

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The Catch Up

Up on top of the restaurant's roof...

Kali was up on the roof having a smoke, it was early in the morning yet it was still dark.


The rooftops door slammed open and out came a furious looking Anna and a halfway dressed Zhang without his domino mask on.

"Where the hell do you think you are planning to take him?! Are you kidding me right now Kali? Markus is on the bed laying down with us not knowing what to do, Charles is in there trying to explain whatever the hell he is talking about and you are telling Zhang to suit up and come with you?!

You can't be serious right now, and where are you even taking him?!" Anna screamed the moment she saw me as she dragged Zhang with her.

"I'm just taking him out for... something... It's to help him." I said but Anna didn't seem to be too convinced.

Anna was always the big sister of this group, she would be the sister, brother, mother, father, or even the police if she needs to be just to keep the kids in check and protect them. She would even go off on Kali for the things he would idiotically do at times.

Like when some kids would get into a little fight and others would bet on who would win, Kali would sometimes not be able to act like an adult going along with the kids betting on a fighter. This would earn a few smacks from Anna freezing the whole troublemaking group, so it sometimes look like Anna was the real boss of the building.

"It's fine we'll be quick I promise hehe." Kali said sheepishly as he telekinetically picked Zhang up and brought Zhang near to him as he floated up, Anna was shocked and awe at this revelation of then flying.

"Y- you guys can fly?!" She asked in shock but didn't realize Zhang was just as shocked as her.

"Haha, we'll be back Anne." Kali said as they floated higher.

"Alright, but we need to talk when you get back." She said as she shook the shock off of her and cleared her throat.

"Roger that boss." Kali said before taking off with Zhang.

Later on top of the Empire State Building...

"How is this gonna help?" Zhang said as he was glued hugging the buildings needlepoint afraid to look down as I floated right next to him.

"Well I don't, I do know that gliding down from here would be fu-" Kali said but was halfway interrupted.

"Glide?! As in jump?! No way! No no no! I can't do that It's- It's- It's too high. M- maybe if it wasn't this hi-" Zhang outright rejected the idea of going out this way.

"It may be high but once you jump down the highest building point in New York there is no building that could freeze you. And yes I know I said we were just gonna glide and you didn't think we would do it this high up but you'll love it once you have done it once." Kali said convincing Zhang.

"Yeah but still this isn't some kind of fictional movie or some kind, and I- I get that the glider cape is bulletproof but there are so much scientific reasons as why this does NOT work in the re-" Zhang started rambling on.

Kali floated closer next to Zhang and held him before floating up more to stand him up on the highest point of the needle, Zhang was a little unwilling but didn't move too much scared of falling.

"Look at me, It's me I will catch you if anything goes wrong or if you don't feel it. But I we won't move until dive, scientifically almost impossible but not everything is about science... sometimes you just gotta have a leap of faith." Kali said as he floated back watching the shaking Zhang trying not to look down.


And for another few minutes they spent going back and forth about Zhang finding excuses not wanting to do it and Kali searching for every possible inspirational and wisdom words to say pushing Zhang further into taking that leap.

"Zhang... trust me you will be fine, and I guarantee that you will love it." Kali said as Zhang took a moment and took a breath and looked down shaking his head, he exhaled before stepping up to the points edge.

"Alright the small metal-like hooks on your gauntlets connects to the ring on the sides of your gliders. You hook them up and spread them before you take the leap..." Kali guide Zhang through the steps to use the gliders.

As Zhang walked to the edge and looked down ready he looked back at Kali as Kali nodded at him before doing the same back. Zhang looked down again before backing up shaking his head and took deep breaths before he ran and jumped.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!" Zhang yelled as he dived down he panicked but he saw Kali still next to him so he did his best to at least glide right.

At first he was wobbling around tilting his hands around not exactly making them straight or in shape for the right angles.

"Just keep your hands straight if you wanna turn tilt your body... and most importantly... stay calm and feel the wind." Kali said.

Zhang did as he was told and straightened out his hands and kept his body stable and calmed down stopping the wobblings and then he stopped falling hard and started gliding. Like a bird with It's wings out feeling the wind, passing and brushing his face.

