
"Reborn in the Movie Universe"

Hi, I'm Krishna, reborn in the movie universe, enjoying my life. If you're interested, check out my story.

IAmUnknown · 映画
60 Chs

6."A Strategic Partnership"

As the sleek, luxurious Rolls-Royce Phantom glided through the bustling streets of Hyderabad, the city's vibrant energy seemed to dance around it. Inside the car, Krishna sat in the plush comfort of the backseat, his gaze drifting out of the tinted windows as the scenery passed by in a blur of colors and shapes.

Beside Krishna sat Ammu, her presence exuding elegance and poise as she glanced at her phone, occasionally exchanging a few words with Krishna about the upcoming meeting. In the driver's seat, Parimal maneuvered the car with precision, his focus unwavering as he navigated through the city's maze of streets and intersections.

Seenu occupied the passenger seat, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a keen observance, occasionally offering insights or comments about the route or the traffic. Despite the seriousness of the upcoming meeting, there was an air of camaraderie among the occupants of the car, a sense of unity and purpose as they journeyed towards their destination.

Outside, the vibrant streets of Hyderabad bustled with activity, vendors selling their wares, pedestrians hurrying along the sidewalks, and vehicles weaving through the traffic. Yet within the confines of the Rolls-Royce, there was a sense of tranquility, a bubble of serenity amidst the chaos of the city.

As they neared Bheeshma Organics, the anticipation in the car grew palpable. Each occupant silently prepared themselves for the important meeting ahead, their minds focused on the task at hand. But even amidst the seriousness of their mission, there was a sense of excitement, a feeling of optimism for what lay ahead.

As the car glided smoothly through the streets of Hyderabad, I turned to Seenu and expressed my approval of his decision to bring Parimal along.

"It's good that you brought Parimal with us," I remarked, acknowledging the importance of having the newly appointed head of the agriculture department present for the meeting.

Seenu nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting confidence in his choice. "He's now the head of the agriculture department, so I thought it would be a good idea to have him with us," he explained, emphasizing the value of Parimal's expertise in the context of the upcoming discussions.

I shifted my attention to Parimal, who was focused on navigating the car through the city's busy streets. "So, how do you feel about your new job, Parimal?" I inquired, curious to hear his perspective.

Parimal's smile widened, his enthusiasm evident in his response. "It feels great, boss. And now, I'm even more excited to be accompanying you to this important meeting," he replied, his eagerness to contribute palpable.

Returning my gaze to Ammu, I requested the folder containing information about Bheeshma Organics. With a nod, she handed it over, her demeanor poised and professional. "Here you go," she said, her tone confident and assured.

Taking the folder from Ammu, I began to peruse its contents, absorbing the details about the company and its operations. As I delved into the information, Seenu took the opportunity to provide additional insights about Bheeshma Organics, offering valuable context and background to complement what was written in the folder.

Seated in the luxurious confines of the car, surrounded by my capable colleagues, I felt a sense of readiness and anticipation for the upcoming meeting. With each passing moment, our collective understanding of the task ahead grew deeper, ensuring that we were well-prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead at Bheeshma Organics.

As Parimal brought the car to a halt, we began to step out, with Parimal handing the vehicle keys to the security guard for parking. Making our way towards the entrance of Bheeshma Organics, we were suddenly greeted by the familiar voice of Chaitra calling out to Mr. Prasad.

Turning around, we saw Chaitra approaching us, her expression filled with surprise. "Please wait, Mr. Prasad," she said, her tone curious.

Upon recognizing me, Chaitra's surprise turned into disbelief. "Krishna, are you Krishna Prasad?" she exclaimed, taken aback by the unexpected encounter.

Offering my hand for a handshake, I smiled and replied, "Hi, Chaitra. It's nice to meet you again, and yes, I am Krishna Prasad."

Chaitra's smile widened as she realized the connection. "So, ACP Bheeshma is Krishna Prasad's brother," she remarked, piecing together the puzzle.

However, Seenu and Parimal, who were unaware of this revelation, appeared confused. Seenu spoke up, his tone filled with confusion, "Krishna, what's going on? When did Bheeshma become ACP?"

Rather than responding directly to Seenu's query, I turned my attention back to Chaitra. "Chaitra, you know that what he said was a lie. Your dad, Deva, is the actual ACP," I clarified, shedding light on the truth.

Chaitra's surprise deepened at my revelation. "How do you know that?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

With a knowing smile, I simply replied, "I am Krishna. There are many things that I know," hinting at a deeper understanding of the situation.

Then Ammu interrupted the conversation, her urgency to proceed with the meeting was palpable. I could sense a hint of jealousy in her eyes as she directed her gaze towards me, causing a flicker of surprise to pass through my mind.

"Can you tell us quickly why you called Krishna just now? We have a meeting to attend, right Krishna?" Ammu's words were accompanied by a subtle glance in my direction, a gesture that did not go unnoticed.

Caught off guard by Ammu's sudden assertiveness and the subtle undercurrent of jealousy, I found myself momentarily distracted, my thoughts wandering. "What the hell is going on with Ammu? When did she start to fall for me?" I pondered inwardly, bewildered by the unexpected shift in dynamics.

Before I could dwell further on Ammu's behavior, her voice broke through my reverie once again. "I'm right, Krishna?" she reiterated, her eyes seeking confirmation from me.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, I nodded in agreement, acknowledging Ammu's reminder of the impending meeting. "Yes, Ammu is right. We have an important meeting with Mr. Bheeshma," I affirmed, redirecting the focus back to the task at hand.

