
"Reign of the Sea: One Piece Chronicles"

In a world where legends and myths converge, the Queen of the Kuja Pirates, Boa Hancock, finds herself entangled in a prophecy foretelling the return of the King of the World—a being of unimaginable power. As the Marine forces grapple with the revelation, the King's arrival shatters all expectations. With dominion over the elements and an aura that commands obedience, he ushers in a new era. Amidst a clash of titans, loyalties are tested, and destinies are rewritten. In the wake of the King's awakening, the world itself bows in recognition of his unrivaled might. "Reckoning of the World's King" unveils an epic tale of power, destiny, and the unbreakable bonds that bind us all.

AARYAN_PATHAK · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 13: Unveiling the King's Vision

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow upon the world. Lucius Draegon moved through the shadows, the weight of his mission pressing on him. Little did he know that the night held a confrontation that would forever alter the course of his journey.

As Lucius neared his destination, two figures materialized from the darkness before him. Aokiji, his presence as cold and unforgiving as the ice he commanded, and Sakazuki, a living furnace of molten fury. The clash of powers was inevitable.

With a surge of energy, the battle erupted. Ice and fire clashed in a cacophony of elemental chaos. Lucius fought with a controlled precision, his movements calculated and lethal. Aokiji's ice formed intricate patterns, seeking to ensnare his foe, while Sakazuki's magma surged in waves of scorching heat.

At first, it seemed that Lucius was at a disadvantage. The admirals' combined might was formidable, and they pushed him to the brink. But as the minutes stretched into eternity, something within Lucius awakened.

With a surge of power that seemed to emanate from the very depths of his being, Lucius's strikes grew more precise, more devastating. His blade danced with a deadly grace, each movement a symphony of destruction.

Aokiji's icy defenses began to crack, his usually unyielding demeanor showing signs of strain. Sakazuki's flames, once fierce and unrelenting, flickered against the onslaught.

In a final, resounding clash, Lucius's blade met the combined force of Aokiji and Sakazuki. The impact reverberated through the night, sending shockwaves of energy in all directions.

With a calculated retreat, Lucius withdrew from the fray, leaving the admirals stunned and battered. The weight of his power hung in the air, a palpable force that left no doubt in its wake.

With a final, lingering gaze, Lucius continued on his path, the echoes of his battle fading into the night. The admirals were left to pick up the pieces, their bodies scorched and battered, their pride wounded.

As the night unfolded, the world held its breath, unaware of the monumental clash that had transpired. Lucius, his path now clear, moved ever closer to his King, his purpose unyielding, his power undeniable.

Lucius returned from his mission, his steps carrying the echo of retribution. The Rosward estate lay in ruins, a testament to the vengeance he had wrought.

On the Other side, News of his success spread like wildfire through the underworld, leaving a chilling legacy in its wake. Not only defeating 2 Marines Admirals and Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro The sword master's defeat had only fueled the flames of the Marines' rage.

In this anger and Defeat of 2 Admirals Momonga's demise was etched with Lucius Name . A bounty of 2 billion beli was placed upon Lucius's head, a testament to the threat he posed to the World Government's authority. The Admirals - Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Borsalino - set aside their differences, united by a singular purpose: to bring Lucius Draegon to justice and to bring down so called King Of World. Every available force was diverted towards the hunt for Lucius and the King of the World.