Zhang closed his eyes as he felt the breeze, it was cold being up that high but with practice he used the KI to shied the cold. Opening his eyes again he was amazed at how beautiful the city is from his point of view and flying through the air observing the lights, skyscrapers, and the small ant-like cars moving about made it more beautiful and calming.

Kali was flying near him using telekinetic KI to move Zhang around, for Kali he couldn't guarantee if this idea would help at all or would make it even worse but there was only one way to find out and it seemed to work. Or it seems to at least get his mind off of whats been on his head lately.

For about an hour and some more they spent buzzing around the sky of the city as Zhang seems to enjoy it very much, there was a few times where he made errors with the dives but Kali was there to pick him back up and taught him how to do it the right way.

Soon they end up sitting on a roof of a tall skyscraper with two boxes of pizzas with them Zhang's favorite, Kali would sometimes make some pizza which Zhang fell in love with but right now they got some classic New York pizza for a change, though It's a mystery how they got pizzas this early in the morning.

"...how about parents? Do you have parents?" Zhang asked as they spent a few talking about general things but thinking about it the kids never really know anything about Kali so he took this chance to get some info and Kali answered the best he can.

"Parents? Of course I do, everyone does... unless you're some kind of clone or something." Kali said.

"Well? Where are they?" Zhang asked as he had two pizza pieces on his hands while swinging his legs around on the edge of the roof edge.

"Well i don't have any... I think the closest thing I have to a parent is an old man with a lot of free time for himself." Kali.

"Old man? Where is he? What's his name? Is he old old or just like old but a l-" Zhang started questioning with food in his mouth.

"Stop talking with food in your mouth." Kali said flicking Zhang's forehead.

"I don't know the geezers name, he just picked me up from out of nowhere and gave me things before sending me out into the world to have a life of my own." Kali said as Zhang just nodded thinking that Kali was adopted by an old man that raised Kali before sending him out on his own.

'How do you not know the name of the man who raised you?' Zhang thought.

"Oh!! And how did you get your powers?" Zhang said as he shined as if this was the most important question of all.

"My powers? Oh yeah It's the old man he gave me that too." Kali said carelessly as he ate a slice wholly.

"Mhmm." Zhang nodded.

And for another few minutes they talked before they flew and glided home, touching home the sun started rising brightening the sky.

"So you feeling better?" Kali asked.

"Yeah, I just try not to think about it but... yeah I'm feeling better thanks old guy." Zhang said.

"Alright but just remember I'm here in case you wanna talk, we all are and I'm sure everyone worries just as much." Kali said as they started walking back in through the roof door.

We walked in where not everyone was here, either they are downstairs or they are out of the building.

Zhang went to get out of his suit while Kali walked to his room to find the door kicked in and the bed messed up with blood here and there on it, he stood there scratching the back of his head with a heavy sigh.

"Bed stained with the blood of one of your kids?" A voice spoke out as I looked to the side to see Anna with arms crossed and leaning on the wall.

"Why do you have to make it sound so... dark?" Kali said staring at the girl.

Kali walked in the room and started fixing the place up, he picked up the broken door before leaning it up the wall before he started taking off the bloody sheets on his bed which belonged to Charles.

Anna walked in and sat down on a chair on the corner of the room staring at Kali as he cleaned around his room trying his best to ignore the glares of the redhead.

"Okay okay fine." He said before he sat down on his bed and looked back at the girl.

"Lets get to it." Kali said.

"Get to what." Anna slowly said glaring a hole on Kali.

"Well you did say you wanted to talk so fire away." Kali said exhaustively.


"Did you put them up to it? Being these vigilantes, did you tell them to do it?" Anna asked.

"No." Kali said simply which Anna frowned upon.

"What is this? What are you doing? Why did you bring all of us here?! Why are you even helping us? For over a year we have been here living in this building and I wasn't sure why you would not only give us work but allow us to live here and treating us like we are some kind of family like some kind of- some kind of..." Anna asked questions calmly before she panicked and went 0-100 asking all the bottled up questions she had since the day they walked in this building.

