
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · 映画
27 Chs

Chapter 15: Dark Jedi

After Wingwei had revealed his red lightsaber, Connor and Plo Koon also took out their lightsabers. "nnnnnnnn", the sound of the laser weapon sounded throughout the embassy. "Sith? No, dark Jedi", Plo Koon answered. The dark jedi were similar to the Sith in that they drew upon the dark side of the force but were different in their goals. While Sith had a desire to rule and conquer the galaxy, dark Jedi were only out for themselves; Individual power and wealth was the most important to a dark Jedi.

"Padawan, support me when you can but try to keep your distance", Plo Koon instructed. "Yes, master", Connor agreed, he was still only a padawan even if he was strong for his age. That did not mean he wouldn't be involved in this fight at all, after all he still had some hidden cards to play. "I'll you one last chance to lower your weapon and surrender", Plo Koon shouted. "Hahahaha, the dark side has made me more powerful then you pathetic Jedi could ever hope to be", Wingwei who now no longer had a reason to hide what the dark side had done to his mind and was now fully mocking the Jedi Order. There was no use trying to reason with him anymore; Plo Koon and Connor prepared for a fight.

Wingwei lifted his hand and shot a blast of electricity at Connor but Plo Koon moved in front and let his lightsaber absorb the lightning. Plo Koon then dashed towards Wingwei and slashed at him. Blue and red collided "Kksssshhhh", the sound of lightsaber combat sounded throughout the building. Plo Koon and Wingwei dance together in a flurry of lightsaber strikes. Connor played the role of a harasser and simply struck when he could. The speed boost he had gained from putting point into Juyo helped a lot with this.

The fight progressed for quite some time. Both opponents appeared to be equals, although Connor felt his master was slowly gaining the upper hand. Plo Koon and Wingwei were both practitioners of the fifth form of lightsaber combat so the fight was mainly focused on trying to overpower the other. Watching this fight, Connor realized that he was still too weak, he was nothing compared to true force users such as these. He had a long way to go. Five minutes passed just like this, neither side was willing to give up when suddenly both swung a diagonal slash towards the other. The results of the simultaneous attack were unclear; both Plo Koon and Wingwei had passed each other. Connor believed his master to be the winner, but then Plo Koon turned to him to reveal that his mask had been destroyed.

'This was what Wingwei was going for the entire time', Connor swore inwardly. This man must have known that Plo Koon could not remain conscious breathing in atmosphere so different from his home planet. Plo Koon then promptly fainted. "HAHAHAHA, you see now the power the dark side has given me", Wingwei laugh manically. He then lifted his red saber, ready to slash down at Plo Koon. "Too bad it's the last time you will ever see such a display of power again", Wingwei mocked. He then slashed his lightsaber down at Plo Koon but something but before it could reach the Jedi master, a blue plasma blade blocked it. "Stay away from my master!", Connor shouted.

"hahaha HAHAHAHA", Wingwei started to laugh again, his mind had been thoroughly twisted by his use of the dark side. "The great Jedi Master Plo Koon couldn't defeat me and you, a padawan, thinks that he can.", Wingwei continued. "You can't use the same lies and trickery against me.", Connor said resolutely. "We shall see", Wingwei cackled. The duel then begun, Connor adopted the seventh form of lightsaber combat, Juyo. The contest quickly became speed vs. strength but honestly Connor was barely holding his own. Wingwei was a much better fighter and Connor was only a padawan. Numerous strikes and blows began to wear Connor down and he felt as if he was only delaying the inevitable.

"HAHAHA", throughout the whole battle Wingwei continues to laugh manically. Connor switch to the third form of combat, Soresu. This form did not excel at lightsaber combat, but it allowed for a more efficient defense. Connor had a plan, but he needed to wear down Wingwei as much as possible to make it work. While utilizing Soresu, Connor was able to hold out for a couple more minutes, but eventually the two ended up in a deadlock. The two sabers pressed against each other, but Connor was slowly being pushed back. "I will become the strongest Jedi and I will kill everyone that tries to stop me", Wingwei shouted. Suddenly something inconceivable happened. Conner's lightsaber suddenly shortened. This caused Wingwei to momentarily stagger. Connor took advantage of this and slashed his lightsaber towards his head. The saber struck leaving a gape in Wingwei's head. Wingwei fell to his knees, dead in instant.

This was Connor's trump card! During the construction of his lightsaber, he was able to place a limiter of sorts that could be activated and deactivated at will. This limiter would lower the total power to 80% of its normal output. This would cause the plasma blade to shorten by about six inches. The intention was obvious, if he could cause even a single moment of hesitation in his opponent, he could utilize it.

[User is awarded 800 exp for defeating the force user]

Connor paid no attention to F.U.S.S as he hurriedly ran towards his master. Still unconscious, Plo Koon couldn't handle such a thing any longer. Connor reached into Plo Koon's bag. After rifling for a few moments, he found a spare mask. This mask was not as tough as the original but would still work in case of emergencies. After Placing the mask on him, Plo Koon slowly came back to reality. After a few more minutes, Plo Koon quickly opened his eyes, sat up and said "Padawan, what happened here?".

I never said his lightsaber was completly ordinary.

toobadImbatmancreators' thoughts