
[DROPPED] Force User Supplementary System

When Connor awoke in such a bizarre place, he never thought that it would be the Jedi temple and that he would have taken over the body of a youngling. What is this voice in his head and why is Yoda mocking him? ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel and I am by no means a professional writer. This was simply an idea I had that I wanted to act on. I will try to update the story once week but that may not always be possible. I do not own the image used as the cover.

toobadImbatman · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 14: The Settlement

The tusken raider settlement was only a few miles from where they had found the mercenary. Connor and his master propped themselves up a mile outside of the camp. Intelligence was an important part of any mission and going in with blind was simply asking for danger than was needed. Plo Koon brought out a set of binoculars and began to scout out the settlement. After a few minutes Plo Koon handed the binoculars to Connor and said "I count about twenty armed give or take a few with two-thirds of those having ranged weapons. The melee shouldn't pose much of a treat to us. What do you see?". Connor stared through the binoculars at the tusken raider encampment.

Looking at the settlement, Connor mostly saw what appeared to be tents made from fried mud. He was also able to make out quite a few tusken raiders, some sitting some standing and some walking around. He also saw what appeared to men. The tusken raiders led a predominant patriarchal society; men would handle all the warfighting and hunting while women would stay home and read children and tend to local matters. This appeared to simply be a camp set up by a hunting party. "I think your assessment was accurate, master", Connor said as he handed the binoculars back to Plo Koon. "Do you think you are capable enough to handle your own?", Plo Koon queried. Connor responded with a nod. "Then let us move in on the camp if they start to flee, let them. Do not attack anyone who doesn't attack you first, understand?", Plo Koon instructed. "Yes, master", Connor responded.

Connor and Plo Koon moved in on the tusken raiders. Not long after they were spotted, but it wasn't like they were trying to hide. The warriors that employed blasters start to fire and the Jedi went from a walk to a run. Connor employed his knowledge of Soresu, deflecting blaster bolts whenever they came into his proximity. He wasn't currently skilled enough in this form to deflect a bolt back towards it's origin from this distance, but he wasn't taking any damage either. Once they had covered more distance and found themselves only about a hundred meters from the camp, Connor found that he could cause the shots fired at him to hit other, it was easy but after continuous shot he deflected two back at the tusken raiders and killed both gaining him twenty exp total. He was currently at 242 exp out of the three hundred needed for a level up.

Connor and Plo Koon had made their way into the camp and were now moving around looking for any signs that the diplomat may be here. The tusken raiders had scattered throughout the camp and were hiding behind cover performing small ambushes whenever one of the jedi came nearby. All Connor had to do was take it slowly and relying on his enhanced instincts provided to him by the force.

A raider suddenly jumped out from behind one of tents and a blaster at Connor. He was already prepared for this though as he performed a basic Shii-Cho slash, cutting the weapon in half, then spun around and pierced the lightsaber through the chest of the tusken raider killing him almost instantly. Another stood up from behind Connor and fire at him at this range though he was just asking to be shot. Connor placed the blade diagonally across his back which in turn cause the laser to bounce back and shoot directly through the assailant's head. Connor continued in this same fashion until he defeated thirteen raiders in all, giving him a level up with fifty-two exp gained towards the next level up.

Once the camp had been cleared out, Connor and Plo Koon began to look around for any survivors. However, most tents were empty and the jedi duo began to lose hope. Connor sliced open another tent but found no survivors in this one either. Just when he was about to leave, he felt something pull him back into the tent. He looked around and found what appeared to be a holocron. He picked it up and could immediately feel the dark energy inside it, but the markings on it were not Sith but Jedi. 'Just what is this thing? Why is it here?', Connor wondered.

[System had recognized a holocron, absorb knowledge into FP?]

Connor was shocked, he had no idea F.U.S.S. had such a use. Could he really get stronger just by touching holocron? Connor could only accept has he was not sure if this would even be viable on its own.

[System has absorbed Holocron, user has been awarded 1 FP]

The holocron promptly turned to dust. Connor began very excited. This may not have been a very powerful holocron as it only gave 1 point, but there were hundreds, if not thousands, of holocrons located throughout the galaxy. Some of these holocron contained very powerful and ancient information. Connor could only wonder how many force points was waiting for him.

Connor had found himself at a standstill, he didn't know where to put his current FPs. He could put them into his light side, but Connor knew that that was a long-term gain to power while what he needed was something more short term. After giving it some thought, he decided to put it into the seventh form of lightsaber combat, Juyo. This would give Connor a big boost in his speed as well as mastery over a new form. This form was best known for its ferocious nature in combat and Connor felt it would help him to hold his own against another lightsaber-wielding opponent. Connor placed the points into Juyo and was overcome with another burst of energy; he was starting to get use to them. "Padawan, come here", after the pain had ended, Connor heard Plo Koon call over to him.

When Connor arrived his saw two lifeforms in the tent, "Are one of these the diplomat?", he asked. "Yes, and the other is one of her guard; they are both unconscious but alive", Plo Koon said as he handed the unconscious woman to Connor. The Jedi duo carried the bodies back to their speeder bikes and quickly drove back to the embassy.

Once they had arrived, they were greeted by Wingwei, "Congratulations, you found them!". Plo Koon and Connor handed the diplomat and her guard to one of the embassy personnel. "Please take these two to receive immediate medical attention.", Plo Koon advised. Wingwei suddenly cut in, "Well how about we celebrate to a successful mission?". Connor stared at Wingwei, "First I think it's about time you showed us your real lightsaber.", Connor stated. "How did you know?", Wingwei smirked. He then reached behind his back and pull out a separate lightsaber than the green one on his waist. Wingwei activated it, revealing a deep red plasma blade.

For those of you who didn't know, WingWei is the pen name of a man who is considered a traitor to the Japanese government. So I kinda hinted at this from the beginning.

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