
"Reborn in the Movie Universe"

Hi, I'm Krishna, reborn in the movie universe, enjoying my life. If you're interested, check out my story.

IAmUnknown · Movies
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60 Chs


After a productive day at Nirvana Enterprises, I glanced at the clock and noticed it was already 4:30. Realizing it was time to wrap up, I began to tidy up my desk and finalize any pending tasks. As I prepared to leave, I decided to call Ammu to see if she needed a ride home.

"Ammu, let's go. I'll drop you home," I said over the phone.

"Okay, just give me a minute," she replied hurriedly.

While Ammu packed her belongings, I bid farewell to Seenu and made my way to the parking lot. Starting the car, Ammu settled into the passenger seat beside me, and we embarked on our journey towards her house.

During the drive, we engaged in light conversation, discussing our day and sharing anecdotes. Occasionally, I couldn't resist teasing Ammu playfully, which brought a smile to her face.

As we arrived in front of Ammu's house, I brought the car to a halt. Ammu gathered her things and prepared to disembark. We exchanged farewells, promising to catch up soon. Watching her disappear into her house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment.

With Ammu safely home, I resumed my journey, navigating the familiar streets until I reached my own doorstep. Reflecting on the day's events, I felt grateful for the meaningful connections and productive endeavors that filled my life. Opening the door to my house, I stepped inside.

As I stepped inside, the familiar sights and sounds of home enveloped me, offering a sense of comfort and warmth. My mother was seated in the garden, engaged in conversation with our maid. "Ma, I'm back," I called out, announcing my arrival. Hearing my voice, she glanced in my direction before excusing herself to attend to something in the kitchen.

I made my way to the sofa, settling down comfortably. Moments later, my mother emerged from the kitchen, carrying a glass of water. I accepted it gratefully, taking a refreshing sip before returning the empty glass to her. She took a seat opposite me, her gaze filled with maternal concern. "How was your day, Krishna?" she inquired gently.

A smile spread across my face as I recounted the day's events. "As always, it was good. I had a meeting with Mr. Bheeshma today, and we signed a contract," I explained. My mother listened attentively, even though the intricacies of business dealings weren't her forte. "I didn't understand much about the meeting, but I'm glad to hear it went well for you," she responded warmly.

We chatted for a while longer, exchanging updates and sharing snippets of our day. Eventually, I rose from the sofa, prompting my mother's curiosity. "What's the rush, Krishna? Why do you seem in a hurry?" she asked, her tone filled with motherly concern.

"I'm heading to the multiplex to watch a movie with Anu," I explained, a hint of excitement creeping into my voice. My mother's face lit up with a smile, and she began to tease me playfully. Ignoring her jests, I made my way upstairs to my room, eager to freshen up and change into more casual attire.

In the solitude of my room, I indulged in a relaxing shower, allowing the warm water to wash away the stress of the day. Once refreshed, I selected a comfortable outfit and prepared to head out for an enjoyable evening with my friend. As I glanced at the clock, anticipation coursed through me, eager to immerse myself in the cinematic experience awaiting me at the multiplex.

As I descended the stairs, the familiar sound of my father's return greeted me. He had been out to meet a friend, but now he was back home. "Hey, Papa, what's up?" I greeted him with a smile. Returning the gesture, he replied, "Nothing much. How was your day?"

I shrugged casually. "As usual, it was good," I responded, echoing the sentiment we often shared during our brief exchanges about our respective days. My father nodded in understanding before inquiring, "So, where are you off to now?"

With a grin, I replied, "I'm heading to the movies with Anu." His expression softened into one of approval as he nodded in response. "Good, good. Enjoy yourself," he encouraged, his warm words carrying a sense of parental warmth.

After bidding farewell to my parents, I made my way outside. Although I didn't spot Bheeshma immediately, I imagined he was somewhere nearby, perhaps lost in thought or engrossed in one of his many pursuits. Ignoring his whereabouts for the moment, I retrieved my bike and prepared to embark on the short journey to Anu's house.

