask is way out of the box. Do you know how many favors I have to call in, if I didn't know anything about you then I would have thought you are up to no good.

And if you didn't explain much then I never would have agreed, and you know what you have been doing so far with you life is really unexpected turnout for us all and..." Hill was going on and on about things and wanted to know how thankful Kali should be.

"Alright alright I get it, and why did you do this anyway I mean I don't think you have anything to get out of this." Kali asked.

"Oh It's nothing complicated I just thought it'd be good to have you owe me one." Hill said.

"Ohoho so thats how it is, and I thought you did it out of the kindness of your heart." Kali said exaggeratingly hurt.

"Oh please." She said rolling her eyes.

"I heard from Barton that there was something between you and Romanov?" Hill asked.

"Oh is someone jealous?" Kali asked.

"Hahaha you should be a comedian, I'm just wondering how someone like the Black Widow never put bullet holes on you." She said.

"Well maybe I'm just that good." Kali said as he got a bit closer to Hill.

"Or maybe she was just playing you." Hill said with her hand on Kali's chest pushing him back with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Uuh*cough* *cough* hello!! Can we not flirt with each other in the middle of a drug deal." Charles said as he had his phone out videoing the moment.

"Don't make me kick that phone jamming it into your head." Kali said threatening Charles.

Hill just back off and opened the backseat before bringing out something covered in a little blanket.

Kali had a smile on his face, Charles froze with his eyes wide open.

"Her name is Hannah." Hill said as she played with the baby's cheek rocking her.

"Is- th- thats the-" Charles stuttered.

"Yeah, thats the kid you had to drop off at the orphanage that night." Kali said.

"You wanna hold her?" Hill asked Charles who was stiff.

"Y- yeah." Charles said as he stiffly grabbed onto the baby before rocking her back and forth.

The baby had blonde golden like hair and didn't look like a newborn at all, she looked to be at least one or so.

"Are you sure you got the right one." Kali leaned onto Hill and whispered.

"Of course I did, she was the only one that came in for about two weeks, and the story fit as well." Hill whispered back though she didn't seem to be %100.

Kali just looked at her for a bit before shrugging thinking.

'Well the worst that could happen is some type of "switched at birth" situation' Kali though.

"Oh and Fury said he wanted to cash in another favor soon, and to go see him soon." Hill said as both she and Kali stared at the baby and teenager.

She handed Kali an envelope which is most likely to be the baby's documents.

"Tsk what I do for these kids is gonna kill me one day." Kali said.

"Haha." Hill giggled staring at the baby which Kali caught onto.

"Oh did the great Agent Maria Hill get attached to the baby?" Kali teased.

"Well she has been great so far when we were together, a great stress relief that one." She said as she opened the front of the car ready to drive away.

Kali put his hand on the roof of the car looking through the window at Hill before saying.

"You know you can always come over to the house to relief some stress." Kali said.

Hill raised an eyebrow at the way Kali used the Words.

"I'm talking about the baby, I mean of course if you have other ways in mind to relief stress I'm open to any sugg- aah." Kali couldn't finish when the back tire ran over his feet as she sped off.

"Damn it." Kali said.

Charles and the baby stared at him.

"I'm not exactly sure how to feel about this, old man but there is something you forgot to consider." Charles said.

"What?" Kali asked.

"We don't know how to take care of a baby." Charles said.

"Bah who do you think I am? I'm the great Kali how hard could it be taking care of a tiny person." Kali said as he walked to Charles.

"Here let me hold my new daughter." Kali said as he grabbed a hold onto the baby who seemed to just stare at Kali with curiosity.

"Hello there Hannah, who's a good girl oh you are yes you are..." Kali played with the baby when she leaned it and bit his nose with her toothless mouth.

"Hahaha your the most adorable thing ever yes you are." Kali said.

"Alright lets go home."

Should I do a rewrite?

I have to thank some of you awesome readers for your support, I still remember a few names that are always giving me stones and one of them was





There were a few more but I just wanna say thanks to ya bastads thanks for the support and stones

Karstagcreators' thoughts