Chaitra, who had been waiting patiently, interjected at this point, informing us that Mr. Bheeshma had summoned me to his cabin for the meeting. "That's why I called you. Mr. Bheeshma wants to see you for the meeting. Please follow me," she instructed, gesturing for us to follow her.

As we walked behind Chaitra towards Mr. Bheeshma's cabin, I couldn't help but notice a subtle interaction between Chaitra and Ammu. Chaitra approached Ammu with a soft, discreet demeanor, her words barely audible to anyone else in the corridor.

"You don't have to worry," Chaitra whispered softly, her voice carrying a hint of reassurance. "I am not interested in Krishna."

Ammu's reaction was immediate yet subtle. A faint blush colored her cheeks, betraying the emotions stirring within her. She remained silent, her gaze briefly meeting Chaitra's before flickering away.

Despite my curiosity, I respected the privacy of their exchange, refraining from eavesdropping on their conversation. The corridor was filled with the quiet shuffling of our footsteps as we continued on our path, the momentary intimacy between Chaitra and Ammu fleeting yet significant.

After coming near Mr.Bheeshma cabin Chaitra knocked on the door and announced my presence, a warm invitation to enter came from inside the cabin. We stepped inside to find a distinguished elderly gentleman seated behind the desk, engrossed in documents. As he noticed our arrival, he carefully placed the papers on the table and rose to greet us.

Approaching me with a friendly demeanor, Mr. Bheeshma extended his hand in greeting. "It's good to finally meet you, Mr. Prasad," he said warmly.

Returning his handshake with a smile, I replied, "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Bheeshma. And please, don't call me Mr. Prasad. Just call me Krishna."

His laughter filled the room at my request. "Hahaha, okay Krishna. Please, have a seat," he offered, gesturing towards the sofa in his cabin.

As we settled into our seats, Mr. Bheeshma kindly inquired if I would like coffee or tea, to which I politely declined. Cutting straight to the chase, I expressed my preference for direct conversation. "Mr. Bheeshma, I prefer to get straight to the point. I understand that Bheeshma Organics is facing some problems, and I know who is behind them," I stated candidly.

Mr. Bheeshma's expression turned serious upon hearing this revelation. "So, can you please tell me his name?" he inquired, a sense of urgency in his voice.

With a knowing smile, I revealed, "Raghavan, the CEO of Field Science. He is behind all of the problems that Bheeshma Organics is facing, albeit discreetly."

Mr. Bheeshma's furrowed brow betrayed his confusion. "But why is he doing this? I don't understand," he questioned, seeking clarity on the motives behind Raghavan's actions.

Offering a simple explanation, I replied, "Greed can drive humans to do many things, Mr. Bheeshma."

Hearing this, Mr. Bheeshma leaned forward, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation. "Krishna, can you please tell me clearly? I didn't quite understand," he requested, seeking further clarification.

I nodded, understanding his need for clarity. "Raghavan has introduced a product called 'Instant,' which accelerates crop yield by using chemicals, allowing for a six-month harvest in just four months," I explained, emphasizing the accelerated growth process.

Concern etched Mr. Bheeshma's features as he absorbed this information. "But that's harmful to the body; those vegetables could be lethal," he remarked, expressing his worry about the potential health risks posed by such chemical-laden produce.

Acknowledging his valid concern, I continued, "Yes, it's profitable for Raghavan, but the real issue lies with your company. He knows that if he launches this product, 'Instant,' in the market, Bheeshma Organics will be his biggest obstacle."

Mr. Bheeshma pondered my words for a moment before turning to me with a grave expression. "So, what do you think, Krishna? What should I do?" he inquired, seeking my guidance in navigating this precarious situation.

Confident in my ability to assist, I replied, "I can help you with that."

Sensing Mr. Bheeshma's skepticism, I glanced at Ammu, silently requesting her assistance. "Ammu, give me the file," I requested, knowing that the evidence within would corroborate my claims. Ammu promptly handed over the file, and I passed it to Mr. Bheeshma. "Look at it, then you might believe me," I suggested, urging him to peruse the contents for himself.

As Mr. Bheeshma delved into the documents, his expression shifted from skepticism to shock, then to palpable anger. Upon finishing, he turned to me, his features etched with a mixture of disbelief and indignation. "So, what do you want in exchange for your help?" he demanded, his tone betraying a hint of frustration and urgency. It was evident that he recognized the gravity of the situation and was now seeking clarity on the terms of our collaboration.

Hearing Mr. Bheeshma's initial reluctance, I maintained my composure and calmly reiterated my proposal. "You are going to retire soon, and I know you don't have a successor lined up for Bheeshma Organics. So, I want 50% shares of Bheeshma Organics. Before you reject it, think carefully. I am one of the most influential persons in society, and you know my food products are all organic and healthy. If I get 50% shares, it's beneficial for both of us," I explained, emphasizing the mutual advantages.

Mr. Bheeshma hesitated, countering, "But 50% shares are too much. At the end, I can give you 30%." Undeterred, I countered, "40% shares. Take it or leave it." As he pondered my offer, weighing the implications, he eventually relented with a heavy sigh. "Okay, I'll give you 40% shares, but you have to take care of Bheeshma Organics," he conceded.

Extending my hand, I shook his firmly, sealing the agreement. "Happy cooperation," I said with a smile, to which he reciprocated, "Same." With that, we signed the necessary documents to formalize our arrangement. Before parting ways, I cautioned Mr. Bheeshma, "Don't let anyone know about our deal." Puzzled, he asked, "Why?"

"I have other plans that I want to execute," I explained cryptically, hinting at larger strategies in motion. With a nod of understanding, Mr. Bheeshma agreed, and after some further discussion, Ammu, Seenu, Parimal, and I left Bheeshma Organics behind us.

(Words count:2041)