As I navigated through the familiar streets, my mind buzzed with anticipation for the evening ahead. spending time with Anu always promised laughter. With the promise of an enjoyable movie night looming on the horizon, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through me.

After a short journey, I finally arrived near Anu's house. Stopping my bike in front of her house, I called out, "Anu, are you ready?" In response, I heard Anu's voice from inside the house, saying, "I'm ready, Krishna, just wait a minute." Patiently, I waited for her to emerge.

After a minute, Anu stepped out of the house, and as I laid eyes on her, my heart skipped a beat. She looked stunning, adorned in a beautiful saree, with large earrings and her curly hair framing her face elegantly. Unable to hide my admiration, I smiled as she approached, and she returned the gesture, her smile adding to her allure. "How do I look?" she asked.

In response, I recited, "Your grace in that saree, a sight to behold,

Like poetry in motion, colors unfold.

With elegance so divine, you steal the show,

In every fold, beauty's essence, you bestow." Her smile widened at my words, and she teased, "You and your sweet words."

With a playful grin, she placed her hand on my shoulder and seated herself behind me on the bike. As I started the engine, we heard Uncle Viswanath's voice calling out, "Krishna, wait a minute." Turning, we saw him emerge from the house.

"What happened, Uncle?" I inquired. He reminded me, "Don't drive the bike fast, drop Anu back before 10 o'clock, and most importantly, take care of Anu." I chuckled, responding, "You tell me that every time I take Anu with me, and every time I drop her off on time. Please have some faith in me." Uncle Viswanath relented, albeit reluctantly, saying, "Okay, okay, but don't forget what I told you."

Rolling my eyes in mock exasperation, I assured him, "Of course, Uncle." Anu giggled at our familiar banter, clearly amused by our interaction. With Uncle's reminders echoing in my ears, I set off with Anu, ready for an enjoyable evening ahead.

After a 30-minute drive, we finally arrived at our destination, Prasads Multiplex. This multiplex, belonging to me, boasts Prasads IMAX, the largest theater in Hyderabad and one of the largest IMAX screens in India. Known for its immersive movie experience, thanks to its enormous screen and cutting-edge sound system, Prasads IMAX is a favorite among cinephiles in the city. Beyond regular screenings, it often hosts premieres and special events, offering visitors a complete entertainment experience with shopping, dining, and gaming options.

As we approached, I parked the bike in the parking lot, then Anu and I made our way to the entrance. The manager was waiting for us, and upon seeing us, he greeted us warmly, "Welcome, sir, welcome, ma'am. It's good to have you here today." I returned his smile and replied, "It's good to see you too." Anu echoed the sentiment. I inquired about the arrangements, asking, "Is everything done as I requested?" The manager nodded enthusiastically, assuring us, "Yes, sir, everything is arranged. Please, come this way."

As he guided us towards the IMAX, I engaged in conversation, asking about any issues and the audience response. The manager smiled and responded, "Everything is going well, sir, and the response from the audience has been fantastic. I didn't expect such a great turnout for a superhero movie." This news pleased me, knowing that our efforts were being well-received by the audience.

Hearing this, I said, "That was great, but we also have to do lots of work to bring this movie to Indian theaters. It's not easy, especially when Indian audiences perceive superhero movies as only for children. That's why Raj Comics didn't gain much popularity." The manager nodded in agreement, acknowledging the risky investment.

Anu, who had been listening to our conversation curiously, asked, "What problems, Krishna?" I smiled and replied, addressing Anu's question, "First, I had to reach out to the official distributors of Marvel movies in India. They handle the distribution rights and provide us with the necessary information and licenses to screen the films in our theater. However, when I went to their office to negotiate, they hesitated due to past experiences, such as the poor performance of movies like 'Blade' in Indian theaters."