For Anna all her life she believed she was just a mistake, an unwanted person going about from time to time not having any experience in feeling the love of friends or family. As long as she can remember she was abused the moment she came into this world as she only had one father but being born took away her mothers life and her fathers love as he blames her for her death at birth.

And since then she was abused by the father, that is until a man came into her life and took her away from the abuse and adopted her as his daughter and for just a few months she felt what It's like to be in a warm and comfortable home. She also started experiencing what love is... but it was not the kind of love she wanted as the man started advancing on her in a sick way and this earned a lamp to the face of the man as she ran away from the house.

Since then she has tried being on her own but for almost a few years she was again picked up by child protection services and was brought onto a foster home and she was happy as she heard of the man that adopted her was jailed due to the evidence of kiddie porn found in his house. For some time she stayed in the foster home with her guard up as she didn't trust anyone due to experience, but she soon found some kids that had more or less gone through the same thing she had.

And one of them was a girl name Jun Lee, Jun Lee was the same keeping up her guards and distancing herself away from others. But as both Anna and Jun Lee worked together in the kitchen they became closer over time and started opening up to each other, and knowing how much they unfortunately had in common they clicked together perfectly.

They have been friends for over some time until the day came when Jun Lee was being adopted again and this brought them onto tears as they didn't wanna separate but they couldn't do anything so they were reluctantly separated, and after some more time it came for Anna as well when two lively middle aged couple wanted to adopt her, Anna took a chance and went with them after some talk with the foster mother. And for a while again she was with the married couple having a normal life going to school, having a few friends, and playing along with the family but she never really opened up and still kept her guard up. That is until the couple started having trouble with each other as the man was having an affair and it pretty much broke the family apart, Anna who didn't really hold much for the life ran away when she met Jun Lee again who also ran away and was on her own for a while now as on her side the man that adopted Jun Lee was a creep resulting in her running away.

And for an unknown time they were together moving around looking for shelter and jobs to survive on their own, when they felt hopeless as they have been going on and on not being able to get a job. A friend of theirs came to them, Charles, who was with them for a certain time in the foster home and they knew each other well. When he came to them he offered them a chance to get work as he knew they worked in the kitchen for sometime, Anna was hesitant but Jun Lee decided to take a chance on it and when they arrived at the so called tough looking restaurant they were a little surprised of how grand and new it looked. And staying in the restaurant for a while waiting for this owner to show up another few groups of kids showed up, Anna and Jun Lee knew Markus so they greeted each other nicely when a group of delinquent showed up in the restaurant. Fast forward the door was kicked open with a big bang and everyone looked at who it was.

The man that came in had white hair with a goatee also having a big muscular build, he was tall and he looked ferocious as he looked around scanning everyone in the room, the man got angered and slapped the boy who was called Zane around scaring everyone. And Anna thought of just running out of the restaurant as she didn't think working for a violent man would bring any good luck for her. That was unit the white haired man started speaking to the group of kids, and he said "if you are serious about getting a job than stay if you are just here to cause trouble then get your dumbasses out of my restaurant" the man said.

Anna felt like the man was violent but in a good way, like the man was dedicated to his restaurant but won't take any shitt from anybody and this was honestly something that boosted the redheads curiosity and so she decided to stay and work see if there is anything special of the place. And so far it dod not disappoint, from a roof over their heads to great family love from everyone but she was always wondering why the old man Kali would just take them in and help without asking fro anything. And when they found out about the identities of Charles and the other two she started having doubts as she thinks all of it was fake or just an illusion of some kind, and she was afraid to lose this thing they had together; the love, the laugh, the arguments, the genuine feeling of love from all the kids and the father figure of theirs that had done so much for them, so she has been building up just for this moment to confront him if it was all fake.

"Hey whoa whoa whoa calm down, there is nothing you need to worry abou-" Kali said.

"Then why are you helping us?! Huh?! Don't tell me It's out of the goodness of your heart because we all know that its just a load of bullshitt as there is no selfless deed..." Anna said as she had a face ready to cry.

"Oh for the love of... I mean..." Kali was about to complain but catching her glare again he stopped.

"Yes you are right there is no selfless deed on this world and the reason I took you guys in was because I know the feeling of not having anyone or being abandoned being alone feeling hopeless and desperate for new light in the darkness, and to make this feeling disappear I selfishly invited you guys into my home to make myself feel better about it, I help as much as I can to make myself feel better because I never had any help, I taught you guys as much as I can because I had no one to teach me anything, I tried to give you guys the feeling of comfort because no one was there to comfort me..." Kali got serious and started speaking, though he can't remember his past life he still had this feeling of loneliness and seeing what the kids have been through just brought him some familiarity that he doesn't seem to remember, but he spoke what he felt.

Anna was actually surprised at how similar they are to this old man of theirs, and she felt horrible that she had to bring back these memories of Kali just because he was helping them and was doing his best to show his love to everyone.

"Do you know what the most important thing there is to me?" Kali asked Anna.

"I don- I- I don't know... the restaurant?" Anna answered.

"Well I mean yes... it was and it still is but you annoying brats became the most important thing there is to me the moment we started having dinner together, laughing our asses off, playing games together, and teaching you about the world is one of the favorite things I love doing with you guys, and I know I let those three idiots go out to play hero and get hurt but that is life and I will not stand in the way of what you wanna do... I mean unless it is unacceptable but I will help and guide you to your goals..." and for almost an hour they spoke our feelings out Anna had questions and Kali had answers as well as more of himself to tell about.

Some time later...

Anna and Kali slowed down and were having a genuine talk about what has been going on in their lives so far, Anna talking about stories of her time with the other kids and Kali talking about a certain mission he did a bit ago.

Some of the kids were listening in or eavesdropping, but decided to leave the two alone as it got a little serious but that was a while ago.

"Oh and... I had another thing I wanted to say to you." Anna said hesitant.

"Go ahead lets hear it, we are opening up to each other now so lets get it out." Kali said smiling.

"I- uh we- well it was my idea to-" Anna said stuttering.

"It's all right lets hear it." Kali said.

"We plan to move out." She said plainly.

"We? Who's we? And move where?" Kali asked and he seemed fine but there was half panic and half relief in him, one side relief of not having to deal with these annoying kids and the other side in panic not wanting the kids go away as he grew attached to them.

"Just me and the girls... It's no secret that there is almost no room in the house so we thought of getting a house together and share whatever we have." Anna said her head down.

"Well thats good for you." Kali said as she was surprised looking back up at him.

"Y- you aren't mad?!" She asked.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" Kali asked confused.

"Well I mean- you did your best to help us and give us what we need and we are just planni-" Anna said.

"Anne, I didn't do all this just to expect something back, well thats a lie I did it to feel a little better about myself but, your out of my wings now and is spreading your own wings. A father can't hold onto his little birds forever." Kali said as Anna pursed her lips holding it in not to tear up.

"I want to move out too." A voice came over.

"Not happening!" Kali said as he recognized the voice as they turned around to see Ronny standing at the door.

"What?! But she gets to-" Ronny couldn't finish as Kali interrupted him.

"She is responsible, mature, and old enough. And the only reason you dirty ass boys made it this far is because the girls were here to clean up after you guys." Kali said as Ronny huffed and walked away.

"Shitt now that I think about it the place is gonna be a mess when you guys are out of here, who is gonna clean up after these dirty idiots." Kali said as he massaged his head.

"Hehe no worries we will stop by every once in a while." Anna said as she giggled.

"Well of course you are, I don't give a shitt if you are depended on to save the world you girls are always gonna be here for Sunday night dinners and holiday family gatherings." Kali said as she just nodded and smile.

"You find a place yet? Got everything you need?" Kali asked her.

"Yeah I talked to a lady who was selling a house and- ... OH FUCK!!" Anna yelled out the last one.

"Wh- what?! Whats wrong?!" Kali asked.

"I don't have any documents to buy a property, OH MY GOD NONE OF US DO!! Shitt most of us don't have our birth certificates or social sec-" Anna got up and paced back and forth I'm panic when a loud laugh came.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Kali laughed out loud.

"What the hell is so funny?!!" Anna not being able to see the funny thing of it asked.

"You can't progress without the requirements hahaha and you haha you said you were moving before knowing you have what you nee-" Kali held his stomach laughing as Anna just gets more angrier and depressed.