"After some persuasion, I managed to convince them," I continued. "We negotiated terms such as screening fees, revenue sharing, and promotional activities. Then came the tasks of film booking, promotion, ticket sales, and, finally, screening. It may sound simple, but it actually takes a lot of time and effort to navigate through all the intricacies of the process."

Hearing my lengthy explanation, Anu remarked, "Well, that was lots of work." I simply smiled in response. As we entered the IMAX theater, we noticed that it was almost full, with people already seated and eagerly waiting for the movie to start.

The manager approached us and politely said, "Sir, I'll take my leave now. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to contact me. Enjoy your time." With a nod of acknowledgment, we thanked him and took our seats. Anu settled in beside me, expressing her excitement, "I'm excited! It's my first time watching a superhero movie."

Sharing her enthusiasm, I replied, "Me too." The lights dimmed inside the IMAX, signaling the start of the movie. As the screen illuminated with vibrant colors and thrilling action sequences, we immersed ourselves in the cinematic experience, eagerly anticipating the adventures that awaited us in the world of superheroes.

As the movie began, the screen faded in from black, revealing the vast, dusty landscape of Afghanistan. A convoy of military vehicles sped through the rugged terrain, stirring up clouds of sand in its wake. Among them was a sleek, armored car adorned with the logo of Stark Industries.

Inside the vehicle, Tony Stark, the charismatic and self-assured CEO of Stark Industries, lounged comfortably, surrounded by a mix of military personnel and his own entourage. He exuded confidence, his sharp wit evident as he engaged in lively banter with those around him.

Seated inside the military car, Tony relaxed with a glass of alcohol in hand, occasionally glancing at the soldier beside him. Sensing the soldier's discomfort, Tony teased, "Looks like it's going to be my court-martial. What's your move? Are you going to confront me once we're out of the car, or can we talk?"

The soldier responded, "We can talk."

Tony quipped, "Then say it's your personal matter."

A woman soldier, who was driving the car, interjected, "No, it's you who made him angry."

Surprised, Tony remarked, "You're a woman! Oh, I shouldn't assume, my apologies. But really, it's hard to tell in this getup. I thought you were a soldier."

The woman soldier clarified, "I'm a pilot."

Tony couldn't resist a flirtatious remark, "To tell you the truth, I was trying not to stare, but your figure is amazing. I just can't help it."

Watching the scene unfold, I couldn't help but smile. Yes, it was an Iron Man movie, and the banter between Tony Stark and the soldiers was as entertaining as ever.

As the movie unfolded, I found myself immersed in the familiar world of superheroes and their epic adventures. It had been many years since I last watched this movie, or perhaps it felt like a distant memory from a past life. Yet, the experience felt refreshing, like reclaiming a piece of my own history.

Superhero movies had always held a special place in my heart. They were more than just entertainment; they were captivating stories that transported us to realms of imagination and wonder. From intriguing characters to breathtaking fight scenes, from sacrifices made for the greater good to profound lessons about life, superhero movies offered a rich tapestry of experiences.

As I sat there, experiencing the movie once again, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this second chance at life. It was a reminder to cherish every moment, to embrace the things that brought joy and inspiration. And in that moment, I knew I wanted to be a part of this beautiful creation, even if not as an actor, but perhaps as a writer or in some other capacity.

The idea began to take shape in my mind as the movie played on. I contemplated the potential of investing in emerging platforms like Hotstar or Netflix. These platforms were still in their early stages, offering immense opportunities for growth and innovation. Investing now could prove to be beneficial in the long run, not just financially, but also as a means to contribute to the world of entertainment.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt a gentle tug on my arm, bringing me back to the present moment. It was Anu, holding my arm with a soft smile on her face. Her presence grounded me, reminding me to focus on the movie and enjoy the experience. And so, we continued to watch, lost in the magic of the silver screen, savoring every moment of the cinematic journey.

(Words count:2297)