"HOW CAM YOU LAUGH AT SOMETHING LIKE THI-" Anna screamed at Kali but he just brought his hand up for her to stop as he finished his laugh.

"Aah whooh yup, you are part of the family your definitely an idiot haha- hey whoa whoa calm down okay. Just sit down." Kali said and Anna did sit down trying to think of what to do, you cant do much in society without proper documents.

Kali stood up and walked to his wardrobe and got a large envelope out, Anna was too deep in thought to see anything, Kali walked up to her and smacked the envelope on top of her head before holding it out to her.

"Wah- what the hell Kali- what is it?" She asked seeing him holding an envelope to her.

"Open it." He simply said.

She grabbed it and opened it, what was in it shocked her deeply.

"Wha- bu- how?! Where di- where did you get this?" She stuttered through her questions as her eyes watered up feeling truly happy and thankful.

"I have friends in high places." Kali said shrugging like it was nothing.

"It's all in here, how is this even possible, birth certificate, state id, social security, and password." She said as she went through it all.

"I don't remember taking these pictures how did you do it?" She asked.

"Don't worry about that just take every chance you have and use it." Kali said.

"Wa- was it, i don't know, was it expensive?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm well I had to owe a few favor-" Kali couldn't finish when Anna jumped onto him giving him a big hug which he chuckled and returned the hug, she had small tears and were sniffling.

"There might be a paper left in there take it out." Kali said as she backed away and nodded going back into the folder.

"What is it?" She asked pulling out a few papers stapled together.

"I hope you don't mind but well... you are my daughter now, adopted daughter but still daughter-" Kali said but he realized she wasn't speaking so he panicked.

"Look if you don't like it we can alway change it It's no bi-" Kali said.

"Thank you." She said as she teared up and sat on the bed with Kali before leaning on his shoulder, Kali was genuinely happy as he wrapped his arms around her as they stayed silent for a bit.

After a while...

"Anyways where is Charles I don't think I've seen him?" Kali said.

"Oh probably out watching his kid or something." Anna said as she wiped her eyes.

"K- ki- kid?! Did I hear that right?" Kali asked not sure.

"Well he said something about a kid but he wasn't clear so I don't know but for a whole now he would go out and look for some kid." She said.

"Oh what the hell, the boy had a child already?!" Kali asked as this time he paced back and forth.

"Alright I gotta see him, see whats really going on." Kali said as he walked but paused.

"Oh yeah..." he walked back to his wardrobe and took out a stack of envelopes before putting it next to Anna on the bed.

"I- is that what I think it is?" She asked feeling lost.

"Oh yeah, I will leave it up to you." Kali said.

"Me?! But- and how did you even get these are they real? They're not forged are they?" Anna asked as she thought it was too easy to get a stack full of the other kids documents.

"Of course It's real who do you take me for?" Kali said.

"Uh well-" Anna said.

"Don't answer that... and like I said, I have friends in high places." Kali said before walking away.

"Wait!! What about Markus?! He is still out cold, the only reason I stopped worrying is because you aren't." Anna said as he walked after Kali.

"Oh yeah, idiot #1 huh?" He said.

They both walked across to the next room which is the girls room, Kali stood on the side of Markus looking at his half burned Zuko looking face and half burned body, with the smell of burned skin around the room.

Kali sigh before putting his hand on Markus' chest as Anna just watched attentively, and with her own eyes she saw the burns heal at a visible speed which she gasped upon. Finishing as Markus' burns disappeared including his burned face he looked at Anna.

"This idiot will wake up soon, hydrate him and give him some water would you? Thanks Anne." Kali said before walking off leaving a stuttering Anna looking between him and Markus.

At a certain rooftop...

Charles was there perched on a roof watching a building in the distant, he wasn't suit up in his nightwing suit as it is in the morning day light and had a few junk food around him from chips, chocolate, and cookies to donuts, sodas and a hotdog on hand.

"By the gods!! How do you not get fat." A voice came out as Charles was startled and jerked looking back just to see Kali with a disgusted face staring at him.

"Oh old guy." Charles said before going back to his chunk food and watching about as if Kali wasn't even there.

"Leave me alone I'm stress eating." Charles said.

"Right, but I'm sure you'll find any reason to eat." Kali said as he walked up near him and took a donut Charles had in his hand.

"So how you holding up?" Kali asked.

"I'm fine but I'm not the one you should worry about." Charles said flatly.

"There is no one to worry about." Kali replied back as Charles raised a brow looking at him.

"Oh yeah Markus is healed and will wake up soon, took Zhang's mind off of the troubles and fixed my bed." Kali said.

"Hmm" Charles nodded.

"So..."Kali said.

"So what?" Charles respond.

"Whats this I hear about a kid?" Kali said.

Charles just sigh looking away to the side.

"Do you have a child?" Kali asked glaring at him.

"Wh- what no!! No I don't have a kid!" Charles denied.

"Oh okay good because you can't even tale care of yourself let alone a little one." Kali said.

"I too can take care of myself!!" Charles said.

"Mhmm yeah sure you can, so who's the kid?" Kali said.

"*sigh* It's a criminals kid, a dead one." Charles said feeling down.

"I don't get it- I don't- why don't you explain the whole thing to me." Kali said lost about the respond he got.

"I- I... after the incident that night Markus was out cold and... burnt while Zhang was having trouble coping with what he saw but I'm just glad it wasn't his blood that he was looking at." Charles said.

"Yeah you did a good job shielding him from the explosion, good job." Kali said but Charles just hanged his head low.

"Anyways uh... after that night I was alone not knowing what to do, I went out to patrol trying to get my mind off that incident and convincing myself that the city depends on me to keep it safe... so I went out patrolling alone. And you were right mann I- I couldn't solo a patrol none of us could even together we managed to fuck it up and hurt ourselves." Charles said, Kali just looked out into the city with a frown listening to the kid.

"There was some kind of deal on a construction side at the Financial District, I was watching when those sick fucks brought out a man on his knees... th- that wasn't the worst of it they- they- the Russians they brought out a woman." Charles paused as he couldn't speak straight from the experience he had.

"The woman was wearing hospital patient gown, h- ho- holding a newborn." Charles said as tears dropped from his eyes.

'*sigh* this is a tearful day, and a newborn? This is a little hardcore even in the marvel verse, right?' Kali thought.

"Th- they wanted something from the man and the mafia said they'll kill the woman and child if the man doesn't give them what they want, but the man kept on telling the Russians he doesn't have it... I did my best to take out the mafia silently but I was too late they shot the woman and didn't even care for the child that fell with the woman. The man screamed loud, I had to throw smoke pellets everywhere and took out the rest but the man was shot in the progress before I took them all out..." Charles said as he stayed silent.

"Don't rush it just slow down and say what you can." Kali said already feeling disgusted from the works of these inhumane gangsters.

"The man he- he grabbed onto me and with his last strength he told me to protect his child... he didn't even know me he was so desperate he asked me! A stranger to protect his child." Charles teared up as he felt sorry for the child from It's parents being taken away like that.

"He couldn't say anymore when we heard reinforcements running up the building. The man pushed me as I grabbed his newborn baby, he pushed and begged for me to go and I had to run as I saw his crying face when they shot him down!" Charles said, this time with hate in his voice.

"I had the baby in my arms and I didn't know what to do, I ran and jump roof to roof heading towards restaurant but stopped I didn't know if bringing the baby there was the best idea... I tried to call you Kali I tried but-" Charles couldn't say as he was lost in those moments.

"I had to- I brought the baby into the uh- uh um orphanage called st. Agnes... It's that one right there." Charles said as he pointed at the building he has been staring at for the last while.

"Hmm, and you feel like you need to protect the child from the last words of that man?" Kali asked.

"I I don't know." Charles.

"Well of course you do, you wouldn't be here if you weren't." Kali said

Let me know if there are some error in the chapters but if they are small ones them let it slide dipshitts who cares if It’s not how it really goes It’s a fanfic so It’s basically NOT real.

Oh and I don’t know shitt about adoption so take it easy huh captain obvious.

Other than that thank you my great mighty MEN and graceful fine LADIES for stopping by to read and throwing stones at me and such...

Anyways doodaloo doodles

Karstagcreators' thoughts